#ResistTrump narcissism trump

#ResistTrump today by treating him like the clown he is

Actually. the clown wig is an improvement over his regular weird combover

On CNN, Brit journalist Rob Crilly makes the case for mocking Trump mercilessly. In a post titled “It’s your duty to laugh at Donald Trump,” Crilly notes that

Humor is Kryptonite to [Trump’s] thin-skinned existence.

He is utterly impervious to the usual weapons of politics. Try to wound him with shame or embarrass him with public scrutiny and you may as well try to sink a duck by pouring a jug of H2O over its rear end.

But, Crilly notes, if you make a comment about his allegedly tiny hands (not that there’s anything actually wrong with tiny hands) Trump will lose it completely. And each time Alex Baldwin puts on orange makeup and a wig for Saturday Night Live, Trump watches the show and seethes.

Trump’s sensitivity is easily understood when you realize he is on a desperate quest to be taken seriously. Just remember the face he pulled when he sat beside Barack Obama in the Oval Office on that Thursday after an election. It was the sort of face a three-year-old exhibits when they really, really want you know they are concentrating. Or when they are trying to squeeze out a number two.

Pretty much.

Responding to [Trump] with ridicule is not un-American. It is not demeaning to the office of the President — for there is only one person in all of this who is demeaning the office of the President. …

It is not a sign that you have given up, that you are complacent or one of the winners. When you remember that all Trump craves is to be taken seriously, it turns out that laughing is your duty.

Humor has always been an effective tool against tyrants. And the utterly humorless Trump hates being mocked more than almost anyone in the world.

So make Trump jokes. Post dumb Trump memes. Never give him the respect he so desperately craves but does not deserve. It’ll make you feel better and Trump feel worse. Seriously.

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Schnookums Von Fancypants, Purveyor of Misandrist Klondike Bars
Schnookums Von Fancypants, Purveyor of Misandrist Klondike Bars
8 years ago

Donald Trump: “Whaaa! Alec Baldwin is being mean to me!”

Jimmy Carter, after helping build a house for a homeless person while in his 90’s and dealing with cancer: “Suck it up, Buttercup”

8 years ago

It was the sort of face a three-year-old exhibits when they really, really want you know they are concentrating. Or when they are trying to squeeze out a number two.

Well, at least he’s succeeding at Number Two…

Michael Brew
Michael Brew
8 years ago

I’m tempted to just start publishing a regular comic strip starring Trump being a buffoon for the next four years, but a) I’d be risking my career making fun of my Commander in Chief and b) he’ll already be making himself a buffoon every day he’s in the Oval Office.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

@Bina If only the No. 2 would stop coming out of his mouth….

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

Google ‘trump clown’ for all your ‘Trump painted/photoshopped as a clown’ needs. LOL!

Seriously, there are lots of them. 🙂

8 years ago

As just a tiny little protest of my own, I will no longer capitalize trump’s name. Just my little way of showing just a bit of the contempt I feel for the “man”. Just a way of saying that I think so little of you, I won’t even put the effort into hitting the shift key when I type your name.

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
8 years ago

I miss those Trump statues, the ones that were fully nude and showed him with fewer inches than an ant.

We need to put up more of those in public places, get unflattering Trump images out in the open.

Let the little king wave his tiny flea sized fists.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

I miss those Trump statues, the ones that were fully nude and showed him with fewer inches than an ant.

We need to put up more of those in public places, get unflattering Trump images out in the open.

Let the little king wave his tiny flea sized fists.

I hate Trump so much I can’t even get mad about this.

Michael Brew
Michael Brew
8 years ago
Reply to  Dan Kasteray

I mean, I do get doing it just because it gets under his skin, but at the same time I hate to contribute to the insecure macho mentality making fun of people’s penis size promotes, not to mention the shaming of fat and elderly bodies.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
8 years ago

Agree on feeling conflicted re making fun of penis size, body shape, etc.

