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Alt-Rightists are boycotting Star Wars Rogue One for its alleged “Anti-White Social Engineering”

Wait, they’re not all white guys!

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Apparently forgetting the humiliating failure of their cuck-centric boycott of Star Wars: The Force Awakens — the film ultimately made roughly six squadrillion dollars at the box office –some of the internet’s most excitable racists are calling on all white people to skip out on the upcoming Rogue One: A Star Wars Story because something something Jew female white genocide.

“All Whites need to boycott Star Wars: Rogue One and (((Disney))) propaganda,” declares one irate racist Redditor in the AltRight subreddit.

J Jew Abrams and the Menorah Mafia need to be taught a lesson at the box office. DON’T SPEND YOUR MONEY!

The second J in JJ Abrams’ name does not actually stand for “Jew.” He’s also not the writer, director, or even a producer of Rogue One. But never mind. The whiteboy-cott is ON!

The Neo-Nazi blog Infostormer was, as far as I can figure it, the first alt-right organ to call for a Rogue One boycott. In a post back in August, the site denounced the film as

nothing but a Jew masturbation fantasy of anti-White hate. Nearly all of the major characters are non-Whites and the main character is an empowered White female.

As the film’s opening draws ever closer, the calls for a boycott have increased. Alt-right Redditors have denounced the film as “Anti-White Social Engineering,” and “[y]et more proof that the dominant cultural force in modern White Western civilization revolves around tearing down White men.”

“Jew wars is the most overhyped franchise in existence,” complains another Redditor.

Now the Daily Stormer — not to be confused with similarly named, and similarly hateful, Infostormer — has gotten on board the boycott, charging that “the Star Wars brand has been destroyed and subverted by money grubbing Jews” and joking that “Chewbacca is more of a human than that retarded Negro stormtrooper” — that is, John Boyega’s Finn from The Force Awakens.

The boycott now has its own fairly active Twitter hashtag — #DumpStarWars — though most of the Tweets using it at the moment come from people who think the boycott is the dumbest thing in the world since the last Trump cabinet pick.

But there are some “serious” #DumpStarWars-ers as well, including reactionary YouTube pundit Mark Dice, Internet embarrassment Mike Cernovich, and antifeminist YouTube cultist Stefan Molyneux. They’ve added more charges to the alt-right indictment against Star Wars, including excessive feminism, anti-Trumpism on the part of several Star Wars screenwriters, and promotion of Teh Ghey.

Er, dude, did you not notice that the evil empire in the original trilogy was basically a bunch of space Nazis?

Ironically, the folks at Return of Kings — who spearheaded the pointless boycott of The Force Awakens — have not explicitly called for a Rogue One boycott yet. But the site has posted two lengthy attacks on the film.

Blogger Aaron Clarey, the self-described “economist of the mano/androsphere” and a regular contributor to RoK, is annoyed that the film looks like it will be a “SJW sermon against white males” with a cast having “more colors than a rainbow,” but he stops short of using the “b” word.

David G. Brown, in a RoK post way back in April, offers a slightly more pointed take on Rogue One, which he sees as a yet another confirmation of “Disney’s hatred for white males.” Like the more explicit racists at Infostormer and The Daily Stormer, Brown is annoyed to find so many people of color in the film’s rebel army.

But he’s even more angry that the main character is not a dude. In the real world, he insists,

women meticulously avoid trying to put themselves in harm’s way to save other people, especially men. …

Unless someone is brainwashed by the pernicious modern “culture,” no one can rationally relate to a [fictional] world where women equally shoulder the burden of self-endangerment, let alone take the lead in it, for some good cause.

The Star Wars franchise’s owner Disney is unquestionably championing women as something they are not amidst the cold, hard truths of real life. …

All in all, Rogue One is just another example of women doing things in films they never bother to do in real life.

How dare a film series featuring a mysterious “Force” that allows people to swordfight blindfolded and move physical objects with their mind feature something as totally unrealistic as a woman fighting in a war?

