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It’s fair to say that Donald Trump’s superfans on the far right are feeling pretty chuffed these days. On the proudly reactionary Return of Kings, one alt-righty writer is looking forward to what he predicts will be a utopian future for manly men and womanly women under Trump.
Weirdly, he’s not looking forward to eight or more years of peace and prosperity under the benevolent despotism of The Donald, but to the complete economic collapse he thinks will follow Trump’s swearing-in.
“I predict that we will experience a major crash, far worse than 2008, which will start sometime in mid to late 2017,” regular RoK contributor and self-proclaimed masculinity expert Jon Anthony writes. (Archive here.)
Oh, don’t worry; it won’t be Trump’s fault.
This will … of course, be blamed on Trump’s presidency, but the deplorables will know better: this has been due to the meddling of the central bankers.
Ah yes, the CENTRAL *wink wink* BANKERS *wink wink*.
But even though the collapse will be the fault of these meddling kids bankers, it’s actually going to be pretty great.
[T]ensions will reach an all time high as degenerates don’t receive their welfare checks, and as home owners default on their loans. Expect rioting in a large number of American cities. The suburbs will be relatively protected, but anywhere with a large lower class population will be decimated (think Black Lives Matter, but on a much larger scale).
You may be wondering why all this is supposed to be good. Give him a second; he’s getting to it.
This will likely force Trump to reluctantly call in Marshall Law, which in turn will create even higher tensions.
Ah, good old Marshall Law! I think he used to patrol the streets of Dodge City with Marshall Dillon.
Expect to see elements of the patriarchy re-emerge on a local level.
Ohhhh, I think I see where this is going.
The men in various neighborhoods and families will bond together to ration out food, water, and protection. The women will be tasked with homely duties, as it will be deemed too dangerous to walk the streets alone.
I think I might have heard this little fantasy before. More than once. More than twice.
Although this may sound terrible, it’s actually a good thing. It will start to bring back the patriarchy on a very fundamental, grass-roots level—in our own neighborhoods. This is the catalyst that we will need to bring about the return of a traditional society, living in accordance with nature’s biological laws.
After this, it’s only a hop, skip and a jump to a return to the gold standard, the “final death” of the mainstream media, and, oh yeah, “a new era for America, similar to the transition between the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire.”
And then, well, it’s pretty much the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
As the patriarchy has now been brought back on a local level, Trump has eliminated political correctness with the help of others like Breitbart, Milo Yiannopoulos, and ROK, and the MSM has lost all credibility, expect local men to start taking back their school systems as well.
The economic crisis will have made it abundantly clear that we need to teach men survival skills, and this will fall into the hands of local men. Expect home schooling to become more and more common, until eventually, private schools start popping up everywhere taking advantage of this new anti-Leftist sentiment.
The same bonds that men formed with their neighbors and tribal members during the economic crisis will now be used to create communities where children play, learn, and grow together. This will start to form a sort of crude educational system on a very local level, which emphasizes the importance of men being able to protect their families, self-reliance, real world skills, and independent thought.
So what will this exciting new sort of crude educational system have to offer the youth of America? Anthony expects “[m]ale/female segregation for at least part of the school day,” the encouragement of “Femininity … in women, and primal masculinity … in men.”
And, oh yeah: “More recess, especially for boys.”
And after all this, patriarchy will finally be triumphant ALL ACROSS AMERICA!
As patriarchy becomes more and more popular on a local level, it will begin to foster an entire culture based around the values that made America so successful in the past. …
I believe that a large economic crisis which forces men to band together and form civilized tribes will bring about a severe blow to the establishment. … In other words, the local patriarchy which this severe economic crisis in 2017 will have created, will begin a grass-roots transition into being a full blown cultural shift all throughout America.
That which happens out of natural biological tendencies is always far more powerful than an attempt to control them, due to the natural resistance effect. When you align your cause with what is natural (as the manosphere has), there is an inherent power within it due to its truthfulness, that cannot be stopped.
I guess we all better start stocking up on beans. And testosterone. Beans and testosterone, two great tastes that taste great together.
Miggy was here? His post makes him sound like my younger brother, obsessed with “the Collapse” when the evil gummint rounds us (Americans) all up and throws us into FEMA concentration camps; so he is desperately lifting and training and hoarding weapons &c. The difference is, my brother is sixteen, and Miggy is 329. (Has he turned 330 yet? We should wish him happy birthday.) The latter should have grown out of it during the Industrial Revolution.
