anti-Semitism antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies evil SJWs irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever milo misogyny patriarchy red pill return of kings trump

Return of Kings writer really looking forward to economic collapse under Trump

Burning with optimism’s flames

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It’s fair to say that Donald Trump’s superfans on the far right are feeling pretty chuffed these days. On the proudly reactionary Return of Kings, one alt-righty writer is looking forward to what he predicts will be a utopian future for manly men and womanly women under Trump.

Weirdly, he’s not looking forward to eight or more years of peace and prosperity under the benevolent despotism of The Donald, but to the complete economic collapse he thinks will follow Trump’s swearing-in.

“I predict that we will experience a major crash, far worse than 2008, which will start sometime in mid to late 2017,” regular RoK contributor and self-proclaimed masculinity expert Jon Anthony writes. (Archive here.)

Oh, don’t worry; it won’t be Trump’s fault.

This will … of course, be blamed on Trump’s presidency, but the deplorables will know better: this has been due to the meddling of the central bankers.

Ah yes, the CENTRAL *wink wink* BANKERS *wink wink*.

But even though the collapse will be the fault of these meddling kids bankers, it’s actually going to be pretty great.

[T]ensions will reach an all time high as degenerates don’t receive their welfare checks, and as home owners default on their loans. Expect rioting in a large number of American cities. The suburbs will be relatively protected, but anywhere with a large lower class population will be decimated (think Black Lives Matter, but on a much larger scale).

You may be wondering why all this is supposed to be good. Give him a second; he’s getting to it.

This will likely force Trump to reluctantly call in Marshall Law, which in turn will create even higher tensions.

Ah, good old Marshall Law! I think he used to patrol the streets of  Dodge City with Marshall Dillon.

Expect to see elements of the patriarchy re-emerge on a local level.

Ohhhh, I think I see where this is going.

The men in various neighborhoods and families will bond together to ration out food, water, and protection. The women will be tasked with homely duties, as it will be deemed too dangerous to walk the streets alone.

I think I might have heard this little fantasy before. More than once. More than twice.

Although this may sound terrible, it’s actually a good thing. It will start to bring back the patriarchy on a very fundamental, grass-roots level—in our own neighborhoods. This is the catalyst that we will need to bring about the return of a traditional society, living in accordance with nature’s biological laws.


After this, it’s only a hop, skip and a jump to a return to the gold standard, the “final death” of the mainstream media, and, oh yeah, “a new era for America, similar to the transition between the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire.”

And then, well, it’s pretty much the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

As the patriarchy has now been brought back on a local level, Trump has eliminated political correctness with the help of others like Breitbart, Milo Yiannopoulos, and ROK, and the MSM has lost all credibility, expect local men to start taking back their school systems as well.

The economic crisis will have made it abundantly clear that we need to teach men survival skills, and this will fall into the hands of local men. Expect home schooling to become more and more common, until eventually, private schools start popping up everywhere taking advantage of this new anti-Leftist sentiment.

The same bonds that men formed with their neighbors and tribal members during the economic crisis will now be used to create communities where children play, learn, and grow together. This will start to form a sort of crude educational system on a very local level, which emphasizes the importance of men being able to protect their families, self-reliance, real world skills, and independent thought.

So what will this exciting new sort of crude educational system have to offer the youth of America? Anthony expects “[m]ale/female segregation for at least part of the school day,” the encouragement of “Femininity … in women, and primal masculinity …  in men.”

And, oh yeah: “More recess, especially for boys.”





And after all this, patriarchy will finally be triumphant ALL ACROSS AMERICA!

As patriarchy becomes more and more popular on a local level, it will begin to foster an entire culture based around the values that made America so successful in the past. …

I believe that a large economic crisis which forces men to band together and form civilized tribes will bring about a severe blow to the establishment. … In other words, the local patriarchy which this severe economic crisis in 2017 will have created, will begin a grass-roots transition into being a full blown cultural shift all throughout America.


That which happens out of natural biological tendencies is always far more powerful than an attempt to control them, due to the natural resistance effect. When you align your cause with what is natural (as the manosphere has), there is an inherent power within it due to its truthfulness, that cannot be stopped.


I guess we all better start stocking up on beans. And testosterone. Beans and testosterone, two great tastes that taste great together.

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8 years ago


Pardon my ignorance, but isn’t it a mix of both? Genetic mutations happen randomly in random people, but in a society where that mutation happens to be beneficial, the individual is more likely to thrive

There is the possibility that a (basically neutral) lactase persistence mutation arose quite some time in the past and was distributed through a population by genetic drift. Only once the mutation became positively beneficial for some reason did start becoming more common and widespread. Change first, discovery of benefit later.

