Carrie Fisher died this morning, several days after suffering a very public heart attack while on a plane from London. She was obviously best known for playing Princess Leia in the original Star Wars trilogy, returning to the franchise in The Force Awakens as General Leia Organa.
But there was a lot more to her than this iconic character. In addition to her roles in numerous other films, she was a bestselling novelist, best known for Postcards from the Edge and Surrender the Pink (both of which I’d highly recommend); her autobiographical one-woman Broadway show Wishful Drinking also turned into a book, and her most recent memoir, The Princess Diarist, came out this past spring. She was also much in demand as a Hollywood script doctor.
She was always outspoken and didn’t put up with bullshit.
In short, she was pretty much a badass.
I’m opening up this thread for anyone who wants to talk about Fisher or any of the other amazing people that 2016 took from us — among them Prince, David Bowie, Muhammad Ali, and, just a few days ago, George Michael.
Here are some Tweets about Fisher I thought were fitting.
Everyone is sharing pictures of Fisher when she was young, but let me show you the Leia that was the most important to me: General Organa pic.twitter.com/xXFETlkZ8Y
— Anne Thériault (@anne_theriault) December 27, 2016
Theriault followed this up with a bunch of Tweets explaining just why she felt this way, collected into a Storify here.
2016 pic.twitter.com/WhPZePlimY
— Sarah Kendzior (@sarahkendzior) December 27, 2016
2016 has been a hell of a year, obviously not in a good way.
@ mish
It’s just that there are so many wonderfully knowledgeable and interesting people on here, yourself included of course. So much fascinating stuff to learn more about. I feel like one of the Bisto Kids with my nose stuck up against the window of a Paris Salon, drooling over all the posts from the clever people here.
But yeah, I do like to learn stuff.
I think a module like that would be brilliant. Start pestering the uni administration. Sent you an email on that subject btw.
Yes, I’m sorry about the thread hijacking. I figured kitties make people feel better anyway.
I’m starting a Tumblr right now, which I shall fill with pictures of our kitties and post in the New Year’s open thread (I can give you my FB info too if you’d like, but I’m not sure how to go about it in a safe way). I’m already losing this thread in all the new posts @_@ And I missed you mentioning losing your kitties all in a row around this time last year 🙁 Jeez, that’s awful. I know holidays are rough without them. I missed Ginger and her Christmas tree vendetta this year. That thing and our bedroom door were her worst enemies. She actually thought the bedroom door was a living thing that would keep her away from us. She started bringing it offerings of kitty toys, and she’d yell at it on her way in when we finally opened it for her. The tree she just straight up tried to murder every year. Not the ornaments, the actual tree.
And our neighbors are not people I would ever want owning pets. I feel bad for the poor kid too, not getting to have her kitten around. In the summer, Monster would be roaming outside and she’d open her window and call for him, and he’d run out from wherever he was invoostigating and jump right up through it. Poor kitten not being able to see his person, too :-\