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It’s fair to say that Donald Trump’s superfans on the far right are feeling pretty chuffed these days. On the proudly reactionary Return of Kings, one alt-righty writer is looking forward to what he predicts will be a utopian future for manly men and womanly women under Trump.
Weirdly, he’s not looking forward to eight or more years of peace and prosperity under the benevolent despotism of The Donald, but to the complete economic collapse he thinks will follow Trump’s swearing-in.
“I predict that we will experience a major crash, far worse than 2008, which will start sometime in mid to late 2017,” regular RoK contributor and self-proclaimed masculinity expert Jon Anthony writes. (Archive here.)
Oh, don’t worry; it won’t be Trump’s fault.
This will … of course, be blamed on Trump’s presidency, but the deplorables will know better: this has been due to the meddling of the central bankers.
Ah yes, the CENTRAL *wink wink* BANKERS *wink wink*.
But even though the collapse will be the fault of these meddling kids bankers, it’s actually going to be pretty great.
[T]ensions will reach an all time high as degenerates don’t receive their welfare checks, and as home owners default on their loans. Expect rioting in a large number of American cities. The suburbs will be relatively protected, but anywhere with a large lower class population will be decimated (think Black Lives Matter, but on a much larger scale).
You may be wondering why all this is supposed to be good. Give him a second; he’s getting to it.
This will likely force Trump to reluctantly call in Marshall Law, which in turn will create even higher tensions.
Ah, good old Marshall Law! I think he used to patrol the streets of Dodge City with Marshall Dillon.
Expect to see elements of the patriarchy re-emerge on a local level.
Ohhhh, I think I see where this is going.
The men in various neighborhoods and families will bond together to ration out food, water, and protection. The women will be tasked with homely duties, as it will be deemed too dangerous to walk the streets alone.
I think I might have heard this little fantasy before. More than once. More than twice.
Although this may sound terrible, it’s actually a good thing. It will start to bring back the patriarchy on a very fundamental, grass-roots level—in our own neighborhoods. This is the catalyst that we will need to bring about the return of a traditional society, living in accordance with nature’s biological laws.
After this, it’s only a hop, skip and a jump to a return to the gold standard, the “final death” of the mainstream media, and, oh yeah, “a new era for America, similar to the transition between the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire.”
And then, well, it’s pretty much the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
As the patriarchy has now been brought back on a local level, Trump has eliminated political correctness with the help of others like Breitbart, Milo Yiannopoulos, and ROK, and the MSM has lost all credibility, expect local men to start taking back their school systems as well.
The economic crisis will have made it abundantly clear that we need to teach men survival skills, and this will fall into the hands of local men. Expect home schooling to become more and more common, until eventually, private schools start popping up everywhere taking advantage of this new anti-Leftist sentiment.
The same bonds that men formed with their neighbors and tribal members during the economic crisis will now be used to create communities where children play, learn, and grow together. This will start to form a sort of crude educational system on a very local level, which emphasizes the importance of men being able to protect their families, self-reliance, real world skills, and independent thought.
So what will this exciting new sort of crude educational system have to offer the youth of America? Anthony expects “[m]ale/female segregation for at least part of the school day,” the encouragement of “Femininity … in women, and primal masculinity … in men.”
And, oh yeah: “More recess, especially for boys.”
And after all this, patriarchy will finally be triumphant ALL ACROSS AMERICA!
As patriarchy becomes more and more popular on a local level, it will begin to foster an entire culture based around the values that made America so successful in the past. …
I believe that a large economic crisis which forces men to band together and form civilized tribes will bring about a severe blow to the establishment. … In other words, the local patriarchy which this severe economic crisis in 2017 will have created, will begin a grass-roots transition into being a full blown cultural shift all throughout America.
That which happens out of natural biological tendencies is always far more powerful than an attempt to control them, due to the natural resistance effect. When you align your cause with what is natural (as the manosphere has), there is an inherent power within it due to its truthfulness, that cannot be stopped.
I guess we all better start stocking up on beans. And testosterone. Beans and testosterone, two great tastes that taste great together.
Oh, there was a liberal bias, it’s just Disney squashed it because they’re cowards.
(Also I fucking love how squishy fucking Love God is. Huggable. At least Cutebiker got to still be his groupie in the end.)
Didn’t you hear? (White) Men are bonding in their neighborhoods!! What could go wrong?
What the actual fuck.
Look, I won’t lie, I probably ain’t the sort of bartender that can serve a good martini. None of the places I’ve worked at did those.
But whatever the hell that is, it’s a capital offense. The Bar Code demands retribution.
*unsheathes bottle opener*
@Handsome Jack
I’m aware of the censorship, but….just find an article kvetching about the liberal (((Jew))) media (word choice intended) and replace it with GF. For shits and giggles.
