anti-Semitism antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies evil SJWs irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever milo misogyny patriarchy red pill return of kings trump

Return of Kings writer really looking forward to economic collapse under Trump

Burning with optimism’s flames

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It’s fair to say that Donald Trump’s superfans on the far right are feeling pretty chuffed these days. On the proudly reactionary Return of Kings, one alt-righty writer is looking forward to what he predicts will be a utopian future for manly men and womanly women under Trump.

Weirdly, he’s not looking forward to eight or more years of peace and prosperity under the benevolent despotism of The Donald, but to the complete economic collapse he thinks will follow Trump’s swearing-in.

“I predict that we will experience a major crash, far worse than 2008, which will start sometime in mid to late 2017,” regular RoK contributor and self-proclaimed masculinity expert Jon Anthony writes. (Archive here.)

Oh, don’t worry; it won’t be Trump’s fault.

This will … of course, be blamed on Trump’s presidency, but the deplorables will know better: this has been due to the meddling of the central bankers.

Ah yes, the CENTRAL *wink wink* BANKERS *wink wink*.

But even though the collapse will be the fault of these meddling kids bankers, it’s actually going to be pretty great.

[T]ensions will reach an all time high as degenerates don’t receive their welfare checks, and as home owners default on their loans. Expect rioting in a large number of American cities. The suburbs will be relatively protected, but anywhere with a large lower class population will be decimated (think Black Lives Matter, but on a much larger scale).

You may be wondering why all this is supposed to be good. Give him a second; he’s getting to it.

This will likely force Trump to reluctantly call in Marshall Law, which in turn will create even higher tensions.

Ah, good old Marshall Law! I think he used to patrol the streets of  Dodge City with Marshall Dillon.

Expect to see elements of the patriarchy re-emerge on a local level.

Ohhhh, I think I see where this is going.

The men in various neighborhoods and families will bond together to ration out food, water, and protection. The women will be tasked with homely duties, as it will be deemed too dangerous to walk the streets alone.

I think I might have heard this little fantasy before. More than once. More than twice.

Although this may sound terrible, it’s actually a good thing. It will start to bring back the patriarchy on a very fundamental, grass-roots level—in our own neighborhoods. This is the catalyst that we will need to bring about the return of a traditional society, living in accordance with nature’s biological laws.


After this, it’s only a hop, skip and a jump to a return to the gold standard, the “final death” of the mainstream media, and, oh yeah, “a new era for America, similar to the transition between the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire.”

And then, well, it’s pretty much the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

As the patriarchy has now been brought back on a local level, Trump has eliminated political correctness with the help of others like Breitbart, Milo Yiannopoulos, and ROK, and the MSM has lost all credibility, expect local men to start taking back their school systems as well.

The economic crisis will have made it abundantly clear that we need to teach men survival skills, and this will fall into the hands of local men. Expect home schooling to become more and more common, until eventually, private schools start popping up everywhere taking advantage of this new anti-Leftist sentiment.

The same bonds that men formed with their neighbors and tribal members during the economic crisis will now be used to create communities where children play, learn, and grow together. This will start to form a sort of crude educational system on a very local level, which emphasizes the importance of men being able to protect their families, self-reliance, real world skills, and independent thought.

So what will this exciting new sort of crude educational system have to offer the youth of America? Anthony expects “[m]ale/female segregation for at least part of the school day,” the encouragement of “Femininity … in women, and primal masculinity …  in men.”

And, oh yeah: “More recess, especially for boys.”





And after all this, patriarchy will finally be triumphant ALL ACROSS AMERICA!

As patriarchy becomes more and more popular on a local level, it will begin to foster an entire culture based around the values that made America so successful in the past. …

I believe that a large economic crisis which forces men to band together and form civilized tribes will bring about a severe blow to the establishment. … In other words, the local patriarchy which this severe economic crisis in 2017 will have created, will begin a grass-roots transition into being a full blown cultural shift all throughout America.