The baby is able to make use of a by-product of that which is useless to the rest of society

Milk isn’t actually entirely useless to everyone else. Fermentation lowers lactose levels, with some cheeses being almost totally lactose free. Of course, yogurt and cheese seem to post-date the rise of lactose tolerance, because you don’t discover dairy products unless you’re already making use of milk!

So anyway, the problem with answering the question properly is that no-one really knows why lactose tolerance became so common… it clearly has benefits, but none of the obvious ones seem likely to impart a massive genetic shift across a huge swathe of human population. So we don’t really know what the society that the change arose in was like, or what beneficial meant in that context.

8 years ago

‘There is a reason why Golding’s Lord of the Flies depicted the stranded kids devolving into savage killers as exclusively privileged white dudes with no qualms about picking on those weaker than them.’

Thank you–one of my personal pet hates is people who think Lord of the Flies says something profound about ‘human nature’. The characters in the story have a very specific age/gender/race/class/national provenance, and the story takes place in a very specific time–the point is that people with THAT kind of background will end up turning on each other. Don’t forget the last paragraph of the story–when the rescuers show up, they’re the Navy…during a war. Micro and macro.

I love it when people list what they have to offer to help a group survive the apocalypse. Let’s see–I can grow food, and have lived almost exclusively on what I grow during the summer (can’t grow chocolate or olive oil, alas), I can forage (I once had a dinner party where everything we ate was stuff I picked up off the ground), I can make soap, beauty products and herbal remedies, I know a bit about apiculture, I can build things from scrap and make old machines run, I know first aid, and I can teach people things.

8 years ago

Another example of how survival is complicated:

As noted, you can’t live on a diet of almost all seagull, because not enough fat. So you’d think, why not supplement that with fish? Some kinds of fish are fatty.

Except… people who live in the south pacific either eat very little fish, or only a few specific species. The reason behind this is because of a disease called ciguatera.

Ciguatera is caused by poison secreted by single-celled lifeforms which live on seaweed. Fish eat the seaweed, and get poison in their bodies. Cooking doesn’t help. Eating one fish won’t provide enough poison to cause harm, but… it’s a persistent poison which takes the human body months to purge even one dose. Get too many doses (the exact amount varies from one person to the next) and you’ll become paralyzed and/or blind. Fortunately this is nearly always temporary. Unfortunately the only known cure is weeks of rest, lots of vitamin C, and lots of fresh water, the latter two of which are not very available on an island like Clipperton.

Oh, yeah, and it should also go without saying that you shouldn’t eat the seaweed either unless you really know what you’re doing.

8 years ago

I’d just add to your last comment that the people who are most likely to be able to make a go of it under those terrible conditions don’t fantasize about those terrible things happening, because they know exactly how it’d go down. They’ve been down enough of that road on a personal scale to know that it’d suck if it happened to everyone.

They also don’t seem to comprehend how much damn work it is to survive without modern conveniences. It’s easy to understand in a superficial way that in order to survive you need to find shelter, potable water, food, and fire. But they don’t seem to fathom just how much effort (and knowledge, and skill) it takes to make these things happen for yourself every single day.

Like, I learned some emergency survival skills from growing up in Scouts and then Cadets – enough so that I could keep myself alive for maybe a week or two in the wild while waiting for rescue – and I am acutely aware of how little of that translates into long-term survival, let alone prosperity. If left to survive on my own, those two weeks would suck, and then I’d die.

Podkayne Lives (Effortless Chicken)
Podkayne Lives (Effortless Chicken)
8 years ago

“(1) I happen to know that the federal officer of the law on Gunsmoke was Marshal Dillon. Not Marshall Dillon. You’re just a guy named Marshall.”

The character on “In Plain Sight” is named Marshall Mann, so he’s Marshal Marshall Mann. Some of his longtime protectees actually call him Marshal Marshall.

(When he first meets his partner he introduces himself as Marshall Mann, and she snaps, “Yes, we’re all marshals here, get over yourself” or something similiar.)

Great show, BTW. ROK guys must hate it.

8 years ago

Missed the edit window: The “they” at the start of my previous post refers to the people who do wish for these sorts of apocalyptic scenarios. I realized that doesn’t match up with the quote I selected!

8 years ago


As far as I know, the very enthusiastic deniers of Hobbes philosophy are the hardcore capitalists (randians)
At least in Europe.
I mean, the European hardcore capitalists they truly believe that in a scenario of no State this world be happy flower, cuz everybody is good and nice.
It seems the American randians are more cynical and they truly believe that a Stateless society would be dog-eat-dog situation and they see it as something fantastic.

Regarding to fascism (once again): fascism believes in a strong State, Law and Order, State´s monopoly of the violence, security, zero crime, zero mafia, zero warlords, and a welfare State.
Vg: in the Italy of Mussolini, the Mafia had no power at all.
In the Spain of Franco, the regular citizen was protected from the abuse of capitalism and from the danger of communist revolution.

