The allegedly impending arrival of sexbots has been hailed by more than a few internet misogynists, who not only want to have sex with sexy robot ladies but also fantasize that the existence of such quasi-ladies will make flesh-and-blood ladies somehow obsolete.
But not all internet reactionaries think sex-having robots will be a good thing for mankind.
One writer for the neo-Nazi tip sheet The Daily Stormer, disturbed by news reports that a “robosexual” French woman is seeking to marry a life-size robot-looking doll that she 3-D printed for herself, worries that sexy robots may be part of an evil Jewish plot to undermine western civilization.
“I’m sure (((they))) would love to advance robot-human marriages,” Penarddun writes.
[I]magine how much further the fertility rate would drop. Especially when they get robots to a point where you can have actual intercourse with them … and women like the idea of not have to take contraception and being able to whore it up twenty four seven, with zero consequences.
In the comments to the post, someone calling himself Summert offers what he sees as proof that the evil Jews are behind this robo-plot. Pointing to a nine-year-old book on “Love and Sex With Robots” written by chess-obsessed artificial intelligence expert David Levy, Summert comments acidly:
Written by a jew. Is the old story: they plant the seed and the weak twisted minds of faggots and crazy lunatic women buy the idea. Soon, someone is news by actually marrying a robot.
Still, Daily Stormer commenters can’t quite decide whether a white woman marrying a robot is worse than a white woman marrying a black man.
“At least she’s not a mudshark,” writes one commenter who thinks robosexuality isn’t as bad as miscegenation. (“Mudshark” is a derogatory term racists like to use for white women who date or marry black men.)
But a fellow calling himself Hangman disagrees, for a rather novel reason.
In this case it would be better if she’s a mudshark since the robot isn’t killer robot she doesn’t have to pay the toll.
This may not make much sense until you realize that neo-Nazis think that white women dating black men will inevitably end up murdered by them. And that they deserve it.
Someone called Armoric offers an even more baffling objection:
It’s like seeing a White woman walk down the street holding hands with a Black man. She would like to think it’s the same as if she was with a White man, but it’s not. She could just as well be holding hands with a vacuum cleaning robot. In fact, she’s the one making her Black man or robot hold her hand. It’s an artificial situation. It’s a game of let’s pretend.
Er, what?

Others find themselves feeling sorry for the robots. “That poor, poor machine,” writes a commenter called Zamasu.
So i guess this will be the reason the robots will take over the earth and overthrow us. They will have their revenge against us for letting our ugly rat-faced women rape them!
A dude called TheOutlander14, meanwhile, does his best to set forth the standard MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) argument for sexbots, realizing that his pro-robot stance may draw some criticism from his Nazi pals.
“I’m going to risk getting some flak here,” he writes.
Nobody on here disagrees that there is a major problem with women due to feminism. They have largely become useless and now exist as an extra boss whom you have to give money to for the rest of your life in exchange for sex. There is no romance to it.
[Sexbots] will disrupt the monopoly women have on sex and essentially render feminist woman useless. … Women will be forced to actually become feminine again and treat men with respect if they hope to have a meaningful relationship.
Don’t tell any of these people about Westworld. I think it might make their puny human heads explode.
Wait a minute, I thought I became useless because I had the gall to live into my 50s? I was actually useless before I hit 35, because I was a feminist? So, when all those men were leering at me, ogling me, whistling, and making obscene gestures, it was to let me know how much they didn’t admire me?
Or did I become a “useless feminist” when I simply walked past their leering, grabbing, ogling selves without stopping to primp and preen in front of them, and let them grab…my cat?
Sooooooo when it’s sexbots for men, it’s awesome, but as soon as women show an interest in them, it’s the end of civilization, huh?
The other day I was reading an article about women who’ve given up on relationships with men because the men they ‘ve been with are…unreliable, engaging in “ghosting” and suchlike.
I don’t know if this is as widespread a phenomenon as the article was suggesting, but I can’t help thinking that, properly programmed, love robots could be a reasonable alternative to a “meaningful relationship” with a MGTOW or being a babymaking machine for the neo Nazis. A low bar to clear, I know…
In conclusion: I cheer the downfall of whatever these people think is “civilization”
So very much wrong with this, but I’ll just pick at one little hanging thread . . .