That which happens out of natural biological tendencies is always far more powerful than an attempt to control them, due to the natural resistance effect. When you align your cause with what is natural (as the manosphere has), there is an inherent power within it due to its truthfulness, that cannot be stopped.


I guess we all better start stocking up on beans. And testosterone. Beans and testosterone, two great tastes that taste great together.

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8 years ago

@anarchonist thanks for saying things I was thinking better than I was able to say them. And the fact that you think them too, even better!

rogue angel
rogue angel
8 years ago

I’m basically a jack-of-all-trades with no relevant foraging, crafting, or hunting skills (yet), but now I’m wondering where to sign up.

8 years ago

@ kale,

If I may use a reference that I really have no claim on seeing as I’ve never played the damn game…

Punching trees gives them wood, so they think tree-punching is the one and only essential skill.

Handsome (Punkle Stan) Jack

“A European fascist lover will ALWAYS refer to hisher own country, and see it as superior to other countries around them anyway.”

You know, let me correct it a bit more.

“A European fascist lover will ALWAYS refer to hisher their own country and see it as superior to other countries around them anyway.”

(I mean, ffs, why the fuck did you write “hisher” when you used “them” later on anyway goddamn just use “their” you save two letters and don’t have to pull shit out of your ass fucking hell I’m sorry this is a sore spot JUST USE “THEIR” IT’S GRAMMATICALLY CORRECT AND LESS LETTERS AND LESS EFFORT.)

epitome of incomprehensibility

@Handsome Jack – Yeah, agreed 🙂 Using “they” is easier and more inclusive when someone’s gender is unknown.

My cousin wants me to spend less time on the Internet. I told her that I’m cultivating my grammar skills in the event of an apocalypse, but now she’s tugging at my sleeve so I should go.

8 years ago

My skills involve growing food, knowing how to dry meat and veggies, making fabrics through knitting and crocheting and I understand the basics of both spinning and weaving, though both would take some practice. I also know how to make things like baskets and sandals from plant materials. I even know how to boil water when I don’t have a pot to put the water in. It helps that I live in one of the most productive places for gatherers to live–a semi-desert. You see, a rain forest, or any forest for that matter, is a hard place for a human to make a living. Plants that grow where there is usually plenty of water spend most of their productivity in trying to out grow the competition–thus trees and woody plants, etc. We can’t eat wood. Fruits are usually edible but they come only seasonally and in patches. In drier places plants spend a lot of time just surviving. When water becomes available they concentrate on reproduction. Guess what people eat? The reproductive tissues of plants. Oh, and there’s all those prickly pears. You can eat prickly pear all year round. So you should all come down here to South Texas. Yeah, it’s hot as hell in the summer, but the winters are very mild and I can show you how to catch the wily rabdotus.

Those of you who think you have nothing to offer a WHTM tribe in a post-apocalyptic nightmare, you forget that the one thing that will be in very short supply is LABOR. Picking up things and putting them somewhere else. Digging. Yes, we will all need some time to get used to such work, but we can. If you can’t do hard physical labor, you can watch the kids and weave (a very time consuming and very important skill). Plus we will all be sharing our skills.

As for those who believe that you cannot survive without your meds, possibly. Certainly, if you are, for instance, an insulin dependent Type One diabetic you may be in trouble. If you are type two, like me, you will probably have a considerable remission because all that labor and occasional food shortages will help you get what you have needed all along, more exercise and less weight. Also, sugar will be in pretty short supply. If you are a depressive, again, like I am, I should tell you that physical labor has been proven over and over to be an excellent non-medical way to balance your brain chemistry. We don’t know why. We just know it does. For those of you who really are dependent on meds that won’t be available, we’ll do the best we can. I promise. Humans took over this planet because we don’t leave people behind. It is the selfish assholes who are a luxury that plenty allows to flourish.

Ray of Rays
Ray of Rays
8 years ago

@ Kat

Consider training with Sinkable John, our cat whisperer.

Emotionally dead? Cats are too cute to allow you to do that.

