Once upon a time, the pickup artist who calls himself Heartiste (real name James Weidmann) actually provided his readers advice — terrible, backwards, and thoroughly misogynistic advice, but advice nonetheless — on how to pick up the hot babes.
These days he seems to devote most of his attention to laments over the “demographic displacement of White heritage America” and to increasingly elaborate fantasies of revenge towards the “shitlibs” and other alleged traitors who have supported or encouraged these alleged crimes against Whitey.
Now these fantasies have expanded to involve the sitting president, who Weidmann thinks should be literally hung for his “treason.”
In post on his blog yesterday, Weidmann reported with some alacrity that the
lame duck White House squatter Gay Mulatto [has] admitted to committing treason against the United States of America.
Oh, did I forget to mention that Weidmann has a strange habit of referring to Obama as “Gay Mulatto?” Well, he does. Because he thinks “mulatto” is a terrible insult and also because he’s convinced for some reason that Obama is gay.
So what exactly does Obama’s alleged “treason” consist of? Did he call upon a hostile foreign government to hack the email servers of his political enemies?
No, nothing so trivial. It seems that Obama acknowledged, in a recent interview on NPR, the incontrovertible demographic fact that America is getting less white.
“If you stopped all immigration today,” Obama told an NPR interviwer, “just by virtue of birth rates, this is going to be a browner country.”
To Weidmann, this is a SMOKING GUN.
A browner country is exactly what Gay Mulatto wanted. It’s why he refuses to close the border, why he won’t enforce immigration laws, why he wanted to fast-track unconditional amnesty and give illegals the vote, and why he has spent years and political capital bum rushing Somalis into heartland America.
Well, not so much. For what it’s worth, we’re hardly being flooded with foreigners. Illegal immigration hit a peak in 2007, and has been down ever since. In recent years, more Mexicans have left the US than have entered it. And while the actual numbers are murky, there’s no doubt that Obama has deported a substantial number of undocumented immigrants.
That said, Obama is right: people of color are having more babies than whites, and the country is getting “browner.” In thirty years or so, demographers expect, whites will no longer be the majority in the US.
As Weidmann sees it, this is all Obama’s fault:
Make no mistake, this was Gay Mulatto’s treasonous plan all along: the dispossession and demographic displacement of White heritage America. Open borders to the brown world was his biggest middle finger yet to the White lineage that he so despises in his own family tree.
Well, aside from the fact that the borders aren’t open.
HE IS OPENLY BRAGGING ABOUT THE INEVITABILITY OF IT NOW, because he thinks, not unjustifiably based on past experience, that White America won’t hold him accountable. That instead Whites will line up behind Gay Mulatto and cheer their till now bloodless annihilation from the nation their ancestors built and their White posterity will inherit.
But NO MORE! With Trump in power, Weidmann declares, evil “traitors” like Obama will get the retribution they deserve.
In clown world, he gets away with it. Luckily for him, he’s leaving right at the moment clown world is about to cede to a resurgent sane world, in which the gallows for traitors to the nation are returned to service. We have these treasonous vermin on record and every legal justification at hand. All we need now is the will to make our enemies pay for their crimes against the People of the United States.
Cue the Mitchell/Web “Are We the Baddies?” sketch.
Gee, I wonder why the white supremacists are dead keen on the idea of stringing up President Obama?
@ Ohlmann
So only white people are real Americans?
You know most of my ancestors entered this country before 1800 and I am about as melanin-difficient as you are likely to see on a given day, and you know what I think?
Fuck James Weidmann and his fascist buddies.
Initially posted in the wrong thread but relevant here.
@WWTH But remember Minnesota doesn’t count as the heartland because we’re all filthy, cuck, libtards who don’t exclusively spend time around other pure white folks.
Well unless you head up to far into the iron range, things can get… weird then.
@BritterSweet Aaaaaand now my co-workers are looking at me funny for laughing way too loud at that. XD
The phrase “reality has a liberal bias” was originally a joking response to conservative accusations that the news was biased towards the liberal viewpoint. …Just in case someone doesn’t already know that.
There is some truth to the accusation though. Given that the typical conservative tries to change reality to match their ideals, and the typical liberal tries to change their ideals to match reality (in both cases, not always very successfully, but they try) it’s pretty much a given that an accurate reporting of reality-as-it-is is going to more closely match the liberal view than the conservative one.