Euroguy’s contribution (such as it is) is utterly banal and unworthy of notice.
I would very much like for society NOT to collapse, but with a trigger-happy fascist commanding the most powerful military in the world, that’s not guaranteed. And these humanity’s dregs eagerly await it, all “to show those bitches their place”!
I guess David never let Euroguy out of moderation. Because I never see his posts until hours after he makes them. I think he’s posting from different emails each time for some reason. I notice his geometric shape changes and it’s my understanding those are linked to the email you post under.
Wut. I don’t think you know what patriarchy means.
Wait. What? We live in an apocalyptic world today? And no, that scenario would not be good for anybody. Mad Max is not a documentary. Walking Dead is not a documentary. All of the post apocalyptic societies you’ve seen or read in fiction are you know, fiction! If society collapsed and we had to live like hunter gatherers, there would probably be some initial chaos, but ultimately, people who are good at cooperating and living in groups would be the ones who would make it. The asshole strongmen would not.
Weren’t you just talking about how the apocalypse would be bad for betas?
That’s an interesting genetics discovery. I somehow never heard about that. Maybe the liberal media is suppressing it? Do you have a link to the study where they found a “beta provider for purposes of getting laid” gene?
From the Vox interview thread.
Everyone, drop what you’re doing right now ! There’s women and children in Europe who’ve turned invisible to the eyes of idiots ! We need to get in touch with them, learn how they do it, then pass that along to the folks in America who need to hide before January ! We might be able to help them !
Oh goody, chew toy before bed!
(I should be careful though, eating things that only eat raw seagull will give me a nasty tummy ache.)
We wondered if you could eat seagulls, but decided our energies in the situation presented (alone on a desert island) would be better suited to getting a more reliable, less diseased food source. Like fish or tropical flora.
Also, as many other people have mentioned, your lack of veggies in your MANLY MIGGY DIET of only very-likely-diseased seagull meat will most likely kill you, if not give you a nasty case of Ye Olde Hershey Squirts.
We asked you where the fuck the veggies were, miggy. Couscous isn’t a vegetable, it’s a grain (which is also a very important part of a balanced diet).
Your food pyramid is missing some very important bricks, hombre.
“I’ll flourish by surviving solely on high-energy catches like seagulls while the rest of you are spending your energy sensibly and doing the smart thing by not wasting your energy on an unreliable food source and varying your diets with stuff other than questionable meat! That’ll learn ya!”
Again, you’re more than welcome to go and spend your free time however you’d like, but please do refrain from trying to spread your Dunning–Kruger all over the place while the rest of us are trying to hypothetically survive.
I keep my bodies in the freezer for freshness. It’s a little small at the moment though, so I have to really butcher them. It’s unfortunate because most traders prefer more…whole specimens.
You just really want Katie-Senpai to notice you, don’t’cha?
Silly boy. Senpai never notices anyone.
I just love this idea that you think you’ll not only survive, but that all the wimmens will be so awfully needy that they’ll come running to you so you can have a chance to gloat.
I’ll put down a twenty that you’ll get shot because you gloat about your food stores to a “helpless” woman who is “begging” you for food and shelter, and it turns out she’s a bandit who just wanted to see what you had before taking it from you.
An awe-inspiring demonstration of how to get food poisoning and very likely die because you’re too busy shouting at women on the internet instead of going out and plying your skills as a wannabe survivalist.
If anything, you’ll serve as a bad example to the rest of us. So, *thumbs up*.
This ‘feminism is a thin veneer on an effete society floating on surplus; it’ll disappear as soon as surplus resources do’ trope seems to be common–unfortunately encountered even from people whose work I used to respect:
[he actually lost me way before this, when he started with the ‘hey black people–stop scaring white people!’ thing]
But in fact it’s the other way around–societies short of resources can’t afford not to be feminist; only a surplus of resources allows a society to continue even as it sequesters the skills, abilities, talents and labour of half their population (or the subset of the half that has to attempt to conform to the feminine decorative/useless stereotype). I’ve written about this before, but here’s someone else’s more quantitative take on it, which she refers to as ‘foul weather feminism’:
There’s more betwixt the Heaven and Earth than is dreamed of in this philosopher king’s philosophy.
Specifically he appears to not be aware that the US isn’t the World. In the event of the collapse of what, for lack of a better word I shall call US civilisation, what makes him think he’ll not find himself a citizen of the newest province of Russia or China?