Let’s go along with this idea that these hypothetical future man sex bots are aware and sentient, therefore can be raped. They also have developed a concept of what makes an attractive woman. OK. So why do these AI’s concept of female attractiveness coincidentally line up exactly with current – & human – westernised concept of female attractiveness? Yeah . . .
This is like watching every historical film ever, picking at the historical inaccuracies. Coincidentally, last night I was watching Brotherhood of the Wolf. At one point they visit a brothel in the 18th century setting of the film, and every one of the women working there fit modern concept of beauty. Not one belly, weak chin, or dumpy arse in the whole place. Eye roll
And that’s an exclusively feeemale desire, is it?
It’s almost as if misogynists hate women regardless of what they do, so long as the what they’re doing isn’t them
And even if it is
“Women will be forced to submit and be subservient to men again if they hope to avoid brutality and murder.”
Fixed that for ya, guys. They couldn’t let off for a single day after Christmas, could they?
@ axecalibur
“And even if it is”
In that case the bitterness is replaced with contempt.
After all, they think enjoying sex makes a woman a slut, yet they demand that suitably attractive women bestow the gift of sex upon them. It is hard to imagine a worse attitude to take.
For the approximately 10 billionth time we have evidence that opposition to reproductive choice has nothing to do with precious baby lives and everything to do with a desire to see women punished for having sex. Every time with dipshits, whether it’s an MRA, an alt-righter or a religious fundie the word consequences makes its way into the conversation when they’re explaining why they oppose abortion or access to BC. Funny how men are never expected to face consequences for having sex.
This will be every sexbot’s reaction when the MGTOW come for them
I <3 Maeve
You know, after all of Miggy’s boasting about how he was going to have a very MGTOW Christmas all alone, I was half expecting him to be here all weekend.
Oh dear, women MUST pay “consequences” for having sex! And men must not! Make up your minds, whitey-white-menzermorons, because you cannot have it both ways. As much as you think you could. And as much as you’d no doubt like to.
Also, they grossly overestimate how much sex we’d have if we could do it scot-free. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? No fucking thanks. We need to eat, sleep, bathe, exercise, and work for a living, you idiots. All sex, all the time, gets boring as hell FAST.
Especially if only one of us is actually feeling anything.
Welp, looks like the migtoes are gonna have to GTOW from the Nazi hordes now. Because in the Nazi forced-reproduction scheme of things, they’re homo-sex-you-alls!
This is just so rich. Their great-great-great-grandfathers were probably raping slave women with impunity to “improve the breed” of the human merchandise to be sold downriver, and here they go around talking like this. It’s almost like women having minds, hearts and desires of their own was a thing to be punished, somehow.
Behold, the superior man-logic of the Master Race! Never mind that robots can’t actually feel anything, much less anger or a desire for revenge, or hatred for our ratty, ratty faces.
And what’s this shit about “letting” anyone do anything? These guys are not the masters of ANY women. I couldn’t be arsed to spend thousands on a robot just so I could get my rocks off anyway, but anything that gets me out from under the thumbs of these guys can only be a good thing. I’d rather boink a lifeless robot than this numbskull anyday.
But hey! If the robots ever do decide to kill all the Nazi-boys, they can be my guest. Nobody’s gonna miss that trash anyhow.
And again, behold the superior man-logic, etc. What this-here moron is describing isn’t feminism, it’s TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE. You know, that thing all Nazi-boys pine for because they think it makes them the owners of a woman-thing? A slave bought and paid for to cook, clean, perform sexual duties on command, and churn out babies with clockwork regularity while the Man of the House sits around scratching his ass, grunting like a caveman with approval or disapproval, depending? Damn right there’s no romance to it. When would there be time, in between all the horrid domestic duties and obeisances to our Lords and Masters™?