Ya know, women can get ahold of weapons. There are women in the military. Look at the bad ass Kurdish women fighters. There’s no way, in a post-apocalyptic world, I’d go anywhere near these guys. Women in war-torn countries are survivors. There are plenty who are proving it right now. It’s the women who band together in these countries to teach in underground schools (as is happening in Syria right now) and ration food. The men just run around like cavemen killing each other. I take that back; cavemen were much more egalitarian and civilized. They’re more like monsters I suppose.
Okay, Marshall Law, this stops right here.
(1) I happen to know that the federal officer of the law on Gunsmoke was Marshal Dillon. Not Marshall Dillon. You’re just a guy named Marshall.
(2) You can’t have recess. You and your fellow wanna-be patriarch bozos cannot have the period in which schoolkids get to run around and have fun.
(3) You can’t have anything else either. Because you and your kind are mean jerks.
Hmm, let me do a google and see some headlines.
Alright, good so far…
This is actually…not that fun…
Okay, it got better.
I’m sure lots of big game will happily herd on over to the suburban cul de sacs and wait patiently for them to shoot them. The mammoths might even be so inspired by the return to all that is right and natural that they’ll stir themselves from extinction just so that white men can hunt them and feed them to the white women.
In no way will the shoddily constructed mcmansions start going into disrepair with no contractors around anymore either.
@Handsome Jack
Well, that escalated quickly.
It doesn’t have to be that bad. Witness Syria. I think that counts as apocalyptic. Some parts of the country had an economic collapse due to a drought. That led to lots of malcontents in the cities, who protested when they saw an opening. Who were shot by the authorities imposing martial law. And thus civil war.
That then led to ISIS forming a country, which I think is effectively the dream that the MRA masturbates to. Just with a different god.
Lol, I just love that people are pointing and laughing about my proposed emergency dietary plans, given that it turns out that you can actually *eat* seagulls. While you all hover around, quacking about the lack of couscous, kefir, and overpriced Trader Joe’s soybeans, I’ll not only be successfully trapping and eating a wide variety of birds, I’ll flourish, thanks to the MGTOW life. While blue-pill, chutzpah-deprived beta-asteroids like David Foofoo waste all of their resources supporting puppy-eyed succubi with nothing but their bodies to offer, I will be in possession of a regular surplus of edible goods, all for myself, no matter how much interest women express in my goods or my prospective prowess at procuring them for their hypothetical loin-monsters. You are all about to have a front-row seat to a unforgettable and awe-inspiring demonstration of MGTOW aptitude.
Maybe what we need is an economic collapse to give everyone their own personal Tony and Steve to go at it for their own enjoyment.
I’m not saying I’d be against it.
I love how apparently all these manly men are going to line up to become teachers.
Also, while single-sex education has some serious downsides, studies tend to find girls do better without boys around to talk over them.
@Whatever your bloody alias is this time, Miggy
Would you kindly leave! My grandma would survive in the wilderness longer than you!….Speaking of which, I really need to talk to her about canning.
In all seriousness, I have my doubts about your ability to actually pull this off. Do you know how to make a bow and arrows for it, however crude? Do you know how to preserve food without need for chilling, something my grandma, as mentioned above, can do? Do you know how to tell what plants you can eat, as animals are not always in abundance? And do you know how to treat your own wounds and illnesses without modern pharmaceuticals?
OT, somewhat : So there’s no limit to the awful, and nothing will be spared. They’re making nazi music now. They call it fashwave.
I got a safe link, the video at the bottom is some of that crap.
The funniest part ? My opinion was totally unbiased, because for some reason the video started autoplaying a good 5 minutes after I’d opened the page then kept on reading something else. Didn’t know what it was or who made it. Still took me all of 15 seconds to say “this is shitty as all fuck”.
Is there anything nazis can ever do right ?
I fucked up after that though. Went on to listen to something I’ve been sent a few hours ago. It’s actually good and made by, y’know, decent human beings, but I made a mistake.
Here it is, but [CW : extremely graphic shit – Aleppo]
Sadly you’re probably gonna need the subtitles, so you might wanna scroll down just enough that you don’t see anything above.
Can’t really say if the song is good, because I didn’t take my own advice and my body didn’t let me listen to the end. Gonna sleep. Mind the puddle by the door, I’ll clean that up tomorrow when I’m sure there ain’t anymore coming up from my stomach.
Hey Miggy! How are you? I just wanted to tell you something I’m sure you’d be interested to know. I have PMS! Stop by around Monday and I’ll sure to tell you all the details about my period.
Silly boys, thinking that one, they have the skills to survive, and two, that we’d bend our knees to them and become PROPER WIMMENS solely because they might know what mushrooms are okay to eat.
