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It’s fair to say that Donald Trump’s superfans on the far right are feeling pretty chuffed these days. On the proudly reactionary Return of Kings, one alt-righty writer is looking forward to what he predicts will be a utopian future for manly men and womanly women under Trump.
Weirdly, he’s not looking forward to eight or more years of peace and prosperity under the benevolent despotism of The Donald, but to the complete economic collapse he thinks will follow Trump’s swearing-in.
“I predict that we will experience a major crash, far worse than 2008, which will start sometime in mid to late 2017,” regular RoK contributor and self-proclaimed masculinity expert Jon Anthony writes. (Archive here.)
Oh, don’t worry; it won’t be Trump’s fault.
This will … of course, be blamed on Trump’s presidency, but the deplorables will know better: this has been due to the meddling of the central bankers.
Ah yes, the CENTRAL *wink wink* BANKERS *wink wink*.
But even though the collapse will be the fault of these meddling kids bankers, it’s actually going to be pretty great.
[T]ensions will reach an all time high as degenerates don’t receive their welfare checks, and as home owners default on their loans. Expect rioting in a large number of American cities. The suburbs will be relatively protected, but anywhere with a large lower class population will be decimated (think Black Lives Matter, but on a much larger scale).
You may be wondering why all this is supposed to be good. Give him a second; he’s getting to it.
This will likely force Trump to reluctantly call in Marshall Law, which in turn will create even higher tensions.
Ah, good old Marshall Law! I think he used to patrol the streets of Dodge City with Marshall Dillon.
Expect to see elements of the patriarchy re-emerge on a local level.
Ohhhh, I think I see where this is going.
The men in various neighborhoods and families will bond together to ration out food, water, and protection. The women will be tasked with homely duties, as it will be deemed too dangerous to walk the streets alone.
I think I might have heard this little fantasy before. More than once. More than twice.
Although this may sound terrible, it’s actually a good thing. It will start to bring back the patriarchy on a very fundamental, grass-roots level—in our own neighborhoods. This is the catalyst that we will need to bring about the return of a traditional society, living in accordance with nature’s biological laws.
After this, it’s only a hop, skip and a jump to a return to the gold standard, the “final death” of the mainstream media, and, oh yeah, “a new era for America, similar to the transition between the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire.”
And then, well, it’s pretty much the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
As the patriarchy has now been brought back on a local level, Trump has eliminated political correctness with the help of others like Breitbart, Milo Yiannopoulos, and ROK, and the MSM has lost all credibility, expect local men to start taking back their school systems as well.
The economic crisis will have made it abundantly clear that we need to teach men survival skills, and this will fall into the hands of local men. Expect home schooling to become more and more common, until eventually, private schools start popping up everywhere taking advantage of this new anti-Leftist sentiment.
The same bonds that men formed with their neighbors and tribal members during the economic crisis will now be used to create communities where children play, learn, and grow together. This will start to form a sort of crude educational system on a very local level, which emphasizes the importance of men being able to protect their families, self-reliance, real world skills, and independent thought.
So what will this exciting new sort of crude educational system have to offer the youth of America? Anthony expects “[m]ale/female segregation for at least part of the school day,” the encouragement of “Femininity … in women, and primal masculinity … in men.”
And, oh yeah: “More recess, especially for boys.”
And after all this, patriarchy will finally be triumphant ALL ACROSS AMERICA!
As patriarchy becomes more and more popular on a local level, it will begin to foster an entire culture based around the values that made America so successful in the past. …
I believe that a large economic crisis which forces men to band together and form civilized tribes will bring about a severe blow to the establishment. … In other words, the local patriarchy which this severe economic crisis in 2017 will have created, will begin a grass-roots transition into being a full blown cultural shift all throughout America.
That which happens out of natural biological tendencies is always far more powerful than an attempt to control them, due to the natural resistance effect. When you align your cause with what is natural (as the manosphere has), there is an inherent power within it due to its truthfulness, that cannot be stopped.
I guess we all better start stocking up on beans. And testosterone. Beans and testosterone, two great tastes that taste great together.
