alt-right anime nazis anti-Semitism cerno cuck daily stormer entitled babies infighting irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever milo post contains sarcasm racism trump twitter

Deplora-LOL: Alt-Right Nazis turn on former ally Mike Cernovich, decent people rejoice

Mike Cernovich wants to PUMP you UP

Mike Cernovich is a Trump-loving, conspiracy-slinging alt-right fellow traveler with a nasty habit of smearing people he doesn’t like as pedophiles.

Now he’s become the target of a small army of trolls who have managed to pull off the difficult feat of being even more terrible than he is.

Cernovich, you see, has been organizing something called the Deploraball, a kind of senior prom for Trumpian superfans scheduled for the night before their hero’s inauguration. And he’s been hoping the event will come off smoothly with none of the overtly fascist overtones that marred the recent National Policy Institute convention — you know, the Nazi salutes, the attendance of Hitler-idolizing barely-a-celebrity Tila Tequila, that sort of thing.

A couple of days ago, much to Cerno’s horror, a fellow helping him plan the event — who claims it was actually his idea in the first place — started Tweeting about the, er, Ew-Jays, if you catch my meaning.

If the screenshots of their alleged internet convos that Baked Alaska posted shortly afterwards are accurate, Cerno reacted with fury, telling him to shut up about the “JQ” — that is, the “Jewish Question.”

PRO TIP: If you’re hanging out with people who will instantly know what you mean when you bring up the “JQ,” there’s a very good chance your friends ARE NAZIS, and you might just be one yourself.

Not that Cerno ever had any illusions about what the alt-right really stood for. In a now-deleted Tweet from last year (archived here), he not only declared himself to be an alt-righter but also echoed the alt-right’s ridiculous rhetoric about so-called “white genocide.”

Mike Cernovich ‏@Cernovich I went from libertarian to alt-right after realizing tolerance only went one way and diversity is code for white genocide.

But the new Mike Cernovich doesn’t want to associate himself with people like, well, the old Mike Cernovich. So he took Mr. Alaska off the party planning committee, and disinvited him from the party.

And that’s when things started to go south for Cerno. Mr. Alaska informed his 131,000 followers that Cerno had banned him from the Deploraball. Then he began a counterattack of sorts, which involved making fun of Cerno’s slight lisp

After that, the deluge, as Mr. Alaska’s followers piled on, peppering their tweets with every slur they could think of.

There were literally hundreds more tweets along these lines; they’re probably still going at it.

One inventive fellow repurposed a crude anti-Semitic cartoon, turning it into an attack on Cerno’s alleged treachery:

Another posted video of himself literally burning a copy of one of Cerno’s books.

Given his rather, er, casual handing of his can of lighter fluid, it’s kind of amazing AnimeRight UB didn’t reduce himself to ashes alongside Cerno’s book.

Naturally, the waggish Angrew Anglin, head boy at the neo-Nazi tip sheet The Daily Stormer, had a few thoughts on the matter as well. In a celebratory post (archived here), he informed his readers that

[t]he cuck/kike contingent of the Trump movement is cucklapsing/kikelapsing right before our very eyes.

And he warned them that Cernovich’s

Deploraball is apparently an attempt at a sanitized, cuckolded, pro-Jew version of the NPI conference.

Well, you can’t say that Anglin is shy when it comes to talking about the, er, “JQ.”

But the most interesting thing I’ve run across in this glorious debacle came from Mr. Alaska, who posted what he said was a screenshot of an email from Milo Y, apparently in response to an earlier invitation to the bash.

I’m guessing there are a lot more screenshots of Milo missives like this stored on the hard drives of people who have interacted with him in the past. Milo’s inevitable implosion should prove to be interesting to watch.

But back to the here and now. How did Cerno respond to all this vitriol? He put up, then deleted, a Periscope trashing Mr. Alaska as a “junkie” and a “little bitch” with a very low credit score whose mother pays his rent. (You can find the deleted video posted on Youtube here.)  In a post on his blog he declared that Mr. Alaska was a con man who “lies about everything.” I guess he’s saving the spurious pedophilia accusations for later.