As if we one, weren’t capable of learning this shit ourselves, and two, would suddenly give them the time of day despite them not being the last man on earth.
So much for saving western civilization, Roosh?
And doesn’t anyone else find it deeply hypocritical how a rake like Roosh calls other people degenerates and wants a society of “traditional” values?
I’m rewatching Arrested Development right now and I think Miggs might be a Bluth
At least he must have a similar fridge.
I just saw the episode that introduced Bill Cipher, I have no idea who The Love God is.
More like ineptitude.
You’ve got a recipe:
And it’s a very vague recipe.
Pigeon pie? Something tells me you don’t have that skill.
Any other way? Ditto.
Except maybe you start a fire, put the bird on a stick, and hang it over the fire until the outside is charred and the inside is still raw. Mmm
And even this assumes that you know how to start a fire without matches. I’m pretty sure you’d be completely inept at this skill.
But even if you could do that, I can’t think of any woman, starving or otherwise, who would be interested in you. For any reason.
Enjoy your MGTOW lifestyle. And if you could do it silently, that would be the frosting on my (completely delicious) cake.
Well, my mom is a master gardener and food preserver, and we have experience raising rabbits for meat. So we’ll do fine. (Bunnies will provide warm fur, too–my mom even knows how to brain-tan hides!) Enjoy your seagulls, Miggsy! We’re gonna have rabbit stew with potatoes and carrots and peas.
Buuuut, just for funsies… I know where there are horses and archery equipment. Anyone wanna start a post-collapse Amazon-style tribe with me?
I am in a bad fucking mood! Apologies in advance.
@lkeke35 ,
Yup. That’s basically how I read “re-establishing the Patriarchy” to be honest. They aren’t saying it outright, but it’s pretty clear that they aren’t wishing we’d all just leave. They’re daydreaming about shooting and killing the desperate, hungry masses of humanity from behind their palisades. Frankly, that’s why I can’t stand zombie movies or TV or games – it’s nothing more than a thin excuse for exactly the power fantasy these guys are imagining.
@all, so, are we ignoring Euroguy? ’cause, well, your opinions are awful, dude, and they’re pretty clearly based on nothing more than your preferences for how you wish the world was.
@Simply Having a Wonderful Migmas Time,
once again,
1) If your diet was nothing but seagulls you’d quickly die of ‘rabbit starvation’ – a belly full of meat and no vital nutrients in your blood;
2) A large number of us are working poor, this includes me. Our dietary choices are usually dictated by our budgets, not whatever’s ‘trendy’;
3) Pretty much every article that brings up this post-apocalyptic-wonderland fantasy that MRA’s-and-their-associates have eventually results in us talking about wilderness survival and self-sustaining lifestyles. You should know, you’ve been in those threads. So you should be well-aware that a great number of us are fully capable of surviving out in the woods – unless of course you were arguing against a strawman?
4) (Point 3 is in fact why I know point 1 is true; given that the whole “seagulls” thing was based on the ‘living alone on an island with nothing but seagulls to eat’ premise, and how you didn’t recognize immediately that you’d need to be going for the seaweed first and foremost, well… I question your credentials.)
I’ve survived in the depths of Canadian winters with no tent, no sleeping bag, and little in the way of supplies; I’ve survived milder places with little more than boots, a knife and a pot. I have confidence and competence aplenty. And I’m by no means unusual, wilderness survival is a common hobby up here.
(the tl;dr of the above is ‘lol’, by the way)
All that fun stuff said, you sort of lay it all out on the table at the end, there. With this:
That’s all this is really about, huh? Wanting the interest of women for something you have. It always seems to boil down to that with you guys. From the basic “nyeah nyeah, I’m leaving and you’re gonna miss me” to these ridiculous hypotheticals. It’s always a taunt of something you have that (you think) we don’t.
(It’s also pretty comical that you say that David (and his ilk) are supporting those greedy, selfish, useless wimmens when he just finished his donation drive. As in, we’re the ones supporting him.)
I’m certainly in this front row seat, though. Impress us with your aptitudes of appropriation. Let’s see it.
I have never ridden a horse, but I would like to. I’m in!
Huh, didn’t see he posted. Guess he got stuck in moderation again. Different gravatars, so different IPs, I guess.
That whole “pretending to be a feminist” shtick ? That kinda stops working (charitably assuming it worked at all) when you start spewing shit like “beta male”. It was a nice try though.
I see that you’ve been stuck in moderation on multiple threads too, I’m staring at some of that crap right now. I’m gonna adress everything right here, that way we can make this thread a troll quarantine with Maggy’s Towel up there.
And yeah, I’ve kinda lost patience with you.
I’ll take a shower then get to it.