@dreemr: I read in a Greek etymological dictionary that the idea of Amazons cutting off their breasts might be an old misinterpretation rooted in a false etymology. The name of the all-female tribe might be derived from an actual Iranian word meaning “warrior” (don’t have the book here, and I can’t remember it exactly… something like “amarza”?), but Greek writers interpreted it as “amazon”, meaning “breastless” (from “a”=”non-“, and “mazon”=”breast).
Hard to make any decisive statement, but the Greek etymology does seem a bit silly (would a people really be named after something like that?), and besides, breasts aren’t that much of a hassle. I’m not an archer myself, but I’m given to understand that most female archers are fine with just using a good bra.
@BaronJenks that’s probably at least part of it, oxen would have much greater stores of fat as well.
If the Amazonians want to come out here to the North Dakota plains after society falls, there are still plenty of 50, 60, 75+ year old farm machines running that don’t require any kind of computer to work, so keep that in mind too, if fuel can be found or scavenged. Probably would want to head a little bit south or much farther west, though, for a longer growing season and less harsh winters if possible.
I would love to see RoK writers volunteer for that (probably, hopefully, fake) Russian game show where they’re going to plant 2000 cameras in the Siberian wilderness and allow contestants to murder, rape, and fight* each other in the quest to survive from July till April. They’d last all of ten minutes.
*Smoking is allowed too.
@Euroguy – did you miss the “provider” part of “beta provider”? That’s what betas do. They provide, using their smarts and skills. That’s a pretty attractive apocalyptic quality. Seems more stable than throwing your lot in with some head-bashing parasite who can’t grow his own food and thinks boys need more recess and less literature.
So not-brushing-your-teeth eventually wins out over brushing-your-teeth, because rules are an imposition. I see.
I love this “humans should revert to animals” argument. Especially coming from guys who think men and women are utterly different creatures, and yet humans are pretty much the same as chimpanzees (or wolves, or whatever).
I know how to make cheese, though I’d need to study a bit more how to make cultures and rennet rather than purchase them. Paneer is doable with just lemon/vinegar and milk, though, no cultures or rennet needed.
@ kupo
Speaking of rennet: I just read a book that mentioned Comanches eating the contents of the stomachs of calves (both buffalo and domestic cattle that they raided from white settlers). I’m making a wild-assed guess that that is how people got the idea of making cheese.
All right, we’ve got ourselves an Amazon tribe! I think we can skip the breast removal. Maybe we can make matching back-patches instead.
Thanks – but that’s just daft. If you want lunch or breakfast on a tropical island with the stereotypical sandy beach, surely you’d just walk to the water’s edge and stand there. Wriggle your toes for as long as it takes to gather up enough super nutritious, super safe, fresh shellfish and slurp them up for a terrific healthy meal.
Leaves the afternoon free to forage for edible seaweeds/algae, lichens and those (quite delicious actually) salty tasting samphires or maybe the juicy bases of stems of grasses. The rest of the time, for the first little while, should be devoted to observing what the various critters can eat without dying. Whether you choose to try eating the plant-fungi-flower-berry-insects or the lizard-crab-ratlike critters themselves is a matter best left to judgment at the time.
In the end, you’d very likely live mostly on fresh fish and shellfish with garnishes of whatever vegetation or algae or other bits and bobs you could gather that day. Seagulls! Pfffft.
The base of patriarchy is the beta provider male.
Men who “hit and run” cannot contruct any patriarchy. To build a patriarchy marriage is necessary.
Who are willing to get married for a miserable shag saturday evening and some and stupid sense of recognition by the neighborhood? Beta males.
My understanding is that carnivore mammal livers in general are pretty toxic. Not surprising, given that part of the purpose of the liver is removing toxins from the rest of the body.
(Actually, looking it up, it appears that the problem is that vitamin A is stored in the liver, and some animals just store so much that it’s toxic to humans if we eat any significant amount. Vegetables such as carrots don’t actually contain vitamin A, they contain beta carotene that gets converted to vitamin A only if needed, so you can’t hit toxic levels from them. Your skin can turn orange, but that’s not toxic.)
@ jenora
Phew. Good job I only eat the hearts of my defeated enemies.
A recent election campaign would suggest otherwise.
