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Alt-Rightists are boycotting Star Wars Rogue One for its alleged “Anti-White Social Engineering”

Wait, they’re not all white guys!

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Apparently forgetting the humiliating failure of their cuck-centric boycott of Star Wars: The Force Awakens — the film ultimately made roughly six squadrillion dollars at the box office –some of the internet’s most excitable racists are calling on all white people to skip out on the upcoming Rogue One: A Star Wars Story because something something Jew female white genocide.

“All Whites need to boycott Star Wars: Rogue One and (((Disney))) propaganda,” declares one irate racist Redditor in the AltRight subreddit.

J Jew Abrams and the Menorah Mafia need to be taught a lesson at the box office. DON’T SPEND YOUR MONEY!

The second J in JJ Abrams’ name does not actually stand for “Jew.” He’s also not the writer, director, or even a producer of Rogue One. But never mind. The whiteboy-cott is ON!

The Neo-Nazi blog Infostormer was, as far as I can figure it, the first alt-right organ to call for a Rogue One boycott. In a post back in August, the site denounced the film as

nothing but a Jew masturbation fantasy of anti-White hate. Nearly all of the major characters are non-Whites and the main character is an empowered White female.

As the film’s opening draws ever closer, the calls for a boycott have increased. Alt-right Redditors have denounced the film as “Anti-White Social Engineering,” and “[y]et more proof that the dominant cultural force in modern White Western civilization revolves around tearing down White men.”

“Jew wars is the most overhyped franchise in existence,” complains another Redditor.

Now the Daily Stormer — not to be confused with similarly named, and similarly hateful, Infostormer — has gotten on board the boycott, charging that “the Star Wars brand has been destroyed and subverted by money grubbing Jews” and joking that “Chewbacca is more of a human than that retarded Negro stormtrooper” — that is, John Boyega’s Finn from The Force Awakens.

The boycott now has its own fairly active Twitter hashtag — #DumpStarWars — though most of the Tweets using it at the moment come from people who think the boycott is the dumbest thing in the world since the last Trump cabinet pick.

But there are some “serious” #DumpStarWars-ers as well, including reactionary YouTube pundit Mark Dice, Internet embarrassment Mike Cernovich, and antifeminist YouTube cultist Stefan Molyneux. They’ve added more charges to the alt-right indictment against Star Wars, including excessive feminism, anti-Trumpism on the part of several Star Wars screenwriters, and promotion of Teh Ghey.

Er, dude, did you not notice that the evil empire in the original trilogy was basically a bunch of space Nazis?

Ironically, the folks at Return of Kings — who spearheaded the pointless boycott of The Force Awakens — have not explicitly called for a Rogue One boycott yet. But the site has posted two lengthy attacks on the film.

Blogger Aaron Clarey, the self-described “economist of the mano/androsphere” and a regular contributor to RoK, is annoyed that the film looks like it will be a “SJW sermon against white males” with a cast having “more colors than a rainbow,” but he stops short of using the “b” word.

David G. Brown, in a RoK post way back in April, offers a slightly more pointed take on Rogue One, which he sees as a yet another confirmation of “Disney’s hatred for white males.” Like the more explicit racists at Infostormer and The Daily Stormer, Brown is annoyed to find so many people of color in the film’s rebel army.

But he’s even more angry that the main character is not a dude. In the real world, he insists,

women meticulously avoid trying to put themselves in harm’s way to save other people, especially men. …

Unless someone is brainwashed by the pernicious modern “culture,” no one can rationally relate to a [fictional] world where women equally shoulder the burden of self-endangerment, let alone take the lead in it, for some good cause.

The Star Wars franchise’s owner Disney is unquestionably championing women as something they are not amidst the cold, hard truths of real life. …

All in all, Rogue One is just another example of women doing things in films they never bother to do in real life.

How dare a film series featuring a mysterious “Force” that allows people to swordfight blindfolded and move physical objects with their mind feature something as totally unrealistic as a woman fighting in a war?

I’m sure most Star Wars fans will be happy not to have to sit next to any of these idiots in the theaters.

H/T — Jewish Daily Forward, Raw Story

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8 years ago

Just a note: I realise I am totally old, but have to point out that Gen X was the 90s, grunge-Nirvana era & Star Wars was released in 1977.

Gen Xers were both in the 60s and 70s. Gen Y was born in the 90s.

You’re both partly right and both partly wrong.

In 1977, the oldest Gen-Xers were around 15, and the concept of Generation X wasn’t really a thing yet. The majority were still under 12 at the time, and the very youngest were possibly yet to be born, depending on how exactly you define the boundaries of Gen-X. Generation Jones was still the main (if waning) cultural influence when the original Star Wars came out.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

Oooo, scary parenthesis around Disney! Aren’t we all happy that the whole anti-semitism thing they’re famous for is done and over with.

