racism trump war on reality

Poll: Trump voters more worried by “war on Christmas” than possible war with China

Thanks, Trump voters, thanks a lot!

It’s official: Trump voters are Wile E. Coyote. Like that clueless would-be-roadrunner-murderer, they’ve run our country off a cliff. They just don’t realize it yet.

Evidence of their inability to grasp what exactly they’ve gotten us all into comes in the form of a new poll from the creative folks at Public Policy Polling (PPP). According to a poll of 1200 registered voters conducted earlier this month,

60% of Trump voters … think there’s a War on Christmas to 25% who say there isn’t … In fact 24% of Trump voters say that the War on Christmas concerns them more than a potential war with China would.

Yep, they’re more worked up about people saying “happy holidays” instead of “merry Christmas” than they are by Trump’s reckless escalation of tensions with China, a country with a population of 1.36 billion and, you know, nuclear weapons.

As that that same poll reveals

Trump voters say by a 69-4 margin that they prefer the phrase Merry Christmas to Happy Holidays.

And while we’re on the subject of Christmas, Trump voters also have strong opinions about the color of Santa’s skin.

A majority of Republicans may not believe in Santa but if he does exist they know one thing about him- he’s white. GOP voters nationally by a 54-6 margin say that Santa is white … .

Most Clinton voters, by contrast, don’t actually give a shit what race Santa is. Because seriously.

Meanwhile, a poll by Qualtrics reveals that most Republicans — 52 percent — think that Trump won the popular vote. Seven percent of Democrats think this as well.

Needless to say, Trump did not win the popular vote, Santa is a fictional character who can be whatever color we want, and China really truly seriously is a bigger threat to America than people saying “happy holidays.”

While Trump voters freak out about  imaginary dangers like the “war on Christmas,” we all need to worry about their ongoing war on reality.

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8 years ago

So… to clarify…

Political correctness is baaaaaaad

Demanding that people say “merry Christmas” instead of “happy holidays” is goooooood

Conservatives are stupiiiiiiiiid

8 years ago

Well, like that shirt so many Deplorables insisted on wearing says: FUCK YOUR FEELINGS. I’m gonna go right on saying Happy Holidays, because there’s more than one this time of year. Yule, Hanukkah and New Year’s Eve and Day, to name just four.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago

Oh, dear, those thin-skinned people are embarking on their annual “Wah on Christmas” again?


weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

If we needed any more evidence that Trump voters aren’t actually economically anxious people who are misguided yet ultimately good but are rather privileged assholes who resent the merest prospect of losing a bit of their privilege; this would be it.

rogue angel
rogue angel
8 years ago

So…what’s this, Trump voters? Other holidays at this time of year aren’t real to you, or don’t matter? You’re convinced that an imaginary man is white? To top it off, ideas like these are more important to you than the very real possibility of a war with China?
Is there a post office in your place outside of reality?

ETA: WWTH, I think you nailed a good part of it with these folks.

8 years ago

Happy Holidays has never been so satisfying to say. Honestly these people expect me to fear my Islamic neighbors and believe that people are to pulling for christian prosecution? I’ve never seen a group with a bigger victim complex that lashes out on everything in sight than this collective sacks of bile and soot.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Ah, yes my favorite Christmas special! The “War” on Christmas. Starbucks is always my favorite character.

For realsies though: I say “Happy Holidays” to people as they leave my work.

One lady asked me if I wished I could say “Merry Christmas” (there’s technically no ban on us saying it in my store, as far as I’m aware). I said “No, because I don’t celebrate Christmas and I like to be included.”

She didn’t say anything, but quickly hurried out.

I have to admit, there’s a small bit of pleasure I derive from that feeling of being the person who isn’t Christian who gets to say that.

Though, I get enough old white people “correcting” me when I say it, like they seem to think (as that lady did) that I simply MUST be held back by the Pee-Cee Police and OBVIOUSLY I celebrate Christmas (I’m guessing because I’m white and have adopted a slight southern twang to my voice) and OBVIOUSLY I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas instead of, you know, actually wanting to say Happy Holidays because I like to include everyone and I’m not a selfish jerk who thinks that everyone must celebrate my holiday of choice and be part of my religion.

I am a bit salty about that.

