from russia with trump light treason men who should not ever be with women ever trump

Secret (Russian) Agent Trump: New memes for new revelations

Never go anywhere without your shoe phone!

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In light of the latest revelations about Russian interference in the presidential elections, I made some more memes you might want to post around this internet of ours.

Well, they’re basically all the same meme, with slight variations. And only two of them are usable. But I’ll be making more!

Here’s the meme with standard white meme-y text:

Here’s a weird and unusable variation:

And another even weirder and even more unusable version:

Here’s a song about a much cooler secret agent:

Feel free to make and post memes of your own!


By request, here’s one with no text:

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8 years ago

I love Johnny Rivers and his string of 1960s/1970s hits, including “Poor Side of Town” (there were a bunch of songs about poverty separating lovers back in the day) and “Seventh Son” (who is one gifted, lucky guy).

In his heyday, Johnny Rivers had two looks: cool & smooth (mid-1960s) and peace & love & long hair (late 1960s and 1970s).
comment image

Secret Agent Man
(Slightly revised lyrics)
“Secret agent man, secret agent man
Oh, he’s givin’ Trump a number
And takin’ away his name.”

King Mongo
King Mongo
8 years ago

Re the video, my daughter and I have been watching the old Danger Man series with Patrick McGoohan. What’s so great about it is that despite an obviously _very_ low budget (we have fun spotting the re-used sets and props) they busted their butts to be as accurate as possible, down to the Eastern European cars and phones. And John Drake is just… competent. Really competent. No misogyny, no puns, no jokes. He solves the problem and gets out. Like the opposite of James Bond – and McGoohan was reportedly offered that role as well.

8 years ago

My understanding is he didn’t take the Bond role because he thought the character immoral – sleeping around and killing indiscriminately.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

I see you used the unflattering pics Donald Dump hates.


(EDIT:…please…stop this moderation shit glitch whatever…tell me what to do…I need to snark…)

8 years ago


Soon, production executive Lew Grade approached McGoohan about a TV series in which he would play a spy named John Drake. Having learned from his experience at the Rank Organisation, he insisted on several conditions in the contract before agreeing to appear in the programme: all the fistfights should be different, the character would always use his brain before using a gun, and, much to the horror of the executives, no kissing.

No kissing! Due to him being a Catholic.

MGTOWs, shield your eyes:

McGoohan fell in love with actress Joan Drummond, to whom he reportedly wrote love notes every day. They were married on 19 May 1951.

8 years ago

Then of course McGoohan starred in The Prisoner, which many people believe was an extension of Danger Man/Secret Agent (the latter is what it was called in the US). I have always felt that the Prisoner was John Drake.

Christina Nordlander
8 years ago

I love how you made “weird and unusable versions”.

Never seen Danger Man, but I loved The Prisoner. I watched it in the 2000s, and I felt it had aged better than most fiction from the 1960s (bar a few plots that have become cliché since then; “The General” comes to mind, and was also one of my least favourite episodes), to the point where I jolted when McGoohan’s character made a joke about wanting to be the first man on the moon. I mean, it was obviously rooted in its era, with Cold War paranoia etc., but its surrealism makes it pretty timeless.

I feel like giving Danger Man a shot now.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

Speaking of Trump.

Just in case anyone here doesn’t follow Teen Vogue, here’s an article you may find interesting.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

I’m gonna recap our birthday dinner! 🙂 In case anyone’s interested.

We went to the excellent restaurant Koka, for a 5 course vegetarian meal. This is a very rare treat, since the place is rather fancy and expensive (at least $100/person, including tip). We’ve been to this restaurant only once before, for our graduation dinner, and we were so impressed with the creativity and quality of the food that we instantly decided to go back at some point in the future. And now the future is here!

This is technically a pre-pre-appetizer, if the first official course is an appetizer. It’s a small sip of mushroom broth with tomato flavor and lovage.

This is the pre-appetizer. It’s an almond potato with a spread of sourcream, elderberries, elder-infused capers, and topped with dried and grated egg yolk.

The bread is two types of sourdough. The hard bread is made from rye and the soft is from wheat.

Their own home-churned butter. Served on a rock from the ocean?

And, finally, it’s time for the first actual course. It’s a bed of creamy goat cheese, underneath caramelized onions and kohlrabi in a cream of leek, topped with ridiculously thinly mandolined root celery. Seriously, the root celery was like velvet.