I’m sure most Star Wars fans will be happy not to have to sit next to any of these idiots in the theaters.

H/T — Jewish Daily Forward, Raw Story

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Christina Nordlander
Christina Nordlander
8 years ago

Re real-life women putting themselves in harm’s way or doing heroic things: didn’t a lesbian couple go out in a boat to rescue children from the Utøya shooting in Norway? Wonder what the alt-right think about that.

And another thing about the people throwing a fit about Jyn being female:

So far, Star Wars films are two female protagonists (Rey, Jyn) to two male ones (Luke, Anakin). This is what makes these guys feel threatened. Equality.

8 years ago

I’d love to see their reaction if Sana Solo is in the Han Solo movie. Think they’d call Han a cuck, too?

Lone Galtian Bootstrapper
Lone Galtian Bootstrapper
8 years ago

“Internet embarrassment Mike Cernovich”

David, I love you 🙂

D. Glen
D. Glen
8 years ago

Again I come round to thinking this is good. The more light shone on them the better. Nothing has the cultural gravitational attractiveness of Star Wars – love it or loathe it – so it’s a mighty bright light to step in.
If you look at their attempts to poison the well on the YouTube comments you can see them being laughed at.
I mean this is Disney raised by the power of Star Wars. They probably have attempted to make it super inclusive, as Lucas did as much as he did for the times.
So it pretty much becomes a global appeal with a character for everyone. It doesn’t matter if the dollar is behind this because the outcome is good – modern casting for a modern demographic.

Miserable net Nazis can’t hold a candle to this. It’s like standing in the corner of a great party complaining about the music. Some will be hearing this alt right bs for the first time and rightfully thinking – in the context of super pre Christmas movie hype – what are you on about?

Dalillama, Effort Chicken
Dalillama, Effort Chicken
8 years ago

My playlist just reminded me of Pete Seeger’s Talking Union

Angry Since 11/09/2016
Angry Since 11/09/2016
8 years ago

Therefore, by their reasoning, women and POC, Jews, and LGBT shouldn’t see any movie with a white cis male as lead (and always the top three character roles,) and with only one hot woman to be a man’s trophy…oh, that would be almost all of the movies made today. How can they be so entitled and think they are so oppressed at the same time? The mind boggles at this.

8 years ago

I’ve been a science fiction fan for ages (since way back when you could call it “science fiction” and not start a debate), so I understand the whole imagine-an-alternative-universe-with-different-rules business.
But when you start bitching that the real world doesn’t actually match up with your fantasy, well . . . you’re doing it wrong.
Oh, and when you’re 30 and your writing sounds exactly like a whiny adolescent fanboy? You’re doing that wrong too.

8 years ago

the main character is an empowered White female.

The horror! Not empowered! …LOL

Feminists ran it from the start – this is an anti-men movie. The father figure is wearing black and is evil.

ROFL. I mean…lol. You know what I mean, right? lol

Mark Plus
Mark Plus
8 years ago

Ironically Hollywood’s social-justice warriors don’t understand their own propaganda. Why can’t the slender white girls and the nonwhite diversity hires in the Star Wars movies build their own Death Stars, or super-weapons comparable to those? Apparently only the white men have the ability to do that.

When Hollywood portrays white men as a race of super-villains, at least it gets the “super” part right.

D. Glen
D. Glen
8 years ago

Ultimately it shows their basic cowardice.

I mean if I was Han Solo looking for a co-pilot, and some alt righter swaggered up to me in a cantina, bragged about his travels but chickened out – “yeah I could do it, but we won’t have to meet …you know…aliens or people with different coloured skin…?”, obviously they would find themselves floating home.

