alt-right empathy deficit have you no humanity Islamophobia literal nazis racism red pill terrorism

It could not have been better: Why one alt-rightist is celebrating the Berlin Christmas market massacre

Mourners gather at a makeshift shrine in Berlin

It’s hardly news that extremists feed off of one another. ISIS was thrilled by Trump’s victory, knowing that his bigotry will send countless new recruits their way. Alt-rightists, meanwhile, seize on each new act of ISIS-inspired terrorism with something close to glee.

For many of them, the Berlin Christmas market attacks are an early Christmas present, a golden opportunity to win new converts to their foul cause. Alt-right bloggers are churning out post after post on the attacks, many of them unable to resist making Star Wars jokes about the fact that the current suspect comes from the Tunisian town of Tataouine.

Usually, though, alt-rightists are savvy enough to at least pretend to care about the actual victims of these terrorist attacks. But the anonymous alt-rightist behind the Diversity Macht Frei blog isn’t even bothering to pretend, hailing the attack and the chaos it left in its wake as a simply fabulous recruiting tool.

“As far as red-pilling of normies is concerned, the Berlin Christmas market attack is just about as good as it could be,” the blogger happily declares.

In his mind, even the fact that the authorities grabbed the wrong guy is great news.

First, an asylum seeker who came in on the Merkel wave is apprehended as the suspect. Second, it is concluded he is the wrong guy and the real perp is still at large, thus establishing an ongoing fear of further attacks from the same person as well as a sense that the authorities are incompetent and unable to guarantee safety.

As far as he’s concerned, the attacks are a gift that keeps on giving.

Then the next person sought is an “asylum seeker” who has already served 4 years in an Italian prison for burning down a school (!) but was nonetheless admitted to Germany where his asylum application was refused but he was not deported from the country. He was also noted as a potentially dangerous jihadi but the authorities were not able to track him.

Finally, he may not actually be the guilty person. The authorities have intimated that he may have some connection to the attack but is not necessarily the guilty party, thus creating a further impression of uncertainty and generalised fear.

He’s as happy about the terrorist attacks as ISIS itself must be.

An impression of all-encompassing chaos is created. People will conclude that the situation is completely out of control and the German government doesn’t know what it is doing. This entire clusterf*ck presses almost every red-pill button, validating almost every claim European patriots have been making. It really could not have been better from our point of view.

There is literally not a word in his post about those killed and injured in the attack, not even a pro forma expression of condolences for the 12 people brutally slaughtered while they were out Christmas shopping, for the 48 injured in the attacks, many of them seriously.

I suppose it’s a bit naive to expect basic human decency from someone whose very blog title is a Holocaust joke.

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8 years ago

Necrophiles, the lot of ’em. (Well, maybe thanatophiles, but the point is they’re using death and the dead as jackoff material.)

8 years ago

Can’t we put all the extremists, on all the sides, in a fenced off wasteland somewhere and let them have it out on each other while the rest of us get on with our loving, peaceful civilization?

Latte Cat
Latte Cat
8 years ago

These people exist.


8 years ago

How am I still surprised at what horrible excuses for human beings these guys are? Sorry I don’t have anything more clever to add.

Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

Can we ship these folks off to Snake Island? Or am I being cruel to the snakes?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
8 years ago

First, an asylum seeker who came in on the Merkel wave is apprehended as the suspect. Second, it is concluded he is the wrong guy and the real perp is still at large, thus establishing an ongoing fear of further attacks from the same person as well as a sense that the authorities are incompetent and unable to guarantee safety.

One of many reasons the both side do it argument is false. The alt-right/manosphere is nothing like feminism/”SJWs.”

I’ve never seen feminists rejoicing at the prospect of a man being falsely accused of rape because it will make women properly afraid of men and cause chaos. And if feminists did do that, can you imagine how upset these same men on the alt right would be?