Unless someone is brainwashed by the pernicious modern “culture,” no one can rationally relate to a [fictional] world where women equally shoulder the burden of self-endangerment, let alone take the lead in it, for some good cause.

Question, is he one of the guys who doesn’t want women in the military and then complains about how the draft affects only men or is he one of those guys who think women should be drafted but women have kept themselves out of the draft for some reason? Seems it would be the latter buuut could also be the former, not gonna lie.

Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
8 years ago

@ Dalillama:

I like Cisco Houston. Another version of “Deportee” that’s really good is by “Nancy Griffith with an ensemble including Lucinda Williams, Tish Hinojosa, Odetta, Steve Earle, and John Stewart on Other Voices, Too (A Trip Back to Bountiful) (1998).” (I cut’n’pasted the artists’ names from Wiki). 🙂

8 years ago


The funny thing is, by calling it virtue signalling, they’re conceding that social justice is well, virtuous.

And that they, by extension, are a bunch of good-for-nothing schlubs.

I can go along with that!

Schnookums Von Fancypants, Purveyor of Misandrist Klondike Bars
Schnookums Von Fancypants, Purveyor of Misandrist Klondike Bars
8 years ago

Since we’re talking about amazing Women I’m a huge admirer of Sojourner Truth. Just an amazing woman, and “Aint I a Woman?” could be one of the finest speeches I’ve ever read.

8 years ago


“You pretend to be moral, but don’t actually mean it! We, on the other hand, actively oppose being moral – so there!!”

8 years ago

nothing but a Jew masturbation fantasy of anti-White hate.

Nearly all of the major characters are non-Whites and the main character is an empowered White female.

Oh no, the main character is a white female? Clearly this is super anti-White! They are as sexist as they are racist, yet seem to deny the former but embrace the latter.

@”Virtue Signaling” (not with the actual concept but how it’s used by alt right nazis)

It’s yet another great example of projection. They only care about themselves, any attempt to interact with people they deem lesser beings is just an attempt to manipulate or use them

Therefore, any work that happens to be progressive must have some ulterior motive. Doesn’t matter if the person wouldn’t benefit from it, doesn’t matter if the movie/TV/game isn’t even out. It’s just “virtue signaling”. Nazis need to fuck off with appropriating social justice language.

Undertale got accused of that a lot (along with the “it’s popular therefore it sucks”) I delighted reading 4chaners argue over it since most tried to hate it because of it’s progressive characters and themes, but couldn’t deny that it was an awesome video game.

Podkayne Lives (Effortless Chicken)
Podkayne Lives (Effortless Chicken)
8 years ago

@Wwaxwork — at least in theory the toy companies are making a wide range of toys to sell. I remember for the longest time, reports were there were few or no Rey toys to be had.

They didn’t make nearly as many as they could have sold. I think they underestimated both the female consumer market and the fact that men and boys would actually want the Rey toys. (After Hunger Games, I would have thought they’d figure out that young boys actually are perfectly fine with kickass girl action heroes.)

8 years ago

Yeah, I’m not a millennial by about a year.

That just makes millennials my younger sibs, metaphorically speaking.

One Millennial is literally my younger sibling. I was born in 1977, my sister in 1980. I find I identify more strongly with the Millennial zeitgeist than the Gen-X one anyway.

8 years ago

“This trailer has people who aren’t white men in it. Therefore: Jews cultural Marxism white genocide cuck (((Anita Sarkeesian))) beta male political correctness SJWs 14/88 western civilization red pill Trump2016 cuck dindu hypergamy (((George Soros))) Black Lives Matter special snowflake cuck cuck rapefugees the wage gap is a myth R-selection theory cuck Julius Evola friendzone kebab virtue signalling white guilt mangina mudshark (((Obummer))) false flag incel anti-racist is a code-word for anti-white cuck blacks have low IQs third world invasion (((Tim Wise))) ethics in games journalism cuck (((Shillary))) Benghazi socialism cuck (((Leslie Jones))) Coudenhove-Kalergi plan meritocracy cuck affirmative action shitpost cock carousel feminazi (((Zoe Quinn))) sexbots arglebarbarglebarglebarglebarglebarglebargle @#$%&@#$%&!!!!!……………….”

Whiteness so fragile, masculinity so fragile, conservatism so fragile.

Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy
Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy
8 years ago

Just watched Shaun and Jen’s response to Stefan Molyneux’s review of The Force Awakens. It’s hilarious, particularly the last part, where Stefan compares the Death Star in the original to the welfare state and to an egg fertilized by Luke’s proton torpedoes.

8 years ago

They’re not wrong about Star Wars being over-rated, at least.

8 years ago

And now they want safe spaces because it hurts their feelings when we call them racist.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack


Seemingly without the least bit of irony, students at the University of Michigan who voted for Donald Trump have asked for safe spaces away from students who do not share their political views.

comment image

What was that? People feeling unsafe because they voted in fascists? I’m surprised.

