The allegedly impending arrival of sexbots has been hailed by more than a few internet misogynists, who not only want to have sex with sexy robot ladies but also fantasize that the existence of such quasi-ladies will make flesh-and-blood ladies somehow obsolete.
But not all internet reactionaries think sex-having robots will be a good thing for mankind.
One writer for the neo-Nazi tip sheet The Daily Stormer, disturbed by news reports that a “robosexual” French woman is seeking to marry a life-size robot-looking doll that she 3-D printed for herself, worries that sexy robots may be part of an evil Jewish plot to undermine western civilization.
“I’m sure (((they))) would love to advance robot-human marriages,” Penarddun writes.
[I]magine how much further the fertility rate would drop. Especially when they get robots to a point where you can have actual intercourse with them … and women like the idea of not have to take contraception and being able to whore it up twenty four seven, with zero consequences.
In the comments to the post, someone calling himself Summert offers what he sees as proof that the evil Jews are behind this robo-plot. Pointing to a nine-year-old book on “Love and Sex With Robots” written by chess-obsessed artificial intelligence expert David Levy, Summert comments acidly:
Written by a jew. Is the old story: they plant the seed and the weak twisted minds of faggots and crazy lunatic women buy the idea. Soon, someone is news by actually marrying a robot.
Still, Daily Stormer commenters can’t quite decide whether a white woman marrying a robot is worse than a white woman marrying a black man.
“At least she’s not a mudshark,” writes one commenter who thinks robosexuality isn’t as bad as miscegenation. (“Mudshark” is a derogatory term racists like to use for white women who date or marry black men.)
But a fellow calling himself Hangman disagrees, for a rather novel reason.
In this case it would be better if she’s a mudshark since the robot isn’t killer robot she doesn’t have to pay the toll.
This may not make much sense until you realize that neo-Nazis think that white women dating black men will inevitably end up murdered by them. And that they deserve it.
Someone called Armoric offers an even more baffling objection:
It’s like seeing a White woman walk down the street holding hands with a Black man. She would like to think it’s the same as if she was with a White man, but it’s not. She could just as well be holding hands with a vacuum cleaning robot. In fact, she’s the one making her Black man or robot hold her hand. It’s an artificial situation. It’s a game of let’s pretend.
Er, what?
Others find themselves feeling sorry for the robots. “That poor, poor machine,” writes a commenter called Zamasu.
So i guess this will be the reason the robots will take over the earth and overthrow us. They will have their revenge against us for letting our ugly rat-faced women rape them!
A dude called TheOutlander14, meanwhile, does his best to set forth the standard MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) argument for sexbots, realizing that his pro-robot stance may draw some criticism from his Nazi pals.
“I’m going to risk getting some flak here,” he writes.
Nobody on here disagrees that there is a major problem with women due to feminism. They have largely become useless and now exist as an extra boss whom you have to give money to for the rest of your life in exchange for sex. There is no romance to it.
[Sexbots] will disrupt the monopoly women have on sex and essentially render feminist woman useless. … Women will be forced to actually become feminine again and treat men with respect if they hope to have a meaningful relationship.
Don’t tell any of these people about Westworld. I think it might make their puny human heads explode.
Just FYI, it’s generally pronounced jay-peg rather than jay-pee-gee: the file format is named after the acronym for the Joint Photographic Experts Group (shortened to three characters because of DOS).
You may start shaving your yak here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JPEG
well there is clearly a legitimate concern about fertility, since it’s pretty obvious fertility rates have been dropping below sustainable population levels in all developed societies.
However, in this case, these might be greatly overstated concerns since it’s very likely that a technology like ectogenesis will sort the fertility problems out.
So I would not worry about sexbots at all.
isthatafactdotgeeaieff 😛
Thanks, Axe. Whenever I think of the Coasters, I remember their song “Poison Ivy” and start to itch.
Hello again, everyone!
I definitely hope that sexbots are invented soon. Unfortunately, my fear is that, while they’ll be invented at some point during my lifetime, they won’t be affordable until after my death.
If affordable sexbots existed, women would finally be free of my trifling existence…and since I’m apparently the type of man that you don’t approve of, that would surely be a good thing, no? You should be extremely encouraging of the sexbot idea, because it’ll get a decent percentage of “troublesome” males off of society’s hands. (There’s a dirty joke there, but I won’t make it.) Sure, the ones who want to control women would still be up to their usual tricks, but the rest of us…my god, it’d be like video games to the tenth power. We’d be happy and focused on them and neither seen nor heard.
If by “sexbot” you mean “vibrator/fleshlight”, then those exist already, and they’re reasonably affordable.
If you mean “AI-driven android that can simulate a romantic relationship”, then you’ll never be able to afford one. Think about how AI-driven android technology would progress: They’d start out really expensive, and the only customer would be the government, and they’d be interested in buying soldierbots and policebots. As the price started to come down, the large corporations would start ordering workerbots. Sexbots would come a bit after that, but you yourself wouldn’t be able to buy one. Where would you get the money?
If you think that AI-driven android technology is a possibility – and I’m still not convinced that it is – then your top priority should be changing our economic model from capitalism to something more sensible. Once we’ve got the new economic model set up, we can see how gender roles evolve to accommodate it and react accordingly.
I’m assuming a returning troll but I guess you weren’t memorable enough to stick out. We get a lot of trolls here so if you’re not a 329 year old engineer or an MGTOW aspiring gender studies professor you aren’t really going to cut it.