Re the mocking strategy more generally, I think it was Sinkable John saying this on a few other threads lately, too? That Trump’s Achilles heel is his thin skin.
He (Trump, not John!) does seem to be all id, no ego & definitely no superego.

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)

I’ve heard it said that The Donald hates being known as The Donald. Does anyone know whether this true?

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
8 years ago

I’m thinking bobbleheads, with that unflattering expression he asked the press to stop showing.

8 years ago

@Policy: I think of it as “live by bodyshaming, die by bodyshaming”. He certainly has no problems insulting others’ appearances.

the alexis
the alexis
8 years ago

Let’s not decide the neatest condemnation of him is that in some alternate universe he has a body that might look both fat and trans, how about that.

Because that’s what you’re talking about, with the ~*~*~inches~*~*~.

I’d argue it’s what a plurality of you are talking about with the hands.

Michael Brew
Michael Brew
8 years ago
Reply to  the alexis

Well, that’s obviously what Rubio and Trump were talking about during the campaign. The hand reference actually came from some article a long time ago in which his hand size was mentioned in passing, but Trump blew up about it and turned it into a Thing. So when people In The Know talk about it, it’s specifically referencing his obsession with that article, even up to apparently until recently sending pictures of his hands to the writer with them circled, apparently to prove that they aren’t small.

8 years ago

Anyone who still thinks that the Don might have a sense of humour, even one that he just borrows for politeness’ sake on particular occasions, watch the first five minutes or so of the face set like stone and the steam from the ears when Seth Meyers gives him a taste of what public political life is about in the USA.

8 years ago

I still can’t believe this is going to happen but…in less than a month there will be an inaugural ceremony. I didn’t actually know until years later, when I saw the footage in one of Michael Moore’s movies, that GWB had to ride to the ceremony in a closed car because of the overwhelming angry protests, including egging the motorcade. I hope people are organising to express their outrage in a similar way, and I hope that if so it gets more coverage than the protests against GWB did at the time.

8 years ago


There’s been some delay on getting the permits for people to protest, unfortunately. If anyone knows any other, more recent updates, I’d be happy to hear them. But last I heard a few weeks ago, there were delays.

On the point of physical mockery of the Cheeto:

I’m a little hesitant about it, to be honest. His personality, words, and other things he can control already have all the appeal of a flaming litter box, so there’s plenty there. Further, it is those things he can control that are so fucking scary, I think mocking those things makes a better point about what an odious little man-child he is.

8 years ago

Quoting Mel Brooks seems appropriate here:

” Of course it is impossible to take revenge for 6 million murdered Jews. But by using the medium of comedy, we can try to rob Hitler of his posthumous power and myths. In doing so, we should remember that Hitler did have some talents. He was able to fool an entire population into letting him be their leader.”

8 years ago

I think it would be great if there were a large group of people at the inauguration who, just as a Trump finished taking the oath, began singing the National Anthem of the USSR. It would be a lovely middle finger the red-baiting Republicans who now back Trump whole-heartedly. Plus, while Trump’s too dim to realize that Russia doesn’t use that anthem anymore, he’d still know he was being insulted. It would also be the nicest bit of music in the whole farce.

Sadly, I have no idea how one would set something like that up.

rogue angel
rogue angel
8 years ago

I came up with a list of funny curses directed at the Orange One. Here are a few:

1. May the only Cabinet you ever assemble come from a discount furniture-store chain.
2. May taco trucks show up outside the White House for the next four years.
3. May Scottish people put your face on their golf balls.
4. May somebody play the Funeral March at your inauguration.
5. May Kim Jong-un mock your haircut.
6. May your namesake towers be demolished in order to build a mosque.

I was going for that outlandish “may the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits” vibe, but more specific in this case.

8 years ago

The man is a loser — he lost the popular vote by almost 3 million. Which is a far cry from the “landslide victory” he claims.

So I’m thinking that despite graduating from the fancy-schmancy University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business, he’s terrible at math.

As well as being a loser.

John Howard
John Howard
8 years ago

God bless Alec Baldwin.

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