Second course. This is boiled beets with wild garlic, capers, and creamy cauliflower (sorry, cauliflower haters), and deep fried beets sprinkled on top.

Third course. It’s spetskål (a type of cabbage for which I can’t find a proper English translation) on a bed of tarragon cream with sago, and buckwheat sprinkled on top.

The fourth course is the entrée, consisting of portobello mushrooms, root parsley, black beans, pumpkin seeds, and Chinese flowering quince.

Fifth and last course, the dessert. Walnut ice cream with fermented walnuts, apple chunks, leaves of frozen apple, sourdough chunks, and powdered walnut.

Okay, I guess there was one post-dessert dessert, too. It’s a cracker made from bark flour, with a filling of blackberry jam, and juniper berry whipped cream.

But that was the night before Otter’s birthday. Yesterday, on her actual birthday, I made a pasta gratin with faux meatballs from soy protein, wheat gluten, spicy Thai basil, onions, and thyme, plus faux ground beef, leek, garlic, and crushed tomatoes. And, of course, ridiculous amounts of cheese. I didn’t take a picture of this abomination.

However, I also made a fruit tart for dessert! Served with tawny port and julmust.

Now we won’t need to eat for about two weeks. :p

8 years ago

Holy cow IP, that meal looks amazing. (And it’s just before lunch–now anything I go out to get is going to be a disappointment.) I have an old friend in Gothenberg–I’m going to email her to say I’m coming out to visit so we can go there.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
8 years ago


Jebus, that was cruel of you! And so, so delicious.


Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
8 years ago


Just … wow. The most interesting stuff is not always found in the places one expects. That’s a fiery article!

PS have not forgotten email exchange – will reply soon. Fascinating and thought-provoking 🙂

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago


Your friend probably knows about Koka, since it’s a fairly famous restaurant. It’s been awarded a Michelin star, and was named best restaurant in Gothenburg by White Guide (and 9th best in the country, but I’ve never been to a better restaurant anywhere). It used to be known as Kock & Vin, and most people probably still know it by the old name.


Surely you have good restaurants in Australia too? 🙂

8 years ago

@IP I’m actually wondering now if we went there when I visited decades ago.

Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
8 years ago

Hmmm… Rex Tillerson, Exxon-Mobil exec and Putin fanboy to be nominated for State Department head. Dumpster fire positions the pieces he will use to fill his pockets with the Public Treasury….

In other news, voters who elected Dumpster respond; “Nanananammmmmm I don’t HEARRRR YOUUUUU”

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

Trump’s never wanted to admit he had help with anything, so why should he admit the Russians helped him now?

8 years ago

Would someone please put trump’s face on a Zardoz floating head so i can laugh? Me no have photoshop skills.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

Hey, David, you got a version with no text?

Bill Stickers
Bill Stickers
8 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

Another heavy-hitter from Teen Vogue! What the hell, man? Lifetime has good TV, Teen Vogue has good journalism, Donald Trump is going to be my president, we’re actually talking about white supremacy, cats marrying dogs, ski holidays in Hell… What world is this? How did I get here?

Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy

@Bill Stickers:

IDK, but if you can get to a better dimension, do so, and tell us how.

8 years ago

OT: put up a podcast episode all about how movie heroes tended to sexually harass and assault their love interests until very recently and how that gave a bunch of viewers some messed-up attitudes about sex and romance. The comments section should be really interesting!

8 years ago

@David: Just got an ad in an older post saying ’15 thoughts men have when dating big-chested women’. The company might be called TheRichest, that text is in the upper left corner of the screen.

8 years ago

@Laugher at Bigots, @Bill Stickers

IDK, but if you can get to a better dimension, do so, and tell us how.

Beam us up, Bill!

In the meantime, I’ll be humming the Fifth Dimension’s big hit from Hair, “Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In.”

Conan the Librarian
8 years ago

OT but perhaps of interest to David and others…from Canada:

Fed up with meaningless attacks on female politicians: Timson
Direct attacks on female politicians have to be vigorously called out in Canada

This direct attacking of female politicians has to be vigorously called out in Canada, no matter how cornily derivative and even meaningless the “Lock her up” chant is. NDP Premier Rachel Notley has so far as I know, not even been falsely accused of a prison worthy crime.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
8 years ago

And also this morning from Canada (this was on Toronto’s Metro Morning radio show today):

Canadian marathoner Lanni Marchant lashes out at those who focus on her looks