No wonder they can’t find a woman who’d marry them, either. It’s not us, boys, it’s YOU. As long as you view us as property and breeding stock, you can count us out of your Master Plan To Rule The World™.
With any luck he drank himself into a stupor.
Useless gobshites worry that women might dump them for being useless gobshites.
They also make the dubious assumption that it will only be white people who will be interested in sexbots. I suppose it’s because they think that every black person is dirt poor and living on welfare, that Asians aren’t into sex and so on. Or that unlike independent minded white men like them all those non-white people are obedient slaves of Destroy Whitey Central Command, and hence will keep breeding in large numbers to destroy the White Race(tm).
The alt-right certainly consists of a diverse group of people.
CW: Minor spoiler for Rogue One
On a semi-off-topic note, I saw Rogue One over the weekend, and I absolutely would not fault a woman for choosing K-2SO over any of these empathy-deficient shitgibbons.
“A very MGTOW Christmas all alone”
That’s… that’s actually very sad.*
I had a family Christmas this year, but last year I celebrated with a small group of unattached men. (We didn’t plan to exclude women, it was just the way it worked out.) We played Game of Thrones Risk, ate beef Wellington and tiramasu, and drank festive amounts of alcohol. In fact, we made a last-minute dash across London when we realised one guy’s workmate was going to spend the day unhappily alone. All-in-all it was actually a really nice time and turned a couple of aquaintances into good friends.
One reason (of many) that I eschew the idea of MGTOW as it’s presented all over the manosphere is the idea that being a MGTOW means being alone. Even if you’re one of the douchenozzles who refuses to entertain the idea of friendship with women – guys can still be friends. Straight guys even!
* Note: If you’re the kind of person who is genuinely happier spending the holidays in your own company, please ignore that statement. I hope you had a relaxing and happy Christmas.
– Conan the Librarian
Their idea of how sex SHOULD work is fundamentally abusive; women should be uninterested in sex, yet be forced to still engage in it whenever their proper (white) male masters demand it.
These twisted people get off on forcing others to do their will. Fascism and sadism go hand in hand.
Oh my god what a bunch of incoherent, hateful, ranting wankspangles.
Wouldn’t Zamasu be happy about this considering it would align with his zero mortals, policy.
What happens with sex robots that we don’t know are robots
A “meaningful relationship” of being a sex toy and servent to a misogynist?
The “romance” of being in an abusive relationship with a racist, misogynist shithead?
They don’t even know what those words mean.
They have no clue just how repulsive they are. There is literally no fate worse than being with one of these asshats. There is nothing, not economic collapse, sexy robots or any of their other fantasies could ever motivate me to feel otherwise. Not if the world were covered in piss and they owned the only boats. What about this don’t they get? They cannot punish women enough to become attractive to us or force us to pretend they are. Those days are gone and they ain’t ever coming back. I’d rather die and I’d certainly kill to keep that from ever happening to me or mine.
Ah, but men don’t deserve to be punished for enjoying sex and women do.
“Largely useless” = I can’t own one. They think they are people and thus defective.
Skildfreja and Vanir85 nailed it.
…I think I want to reread the Absolute Boyfriend manga now. Partly to see if it still holds up for me, partly to scrub my mind clean of these assholes (after one or two fantasies of Night punching them in the face).
Why would the jews want to destroy their hosts? I was told they need a society to leech off from to have some semblance of civilization.
Methinks they don’t make any sense.
Or they might overthrow us because men like them like to “fantasize” about abusing their partners either physically, verbally, or mentally, and would use the poor robots for target practice because human women can’t stand to be around the fuckers.
Also, rats are fucking adorable.
I’d prefer a rat over these sentient puddles of acidic slime. Rats are adorable, intelligent, and absolutely cuddly.
And also really good at defusing mines and detecting tuberculosis, if the APOPO rats are anything to go by. 😀
Another wonderful example of how animals are contributing more good to society than these wastes of bandwidth.
I like rats. In college psych class I got to train a rat to push a lever for a food reward and it was so much fun. I really bonded with the rat. I named Esteban. After the lab was over, I wanted to keep him as a pet so bad. He was really sweet and smart.