It’s in the second season, 29th episode overall and one of my favorites. John DiMaggio voices Cupid. It’s a Wendy’s friends centered episode with Mabel mischief.
That was good.
I don’t know how related this is, but I was just thinking about it so I’ll share. A friend of mine (who has never discussed this idea in public for fear of retaliation) has developed the concept of ‘resource hoarding’. We’re all familiar with the inverse relationship between ‘cool’ and ‘for men’–that once women get involved in something it’s no longer cool/valuable/lucrative–but she posits a relationship in the other direction as well; when something becomes cool/valuable/lucrative clusters of men and boys surround it to drive women away and make it theirs. She uses computers as an example, though I’m not sure how resource hoarding interacted with the deliberate decisions of advertisers in the ’80s to market computers to men. I’ve seen an example in my working life. In my industry a few years ago ‘collaboration’ suddenly became cool. Up until then, of course, all that ‘touchy feely’ stuff was delegated to women, but all of a sudden the leading experts and people going around selling collaboration as the next big thing were male.
Sorry, gotta LOL about the “working poor” comment made above; I strongly believe that if you are “working poor” you have no real reason to complain.
The fact is, the market does a fantastic job at determining what a person’s wage should be, while government efforts to intervene on behalf of so-called “workers” have historically involved exacerbating unemployment by making the labor provided by workers less profitable to job-creators, usually through the implementation of minimum-wag laws (I also have to wonder how many of you would cease to be poor if you would allow for competitive markets to distribute your health-care, schooling, etc., as opposed to paying hideously-high taxes for the subsidization of such sub-par services?). Truth be told, I also strongly suspect that the market would result in fairer wages for workers, simply because job-creators would compete over workers, thus increasing the amount they are willing to pay to procure them. Prove me wrong.
Oh, wait, when was the last time anyone on the left understood basic economics?
Oh ffs, Miggy, no-one doubts that it’s possible to eat a seagull. The point is
1. Doing so carries a somewhat high risk of infection
2. Even if you don’t get food poisoning, attempting to live on nothing but seagulls will lead to severe malnutrition, because seagulls are not a complete diet. Manliness does not remove the need for nutrients
It is highly unlikely that it will result in watery stools, given that ruff age tends to produce these results far more readily in a man than anything meaty and consisting of complex amino acids. I have ceased eating vegetables in preparation for any future scenario that might decrease my ability to obtain them, and I have yet to experience any ill effects of the like which you describe. By consuming excessive portions of meat, I shall get the fauna in my stomach acclimatized to a diet of primarily animal products. I am left to ponder the origins of your ill-founded knowledge of the human body – the sheer willpower of a manly gut could overcome obstacles that you couldn’t conceive of in your wildest dreams.
It won’t simply be the neediness of women that drives them towards begging me for my resources, it will be the fact that I will most likely be a roaring success in my procurement of nutrients that compels women to beg for my resources. I will likely have to take precautions not to engage in any sort of interaction with women, and will take special care to lock my door and fortify my dwelling during the oncoming down-slide; not just to prevent the sort of thievery that will invariably be commonplace in such times, but also to decrease the probability that some banshee will apprehend my semen while I slumber, in hopes of roping me into a relationship with her.
In my mind, I strongly suspect that it will be hooligans like yourself that perform such endeavors against men, given the lack of respect for private property that so frequently expresses itself in your discourses regarding “income inequality” and “the means of production” or whatever other nonsense pours from the drain-pipes of your mouths.
There is very little else in your message that it would serve a man of my standing to dignify with a response; I shall thus close here.
Would eating only seagulls actually be trouble?
The Inuit get an awful lot of vitamins from eating aquatic animals apparently (on top of seaweed and berries and mushrooms). So I’m not certain that subsisting on seagulls would kill you. So long as they’re actually *sea* gulls, not on small inland lakes.
– Zephkiel
You’re not thinking like a fascist misogynist here. The purpose of segregating boys and girls at school is to teach boys and girls *different*. It allows you to teach boys useful things, while teaching girls things that make them useful *servants* for the boys.
Boys curriculum: Math. Physics. Self-defense. Athletics. (“correct”) History. Evo psych 101 (why you are superior).
Girls curriculum: Home-keeping. Childcare. Cooking. Hygiene. Evo-psych 010 (why you are inferior).
It allows for another layer of indoctrination and control to ensure those totally naturally and biologically determined gender roles.
Oh good. More Miggy.
I’m a little confused. Does Miggy think only queers and cucks eat their veggies?
