Apparently it’s only wrong when Hillary (allegedly) does it.
Even after repeatedly attacking Hillary — without evidence — for allegedly operating a pay-for-play scheme when she was Secretary of State, selling access and favors in return for big donations to The Clinton Foundation, the Trumps don’t seem to understand that selling access for money is a bad thing, even when they do it.
First, it was lunch with Ivanka that they were selling. Then, apparently, it was an inauguration weekend hunting and fishing excursion with the Trump boys that also included a few moments of facetime with daddy. For which they were asking a ONE MEEEEEELION DOLLAR donation on behalf of a charity that lists the two brothers as directors.
Here’s how the Associated Press tells the story:
Two recent fundraising pitches featuring the incoming first family were meant to benefit charities, but they also raised questions among ethics experts that the Trumps might be inappropriately selling access.
Oh reeeeeeally.
Last week, Eric Trump tried auctioning a coffee date with his sister Ivanka to raise money for a children’s hospital. Now, Eric and Donald Trump Jr. are named as part of a nonprofit venture that offered the chance to rub elbows with their father during inauguration weekend and go hunting or fishing with the sons in exchange for $1 million donations that would go to conservation charities.
These events are dissolving as quickly as they become public, suggesting the family is learning on the fly what’s acceptable.
I think what the AP writer meant to say was that “the family is still trying to figure out what they can get away with.”
Slate notes that
A Trump spokeswoman now claims that the details in the report “are merely initial concepts that have not been approved or pursued by the Trump family,” and that Don Jr. and Eric “are not involved in any capacity.” The statement, however, did not address the fact that on the paperwork the non-profit submitted to the Texas secretary of state, Don Jr. and Eric are listed as two of the group’s four directors, which suggests they are involved in what could safely be called “some capacity.”
It’s not really a shock that the incoming Trump regime is corrupt to its core. But it is a little surprising just how brazen they’re being about it.
NOTE: Feel free to repost the graphic at the top here, or any of the other Trump-related memes I’ve posted here. Let’s get some memes out there! Also, I like making them, even though my photoshopping skills are rudimentary at best.
Jesalin skrev:
I think we’re seeing proof, either that time travel wioll never haven be* invented, or that doomed timelines continue to exist even after someone travels back to redact them.
(* Tip o’the Hatlo hat to Dr. Dan Streetmentioner, author of the seminal Time Traveller’s Handbook of 1001 Tense Formations.)
That’s literally what he’s said in his defense, yes. It’s not corruption if he’s not hiding it.
Still trying to set things on fire with my mind. Will let you all know if I have any success.
(Will let you know by setting his hair on fire)
On the original post: yeah, a big stinkin’ heap of hypocrisy.
And this is rather tangential, but it reminded me of being disappointed in the Nature Conservancy of Canada. It’s a thing I donate a bit to each year, and it does vital work buying land to protect animal and plant species, but I’ve seen more and more lately that it’s politically weak and prone to compromise. E.g.:
-One of the surveys NCC sent a couple of years back (I filled it out – this was before I had a full-time job) mentioned something about protecting nature and remaining non-political. I wrote in the blank that they could stand to be a bit more political. Stephen Harper, then prime minister, was openly cutting off funding for environmental science.
-In the same year (2014?) it displayed its list of donors, and one of the big ones was Enbridge. I mentioned this to the NCC staffer who called me on the phone, and she didn’t seem happy about it either.
-A more recent letter was talking about an environmental initiative… in partnership with Shell. Much environment!
I’m conflicted on this. On one hand, too much political advocacy and the charity could potentially lose its tax status – plus, compromise is often necessary to push important deals – but on the other hand, cozying up to big oil/gas companies isn’t a great sign.
Welp, looks like Newt Gingrich declared that Trump is incapable of following ethics laws, so congress should just repeal ’em. Sure ya wanna go down that road, Newtie?
Every single attack that the Breitbart/Trump campaign made on Hillary was projection of his own weaknesses and designed to short circuit similar attacks that might be made on him. “Crooked,” “Traitor,” and “Corrupt,” are obvious. The assault on the (admittedly) awful sexual history of Bill weakened the effect of the reports Trump’s vile actions against women.
Similarly the largely unjustified volleys launched at the Clinton Foundation were deliberately designed to distract from the concealment of Trump’s tax records and the uncharitable status of his “charity”.
Whoops, sorry about that. I was actually thinking of using tranquilisers rather than bullets,kjust enough of a dose to keep them out for long enough to transport the lot to a very remote, uninhabited island before they awaken. Then, leave them to their own devices, and whilst they’re playing at Lord of the Flies, maybe the grown-ups can get on with running the country.
Good way to virtue-signal. Bad way to actually get anything done, I fear.
People are sick of lies and slanders, and after the major media themselves openly became sources of propaganda, trust is gone. It’s the “boy who cried wolf” syndrome, and the continuous series of attacks on Trump (and indeed, to stop him) before he’s even become president, just add to that sentiment.
Get it through your minds: unless we treat Trump fairly and with the dignity befitting a president, conservatives will value our words exactly as much, as we valued the words of the Republicans who stonewalled Obama from day one. In both cases, rightly so.
And before your gut response kicks in, remember: The GOP got its ass handed to them, their prime candidates, Jeb and Rubio, got utterly annihilated.
Trump deserves the exact same level of respect that President Obama received from everyone the last 8 years, LLE.
How about fuck to the no? How about hell the fuck no? How about hell the fuck no to the flagrant corruption he flaunts as he sells the country for his profit and ego? How about screw the idea of wanting to play nice with neonazis.
You delusional abbreviation of a company’s operations, the GOP WON EVERY BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT.
Holy false equivalence, Batman! Like, I don’t even know where to start about how this is not at all the same thing because of how obvious it is. Maybe the problem people had with Obama getting stonewalled isn’t about the president deserving some default level of “dignity” by virtue of the office, but rather because it was partisan politics bullshit. If the president is a bigoted conman trying to turn the USA into a kleptocracy, then he deserves to be treated as such.
I’ll treat Trump with the dignity afforded to the office of the presidency when he acts with the dignity expected of the office of the presidency.
Also, we don’t live in a totalitarian dictatorship just yet. We’re still allowed to express dissent if we want.
I like that this new troll used a term like virtue signalling and then pretended to be a concerned progressive trying to help the other progressives who are doing it wrong.
I think my favorite part of that gif will always be the Music Band shirt.
Your winnings, sir…