alt-right misogyny MRA PUA trump interviewed me about MRAs, the Alt-Right and Trump; the piece went up today


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I recently talked to Claire Landsbaum of NYmag’s The Cut about MRA’s, PUAs, the Alt-Right, and Trump. Her piece, featuring a bunch of quotes from me, went up today.

Check it out here.

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8 years ago


There’s so many quotes it feels like you practically write the entire piece.

8 years ago

Yeah, We men have a stalker about MRA, look that!. Some as the feminist’s like media, haven’t total free speeach for men. There are a pending weight to left and women. A lot of feminists around the world (about 2 decades) now can use your material to inferiorize man in complete spectre. And you put a prize in this like a donation budge, ok it’s your payjob! I respect that… Only that.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

I think the article misnamed Heartiste as “Artiste”. Otherwise, cool article. 🙂

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
8 years ago


….You’re not making any sense.

8 years ago

Joader sounds like a really badly coded bot.

Kylo Ronin
Kylo Ronin
8 years ago

Nice use of Lee J. Cobb from Twelve Angry Men, David!

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

Joader, sweetie, I’ve written markov bots with more grasp of language than that. Can you re-phrase what you mean?

8 years ago

I think Joader is saying that David is cyber-stalking MRAs to provide intel for the feminists and the left for the purpose of neutralizing them? And Joader admires David’s diligence to that job, but otherwise considers it a bad thing? That’s my take on it anyway.

8 years ago

Hey, look, a cipher!

Yeah, We men have a stalker about MRA, look that!.

Look, it’s an MRA stalker, how about that?

Some as the feminist’s like media, haven’t total free speeach for men.

Shit, I’m in over my head. Maybe:

Just like the feminist media, he doesn’t believe in free speech for men.

There are a pending weight to left and women.

The media gives a disproportionate amount of weight to the [political] left and to women.

A lot of feminists around the world (about 2 decades) now can use your material to inferiorize man in complete spectre.

For about two decades now feminists around the world have been using your material to make men look inferior.

And you put a prize in this like a donation budge, ok it’s your payjob! I respect that… Only that.

I don’t think this part needs translation.

8 years ago

I thought Joader “respected” the fact that David has a “payjob.”

So, you know, yay for classism and predicting people’s worth on employment.

Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy

Maybe Joader is just using really bad machine translation from Portuguese; he linked to a Portuguese-language site. His comment above seems to be the standard whine of “Men are the real underprivileged class! We live in a leftist gynocracy!”

8 years ago

I think all these men, the misogynists, the alt-right, the white nationalists, all of them, white and male (with a sprinkle of moc, like peppers) fail to realize that the pendulum always, ALWAYS, swings back.

They can celebrate all they want, right now, even manage to get a few laws passed, and some of us might not make it through the next few years, but WE, (basically everybody who isn’t a white, straight, able bodied, man) ain’t going back to the NO time in the past. Not the 1850s, and not the 1950s, either.

Everything they put us through in the next few years is gonna come back to bite them in the a** later, and they might want to consider that. Everything they want done, can also be undone.

And quite frankly there’s only so much bullying they’re gonna get away with right now. This ain’t the sixties and I don’t know any black people who say they’ll be turning the other cheek. They keep forgetting we have have guns too! There ain’t gonna be no more Rosewoods, or holocausts. They want to sit around and fantasize about our violent tendencies, well as long as it remains a fantasy, they can keep dreaming, and we will keep it moving. They are largely cowards, who don’t wanna find out if thats a reality.

There’s also the very real possibility in voting for Drumpf that they have destroyed themselves, especially when he starts betraying them all, so he can court his rich, white, male friends. They’ll get a few deeply restrictive laws passed, and some of them gonna act like bullies, but ….THE WORM ALWAYS TURNS.

8 years ago


I sure hope you’re right, because my depression has been acting up lately and telling me that this is the end, that Team Hate has won for keeps this time because they finally got a front man who observes no rules at all.

8 years ago

Inferiorize the menz!

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I seem to remember Chiomara saying there’s an MRM in Brazil. Maybe Joader is one of them.

The Last Unicorn
The Last Unicorn
8 years ago

I’m mildly amused by commenter AlmostThere, who wrote,

I don’t quite understand the point here… Other than a few knuckle heads who sued a night club. Doesn’t everyone get sued these days? I dunno.

Did they skim and only comprehend that one tidbit of the article? Did they read up until just that point, make the comment, and stop reading?

Yeah, those violent racist, misogynistic knuckleheads. There’s like six of them, just let them do a bit of suing and they’ll be on their way.

8 years ago

Fantastic interview, David. All media sites should do the same when discussing the MRM, there’s no bigger expert on the ‘movement’ than you.

Taking a look at some of the comments on the article it seems you might have riled a few of them up. Expect a bunch of whiny concern trolls here in the near future.

8 years ago

Another insipid piece of hack journalism on MRAs, using David Futrelle as though he’s a credible source. THANK YOU!!! It was just this kind of condescending indifference to reality that got Trump elected.

Continue fueling the revolution!


Paul Elam just now responded!

So excited!

8 years ago

Congratulations, David!

You’ve been working away in the salt mines for 10 years now — it’s great when you get recognition from the world.

8 years ago


Yeah, We men have a stalker about MRA,
look that!.
Some as the feminist’s like media,
haven’t total free speeach for men.


There are a pending weight to left and women.
A lot of feminists around the world
(about 2 decades)
now can use your material to inferiorize man
in complete spectre.


And you put a prize in this
like a donation budge,
ok it’s your payjob!
I respect that…
Only that.

Pearl Clutcher
Pearl Clutcher
8 years ago

Congrats, David!!
I hope that you do realize how much your work is worth.
This site helped me and gave me hope after years of lethargy and having “given up” about injustice. You give a great example. Thank you! 🙂

8 years ago

David, I have to hand it to you. I checked out some of the links in the article – for instance, the daily stormer link – so that I could get a more comprehensive understanding of your position. I have done that a number of times and I am constantly finding myself impressed with your ability to wade through so much drek to find, and communicate, the essence of what the authors are trying to say.

My respect and gratitude for you and your work continues to grow. In a time when so much of what passes for news is lies and disinformation, it is more than ever vital to have sources of information that are, as much as possible, true, reliable and reported with integrity and humor.

It cannot be easy, spending so much time – both literally and emotionally – wading through all the ugliness to share with us all you learn. I just want to say a giant “Thank You” for being a true friend to life as well as to both women and men.

Keep on truckin’, dude.

Conan the Librarian
Conan the Librarian
8 years ago

Short @Joader

How dare you look at and comment on what MRA’s do in public? It’s a complete invasion of privacy….you must be some kind of spy! Do you know what happens to spies? What…you won’t tell us even that?!

8 years ago

I have been reading the articles on this site for like years, and I’m glad that the things you write about are getting more attention in the mainstream, because these issues are so important and we’re all kind of in danger from the morphing alt-right.

Thank you for all the work you have done through all this time, it can’t be easy but it’s super necessary.