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Racist baby impersonator Matt Forney has said some ridiculously positive things about Mike Cernovich in the past, declaring the alt-right fellow traveler’s Gorilla Mindset book to be
one of the most life-changing books you can buy … a must-buy … you can’t afford not to buy Gorilla Mindset. … Click here to buy Gorilla Mindset.
Forney was nearly as happy to recommend Cernovich’s followup, MAGA Mindset, declaring it a “must-read” for anyone wanting to turn themselves into a miniature Trump.
This enthusiasm has not carried over to the Cernovich-produced documentary Silenced, a film profiling a number of the noisiest silent people the world has ever known, from Dilbert creator and Dunning-Kruger poster boy Scott Adams to internet bully/journalist Milo Yiannopoulos to Cernovich himself.
It seems like Silenced would be right up Forney’s piss-drenched alley. But he doesn’t seem to have enjoyed it very much. In a review on Right On — “an online resource for the rising True Right of Europe” — Forney makes clear that the film is not as good as CATS and that he won’t be seeing it again and again.
Silenced is dragged down by its sluggish pacing, weak direction and questionable editing.
Yeah, I don’t think that’s going to get blurbed on the movie posters.
Silenced has no narration and little music, meaning the only thing to guide the viewer are the interviews, making me feel like I’m on a guided tour of Mammoth Cave and Ranger Rick is taking a nap instead of doing his job.
I’m not exactly sure what the hell Forney is talking about here, but I’m pretty sure that’s not supposed to be complimentary.
At times, Silenced feels like Jordan Owen’s cut of The Sarkeesian Effect, a film so wretched that watching it gave me a throbbing headache.
Amazingly, even after this, Forney gives the film a thumb’s up, albeit a thumb’s up of tiny Trump-fingered proportions.
The final product is still worth watching, but you’ll need to steel yourself to make it to the end. … its direction and editing make watching it more of a slog than it should be.
Silenced: A badly directed snoozefest that may just give you a throbbing headache! Christmas fun for the whole family!
I love how whenever they make one of their ridiculous movies, the manosphere are all like “yeah, this is going to defeat feminism/SJWs!”
And then it comes out and even their friends can’t praise it because it’s so awful. Their incompetence is fascinating.
I laughed more than I should have when I read that. Spat my tea everywhere. Lol
Hey, I’m actually quite sympathetic to this. He’s still a Grade A asshole, but one who had more guts than Milo in telling the truth about the grinding quality of the ‘film’ (I assume, I shan’t be watching it). Also I completely get the Mammoth Cave reference having been on a couple of guided tours of Mammoth Cave, it would kinda suck if the guide was not, y’know, guiding. On the other hand, I’ve been on unguided tours of big caves and they were great in a way that I’m sure this piece of work could never be.
But I think it’s probably more likely that Angry Since is completely on the money.
Net-Zero waste by 2020?!? That’s incredible! I want to hug all you wonderful people down there! (Please form line to the right) I mean, sure, that doesn’t do anything about the millions of square kilometers of waste floating in the north pacific, but it’s an incredible achievement and really shows the huge dedication you guys have to actually making a difference. Thank you!
We should all weep, at the same time. This new processing facility that San Francisco is installing for this costs around $12 million. Every city on the continent could have equivalent facilities, virtually eliminating landfills, for a fraction of the American military budget. And doing this would create hundreds of thousands of new jobs, too. It would revitalize the world economy and create a powerful new American green industry base.
That’s what makes me so angry and so frustrated and upset over this. It’s so feasible. It’s right there, you guys. It’s just outside of the grasp of our fingertips.
Thanks for sharing, Kat.
Oh, and Forney, Cernie and whoever else can go suck eggs.
Hey David, did you see Vox Day is trying to get his followers to dox someone for criticizing his fragile nazi-ness

If anyone is in the mood for a good documentary, I highly recommend ‘Tickled’. A wild ride from start to finish.
And they accuse us of having delicate feelings? Sheesh.
For your enjoyment – Matt Forney takes a pratfall whilst backing away from two very dangerous dudes as he films them. Still thinks he’s alpha.
Hmm, for some reason the link didn’t post. New computer so…
Regarding the “improved” appearance of the two in the photo…
I’ve been binge-watching Star Trek: Voyager, and recently saw an episode (just looked it up: s4e23 – Living Witness) where, over many centuries, the role Voyager took in a major conflict has been twisted almost beyond recognition. The photo brought to mind the exaggeration of Chakotay’s tattoo in the “historic” recreation.
Only in altrightsville…