(Probably daft question, but is it called carotene because it comes from carrots? If anyone does know the answer I’ll swap it for the trivia that the myth carrots improve your night vision was started by British Intelligence to cover up the use of radar by the RAF)
I dont worry about the end of the World mainly because i am pretty sure i wont survive. I am too soft and senstive so its not my problem. Worse case, I will be a zombie wandering around. either way not my problem
On the whole “Inuit eating poisonous polar bear livers” thing, I dunno about that. The Inuit descend from the Thule culture, which moved into the Canadian arctic in and around the 1300s. Before then they were living in western Alaska, which has a very different climate and more edible, uh, edibles. The extremely severe climate of the Arctic Archipelago forced them to have a diet composed of nothing but meat at that point, before then they’d have tubers and berries and whatnot (on my shaky understanding of the Aleutian climate). So I don’t see them being able to eat something that toxic with such a short window of time to evolve the trait. I don’t know, though! That’s just an amateur guess.
And I’m totally down with getting some sweet jackets. I think we should get Samantha Bee’s new tee shirts’ logo on the backs.
We will be the Thunder C*nts with our Thunder Ponies!
Yeah, it’s pretty asinine to believe that a postapocalyptic humanity would survive – much less thrive – as either a strictly hierarchical fascist warlord system and/or a libertarian paradise of individualist Randian heroes roughing it in the wastes of Mad Max land. Which would, no matter what reality-detached Objectivists insist, eventually become one and the same anyway.
In life-or-death situations, most people understand that there’s strength in numbers, and that surviving together is a way better long-term plan than running around alone looting others like a moron. Also, empathy and compassion are things that exist. No dog eat dog world for you, buckos. Unless you want to go at it amongst yourselves, which is fine. Just keep the ones who want to actually, you know, be productive and stay alive out of your awful games.
Any Hobbesian asshole who believes that a state of anarchy will inevitably bring out the murderous beast lurking inside all of us (now there’s a fallacy from biology if I’ve ever seen one, and people still believe it?) is really just projecting their own inner desires on everybody else. MGTOW, MRAs, and other people incapable of empathizing with others due to their privilege and sense of entitlement will invariably believe everyone else to be just as rotten as they are, and can’t comprehend that people can honestly want to treat each other with decency, compassion and respect. There is a reason why Golding’s Lord of the Flies depicted the stranded kids devolving into savage killers as exclusively privileged white dudes with no qualms about picking on those weaker than them.
Whatevs. I’ll never get over the ridiculous nature of the ‘collapse of civilization’ fantasies anyway. I mean what, do people just suddenly forget how to grow and produce food? How to build houses? How to produce energy and keep vehicles running? How to organize and how to best utilize the skills of the people in their community? The society we live in doesn’t make us, we make the society. The fact that a corrupt capitalist system has made some people apathetic doesn’t mean they would continue to act that way after the system is down; on the contrary, I would expect a rise in communal efforts as people will feel their actions have direct consequences and will not just benefit the wealthy.
For my part, my decent-to-good skill in brewing various alcoholic beverages would certainly be appreciated by many after the apocalypse. And every postapocalyptic adventuring group has use for at least one jack of all trades.
CN: very random; also, many of these issues have already been addressed; somewhat dismissive of suburban men
“…expect local men to start taking back their school systems as well.”
Why? Why on Earth? Society has just collapsed, dude. Why would you expect suburban Dads, who’ve just lost access to things they really care about, like cable TV, the internet, steakhouses, and porn, and who’ve just lost most or all of their money, to start worrying about the school system? Guy, as you know and as I know, that was about 84th-down on their list of priorities before things went haywire. They never wanted to pay for the schools when they had them.
“Expect home schooling to become more and more common”
That’s much more likely, but only because the women would take care of it.
“…until eventually, private schools start popping up everywhere taking advantage of this new anti-Leftist sentiment.”
1. “We’ll automatically form educational soviets, due to our anti-Leftist sentiment!!”
2. Who’s going to form the private schools, Mister, and with what resources, and under what set of rules? Charging what, and using what for money?
3. Jesus, this is too easy.
“I believe that a large economic crisis which forces men to band together and form civilized tribes”
Instead of going on the bum and hitting the road as they’ve consistently done in the past. (See: the Great Depression of the 1930’s and the immediate aftermath of King Alaric’s sack of Rome.) You know, dude, don’t you, that it’s not too probable that you’re going to turn into a White Khal Homesteader overnight, and that in the event of a severe enough upset your future is far more liable to look like this. Don’t you?