I’m pretty good with cats already. I mainly meant that living in a post-apocalypse world means that, regardless of how I manage, myself, other people would be suffering in front of me and all around me. It’s hard enough knowing there’s plenty of suffering in the world already, that I will never know directly (straight, white, cis, male, and can pass as Christian in the US; the closest I come to being marginalized is as a self-identifying feminist and a government employee), and that I can do either nothing or only small things to alleviate.

And that’s with the benefit of emotional distance. If I’m confronted by other peoples’ suffering directly? My apocalypse plan was a euphemism for “find someone more competent than me, and fight against becoming suicidal.”

8 years ago

My survival skills are finding chanterelles and hedgehogs, and providing emotional support.

The latter one seems critically important since mortality and stress in the woods is pretty high.

My big weakness: I have no spare fat on me. I probably wouldn’t last the first spring.

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

I’m a “social sentry” and “social criticizer” type. The instincts are about society in a general way and this is a part of how they get expressed. Think court jesters, clowns…but also things that get called demon possession. The downside is I often end up a hermit. How might I fit in on this island? I fear my skills would be better for dealing with the neighboring island of seagull-eating trolls.

8 years ago

Ray of Rays

If I’m confronted by other peoples’ suffering directly?

Remember we’ll all be on a pretty equal footing in the suffering scores. Lost friends and family and homes and hopes.

However, this living and working arrangement is highly conducive to managing such problems. A day of gardening or gathering and drying food or cleaning out the duck pen or craft work (and childcare and selfcare and laundry and everything else will take more effort than we’re currently accustomed to) will be satisfying in ways that most people don’t get in employment in modern societies. Remember things like cleaning teeth will be very important given the dearth of dental clinics. So coming up with suitable items to use as toothbrushes – say a stem of rosemary or the like – and using them carefully, will also take more time and effort than the usual routine of wandering half-asleep into the bathroom and cleaning your teeth without hardly noticing what you’re doing.

As long as there’s enough food for a reasonable meal at the end of the day and maybe a hot drink – herbal or fruit infusions, possibly soup, maybe even tea or coffee substitutes, or some hot milk if you have a goat or cow or sheep providing it – people will be tired, contented, have plans for what next to do tomorrow or next week.

They might cry themselves to sleep on some or many nights, but they will sleep the sleep of the just.

8 years ago

@karora yea exactly a society full of only warriors and no farmers starves

8 years ago

A society of only warriors can thrive, so long as there’s farmers to raid. Witness cats.

In humans it flames out pretty quick though, often when a leader dies and there’s a power struggle, or when they lose a battle against the farmers and thus face immediate starvation, or when the farmers die out because of overly frequent raids.

Brony: I don’t trust those guys to go their own way. I think you’d be better off on mammoth island.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago

Hrm. Found this when I got up. I was gonna finish and post it yesterday night but apparently I forgot and went on to pass out in a glorious blaze of SLEEPSIES. Here it is, as I left it. It’s probably old news by now, so I’m gonna leave it unfinished, but hey.


Was about to go to sleep, then I stumbled on this :

“Trump campaign struck deal with media company for more favorable coverage”

“It was a standard package, but an extended package, extended story where you’d hear more directly from candidate on the issue instead of hearing all the spin and all the rhetoric,” Scott Livingston, vice president of news at Sinclair, said.

Totally looking forward for more “standard but extended packages”.

Laura Ingraham, right-wing radio personality and rumored contender for press secretary, praised the Trump campaign’s deal as “really smart” on Twitter.


8 years ago

@Sinkable John
That’s scary stuff.

8 years ago

Post apocalyptic survival skills you say?

I, um… know a teensy bit about self defence and maybe how to build up a campfire step by step. And have a recipe for a milwall brick. And people say I’m sneaky.

Other than that, nothing really. If anyone’s got some good sources for learning to craft, survive and sneak around I’d be delighted to check them out. We’re unlikely to literally implode in comical fashion like ROK wants us to but I can at least pretend to be paranoid as an exercise in acquiring skills

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago


I wasn’t quite sure what to make of the “hisher” thing ’cause I don’t remember seeing it before, so I left it there, but consider me educated. Not sure why I didn’t remove the “European” part though. There’s only so many things I can excuse with lack of sleep before I start repeating myself.