Of course, we don´t need to go fascist to have a State that provides protection and welfare to the average citizen. We can have it with social-democracy, which has worked in Europe very well since 1945.

Fascism it is just the cure in case social democracy starts to fail (as is failing in Europe today to stop the Islamic invasion).

8 years ago


no-one really knows why lactose tolerance became so common

In a recent issue of science there’s a review that notes that widespread lactose tolerance has arisen more than once, through a couple different pathways. And always in conjunction with cultures that currently raise cattle, or for which there’s contemporary evidence of cattle husbandry.

So… I’m reasonably certain the scientific consensus is that lactose tolerance is strongly selected for in cultures that consume cow milk products.

The same review mentioned adaptation to cold and tolerance to very high fat diet in the Inuit, and to high altitude in various populations, and so on.

I’m not sure if I posted thanks for the explanation of all-meat — thanks!

8 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

Interesting, I hadn’t heard of that. Sounds indeed like a legit discussion tactic, albeit fairly slow. I haven’t actually got a clue about whether Golding honestly believed his book to be an accurate depiction of human nature, or whether it was perhaps an analogy of his own experiences following WWII, or whether it was something else entirely.

Golding’s intentions weren’t my point, though, since what he still ended up writing, deliberately or not, is a story about a group of privileged young boys having grown up with toxic masculine ideals, a belief in a hierarchy of ‘the strong’ and ‘the weak’, and a certain god complex brought on by privilege blindness*, suddenly devoid of social control. Many of them become cruel and savage, but not because of some ‘animalistic instinct’ or ‘human nature’ or whatever else bullshit fascist-leaning privilege apologists use to justify the position of power and control they have over the less privileged, but precisely because of the fucked up values instilled in them by aforementioned hierarchical society.

As such, I would say that the book is successful, and fairly believable even. However, it cannot be taken as an honest commentary on human nature in general the way some (mainly likewise privileged individuals) think it can, any more than prison experiments involving mostly privileged white men tells us anything profound about the human condition as a whole. As rightfully stated by others on this thread, those who have actually experienced harsh living conditions (as a state of living, not as a fun weekend outing) will not long for them, nor will they overestimate their own ability to survive without others. Only privileged dipshits like Rand fans, MGTOW and Jon Anthony up there do.

Whew. The day will come when I learn to express my thoughts in a brief, concise, and effective manner, but it is not this day.

*Not coincidentally, my personal theory on the origin of the Batman villain the Joker has some similar points to it. Sorry, I don’t buy the “troubled but ultimately decent guy experiences one really bad day, loses his sanity and transforms into a cold-blooded murderer because reasons” narrative.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ anarchonist

I borrowed my rather clever god-daughter’s copy. She’d covered it with annotations. If she’s correct (and she went on to get a first in English Lit from Oxford so I’m assuming she must have had a rough idea about books) there’s all sorts of stuff in there. Even the bit about who can sing the highest note, and the suggestion that that should be the determinating factor in selecting a leader, is a commentary about something. Must confess it all went over my head.

But there was something about your point that it’s significant they get rescued by a naval officer (who is disgusted by them). There’s also that macro/microcosm thing in that the apocalypse on the island is reflected by the possible nuclear war in the outside world.

But as someone once said “It’s a great book because something happens in every chapter” and that’s pretty much the reason I like it. It may well be an allegory or something but it’s also a ripping yarn.

(You have to ignore the error about how lenses work though)

8 years ago

@Anarchonist: I don’t read comics, but I’ve seen enough discussions of Batman to know that there are several different, mutually exclusive origin stories for the Joker. If we assume that the backstories aren’t all different continuities, one could easily assume that that the Joker is an amnesiac who doesn’t know where he came from either, and a pathological liar who believes his own lies.

Latte Cat
Latte Cat
8 years ago

“Nature?” “Biological laws?”
Methinks they’re not so hot on the topic of biology and natural social structure.

8 years ago


In the “the killing joke” the joker admitted to having multiple memories of his origin and actually likes it that way

8 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

It was actually guest who brought that up, not me. I agree, it is a good point.


Oh, I know. DC Rebirth even recently introduced a new twist in the Joker mythology to address something as mundane as why Joker behaved the way he did during the years of CCA compared to how he does today (SPOILERS!). There is arguably no other villain as deliberately mysterious as the Joker.

I’ve just seen too many people insist that the Killing Joke origin is the real one, even though the Joker makes his famous “multiple choice past” speech in that exact story! In my opinion, that origin makes no sense except as a cry for sympathy.

Besides, I like forming my own theories about things as useless as comic books. Based on his actions and his outlook on life, I don’t believe I’m far off in assuming that before he was a supervillain, the Joker had cultivated something of a persona not unlike the nihilist, empathy-deficient “I just want to watch the world burn” trolls we have today.

