The allegedly impending arrival of sexbots has been hailed by more than a few internet misogynists, who not only want to have sex with sexy robot ladies but also fantasize that the existence of such quasi-ladies will make flesh-and-blood ladies somehow obsolete.
But not all internet reactionaries think sex-having robots will be a good thing for mankind.
One writer for the neo-Nazi tip sheet The Daily Stormer, disturbed by news reports that a “robosexual” French woman is seeking to marry a life-size robot-looking doll that she 3-D printed for herself, worries that sexy robots may be part of an evil Jewish plot to undermine western civilization.
“I’m sure (((they))) would love to advance robot-human marriages,” Penarddun writes.
[I]magine how much further the fertility rate would drop. Especially when they get robots to a point where you can have actual intercourse with them … and women like the idea of not have to take contraception and being able to whore it up twenty four seven, with zero consequences.
In the comments to the post, someone calling himself Summert offers what he sees as proof that the evil Jews are behind this robo-plot. Pointing to a nine-year-old book on “Love and Sex With Robots” written by chess-obsessed artificial intelligence expert David Levy, Summert comments acidly:
Written by a jew. Is the old story: they plant the seed and the weak twisted minds of faggots and crazy lunatic women buy the idea. Soon, someone is news by actually marrying a robot.
Still, Daily Stormer commenters can’t quite decide whether a white woman marrying a robot is worse than a white woman marrying a black man.
“At least she’s not a mudshark,” writes one commenter who thinks robosexuality isn’t as bad as miscegenation. (“Mudshark” is a derogatory term racists like to use for white women who date or marry black men.)
But a fellow calling himself Hangman disagrees, for a rather novel reason.
In this case it would be better if she’s a mudshark since the robot isn’t killer robot she doesn’t have to pay the toll.
This may not make much sense until you realize that neo-Nazis think that white women dating black men will inevitably end up murdered by them. And that they deserve it.
Someone called Armoric offers an even more baffling objection:
It’s like seeing a White woman walk down the street holding hands with a Black man. She would like to think it’s the same as if she was with a White man, but it’s not. She could just as well be holding hands with a vacuum cleaning robot. In fact, she’s the one making her Black man or robot hold her hand. It’s an artificial situation. It’s a game of let’s pretend.
Er, what?

Others find themselves feeling sorry for the robots. “That poor, poor machine,” writes a commenter called Zamasu.
So i guess this will be the reason the robots will take over the earth and overthrow us. They will have their revenge against us for letting our ugly rat-faced women rape them!
A dude called TheOutlander14, meanwhile, does his best to set forth the standard MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) argument for sexbots, realizing that his pro-robot stance may draw some criticism from his Nazi pals.
“I’m going to risk getting some flak here,” he writes.
Nobody on here disagrees that there is a major problem with women due to feminism. They have largely become useless and now exist as an extra boss whom you have to give money to for the rest of your life in exchange for sex. There is no romance to it.
[Sexbots] will disrupt the monopoly women have on sex and essentially render feminist woman useless. … Women will be forced to actually become feminine again and treat men with respect if they hope to have a meaningful relationship.
Don’t tell any of these people about Westworld. I think it might make their puny human heads explode.
You know, I am already able to enjoy my personal sexuality without selling myself off as the legal property/ house slave of a man, otherwise known as “whoring it around.” Alas, I need to wash my hands afterwards, and occasionally delete my browser history, so it’s not completely consequence-free. I admit it: I find relationships too emotionally and financially draining, especially is the relationship is with a man (Rent is BORING. I didn’t ask to live under a roof! You’re the stupid “insists upon not being homeless in Chicago in winter” lady, you pay it! Not my circus, not my monkeys! Buy me a monkey and pay for its upkeep! Jobs are boring! Monkey caretaking is boring! Etc.), and the expected ROI does not justify the cost for me.
If the only reason to have a relationship with a flesh-and-blood person were sexual satisfaction, society would have been massively restructured long before the vibrator. Relationships are messy and make one terribly vulnerable. If the alternative to Hitachi, however, is being tied to one of these yobbos… where do I sign up for the mailing list of the Elders of Zion?
ETA: rats are adorable, cute, and clean. I’d date you if you could twitch your nose and tickle my ear after running up my sleeve, you betcha.
Wait…is there going to be an ideological war between the misogynists who think robots will save the patriarchy and misogynists who think robots will destroy society?
Oh man…that shit requires one of those tins with three kinds of popcorn in it.
It’s like watching a wasp land on a nettle: you know someone’s getting stung, you just don’t care who.
Grammar: The difference between a bog-standard whine and the invention of an awesome new superhero.
This man has more empathy for an imaginary robot than he does for real live women.
And I’m not surprised. Misogynists gonna misog.
Actually, I don’t have to take contraception, and if I wanted to, I could “whore it up” 24-7. It’s called “menopause.”
However, I really couldn’t be bothered. I’d rather read a good book, or even watch a bad TV show than waste my femininity on these so-called men.
So the latest Jewish plot is to set women free from forced reproduction and from the risk of abusive relationships? And they’re going to throw in a little sex for those women as well, if the women want it?
Judaism sounds pretty cool.
I read about the robosexual woman a few days ago. She says she’s really uncomfortable around men, especially if contact with flesh is involved.
But to those idiots, she wants to “whore it up twenty four seven, with zero consequences”.
Yeah, sure, asshole.