I don’t think I’ve got any more “scared” left in me at this point, and I normally have a lot of that. Maybe that’s why I should be scared. It’s becoming “normal” even for me. I mean, no it’s not, but I ain’t even surprised.

OT : Prechristmas lunch thingy with friends of my mother. Hearing bigoted shit in a room full of progressives. Called them out, got ignored. Gonna weep now.

8 years ago

If there is to be an economic collapse, I have a feeling that the opposite of what RoK and other reactionaries want will happen. The Left will be born anew and they will receive massive popular support, much more than any alt-right reactionary movement could dream of.

Maybe my optimism is misplaced, but I choose to believe that another, better world is going to be born. We will finally stand together as brothers and sisters like we were always meant to.

A Land Whale
A Land Whale
8 years ago

But of course….MRAs LOOOOOOOVE post-apocalyptic fantasy. The only trouble is now they have to worry about where the money for their sex robots and techno-wombs will come from.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Well, despite being able to take care of kids and having lots of books to read that I can cart to our new Amazon Compound, I have discovered a new talent:

I can make stuff for dolls out of recycled materials.

So, at least the kids will be occupied and happy.

8 years ago


If there is to be an economic collapse, I have a feeling that the opposite of what RoK and other reactionaries want will happen. The Left will be born anew and they will receive massive popular support, much more than any alt-right reactionary movement could dream of.

I’m not so sure. It seems to me that total collapses tend to result in tribal splintering, and tribalism favors conservatives in the long run. When everything is a life-or-death competition for scarce resources, loyalty to the tribe is paramount and outsider’s lives are cheap. That attitude won’t completely go away when times are better.

Partial collapses, on the other hand, seem like they tend to result in a more communal society, and communalism favors liberals in the long run. Things aren’t so broken that there’s still a chance to rebuild the system, possibly better than before. Everyone (except for the antisocial misfits) becomes valuable, regular sharing becomes a form of insurance, and intolerance becomes a luxury.

So if there must be a collapse, pray for only a partial one.

John Thomson
John Thomson
8 years ago

I wonder if people like this ever realize that there are plenty of “leftists” who know how to shoot, cook on an open fire, not freeze to death and get eaten by wolves in five seconds if they step outside their door, etc.

I agree with the notion that conservatism has an advantage in that kind of environment, but I don’t think the conservatism you would end up with would be at all recognizable to the conservatives living today. For one, they would need some level of socialism to even survive, since one bad crop is all it takes.

You might as well say that Democrats have an advantage in a repressive “communist” autocracy. It’s a gross oversimplification built on top of a foundation of flawed assumptions.

Midwestern Suze
Midwestern Suze
8 years ago

Love these comments! Author James Howard Kunstler/ social activist has written a 4 book fictional series ( first one is “world made by hand”) about how a little town survives a post collapse world…excellent read. I also read a book (can’t remember name or author…chemo brain) that looked at how San Francisco community rebuilt itself following great fire…upshot of his research is that the survivors were very resilient in building a new immediate world in which they cared for each other and that conflict arose when the government/ official help arrived.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Prime apocalypse skills: charm, sincerity, and humor. Friendly people who are friendly with each other work better together 🙂

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago


I gotta ask. Are you reading through the whole threads that you’ve missed ? ’cause that’s what all the sorta-necroing looks like from this end of the internets 🙂

In any case, good to see you. I was wondering where ya were. Hope things are treating you well !

Also, have a very merry.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Hiya, buddy! Missed ya lots *hugs*

Are you reading through the whole threads that you’ve missed ?

Not every thread, but, when I find an interesting one, I read the whole thing

I was wondering where ya were

Meatspace and cyberspace became disentangled at my place for 2 weeks. Cos fuckin Comcast be trippin…

Hope things are treating you well !

Pretty swell, yeah! Try to enjoy the rest of your year too 🙂