On Twitter, he posted, and then for some reason deleted, several Tweets claiming that most of the supposed Nazis on Twitter are nothing more than a bunch of “paid shills.” (I got a screenshot of the Tweets before they vanished.) He followed up with a similar claim about the Ku Klux Klan, based on a blatant misreading or misrepresentation of a USA Today article.

Apparently Cerno finds it more comforting to think that the people sending him nasty tweets are paid shills in the employ of some shadowy SJW billionaire than actual human beings who hate his guts (if, alas, for the wrong reasons).  Like his idol Trump, Cerno seems to prefer to live in a world of his own imagining.

The Cerno-Alaska falling-out was noisy and nasty enough to spur a second, if somewhat less dramatic, alt-right blowup, with Trump superfan and Twitter activist Bill Mitchell disavowing the alt right on account of all the alt-rightists in it.

I don’t have much to add to my original response to his complaint.

NOTE TO EXTREMELY LITERAL-MINDED READERS: I was being sarcastic. It is of course not very surprising to find white supremacists in a white supremacist movement, and my sarcastic comment, echoing a famous line in Casablanca, was meant to convey my suspicion that Mr. Mitchell was already well-aware that the alt-right, like Rick’s cafe, was filled with Nazis.

I’m still waiting for the inevitable alt-right falling-out with Trump himself. He’s already “disavowed” them. And some of them have gotten themselves pretty worked up about the Happy Hanukkah tweet he sent out on the 24th.

Come on, all you assholes, tear each other to shreds. The world will be a better place once you do.

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Tabby Lavalamp
Tabby Lavalamp
8 years ago

It’s popcorn time!

Schnookums Von Fancypants, Purveyor of Misandrist Klondike Bars
Schnookums Von Fancypants, Purveyor of Misandrist Klondike Bars
8 years ago

And I thought I wasn’t going to get any more Christmas gifts. A circular firing squad amongst these peoples? Aww, and it’s even in my favorite color.

Eyes on the Right
8 years ago

The only good thing to come out of 2016.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago

2016’s still got three days or so to show us that it wasn’t the year of the alt-right after all. And judging from the err, shall we say “agitation”, in the fever swamps, there’s a good chance it will.

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
8 years ago

We’ll all be sorry when Mike Cernovich kills us with his BRAIN

8 years ago

Umm, do these guys know Trump has a Jewish son-in-law, a Jewish-convert daughter, and Jewish grandkids?

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

It’s hilarious that Trump hasn’t even taken office yet and his coalition is already turning on each other. What surprise that people who devote their lives to hate cannot play well with others.

It’s also hilarious that Cernovich doesn’t realize that the KKK has been around long before Twitter existed. Is he that ignorant of US history?

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago

@Cat Mara

I was rolling one, had everything on the paper ready to wrap… and then I read that tweet, and laughed so hard I blew it away.

I gotta start over but I regret nothing.

Conan the Librarian
8 years ago

Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy, really.

The incoming regime is going to be odious and dangerous enough, but I won’t be sorry if it is a huge disappointment to the neo Nazis. They will have to make do with more traditional American white supremacy instead. Sad!

Weird (so, the president-elect was running a long con after all, SURPRISED?) Eddie
Weird (so, the president-elect was running a long con after all, SURPRISED?) Eddie
8 years ago

*ginch*… *snerk*… hic… GUFFAW!!!!

Drumpf spent his entire campaign insulting and alienating everyone who WASN’T going to vote for him, now it’s time to deal with the ones who DID vote for him. For a man (Drumpf) who is SO ANXIOUS about his image, he sure has a talent for disappointing people.

And Milo wants into the deploraball… but ONLY if it’s ABOUT MEEEEEEEEE

Drumpf is the politician’s “Bernie Madoff”, and Cerno, Anglin, Milo… they’re just marks

8 years ago

I just love it when they eat their own. Saves me getting a lot of bile and gristle in my teeth…

8 years ago

Continue eating each other, preferably to the point where they collectively cripple their ability to harm others.

8 years ago

The only good thing to come out of 2016.

Well, there is also the Anish Kapoor/Stuart Semple feud.

LOL at Milo saying he doesn’t care about egos in the middle of an email that’s about making everything all about him.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago

I’m watching the debacle, and it turns out we aren’t the only ones happy about it right now.