To do otherwise would completely undermine the point of it being news, and turns it into propaganda instead.
@Alan Robertshaw
And also a woman who killed her husband, among other nongovernment related crimes. (not the other way ’round, of course, patriarchy being what it is). Which, in fact, is why people like Heartiste blither about treason like they do; what treason basically means is ‘subverting or attacking established hierarchies’, and fascists hate that.
I was thinking of that as well.
@Snowberry : Good post indeed. Good satire is based on exagerated truth after all.
@ dalillama
Yup. As you’ll know it was also treason for a servant to kill their master. Think there’s also something about killing clergy.
Under English law the sovereign can’t commit treason. Interestingly though that also applies to pretenders to the Crown who engage in civil war; even if they lose.
@Alan Robertshaw I could be remembering incorrectly but I believe the part about pretenders to the crown was created because few Saxon sovereigns had the bad habit of saying that anyone who questioned them was challenging the crown making them pretenders and thus capable of treason. Oddly enough the noble class had a wee bit of an issue with that reasoning.
Like this?
@ pendraeg
Ooh, that’s interesting; cheers.
Makes sense though. It was also a convention that the troops on the losing side of a challenge for the Crown were pardoned by the winner. Partly a recognition that they were under an obligation to fight for their lord if asked, but presumably also to preserve the social hierarchy. You don’t want to establish a precedent for serfs saying “I’d love to obey your orders boss, but are you sure this is entirely legal?”
I would say, “I think you mean ‘hanged,'” but I don’t think that’s an error: “hanged” is for objects the speaker regards as people, and humans with darker skin don’t seem to be people in this unfortunate’s playbook.
David, sorry to be the grammar nerd, but the title needs to say “hanged” not hung. Yes, you may all feel free to pelt me with rocks.
So…a brief summation.
Just one drop in the bucket and ya hit ‘eject’
And you keep rantin’ and rollin’ ’bout corruption of the good
But turn the pages back a little more (and not quite to the dinosaurs)
And you’ll find your kind’s not the first in this neighborhood
A member of the clergy killing a superior member, I believe. IIRC anyone else killing a cleric was done for blasphemy usually. The Treason act also specified that a servant sleeping with the wife or daughter of their master was not committing petty treason, which apparently common law had previously disagreed on. Of course, if one was a member of the clergy, one could insist on being tried by the church instead of the state, and hope for a lesser sentence; indeed, at the same time as the Treason Act, this was extended to anyone who could read (or fake it).
Ew, Douchateau Shartiste. I was kind of hoping he’d be gone by now. But of course, there was no chance of that happening, not these days.
That song hit the nail.
“he’s convinced for some reason that Obama is gay.”
Well, it fits in with Michelle Obama being secretly a man, as evidenced by freezing footage to show a bulge between “her” legs.
(Poe’s Disclaimer: I am attempting satire, but there are people who would say exactly that in complete sincerity.)
@ Kitten 50 points to Gryffindor for that perfectly placed Hamilton reference ;D
@Lucrece, phew. I was worried I had to mention it, but now I can remain cowardly in the background.
OT: Cernovich is attempting to create another pizzagate-style scandal. Shocking, I know. http://nymag.com/selectall/2016/12/how-mike-cernovich-is-pizzagating-his-latest-victim.html
Reality please stop being a neonazi enabler.
It didn’t help that the late Joan Rivers helped perpetuate that stupid rumor of Michelle Obama…or that people believed her, for no apparent reason.
Exit: Juicebro needs to get his nasty ass sued to oblivion.
@ dalillama
The test for ‘benefit of clergy’ was just that the suspect was literate. They usually checked this by getting the person to read a passage from the Bible. Oftentimes local criminals would know the local magistrate’s preferred choice, so they’d just memorise that. You could only claim benefit of clergy once though so they’d tattoo or brand your thumb. The next time you’d be left to the secular authorities.
On a related note, that’s why most witches were hanged rather than burnt. Witchcraft was a secular crime. Burning was reserved for ecclesiastical offences such as heresy. Of course sometimes there was an overlap.
Right wingers simply don’t understand humor. Apparently they don’t get that she was an insult comic and that her jokes aren’t meant to be taken literally.
I’m not saying that I endorse gender policing humor just that they’re too painfully literal and willfully ignorant to grasp that’s what this was. Just like how they didn’t realize the Colbert Report was satire.