Latte Cat
Latte Cat
8 years ago

“Why is lady human hold light saber but no hold sandwich ingredients?”
comment image ????????????????

8 years ago

Just watched Shaun and Jen’s response to Stefan Molyneux’s review of The Force Awakens. It’s hilarious, particularly the last part, where Stefan compares the Death Star in the original to the welfare state and to an egg fertilized by Luke’s proton torpedoes.

I also just gave that a watch and while super entertaining, even watching those few snippets from Molyneux’s video almost gave me an aneurysm. How is it possible for someone to be so sickeningly smug and self-righteous while also being so unfailingly shitty and wrong? He’s like Scott Adams with a video camera and an extra helping of god complex.

8 years ago


That would be hilarious if it wasn’t so sad.

However this comment on the article is hilarious:

I do hope Republicans don’t gut science now that they have all this power. We need nanotechnology now more than ever to construct the world’s tiniest violin for these poor souls.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

I’ll give HBO credit where it’s due. They don’t focus on only the male characters with their Game of Thrones merchandise. They have tons of Daenerys stuff.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
8 years ago

I appreciated this tweet from Doctor Who Worldwide:

Doctor Who Worldwide
Why on Earth is #DumpStarWars & #DumpStarTrek a thing? We have lesbian lizards, we demand the bigger claim to be boycotted by the far-right!

8 years ago

“Reeeee! Liberals are crybaby snowflakes! …OMFG, Dump Star Wars, Hamilton, Starbucks, & Kellogg’s!!!1!”


I LOVE Star Wars, & I hate Trump supporters, so seeing them whine about something awesome makes me laugh.

I’ll probably see Rogue One in theaters twice & I won’t have to worry about these asshats in the theater with me. Good!

Rogue One is going to be incredible, & even with their insipid boycott, it will make more money on opening weekend that any of these twits will see in their lives.

Ha ha ha! XD

tim gueguen
8 years ago

Someone calling themselves Roy Fokker complaining about feminism in the Star Wars franchise is amusing. Roy Fokker was a character in the anime series Robotech, which included quite a few female warrior characters, such as Lisa Hayes, who was second in command of the Earth battlecruiser SDF 1, MIriya Pirina, considered by the alien Zentraedi one of their greatest combat pilots and warriors, and Miriya’s daughter Dana Sterling, a combat pilot who helped defend Earth from attack by the Robotech Masters. And there are quite a few more in the series.

8 years ago

@wwth, History Nerdy and Bina

The way I read it, “virtue” is being used here as a slur; the people who use the term don’t see the causes (feminism, equality, social justice) as being virtuous. Rather, they view them as corrupt ideologies foisted upon them by the Powers That Be, which has controlled the narrative such that advocating for these causes is automatically regarded as “virtuous” and therefore desirable.

Therefore, by virtue signalling, their opponents are helping to maintain the ideological stranglehold of the Powers That Be in order to curry favor with said Powers and their agents, even though they may be oppressed in the meantime.

It’s basically the concept of false consciousness in Marxist theory, with “proletariat” replaced with “MEN” and “capitalist” replaced with “FEEEEMALES”.

And just like that one person who scanned the chapter on Marx in Sociology 101 and began wearing a Che Guevara T-shirt to every public event, everyone who doesn’t agree with them is being counter-revolutionary (though the revolution in this case is to bring about Das Neue Tausendjähriges Reich).

epitome of incomprehensibility

All in all, Rogue One is just another example of women doing things in films they never bother to do in real life.

Yup, you’ve got me. See, I could channel the Force to move objects with my mind, but I just don’t bother, since I’m a lazy woman.

@Troubelle – Thanks, I enjoyed that! Really good bluesy sort of ballad lyrics (says me, who’s a little hazy on definitions of things, but yeah). I love narrative poems/songs that have a strong voice/character. Keep at it! 🙂

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
8 years ago


A bit late, but thank you! I wound up making it into me being a bit silly in this context, but….it was the most effective thing I could think of that wasn’t violent.

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
8 years ago

On talking blues, one of my absolute favorites is Elliott Murphy’s On Elvis Presley’s Birthday. If you can listen to songs on Deezer or Spotify, the best version (imo) is from a live album called April.

Otherwise you can do with this one, it’s pretty decent as well.

As a disclaimer, I’m heavily biased because I’ve got a very personal relationship with that song and the artist. The first time I’ve heard it may have been when I was just a baby held in my mother’s arms at a concert. Over the years I’ve seen the guy live many times (friend of my parents, heh) and that music’s been a major influence on me.

(if you like, go listen to April, in full, and especially Rock Ballad and Diamonds By The Yard)

By the way, I like the idea of putting some musicmeat on the lyricbones Troubelle wrote. That needs to happen. Make an EP and have David provide some designs 😀