Were you under the impression that we give a shit if someone wants to have sex with a robot? We mock the MGTOWs who use their predictions of a sexbot revolution as an excuse to spew misogyny. It’s the misogyny that we’re mocking, not the sexbots.
Feel free to order a Real Doll if that’s your thing. No one care.
You, m’lud Marchioness, are history’s greatest monster :p
Women aren’t becoming infertile across a large section of the community, neither are men. However, accessible contraception allows people to opt out of having to have lots of children.
I don’t think other methods of having children are going to cause a vast increase in the number of children, since what most families (and honestly, in the main part women) are avoiding is the extreme amount of work that children represent over time. I have one kid, she’s amazeballs, but the work level was unlike anything I had ever imagined. I know so. Many. Women. who went back to work early because it was vastly easier than being a first time mother with no wide tribal support system in place.
I miiiight have considered another method of having a child (I suck at pregnancy, beyond belief, and I’m worse at giving birth – lemme tell you all about nearly dying multiple times and permanent damage and PPP), but I lack the time and money to treat number two as a child should be treated.
Use your hand and go away. It’s that easy.
@Atom Ant you don’t seem to realise you are in that group of men who would like to control women.
Or at least dictate how we speak, dress, act, think etc.
That’s one of the many reasons I side eyeing the MGTOW sexbot and artificial womb dreams. I find it so hard to believe that any of them would be remotely willing or able to put in the effort required to be a single parent who’s the sole caregiver. They seem to only like the idea of furthering their genes and rither regard child rearing as worthless women’s work or they don’t realize that parenting is any work at all.
I bet you anything if they did get their babies, they’d pawn them off on their mothers to do all the work pretty much right away.
No. Because we wouldn’t actually be free of you at all. You seem to believe that women are nothing but sex objects to collect, and that you would cease to have any contact with us if you stopped trying to use us for sexual release. The reality is that we’re human beings, like you, and we exist in every part of society. Women are your coworkers, your family members, they might be customer service workers who serve you or your boss or your professor or your dentist.
In our glorious sexbot future, you will continue to encounter many women, and you will continue to be a misogynist. The only possible difference is that you may no longer treat the ones you’re attracted to as sex toys that you want to use, rather relegating us all to the category of sex toys that you’re not interested in. This is neither better nor worse for us.
My reaction to your plan to fuck robots is: meh.
@Steampunked – white women are not becoming infertile in large swaths, no. Those of us in other communities in the U.S. are heavily relying on improvements in fertility treatments. (My mother went through several rounds of in vitro to conceive me and my siblings each; as well as her miscarriages; her sisters did the same, and one was unable to conceive regardless of intervention and ended up adopting instead. Most women raised in our community have similar problems.) And our people are dying young – my mother lost three of her siblings this year to cancer, in their 40s. One of my cousins almost died at 15 from an abnormally large cyst. (The ground where they live was poisoned by toxic chemicals dumped by a particular large corporation* a couple of generations ago. Schools where the white children attend have clean dirt from other parts of the country trucked in and dumped on the playgrounds so they don’t play on the toxified dirt.)
I don’t mean to correct you, I just take every opportunity I can to try and remind people that Flint and the Dakota Access pipeline are not new issues. The government has been allowing private corporations to poison native and black communities in the U.S. since the beginning of said government. Our communities are literally left out of nationwide cancer, illness and infertility studies to cut out the ‘outliers’.
*not the one you are thinking of, if one came to mind. I don’t mention the corporation because they have sued people for defamation. If that makes me less credible, so be it, but you will find the same story in the black and brown and red communities near any mine or large factory in the U.S.
@PreuxFox And in Canada as well. :/
@Fishy Goat yes, also in Canada, you’re very right.
You’re probably right, but I’m trying to be optimistic.
I have to admit, this is news to me. How will I accomplish this dictating? And how is it any different than you dictating how you think men should and shouldn’t be?
I’m well-aware that women are human, and not sex objects…but sex is the only relevance that human beings have in my life. (And “collecting” sounds a little too permanent for me.) Also, for the record, whenever I take one of my periodic breaks from women, I have extremely minimal contact with them, and would have zero contact if it were within my control. But I still end up talking to bank tellers, cashiers, etc.
Have a great Wednesday, everyone!
I don’t dictate how men should be.
What I mean by you wishing to control how women are, is that that is Classic behaviour for MGTOWs such as yourself.
The very reason they are GTOW is because women won’t submit and behave how MGTOW’s wish them to.
Good job on trying to play the Nice Guy however. Very transparent.
@Atom Ant,
If sex is the only relevance humans have in your life, does that mean you also go out of you way to minimise your contact with men too?
Aren’t trolls adorable when they’re trying to be all edgy and cool?
@Atom Ant
Sex toys are a thing. Many of them are inexpensive. No matter what bits you enjoy being stimulated in what way, there is a toy that will do it for you.
There. Now you never have to speak to anyone ever again. /Sarcasm
Cool, cool. Not sure why you’re talking to us, then. In any case, enjoy your life of wanking into sophisticated sex toys, punctuated by your occasional visits to the bank and grocery store.
Wait, is Atom the dipshit that was all, like, “I can get laid plenty but I should be able to get laid more without putting any sort of effort into it cuz if the ladies don’t just fall on my dick while I walk down the street it’s not worth it, I don’t want to have to actually talk to them”?
If so, why are you talking to us, Atom? We’re not even going to let you sex on us.