And if you’re not, happy Sunday, and happy any other holidays you celebrate around this time of year.
A good day to forget about all the bullshit this year has brought us.
Here are some more cats and dogs celebrating in their own peculiar ways.
Happy day!
Love these pictures!
Love those pics.
Fortunately, my cat never did anything like that. She much preferred just lurking underneath amongst the gifts, watching everyone and jumping out at the dog.
Screw you and your trees, you repressive fucking humans.
We are having cookiemas because Husbeast has nothing he has to do today and I haven’t made cookies yet. I like to have help for the rolled cookies because of my carpal tunnel.
We didn’t have Kidbeast out because neither we nor his mother could swing the (very expensive this year) airfare.
We spent the day with Husbeast’s mom on Friday and had a very nice time. She’s the only family either of us have this side of the country.
So, quiet cookiemas it is! Or it will be once I get enough coffee into myself.
Happy (insert festival of choice) from not so sunny Cornwall.
Ironically there were about a gazillion dogs on the beach today but they were all running around behind me.
to all!
What do you want to bet that the dog wrapped up in lights was sleeping peacefully when the two other dogs strung him up in lights? They’re Beagles, a.k.a. Devil Dogs. They’re always causing trouble. That’s why they look so darned cute. There’s no way you can stay mad at them longer than 2.3 seconds once they’ve hit you with those puppy dog eyes. But HOW do they KNOW that? It’s cuz they be Devil Dogs!!
Those are good dogs, Bront!
Merry Christmas here! We’re all gathered at my brother’s place and are spoiling my 17month-old niece rotten. 🙂
Merry Christmas, David! Thanks as always for maintaining this blog!
I am chilling (in a rare literal sense – it got down into the 30s in L.A. last night) at home. My family obligations for the holidays have already taken place. I’m going to see Rogue One later on.
Happy Hexmas everyone!
Roommates and I opened presents last night.
I got a string of Deadpool Funko pop lights for my room, and a Harley Quinn winter hat. The kind with the braids coming down the ear flaps and a pom pom on top. 😀
They also let me pick out twenty dollars in Steam games. It was going to be fifteen, but then they got home last night from visiting Lady!Roommate’s family, and I got them a bunch of stocking stuffers that they really liked and they were like “Okay, you get twenty because you did good and we feel like maybe you deserve a bit more.”
So lol.
I got Tales from the Borderlands (with my Triple Pack that means I now own ALL THE BORDERLANDS GAMES AND ALL THE DLC HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA), Void and Meddler, Rusty Lake: Roots, Shutter, Killer is Dead – Nightmare Edition, Gray Matter, The Blackwell Legacy, Gemini Rue, and Post Mortem.
(Not to be confused with Postmortem: One Must Die, which I played for my channel.)
So yeah, I’ve got a lot of interesting games to play in this upcoming week I have off. : P
Merry Christmas David! May 2017 bring better things for everyone. All three of my children will be here for Christmas which is a wonderful thing since child #2 lives 12 hours away. Family and friends and good food await us this day.
Best bit of today: helping Spawn#1 with slightly-tweaked versions of the covering letter for some job applications (a couple of faint-but-what-the-hell-why-not chances at a move up a bit and sideways in the same organisation).
Best bit of not-really-xmas-but-which-is-of-course-at-midnight-on-the-24th-as-any-fule-kno: sharing a present that came in a bottle, and all deciding to re-invent the rules of the card game we were playing, and deciding that the new (slightly tipsy) version was a really good allegory for Brexit: aimless, pointless, feckless and graceless, with nobody able to know what they held in their own hands let alone anyone else’s, and the deck stacked against everybody. It was pretty funny after the first couple of glasses :-s
In celebration of Catmas, have some Catmas carols:
Happy Christmas. xxx
Quiet day. Mostly ate and drank while at home with the parents. Skyped with my brother who is away in Dublin, watched Lion King instead of Frozen on telly (because the former has a better soundtrack by far and I find Olaf to be really annoying). Back to work tomorrow on time and a half, yay!
I’m single and don’t have any family in the area (or the state), so I’m celebrating on my own. I don’t have a lot of plans, though. Another microwaved burrito? Some Bob Rivers Christmas-carol parodies?
*puts on “O Come All Ye Grateful Dead-Heads”*
*chugs from apple-cider bottle*
Happy holidays/Merry Christmas/have-a-nice-day to everyone, though.
Check this out if you want to watch Santa Clause Defeat the Mongol horde.
There were animals in the manger, and ever since then, they’ve made great Christmas ornaments.
I’m in the car with my family going to my aunt’s house right now! The night before I saw a play and went to a fancy restaurant with my husband. The play was great, the principal actor did a fine job and the creative set design, sound and lighting reinforced the performance. I had hamachi collar (AKA hamachi kama) at the restaurant, which I hadn’t even heard of before last night but found to be delicious. If you ever have the chance to eat it (and you don’t have a good reason to avoid eating fish), do it!
Happy Holidays, everyone!
I like to spend Isaac Newton’s birthday doing intellectual work, so I spent a few hours writing about joint stock corporations (through which Sir Isaac was scammed out of a lot of money, ironically).
Happy holidays. I have a roast beast cooking in the pot of crocking, so the house is smelling delicious.
Had brunch, which consisted of many breads, cheeses, quiche, and chocolate. Oh, and orange juice.
We’ll have dinner later, and then I get on a bus to go to my in-laws’ only to have another dinner tomorrow!!
All of the stores are closed, and I don’t have knitting needles that fit this pattern. I just want to make socks.
RosieLa – I wish I could loan you one of my many sets of sock needles! My chiropractor gifted me his mother’s stash a few years ago and between what I already had and what I got, I have probably six sets of dpns in size 2 alone! I only have socks started on two sets at the moment…
Ours is a quiet day, but happy. Hope you’re having a happy day too.
Happy holidays! 🙂
My family and I went to lunch at friends of my parents. It’s such a lovely venue for lunch, with an awning on the deck and a view of the bay and mountains.
Best bits of the lunch: the potato bake, my mom’s gammon with a syrup glaze, and an oozy, Lindt-chocolate-sprinkled chocolate and pear pudding.
We made Beef Wellington which worked out really well, plus pumpkin pie for dessert. Yeah I know it’s a Thanksgiving dish, but we don’t have Thanksgiving here so Christmas time it is!