8 years ago

OT: I saw two things to make misogynists angry today. The first was a billboard with the words “STOP TELLING WOMEN TO SMILE” and the second was a fragrance commercial using “Lady Marmalade,” a song about a sex worker.

8 years ago

@Karalora. No they’ll get very angry that we’re ignoring them and demand that you take down the fence so that they can yell at us.

8 years ago

Hey South Park, and all other shows/people/groups, for trying to compare people like them to literally anyone else call it “equal”, and saying I am supposed to meet them halfway, or you somehow being superior for being so haughty about doing jack and shit, how about go fuck yourselves okay?

You what’s (not) funny? All these people saying they DIE TRYING, but the second anything remotely dangerous comes within earshot it’s the SPOOPY SCARY MINORITY TAKING OVER EVERYTHING? It’s quite interesting to see bravado like that in a culture that hates knowledge and covets tin idols.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago

I’m…just speechless.

My flabber has been ghasted. I…can’t even.

8 years ago

Some people would have no idea what to do with themselves if they didn’t have enemies. Even if bigotry was conquered and peace reigned forever, they’d still rage against humanity itself for failing to provide them with a hostile opposition. Fortunately, they’re a minority. Unfortunately, even as a minority they can still do some significant damage.

8 years ago

Now I’m looking for pictures of cats wearing head-scarves. Not sure why.

8 years ago

Disgusting savages, eager for more violence, fear, & human misery.

The Bacongineer (Polish Friend from across the Pond)
The Bacongineer (Polish Friend from across the Pond)
8 years ago

Poland’s next

I just know it

8 years ago

An impression of all-encompassing chaos is created. People will conclude that the situation is completely out of control and the German government doesn’t know what it is doing. This entire clusterf*ck presses almost every red-pill button, validating almost every claim European patriots have been making. It really could not have been better from our point of view.

Wow, I’m really excited for you, Herr Frei.

More good news: Christmas is on its way!

I have a feeling that your stocking is filled with Legos — lots & lots of Legos.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago

That’s what I was talking about when I said they stripped themselves of all empathy. Anglin was literally posting “HAHAHAHAHAHA” and some joke about how it’s the German Nazis’ fault.

And I’ll never say it enough, but ISIS and those fuckers are allies. They all want exactly the same thing : to rile up Islamophobia and make every Muslim person living in a “western” country pack up and leave. They won’t, because actual people have a tendency to not enjoy violent and thoroughly incompetent theocracies, regardless of the fantasies you hold about them or their religion – but that’s beside the point now. Both flavors of fascists are just gonna keep trying.

And stupid nazis being stupid nazis, they’re convinced that ISIS does their job for them, when it’s the other way around. Good job.

Christina Nordlander, Emperor's White Knight
Christina Nordlander, Emperor's White Knight
8 years ago


8 years ago

He’s wrong.

I feel no

sense that the authorities are incompetent and unable to guarantee safety.

I don’t have an

impression of uncertainty and generalised fear.

and there’s no

impression of all-encompassing chaos is created.

People will conclude that the situation is completely out of control and the German government doesn’t know what it is doing.

I conclude no such thing.

Over the last days I’ve been at home, watching the reports, the press conferences, the statements of our leading politicians.

The AfD and in part the CSU with their immediate attempts to use the attack for their own right-wing populist goals were what disgusted me.

Everything else made an impression of measured, sensible responses, of a responsible use of the means at the state’s disposal and adherence to the laws and civil rights of citizens.

I watched the people in charge of the investigation give the first press conference. I heard them insist that they had a suspect, not a guilty person. That they would not release information on him, since he was still to be presumed innocent. I heard them admonish some over-eager journalists who wanted sensational, emotional statements and basically telling them that no, we will not suspend any laws or legal procedures just because it was an OMG!TerroristAttack.

I watched the media reports that night and the next morning, before the first official statements from the authorities were released. I heard the journalists caution people again and again to not speak of islamist terror before we had proof of islamist terror.

