Do you like riddles? I do. Here’s my favorite:
What goes around a button?
You might think the answer is “a buttonhole.” But you would be WRONG!
Well, technically, you would be right, but the correct answer to this riddle is “a goat.”
Because goats go around a-buttin.’ You know, like butting things.
Ok, that joke only works when you say it out loud, and it’s a bit of an open question as to whether it works at all. It’s from a very old and very bad book of jokes and riddles I encountered as a child.
Look, I didn’t say I liked GOOD riddles. I sort of prefer the terrible ones.
And I’m in luck! A few days ago a drive-by commenter left a giant angry dump of a comment in response to one of my posts from way back in 2011. I didn’t let the comment through moderation, but it contained a riddle, of sorts, that I would like to share with you all.
What “is similar to a man wearing small tight thongs and having an erection?”
Set aside the issue of why this fellow is wearing more than one thong, and see what you can come up with.
A banana in a bikini?
A sausage in a small hammock?
A roll of quarters in a diaper?
I’m running out of ideas here.
One of those long balloons that they make balloon animals out of, inside a bag that’s too small for it?
The answer is: “Women wearing provocative clothes.”
Let’s let Jon explain it:
Women wearing provocative clothes is similar to a man wearing small tight thongs and having an erection. HOw would you feel men hanging out like that? WOuld you invite them to meet your wife/daughter?
First of all, I don’t have a “wife/daughter.” And I am troubled by Jon’s assumption that I am anti-thong, when it comes to men. I’m not. Dude thongs are fine, in moderation. I’m wearing one right now. I require visitors to put on thongs before entering my apartment. I put them on my cats, when I can catch them.
NOTE TO EXTREMELY LITERAL-MINDED READERS: I’m not really wearing a thong. I don’t actually require visitors to put on thongs before entering my apartment. I don’t put them on my cats. I was making some little jokes. That said, I don’t really care if guys wear thongs to the beach, though they should really cover up (and try to think of very unsexy things) if they get erections. As should anyone who gets an erection in public.
In the post that Jon is responding to, I took issue with a fellow who suggested that women who “dress … provocatively and leav[e] a man in an unfinished state of excitement” are essentially assaulting men. Things that this fellow regarded as “provocative” included jeans, high heels, exposed hair. Some of his other arguments were even more, er, provocative.
But let’s get back to Jon, who had many further thoughts and theories he wanted to share with me and my readers, most of which involved explaining how totally wrong he thinks I am, and most of which have nothing to do with my post.
Here are his thoughts on non-verbal communication,
Most human communication is non verbal. For example, if I wink at your wife, are you ok with that? I am just winking right? No David (author) don’t be judgmental! Well that’s called “hitting a girl!”. So provocative outfits create the same sense as sexual organs on a man’s face. It sends non verbal sexual messages.
Er, sexual organs on a man’s face? How exactly did we get from winking to sexual organs on a man’s face?
Women are not a minority – they form 51% of the population and are a MAJORITY.
Thanks for the tip!
Women failures in mathematics, sciences, sports, jobs are not a man’s fault.
How about grammatical errors made by men? Whose fault are they?
In fact most men are not anti-female. At the very least they usually love their mothers, grand mothers, daughters and maybe wives.
‘Maybe wives?” I’m sensing some bitterness here.
Women have failed in these areas as they are just not good enough and lack that white matter in brain that is created by 20,000 evolution and male testosterone. These are biological facts.
Would any biologists care to comment on these, er, facts?
Women do better than men in fields that require caring and nurturing such as certain medical fields (nursing, gynecology), giving birth to babies and raising them.
I will concede that having a uterus does give someone a bit of an advantage when it comes to giving birth to babies.
That said, I am not suggesting preventing women from pursuing their dreams but dont expect 50% of Einsteins and newtons to be women. In fact there has never been a great female scientist of the rank of newton, gauss, euler etc. All major scientific inventions (even minor ones actually) are all male.
Nature has designed the human female body to carry babies and be sexually attractive to a man. If this was not the case, human species would not have made it this far. It is the very reason that men have hair on their faces and a muscular body. Its called evolution and you cant (and there is no need to) challenge 20,000 years of human evolution.
Men have hair on their faces so … women can be sexy to them?
I’m thinking Jon might have mixed up some of his notes from Biology 101.
But speaking of sexy, let me just end this post with a dude in what appears to be a Speedo or Speedo equivalent.
I don’t know why, biologically speaking, he’s holding a nailgun, but then again I wasn’t paying careful attention in Biology 101 either.
Also it kind of looks like someone else’s face has been photoshopped over the original Speeo-wearer’s face. I have no idea why. Let’s just call that another riddle.
That’s Charlie Sheen’s face, isn’t it?
Women have on average ten times the amount of white matter in the brain. Men have more grey matter.
Getting that one so wrong is pretty hilarious all by itself.
As any Australian will tell you, thongs-plural are things you wear on your feet.