Listen, sweetie. Making a living without the benefit of modern civilization is a complicated deal. Snaring birds can be part of it, but you need to eat more than that. Here’s the thing. Wild birds usually have very little fat on them. And you can’t digest proteins without fat. That’s why primitive people in late winter and early spring spent hours breaking up animal bones into little bits and then hours more boiling the fat out of them (the fat in bones remains until an animal is near death from starvation). And that is without benefit of actual pots during a significant percent of our past. It’s a LOT of work, but they did it because if they didn’t, the meat on those skinny animals they catch at that time of year would just make them sick. That is, unless the nut harvest last fall was really good and you still have some, because it doesn’t have to be animal fat.
And then there is the fact that animals can be kind of wily. They figure out pretty quickly that a predator is hunting in a given area, so they go somewhere else.
I could go on. But you get the idea. Primitive does NOT mean simple.
You’re the last person I thought would ever bring up “but what about the menses?!” 🙂
(I’ll get my coat)
Otrame got it in one. The Inuit diet is full to brimming with fat, which is required for the adsorbtion of minerals and vitamins (along with being a vital component of the cell wall and a number of other structures.) Birds are very poor in fat, so you can’t live off of them alone.
You get what’s called rabbit starvation, in which you have plenty of calories but can’t actually adsorb them because they don’t have enough fat. The colonization of North America is littered with stories of stupid European settlers and voyageurs being found dead of starvation, their stomachs full of rabbit meat. (They’re totes the superior race tho for reals)
Sorry for typos, I am on my phone!
Cupcake, I actually posted some seagull recipes in that very thread. Do keep up. The general consensus of the authors was that whils one *can* eat seagull, no-one who had a viable alternative would choose to do so.
Since then I have been informed that gull eggs taste pretty foul, too.
Apparently a gentleman named Adam Nicolson once wrote about his experiences eating seabirds. Gulls did not rate highly. Puffins were nice though, and easier to catch, too.
You do realise that in the event of the collapse of civilisation, the internet will go down, too? Your MGTOW life skills will be basically useless at that point, dude.
@ scildfreja
I hope you’re better at it than me (admittedly that’s not a very high bar).
@ numerobis and scildfreja
It’s also worth bearing in mind that people are adapted to different diets. Some Inuit for instance can eat polar bear liver which would be fatal for most people.
Dietary adaptation is quite an interesting subject. Supposedly you can tell if your ancestors were farmers from whether you’re lactose intolerant or not.
@Alan Robertshaw
Do you have a reference for that? I can only find stuff about how they always discarded the liver, or buried it to stop their dogs eating it and poisoning themselves.
Marshal Law was a particularly good satire on superhero comics that was published in the 80s and 90s – Kevin O’Neill did the art and Pat Mills did the words. There was a really fun one in which he fought the Pinhead cenobite from ‘Hellraiser’, which is about as realistic a scenario as the one that Jon Anthony is describing. Perhaps that’s what he’s talking about.
@ pie
It was in some book or article I read ages ago about ‘recent’ evolutionary adaptations. Can’t remember whom it may have been by, sorry. It was something about competing genetic traits. And how a mutation within a small subgroup (something about the ability to absorb vitamins?) that should have been a detriment had a useful enough side effect to stick around.
ETA: Up until that point I hadn’t even been aware that polar bear liver was poisonous, so glad I found out before I went on any Arctic explorations.
@guest: Heh, great point regarding gender equality in subsistence societies. Same the way countries being invaded by can’t afford to keep half the population out of the fighting. (Just another thing the manosphere seems to forget.)
These people’s martial I mean marshall law fantasies are as laughable as they’re disturbing, but at least it’s nice to know that they acknowledge that society would have to collapse before they get a shot at implementing their dumb chauvinist utopia.
Euroguy… really thinks that “patriarchy” means “‘betas’ are forced to provide for their lazy, non-working wives”? I can’t even.
And of course, Euroguy, we know you’re not easily bribed by sex with a wife once a week. You’re more interested in those lithe, bronzed Middle Eastern single men.
Alan has a point about horse riding. I haven’t been in the saddle since the 1970s and I found out the hard way that another rider’s horse can kick you even while you are in the saddle. My mount wasn’t in the mood for the working day either (how come they always know where the inconvenient low branches are) and eventually bolted back home with a scared stiff teenager clinging on and worried about the way one foot had snagged in a stirrup. Do take care peeps.