I watched an interwiev with our secretary of the Interior that night. He was asked to comment on some of the populist statements made by the right earlier that day. He said that he refused to engage in any policy discussions or dignify the right’s garbage with any response while there were still people in the hospitals fighting for their lives and he had just returned from a memorial service for the victims, because using the suffering of people like this would be disgusting. When asked again he literally said: “I already told you all I’m going to say on the subject tonight.” And that was that.

The next day I watched the reactions from Berlin, the typical “You’re not going to get us down” that you would expect from that city. I watched a report of how the city of Nice expressed solidarity by taking down their flags, how they had German flags somewhere in that French city showing solidarity with us. Showing openly that we’re friends and that whatever disagreements we may have, if it matters we will stand together.

None of this makes me or anyone I know feel the way that man seems to think we should feel. Yes, it’s a terrible tragedy. We all feel that way. But when it comes to the reactions from authorities I feel as safe as is possible in a situation like this, I feel we have a government that deals with this as well as it can without falling into hysteria and that in the end our civil rights and the rule of law can withstand this and and so will our tolerance and our open and free way of life.

We all knew this would happen sooner or later. That doesn’t make it easier to deal with, but if the authorities’s reactions so far (as well as the reactions of most people in the general population) do anything, they reassure me that we will survive this, we will not fall into that fascist hell of hatred this guy apparently imagines.

Funny how he thinks measured, sensible, cool-headed responses will make us feel unsafe and make the situation feel out of control, while the hysteric, rage-filled, frothing-at-the-mouth antics of the Right whose “solutions” are either completely impractical or downright nonsensical and futile are apparently supposed to reassure us and lead to us taking their poisonous “red-pill”. Not to those of us who use their brains instead of…whatever it is the Right uses to come to their “solutions”.

Sorry for the long post, I have kind of strong feelings about this.
And for the record…I’m not a big supporter of Merkel or de Maizière normally as I’m quite a bit to the left of them. But, they have been a positive surprise in this situation mostly.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
8 years ago


Wow. Thank you for taking the time to write that post. It’s much appreciated. I hope things remain as calm as possible in the circumstances – and I also wish that we had more journalists and politicians like yours in Australia.

8 years ago


The next day I watched the reactions from Berlin, the typical “You’re not going to get us down” that you would expect from that city. I watched a report of how the city of Nice expressed solidarity by taking down their flags, how they had German flags somewhere in that French city showing solidarity with us. Showing openly that we’re friends and that whatever disagreements we may have, if it matters we will stand together.

I’m glad to hear that the German police and government are being sensible and cool-headed and respecting civil rights.

Sorry about the USA bag o’ bluster, President-elect Trump. I guess the world will have to get used to him.

The account of Nice’s solidarity with Berlin is touching.

Stay strong and stay safe.

8 years ago


“I’ve never seen feminists rejoicing at the prospect of a man being falsely accused of rape”

in all fairness, thats also because that virtually never actually happens tho. not that we would if it did, obv! ….not trying to be a dick, idk, just sayin. but excellent point for real no shade. ;p

8 years ago

Does anyone know if the claims stated about the suspects (ie getting asylum despite arson) are even true?

8 years ago

Marion Pritchard, Dutch rescuer of Jewish children during the Holocaust, dies at 96

Rest in peace, rest in power, Marion van Binsbergen Pritchard.

8 years ago

I hate worrying each time some horrible thing happens “oh God, please don’t be a minority.” because if so it always gets the right all riled up to start talking about deporting people and tearing off head scarves and everything else they like to do.
and now that the future head of state here in America is going to be unable to keep a cool head and will indulge the far right in all of their paranoia and frothing joy over dead people… I just dont see much hope.
and I’m a white christian, I can’t imagine how much that fear is magnified for others. I got only a taste of that when people started that whole “autism leads to mass shootings” thing.

Praying for the families and victims, and that their memory isn’t overshadowed by either Islamophobia or whatever hateful/misanthropic ideology the attacker had.

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