So the answer is “Someone who will probably end up with a blister between their big and second toes, and should be commended for maintaining an erection through that level of discomfort.”
Girls do better on math tests than boys do, if the person grading the test doesn’t know the gender of the students.
So no, evolution and testosterone are not the reason there are so many more male scientists than there are female scientists.
I could name numerous scientists off the top of my head..
Curie, Grace Hopper, Carson… etc etc..
I’m just going to mention one thing. The only person to win two science Nobels was a woman, Madame Curie.
I thought that was maybe Anthony Weiner’s face, though looking at more pictures of him I’m thinking not. Also, searching ‘anthony weiner nail gun’ to see if that pops up was maybe not my best idea. Why did I put that in my google search history???
I’m glad that men can relate to women if they relate to women they are already related to, though it would be nice if they could go ‘hey look there’s a human on the street, I can relate to the fact that they are a person, gender etc be damned’.
It always makes me angry when someone says “I HAVE A WIFE/DAUGHTER, SIR” as a reason for their outrage. I don’t have a daughter, or a wife! I mean, I do have sisters, a mother, nieces, and a grandmother. But not a *daughter* or a *wife*, so I guess I’m cool with whatever it is they were responding to?
Marie Curie make the head of that guy explode I guess.
Wow! It’s cute when he attributes all major scientific discoveries to men and can’t even get basic anthropology right.
Yep, it’s Sheen – it’s a heavily edited version of this picture:
Now, to figure out why I cared enough to Google that. ಠ_ಠ
EDIT: WP’s eating any images I link to rather than embed for some reason.
“Wife/daughter” is an intensely creepy pair of words to slash together.
O RLY? Citation needed.
Also, words, what are they for if we communicate nonverbally so very, very much? My poor little matter-lacking (because not enough testosterone) ladybrain needs answers! Please, dude, mansplain to me some more! But please, do it nonverbally, because your verbiage is nonsensical.
PS: I am nonverbally laughing at what I’m pretty sure is a very flaccid penis AND rump, hanging out of this guy’s nonverbal thong. Because as we all nonverbally know, men are deathly afraid that women will laugh at them. Margaret Atwood nonverbally told us so.
Well, in fairness, I wouldn’t want this guy nurturing any lifeform, let alone an infant, so maybe women (and most men) are better at it than him.
Also, I’d be delighted to show him my ever growing pile of scientific degrees and publications. I’m sure his scientific achievements are much greater as a man, because his brain is so much more STEM.
(Who just got 90+% in her graduate level biostatistics and epidemiology courses? This lady right here :D)
Well I for one, can honestly say a man with a sexual organ on his face or wearing a thong with an erection, really isn’t going to do it for me.
But maybe there’s too much inbreeding in my genes 20,000 year evolutionary history, and I’m just odd.
BTW Charles Miller, you win the interweb today! Genius.
From OP
According to some sources, D. Trump does.
And D. Trump is an intensely creepy man. Coincidence?
“(Who just got 90+% in her graduate level biostatistics and epidemiology courses? This lady right here :D)”
Well done you!!! Great stuff 🙂
Sure…but, no, because as a woman biologist, I probably don’t even have a brain, let alone enough matter (white or gray) to actually answer. I probably got my degree by being given a lot of breaks by the oh, so, politically correct establishment, and maybe sleeping with my professor (no, please, don’t start that rumor – I DID NOT sleep with her!)
Why do I suspect this guy has never invented anything in his life (except maybe an occasional non sequitur, and that’s hardly a unique or even particularly useful invention).
So… rational…
By watching Steve Martin’s Roxanne perhaps?
Non verbal communication can be taken as consent,
to verbally (or via some other unambiguous means such as text) ask for consent to do something else (an unambiguous affirmative answer is required to actually proceed).
This applies to many areas beyond just sex.
At first I was willing to give our necro troll the benefit of the doubt and assume the 20,000 years of evolution was a typo and he meant 200,000 years. Then he repeated the mistake. It’s kind of hard to buy that all men are superior to all women in science if you can’t even come close to the correct number of years humans have been around.
Exposed hair? Does exposed leg or armpit hair count as being unbearably sexy?
Speedos are colloquially known as ‘Budgie-smugglers’ in Australia. I’ll let you figure that one out.
I totally get where Jon is coming from. Just last week, this woman was hitting on me, and I mean, she could not have been coming on to me harder! So I put down my binoculars, walked over to her apartment building across the street, found her room, knocked on her door, and told her that I saw her changing near her window and that my answer is yes, I will have sex with her, and she acted like I was some kinda creep! She was the one who wanted me, why else would she be dressed so provocatively within my field of vision? Oh well, women don’t make any sense, I guess it’s just that white matter they don’t have in brain from 20,000 evolution.
I’m sure your kitties are very relieved by that fact, Dave.
Ha! I didn’t bork the blockquotes!