8 years ago

When they call for a boycott it always creates complex feelings in me. I don’t really want to see this, but their hatred makes me feel like it might be worth seeing. I almost certainly won’t be going. My reaction to this existence of this film is that I can’t believe that Disney is allowing him to do this after the

I did see the Star Wars film last year and a bloke who I – months later – had to block for defending Trump’s grabby comments as banter, criticised the movie because there was too much Rae, that the film seemed to be about her. That this was the fatal failure of the film. I was baffled – given that she is, in fact, the main protagonist. I guess he was equally and genuinely baffled by the idea that someone could make a Scifi/ action film about a woman. Even this film-indifferent viewer knows there have indeed been a few very successful examples: T2 and Alien(s).

8 years ago

well, Mark I could say something about the systemic biases and barriers in the Evil Empire, but that would just be silly. It’s not that they CAN’T given that all fictional characters can be equally evil and/or capable at the whim of the writer – it’s just that these Death Star figures are the figment of a writer’s imagination and due a whole range of reasons – script writing is still pretty much a man’s game and so yes, there is still subconscious bias.

But you’re very kind to point out their bias – I’m sure they’ll be woke soon.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
8 years ago

Mark’s lastest sock: 1/10 would not read again. Not even worth fetching a new Room gif for. Try harder next time please.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

@rugbyyogi, your story makes me very sad :C

T2 isn’t about Sarah Conner to most guys, I think. It’s about a cool robot dood doin’ stuff, and there’s a woman. Look at the fans and the merchandising. It isn’t about Sarah Conner, it’s all death robots.

The Aliens franchise isn’t about Ripley to most guys, I think. It’s about cool creepy murdery bug aliems, and there’s a woman. Look at the fans and the merchandising. It isn’t about Ripley, it’s all creepy murderbugs.

Movies with a woman as a main character, but whose stories are driven by being hunted by (cool awesome sci-fi trope) are about the trope, not the woman. In my perception, at least. She’s just there because they want to show how scary and powerful the big bad thing is, ‘cuz women are supposed to be vulnerable and weak, after all.

No critique of your position, @rugbyyogi. It just makes me sad. I like Ripley and Sarah Connor, but I don’t think the world sees those two shows in the same light.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

Why can’t the slender white girls and the nonwhite diversity hires in the Star Wars movies build their own Death Stars, or super-weapons comparable to those?

Wait, why would people with no interest in destroying planets build something that can’t do anything but destroy planets? What would they even do with it, put it on the universe’s biggest mantelpiece next to the antique clocks? That makes no sense.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

Oh, there was a Mark?

There was a Mark. Mark, you’re boring. Like, more than usual. There’s at least one thing worth discussing in there, though probably not your intention.

Why can’t the slender white girls and the nonwhite diversity hires in the Star Wars movies build their own Death Stars, or super-weapons comparable to those? Apparently only the white men have the ability to do that.

It’s interesting that the MRA-and-adjacent types always seem to boil “civilization and engineering” down to “Death Stars and Super Weapons.” Like, not just in Star Wars or Science Fiction, but historically as well. Weapons as a sign of advancement and strength and validity.

In your Star Wars example, Mark, you sorta give your bias away. Sure, they don’t build Death Stars, but they also don’t want to. Because they recognize that the height of civilization is the ability to temper raw pursuit of power with the wisdom to know when not to apply that power. Recall that it was the peaceful Republic that built Coruscant, the world-city. They’re completely capable of building solar-system-scale projects, they just don’t do it to build weapons of mass destruction.

Almost as if there’s some sort of allegory in there about self-control, huh?

But you miss that and jump right to “But the First Order / Empire can build huge weapons, so they’re better!”

It’s sort of indicative.

As for them being a bunch of angry white men bent on conquest with their superior technology? There are lovely history books full of the history of imperialism and colonialism of Europe to make my argument for me about that. Go read those. Also, go read Guns, Germs and Steel as an argument against your stupid “White mans is super!” position.

Finally, lol, why is it always argumentum ad Fictional-Storyum with you guys?

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)

Why can’t the slender white girls and the nonwhite diversity hires in the Star Wars movies build their own Death Stars, or super-weapons comparable to those? Apparently only the white men have the ability to do that.