“The economic crisis will have made it abundantly clear that we need to teach men survival skills, and this will fall into the hands of local men.”
Once again, Mister, why do you expect your collectives of suburban Dads (whose concerns, remember, have revolved for generations around sports, cable TV, the internet, money, steakhouses, and porn) instantaneously to turn into survival experts because their Y chromosomes tell them to? How’s that going to work? And absent supernatural-biological intervention, who’s going to teach them and how’re they going to learn? Hunh?
(Added: IMO the people who are most likely to be able to make a go of it under really bad conditions are the people who already know how to make a go of it under really bad conditions. These would include sets of groups and individuals Mr. Anthony no doubt looks down upon, like certified vagrants, migrant laborers, and the descendants of slaves. Plus — to some lesser but unspecified extent — women.)
For my Rick and Morty peeps enjoy this 30 sec animatic preview of Rick and Morty 3E06 (or the 6th episode of the 3rd season) which doesn’t show much but Morty being upset and Rick also being upset and trying to figure out why he’s…you know…a fuckhead. No spoilers.
This sounds like the crappy prequel to Louise O’Neill’s ‘Only Ever Yours’. Somebody should write it, and then burn it.
I always love your comments, @Bekabot, you’re spot on as usual. I’d just add to your last comment that the people who are most likely to be able to make a go of it under those terrible conditions don’t fantasize about those terrible things happening, because they know exactly how it’d go down. They’ve been down enough of that road on a personal scale to know that it’d suck if it happened to everyone.
The only people who fantasize about the breakdown of society are the ones who think that society (i.e. all the other human beings) are roadblocks to the things they want to accomplish. It’s not just that they’re hateful, it’s that they’re hateful and unaccomplished and they aren’t getting the thing that they’re pursuing.
Pretty definitive of the toxic aspects of masculinity, right there.
@ scildfreja
Cool, it is carrots! Don’t know why but that just makes me so happy.
Yeah, wonder how long an evolutionary advantage takes to get established. Suppose it depends on the strength of the selection pressures versus the advantage. If the change in niche is drastic enough and the population quite small maybe it can be quite quick. Punctuated equilibrium and all that.
@ anarchonist
Wasn’t Lord of the Flies a response to an earlier book that suggested people were naturally cooperative? And then Tunnel in the Sky was a response to Goulding? I’m sure someone on this site will know. I like the idea of conducting a debate through novels though; that should definitely be more of a thing.
There’s actually an online tool for that: http://nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/
The short answer is: It depends on a lot of different things!
“I’d just add to your last comment that the people who are most likely to be able to make a go of it under those terrible conditions don’t fantasize about those terrible things happening, because they know exactly how it’d go down. They’ve been down enough of that road on a personal scale to know that it’d suck if it happened to everyone.”
In my opinion, this is the source of much of the celebrated “softness” of women. In my experience, women aren’t that soft — it’s just that (for example) middle-class women are often aware (as middle-class men often are not) of just how bad things could get — with the result that they want, if possible, to avert such an outcome (is all).
Not rocket science, or even evo-psych.
I thought Lord of the Flies was inspired, at least in part, by British boarding schools?
Two women chase off armed robber with sex toys.
Yeah, us ladies are such wimps.
Awwwwww yeeeea–
Who let this yobbo speak.
@Christina Nordlander thanks for the updated information! I’m always interested in how our language has evolved over time.
Speaking of spending the school day teaching gender roles…I taught one year at a rather awful charter high school that actually included a ‘manhood class’ for the boys. (This was one of the less awful aspects of the school.)
The guy teaching it emphasized taking responsibility for your sexuality, meaning stuff like consent, birth control and disease prevention, communication with your partner, waiting if that was best for you, etc. Unfortunately, one fifteen-year-old interpreted this as meaning ‘come out to parents and end up sleeping on your aunt’s couch’, with fallout for the rest of the year.
I imagine that the dude at ROK basically means getting all the little boys together to make fun of the girls and torture each other, though.