… like, the open Nazis see it as an opportunity to purge the “alt-cucks”.

That’s right, keep eating each other while your blind faith in your idiot leader is the only thing you have in common. Hey, that strategy worked out pretty well for the historic Nazis, didn’t it ?

8 years ago

@Cat Mara: So is Mikey going to have to start dressing like Mojo Jojo?

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
8 years ago

Just in time for pantomime season!

The Pepe Players Present

For One Night Only!

Their Acclaimed Production of


(or, “The DeploraBall”)


Milo Yabadabadopolous as Cinders
Stefan Molyneux as The Wicked Stepmother
Mike Cernovich as Ugly Sister #1
Matt Forney as Ugly Sister #2
Steve Bannon as the Fairly Oddblogger
Richard Spencer as Prince Charmless
Donald Trump as The Pumpkin

Set Design Ben Garrison
Music Vox Day and the Reddit Tabernacle Choir

“You shall go to the DeploraBall, Cindermilo!”

8 years ago

These are awful people, and it’s no surprise that they’d turn on one of their own as soon as there’s a disagreement.

Let every woman, LGBT person, and person with a disability of any kind take note: these guys will turn on you too. It’s only a matter of time. Being on “their side” won’t keep them from attacking you too.

8 years ago

Seriously hope to see lots more of this in the coming year.

@Cat Mara

Hey look! The reviews are already in!

“Unbelievable display of masterful persuasion! Five Stars!”

-Scott Adams

“Technically, the play is sufficient for its purpose. Masterpiece!”

-Milo Yiappropriategayculturus

8 years ago

[t]he cuck/kike contingent of the Trump movement is cucklapsing/kikelapsing right before our very eyes.

This is just such a strange thing to think. I get that not everyone that supports a candidate will have the same viewpoint, but if I felt such strong opposition to a significant “contingent” of my candidate’s supporters, I would probably start questioning if that candidate is right for me. Like, aren’t the “cucks” et al. supposed to be supporting Clinton?

I guess this just shows how meaningless the above labels are – it’s just a way to identify people they disagree with, or anyone who steps out of line. It’s not a meaningful descriptor; just a synonym for “enemy.”

8 years ago


Thanks for that link.

Here’s what Becky Barnes @MissPatriarch tweeted:

I’m glad you find rape hilarious. I did too until it happened to me. Go fuck yourself.

[Emphasis is Kat’s.]

Their lack of empathy makes them stupid. Dangerously stupid — to others and to themselves.

Empathy is a critical part of emotional IQ. When your emotional IQ is low, all kinds of bad things can happen. Your partner leaves you. You trust a stranger (or a friend!) who doesn’t deserve that trust. You’re unemployable. You don’t have a clue why your child does what she does.

And it is exactly this trait — lack of empathy — that the alt-right celebrates.

epitome of incomprehensibility

“Baked Alaska” wrote:

Me: Upon research, I noticed Jewish people run 95% of American media that is very interesting

That tells me 95% of American media is very interesting, in addition to being run by Jewish people. The non-Jewish people must run the other, less interesting 5%.

-Your Humble Grammar Anti-Nazi

ETA: Cat Mara – ha! 🙂

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

Continuing on from the other thread:

There are people on the alt-right only now discovering that Cernovich has, um, questionable views on women. They are shocked, and also horrified. It’s revolting and amusing at the same time.

The MRA half of the alt right is SHOCKED to find white supremacists in their white supremacist movement, and the white supremacist half of the alt right is SHOCKED to find MRAs in their MR movement.

Vivien Eressac
Vivien Eressac
8 years ago

Remember when those broscists were seeing an immense opportunity in the supposedly upcoming economic collapse for them “alphas” to take back the reigns of society? “The men in various neighborhoods and families will bond together to ration out food, water, and protection.”
(As summed up in one of my favorite WHTM posts ever:

Well now, we have yet another brilliant example of how aggressive, self-centered “alphas” really do not tend to bond and collaborate well. That is, if everything else they undertake wasn’t proof enough.

In case of economic collapse, there’s no doubt in my mind that they’d be fighting for a throne made of dried shit while decent men and women would be, in fact, the ones working hard (and succeeding) to make everyday life tolerable.

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