The “diversity hires” do indeed build superweapons. Here’s George Lucas from the commentary of Episode 2: Attack of the Clones:

…I came up with the idea of adding a little schematic of the Death Star in here, because the Geonosians build robots and build things, they’re sort of construction workers. They would probably be the ones contracted to build the Death Star, and they were the ones that Jay and Silent Bob worry got killed on the Death Star, but they are after all a bunch of large termites.

I’d say that termite-people count as pretty diverse.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Their beloved Nazis had the advanced technology too. Technology and weapons are definitely advantages, but if you do stupid shit like try to invade Russia during the winter, it’s not going to automatically win the war for you.

Plus, war is a waste of resources. Who knows how much more scientifically and socially advanced humanity would be if we hadn’t devoted so much of our resources to fighting each other?

I don’t think better at war equals more advanced at all.

Dalillama, Effort Chicken
Dalillama, Effort Chicken
8 years ago


Their beloved Nazis had the advanced technology too. Technology and weapons are definitely advantages, but if you do stupid shit like try to invade Russia during the winter, it’s not going to automatically win the war for you.

Yes and no. They designed some quite good tanks, deployed the first jet fighters, and had some other good engineering tricks, but anything that involved actual research and scientific advancement they were way behind on. Their nuclear program was garbage, radar was barely even on their horizon, and as for cryptanalysis, the Allies had them beat cold. (They had some clever machines for encrypting things, but Allied codebreakers were often reading Hitler’s telegrams before he did.)

I don’t think better at war equals more advanced at all.

That, I’m 100% agreed on.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
8 years ago

Yeah, I was thinking more about traditional weaponry type stuff.

Dalillama, Effort Chicken
Dalillama, Effort Chicken
8 years ago


Yeah, I was thinking more about traditional weaponry type stuff.

So were the Nazis, which turned out to be a poor strategic decision.

8 years ago


ahhhhh, crap, I never thought about it that way before. You’re probably right.

For me and my friends T2 was ALL about Sarah, which of course it is.

When I was at uni the Promise Keepers came to town and some of the older women I worked with (i.e. I was very young, they were 30s) were so dismissive of them and their wish to ‘treat women like queens’.

I’m like “Hey, what’s wrong with that? Ha ha.”

And they explained and I said “Oh, see the Queen that I was thinking of was Elizabeth I.” They just shook their heads. I think my interpretation of how others see those films might be another QE1 moment…

8 years ago

that was great! the scansion needs a little work tho 😉

with a little work it would make a great rap, i wonder how one would verbalize the (((parentheses)))?

for some reason that rant really caught my fancy, i’ll give it some thought.

8 years ago

There are a number of old zines available online made by various anarchist activists that cover the subjects of graffiti, flyer and poster making, proper way to mix and apply wheat paste, not getting caught, etc. Here’s some starters:



crimethinc has lot’s of great stuff. also the site has lot’s of great links and archives.

Have fun. don’t get caught.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ troubelle

Banksy uses the tactic of wearing a hi-viz jacket and just acting like he belongs there when he’s stencilling. Then everyone ignores him.

I can well believe that. I do legal work for construction companies and my clients’ employees have demolished entire buildings with no-one batting an eyelid just because they’re wearing hi-viz and hard hats.

Looking like you belong is an old tactic. It used to be carrying a clipboard could get you anywhere and there’s a (possibly apocryphal, but eminently believable) tale of two squaddies who avoided being assigned any work on base just by carrying a ladder with them everywhere (the bosses just assumed someone else had given them a task to do).

Some friends check out the security in critical places and they say the people who most slip through security are those who’ve got lost. So you’ll get new employees for Tie-Rack wondering around airside in airports with no-one questioning them because they don’t act suspicious because they don’t realise they’re not meant to be there.

So just put on some overalls and maybe put up a few cones and barrier tape and get painting. If the police turn up, just say “Do you mind footing this ladder for me?”