Speaking of superhero comics, I wonder if Mr. Anthony is aware that his rather… liberal spelling of ‘martial law’ is just one letter away from referencing a satirical 80’s comic book that heavily criticized US government policy. Make America Great for Mocking Again? At least the acronym sounds more badass than what the unimaginative MAGAs could come up with.

8 years ago


In a recent issue of science there’s a review that notes that widespread lactose tolerance has arisen more than once, through a couple different pathways. And always in conjunction with cultures that currently raise cattle, or for which there’s contemporary evidence of cattle husbandry.

Its popped up about 3 times, I think (Europe, North Africa/Middle East and East Africa). The East African lactase persistence mutation is quite a recent one, but the studies aren’t entirely clear cut there because the populations being studied are quite small and their degree of interrelatedness is higher than in other populations.

The mechanism of its spread is not necessarily the same in all cases.

So… I’m reasonably certain the scientific consensus is that lactose tolerance is strongly selected for in cultures that consume cow milk products.

Cattle are not necessarily required (the Kazakh people domesticated horses, and may be the ultimate origin of European lactose tolerance genes) or sufficient (lots of lactose intolerance in India and China and southern Africa, but also lots of cattle and even dairy products). Even cattle-rearing pastoralists can get along just fine without lactose tolerance (lots of those in subsaharan Africa).

It seems a little more accurate to say that where lactose tolerance has arisen and persisted in nomadic pastoralist groups, it appears to have been strongly selected for. But that doesn’t really answer the important questions, but rather describes the observations 😉

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

It was actually guest who brought that up, not me. I agree, it is a good point.

Oops, apologies to Guest. It is a good point.

8 years ago

(Now the edit window has expired, I realise that I should have said “where lactose tolerance has arisen and become extremely common” instead of “where lactose tolerance has arisen and persisted “)

8 years ago

Incidentally, in the course of researching some of that, I came across the delightful neologism mampire. It clearly needs to be shared more.

8 years ago

Mampire = Milk drinkers are mammary vampires? Just making sure I get it.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Shut up, Eurocreep.

Fascism fails every time. It isn’t the cure for shit. Nobody wants to hear your wanks on the subject. Take it to Breitbart or the Daily Stormer and wake consensually with them. They’re more into that kind of thing.

8 years ago

@dlouwe, but they’re really good at Fallout 4, surely those skills must translate to real life!!

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I vote yes. I’m usually for chewing trolls up and spitting them out, but all he’s doing is sharing his sexual fantasies and that’s somehow extremely gross and extremely boring at the same time.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago


The base of patriarchy is the beta provider male.

Men who “hit and run” cannot contruct any patriarchy. To build a patriarchy marriage is necessary.

Who are willing to get married for a miserable shag saturday evening and some and stupid sense of recognition by the neighborhood? Beta males.

In which the troll reveals he understands neither the concept of Patriarchy nor the concept of love.

Men don’t – sorry – beta provider males don’t get married because they want a “miserable shag and a sense of recognition.” By a large margin, they get married because they are in love and they want to spend the rest of their lives with the person they have married. Men who want bad sex and a sense of recognition for being subservient from a community join a community that recognizes men for having bad sex and being subservient.

Sounds kinda like what you’ve set yourself up with.

Yet again, an example of you not recognizing that other people have thoughts and motives outside of your own.

Regarding to fascism (once again): fascism believes in a strong State, Law and Order, State´s monopoly of the violence, security, zero crime, zero mafia, zero warlords, and a welfare State.

Your list there is basically a laundry list of the things that Fascists say Fascism will bring. You need to explain how it makes those things happen, not just describe the wonderland that it creates.

(psst – here’s a hint – it tries to create those things by crushing any deviation from traditionalist social norms with that ‘law and order’, ‘monopoly on violence’ you mentioned. Sexist, racist, xenophobic, conservative, and traditionalist. Fascist.)

I’d also point out that Fascist states do in fact have a warlord. It’s the man at the top.

Fascism it is just the cure in case social democracy starts to fail (as is failing in Europe today to stop the Islamic invasion).

It’s not an “Islamic Invasion” that’s weakening western democracies. It’s right-wing cowards giving in to the warlords they’ve always idolized out of fear of change. You can give your own freedom away to whoever you want, and that’s your business, but you’ve got no right to give away anyone else’s.


Should I just go ahead and ban Euroguy? I”ve been letting him through, despite his horrendous beliefs, mainly because he’s basically been polite.

His comments on feminism are little more than self-serving dominatrix fantasies, and his comments on fascism are ignorant of the history of evil that ideology is bundled with. The guy makes my skin crawl.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

I just skip over Euroguy’s posts, so I would miss out on nothing if he were banned. The ones that I read were extremely boring.

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