Though, I do realize that these people are just being nice (somewhat), and I do appreciate that our customers are (somewhat) kind to our staff. I had a very nice old man say that he “hopes Santa finds me” this year because I was so nice and helpful, and another say that “I hope you get everything you want and you want everything you get this year” today, and that’s damn nice of them to say.

So, I understand it’s trying to come from a good place, but goddamn can’t they understand that I am too when I try to include people of other religions and celebrations and try to be nice to them too?

Also, cue the relevant tweet:

And cue a relevant article.

8 years ago

I often have had Trumpeters tell me that their ranks aren’t at all stupid, nope, no siree. They get truly angry at you. I’ll never tire of ignoring them.

8 years ago

I thought Lewandowski declared this mission accomplished.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

Sometimes I say “Happy Christmas”. This makes the traditionalists even angrier for some reason. Which is why I say Happy Christmas 😀

Seriously though, happy holidays, everyone. Sæliúla!

8 years ago

I like to say “A happy and a merry!” and let folks fill in the (unvoiced) blank.

(Though I must admit right now I’m not feeling especially happy or merry. Reactions to the electoral college business are sort of making me feel like carrying a sharpened screwdriver around in my pocket. For reasons.)

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
8 years ago

I’m inviting a buddy over soon, and she’s getting a share of the results of my trip to a local Japanese grocer. We’re also making chili spaghetti, and we might watch The Incredibles because she apparently hasn’t seen that.

Perhaps it’s not exactly representative of the Christian ideal of Christmas. It’s not quite even a holiday. But I feel like this may very well be one of my happiest days of this December.

8 years ago

Troubelle: I’m honestly glad to hear that. Also, I gotta say that while I’m still feeling pretty messed up, the Christmas/holiday cards (they wish Happy Holidays but the poem on the front references Father Christmas) I made and sent out this year apparently really pleased people.

The Bach is helping a little too.

8 years ago

It might be worth pointing out that the sort of people concerned about a “war on Christmas” are often in favor of the world ending because they think they’ll be Raptured first and it’s just the rest of us poor heathens who will be left to suffer.

8 years ago

It’s kind of arrogant for them think that. It literally says in the christian bible that only their god knows, no one else.

8 years ago

comment image

8 years ago

A majority of Republicans may not believe in Santa but if he does exist they know one thing about him- he’s white. GOP voters nationally by a 54-6 margin say that Santa is white

Do they realize that Saint Nicholas was from what is now modern day Turkey?

8 years ago


They also think Jesus was white, so…

8 years ago


I say “Happy Holidays” to people as they leave my work.

One lady asked me if I wished I could say “Merry Christmas” (there’s technically no ban on us saying it in my store, as far as I’m aware). I said “No, because I don’t celebrate Christmas and I like to be included.”

She didn’t say anything, but quickly hurried out.

Ha, ha…I’m that person, too. But I haven’t had one of those yet, more’s the pity. For some reason, up here in Canada, only really far right-wing bumblefucks are really particular about what kind of happy and what kind of holiday you wish them. And nobody here cares especially much what those people think, so…happy holidays to all!

8 years ago

My mission in life is to say Black Lives Matter to anyone who says to me Merry Xmas.

8 years ago

Man, I’m a Christian and switch between both Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas? Merry Christmas for friends and family usually, happy holidays for people I don’t know as well.

America loves its Christmas, how can anyone think there’s a war on it here? it’s just ridiculous.

but I guess there’s no understanding the racist persecution complex of the Trump voter.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago

My mission in life is to say Black Lives Matter to anyone who says to me Merry Xmas.

This is perfect.

“Merry Christmas!”

Me: “Thank you! Black Lives Matter!”

Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
8 years ago

A very devout minister friend of mine posted this on Facebook:

You want to keep the Christ in Christmas? Great, here’s how: Feed the hungry, heal the sick, shelter the cold, and love your neighbor.

8 years ago

@Tara: Amen!

8 years ago

Up here in Canada, Bina, we had “Décembre sur Mont-Royal” had to change their name because of Christmas warriors to “Noël sur Mont-Royal”

The events run from early December to the last weekend before Christmas.

That’s why the name for 10 or 20 years was “December” not “Christmas” — but now we have this thing that’s not on Christmas but some asshats made a big stink a couple years ago so it had to be called Christmas.

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