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News that won’t make you miserable, in the form of a clip from the Majority Report with Sam Seder highlighting a segment from Bill O’Reilly’s show in which the Fox News blabber offered some rather odd insights on Donald Trump’s posture and the nature of time.
Like Sam, I’m thinking O’Reilly might have tossed back a couple of Santa Shots before he went on the air.
So, yeah, that happened.
You may have noticed a seemingly odd reference to falafels at the end of the Majority Report clip. If you don’t get the reference, Google “falafel” and “loofah” together. You won’t be disappointed. You may be disgusted and appalled, but not disappointed.
Not a happy time for who in this case? Bad choice of words? Is this going to become an equivalent to the ”sick Hillary” thing?
Oh, hi there, Tiller Killer Biller. You evil, soulless creep.
Bill O’Reilly is also apparently an abuser. It came out when he tried to get custody of his teen daughter who witnessed him hitting her mother. He’s just a swell guy.
This Christmas my wish to Santa was the Bill get the same treatment he gave George tiller
Go back to fucking your falafel in the shower, Billo.
The lawsuit involved falafel, sex with Scandinavian stewardesses, masturbation lessons, vibrators, and a short Balinese woman “impressed” by his nob? Pretty standard stuff if you ask me.
Yeah. Back when Keith Olbermann had a show on MSNBC, he pretty much had a standing feud with Billo and the falafel thing happened during that time.
I’m not so sure that Billo was drunk; I rather think that he’s beginning to talk like der Pumpkinführer himself.
If The Cheeto doesn’t stop “posturing” and start “presidenting” soon, it will start to become unhappy times for The Bill and the rest of The Igno-right….
Awww man, I love falafel. I didn’t want that image in my head while I eat it. 🙁
Bill O’Reilly is a heinous man. I hope his coffee is always slightly too cold when it’s meant to be hot, and several degrees too warm when it’s meant to be cold. I hope he gets a tickle in his throat whenever he gets in front of camera so he retires. I hope he shuts the fuck up. But dude, he doesn’t deserve to be murdered in cold blood. Nobody deserves that.
The inexorable march of time will rid us of him without any help from people with guns.
This reminds me of a weird translation in a bootlegged Mandarin copy of the “Pierrot Le Fou” episode of Cowboy Bebop my best friend and I somehow got ahold of years ago. The subtitles were translated from Japanese to Mandarin to English, and they were hysterical. The name of the amusement park where the final battle between Spike and Mad Pierrot takes place was “Good Time Happy Magic Place”. So basically, Bill O’Reilly speaks like the English subtitles in a Mandarin bootleg of a Japanese anime.
I’ve always held the tiniest flicker of respect for Bill O’Reilly, because I’ve perceived him as at least kind of thinking basic courtesy and having some little bit of truth in reporting were sort of good values. If he’s drinking himself to oblivion now, I can’t help thinking it might be because he still has to defend his GoP, at all costs, even when it means defending somebody who has zero “gentlemanly” behavior. Cognitive dissonance and all.
I may be totally wrong. I can’t say I’ve actually been able to listen to him all that much. But I’ve kind of thought of him as being several steps above folks like Hannity in the reasonable human beings ratings.
I mean, really, it sort of felt like he was saying “I really hate Trump, and he makes me want to throw up. But he’s GoP, so the best I can do is make sort of weird slurring noises about his posture meaning unhappy times.”
[Citation Needed]
I’m not sure you’ve made a particularly good choice of baseline, there.
Nah, O’Reilly is as awful as the rest of them. Dr. George Tiller was one of the few doctors doing late term abortions in this country. O’Reilly ranted and raved about him being a killer until someone assassinated Tiller (see stochastic terrorism). This, understandably, makes other doctors refuse to do late term abortions. More people are going to die because of O’Reilly.
Linking to YouTube is a nightmare on my phone, but if you search “Bill O’Reilly do it live” the video of him throwing a tantrum on the set of Inside Edition about 20 years ago comes up. I never thought I’d see the day that people would regard him as the reasonable one. I guess conservative media has just become that bad.
Weirdly, it’s Stephen Colbert who makes Bill seem like the “reasonable” one, at least in my amateur impression. Colbert and O’Reilly are “frenemies”, and mock each other mercilessly when they get the chance. The association of Bill with Stephen pulls the impression of Bill towards the “not bad” spectrum. On his own merits, he’s as awful as any of them.
It’s a sad part of the “Washington bubble”, really. Colbert is liberal, but he also lives alongside these deeply conservative jerks, and is in a position where they have to associate for long periods of time. So Colbert seems to have taken on a “they aren’t so bad” mentality, and his jokes feel a lot less biting than they once were. Maybe that’s just me.
S’why I put more trust in people who were once in those bubbles and left, specifically to avoid getting eaten up by those associations. Keith Olbermann, for example. He’s been in there, he’s lived it, and he had the moral fortitude required to keep speaking out against it. It got him fired and exiled to YouTube, but as far as I’m concerned that just shows that he’s got a spine.
Hence why I said “tiny flicker.” I can’t provide citations since, as I said, I can’t really bring myself to watch Fox news. My impression was based almost entirely on the fact that Hannity makes me want to throw up and change the channel, where O’Reilly only makes me want to change the channel.
Thank you, however, to LindsayIrene, wwth, and Scildfreja for correcting my impressions. 🙂
I think wwth may be right:
why am I getting a “that one gamegrumps video with the Bruno Mars article thing” vibe here
shit accidentally commented twice