And then there’s the dude who cares more about what essentially amounts to a sex toy being “raped”, than about actual people actually being raped – those are false accusations. But I guess robots can’t lie ? Oh, and, by the way… Woman-on-bot is rape, but MGTOW-on-bot isn’t ?
… yeah, sure, asshole.
@Aunt Podger, Ketchup-Spewing Feminester
Same. I strongly agree with your view about relationship. I have a few ones before I voluntarily became a celibate (of course not for religious reasons as I am anti-religion) for about 4 years now. I find relationships very stressing, not to mention men always think that they are the ones to control your time together. Like, you are not to demand time/attention with them but if they demand time/attention with you, you should comply, anything you do, you should step aside. One of my ex is trying to get back with me and I have an acquaintance who is showing romantic interest with me but I always ignore all of them. I really can’t see the difference between being single and being in a relationship, in fact being in relationship is worse base on my experience. I am really glad that I am woke enough to follow the marriage hype in this society that I decided not to be involved in a romanticized slavery.
You know that somewhere a rat is telling his friends “I had a great time in college. I trained a woman to bring me food whenever I pressed a lever”. 🙂
Oops, should probably have said ‘student’. Don’t want to suggest rats are MRAs. I’m sure they don’t care about the gender of the humans they train to give them cheese just for running round a maze.
One of my cats likes to play fetch. I’m not sure if I trained her to play it or she trained me.
I’m sorry, but if “Jews want you to marry a robot because Jews” is an old story for you then how you grew up was weird and all of your reference points should be viewed skeptically.
Never mind sexbots, I’d love to have Kryten clearing up after me…
No-one tell them about Bjork
David Futrelle,
This sick racists would not only outlaw interracial sex and gay sex if they could, but probably also all birth control and abortions for white women and place a strict quota where white women would be required to produce a minimum number of white children before they reach a certain age, or be severely punished.
Everything seems to be about making babies to these people, except that seems to thankfully be about other people making babies since thankfully alt right racists don’t seem to be reproducing much faster than normal rational people.
Are they robots with six arms firing lasers from all of them?
That sounds so kewl! Why would anyone object?
I just can’t get over this:
Poor guy! He’s just a romantic.
One of our kitties loves fetch. Boyfriend says the other one used to enjoy it as well, but first kitty would always interrupt and dominate the game so other one kind of gave up. Cats are jerks sometimes.
I hesitate to bring this up. But wish to state that there are many reasons for a niche market of these “sexbots”.
Both for men & women.
Socially dysfunctional folks for whom, mechanically & physiologically, the need & desire for sex exist without outlet. Excluded because of many reasons… one important one. Acute STD or trauma and save mastrubation no viable means at their own.
This illusion of actual interaction might just be therapeutic and could, under therapist direction and control. Be an actual good thing.
Granted, anything can and will be perverted by those with the means opportunity or desire to do so
I’ve come to understand that when a man complains about how he’s just a romantic, he really means that he’s upset that he didn’t get sex and obedience to come out of the ladybot after he put enough quarters in. It’s not fair! She didn’t follow the rules!
Their obsession with fertility is odd for men who don’t want to do the work of raising children, supporting a family or even paying child support.
It is clear that they see children primarily as a way of controling, punishing and exercising ownership over women.
Both the dog and the cat have trained me to open doors, by sitting next to a door and staring fixedly at it. Sometimes I don’t respond quickly enough, and they’ve added their own intensifiers. The cat adds the “breakfast” miaow (akin to fingernails down a blackboard). The dog spends 10 seconds scratching at the door in a way that makes it rattle in the frame. I think they’re both a little disappointed that I’m not intelligent enough to understand the first instruction consistently, but they love me anyway.
ETA The intensifiers work regardless of which side of door they are on. I’ve no idea (for obvious reasons) how long they spend staring at the door from the other side first.
@Lea – They have a very weird view of raising children, I think, or perhaps more of a fantasy. They believe that with no nurturing input from themselves that their children will follow their way of life automatically. Children are like some form of defective clone to them, something that should do what they want but mysteriously doesn’t when push comes to shove.
I think their entire concept of natural order is profoundly disturbed due to their weird beliefs. Women are automatic home makers who are only fulfilled by raising offspring to be identical to their fathers. Children are creatures with no internal lives or goals that are the genetic consequence of sex.
To them, women SHOULD be happy raising their children without assistance, that’s what women-things do. A home, or financial assistance is what women who are very good get, obedient women.
They are grossly reductionist, and pitiably limited in imagination.
I trained Bailey (the dog) to roll over but the cat, Dracarys actually taught me to roll over. I normally lie on my side in bed. Dracy likes to get on my chest and snuggle. That’s the only way that works for her. Me on my back and her lying on my chest where she can easily headbutt me or try to lick my face. When it’s snuggle time she jumps on the bed next to me and stares until I roll over for her. She just stares and stares and stares all creepy like until I comply. I know what it means when she sits on the bed and stares. It’s her way of commanding me to roll over and like a dog, I know just do it without even questioning. I’m fully conditioned.
My boy cat can’t stand a door being closed, full stop. Doesn’t matter where the door leads, or whether he actually wants to go through. He just wants it open, and will bang and scratch at it until it shakes in its frame.
I hope this (below) works. A recent dispatch from the Deploraball Wars – Milo Y being modest and self-effacing as usual

eta: obviously the email isn’t recent – Baked Alaska tweeted it in a wee fury over his own un-invite. Following these arguments is hilarious and deeply weird.