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Apparently forgetting the humiliating failure of their cuck-centric boycott of Star Wars: The Force Awakens — the film ultimately made roughly six squadrillion dollars at the box office –some of the internet’s most excitable racists are calling on all white people to skip out on the upcoming Rogue One: A Star Wars Story because something something Jew female white genocide.
“All Whites need to boycott Star Wars: Rogue One and (((Disney))) propaganda,” declares one irate racist Redditor in the AltRight subreddit.
J Jew Abrams and the Menorah Mafia need to be taught a lesson at the box office. DON’T SPEND YOUR MONEY!
The second J in JJ Abrams’ name does not actually stand for “Jew.” He’s also not the writer, director, or even a producer of Rogue One. But never mind. The whiteboy-cott is ON!
The Neo-Nazi blog Infostormer was, as far as I can figure it, the first alt-right organ to call for a Rogue One boycott. In a post back in August, the site denounced the film as
nothing but a Jew masturbation fantasy of anti-White hate. Nearly all of the major characters are non-Whites and the main character is an empowered White female.
As the film’s opening draws ever closer, the calls for a boycott have increased. Alt-right Redditors have denounced the film as “Anti-White Social Engineering,” and “[y]et more proof that the dominant cultural force in modern White Western civilization revolves around tearing down White men.”
“Jew wars is the most overhyped franchise in existence,” complains another Redditor.
Now the Daily Stormer — not to be confused with similarly named, and similarly hateful, Infostormer — has gotten on board the boycott, charging that “the Star Wars brand has been destroyed and subverted by money grubbing Jews” and joking that “Chewbacca is more of a human than that retarded Negro stormtrooper” — that is, John Boyega’s Finn from The Force Awakens.
The boycott now has its own fairly active Twitter hashtag — #DumpStarWars — though most of the Tweets using it at the moment come from people who think the boycott is the dumbest thing in the world since the last Trump cabinet pick.
But there are some “serious” #DumpStarWars-ers as well, including reactionary YouTube pundit Mark Dice, Internet embarrassment Mike Cernovich, and antifeminist YouTube cultist Stefan Molyneux. They’ve added more charges to the alt-right indictment against Star Wars, including excessive feminism, anti-Trumpism on the part of several Star Wars screenwriters, and promotion of Teh Ghey.
#DumpStarWars Feminists ran it from the start – this is an anti-men movie. The father figure is wearing black and is evil.
— Roy Fokker (@RoyFokker1) December 9, 2016
#DumpStarWars we knew Disney were heavy liberal but when you badmouth an entire race because your narrative then no more support.
— Beef Wellington (@Shanew800) December 9, 2016
Er, dude, did you not notice that the evil empire in the original trilogy was basically a bunch of space Nazis?
Ironically, the folks at Return of Kings — who spearheaded the pointless boycott of The Force Awakens — have not explicitly called for a Rogue One boycott yet. But the site has posted two lengthy attacks on the film.
Blogger Aaron Clarey, the self-described “economist of the mano/androsphere” and a regular contributor to RoK, is annoyed that the film looks like it will be a “SJW sermon against white males” with a cast having “more colors than a rainbow,” but he stops short of using the “b” word.
David G. Brown, in a RoK post way back in April, offers a slightly more pointed take on Rogue One, which he sees as a yet another confirmation of “Disney’s hatred for white males.” Like the more explicit racists at Infostormer and The Daily Stormer, Brown is annoyed to find so many people of color in the film’s rebel army.
But he’s even more angry that the main character is not a dude. In the real world, he insists,
women meticulously avoid trying to put themselves in harm’s way to save other people, especially men. …
Unless someone is brainwashed by the pernicious modern “culture,” no one can rationally relate to a [fictional] world where women equally shoulder the burden of self-endangerment, let alone take the lead in it, for some good cause.
The Star Wars franchise’s owner Disney is unquestionably championing women as something they are not amidst the cold, hard truths of real life. …
All in all, Rogue One is just another example of women doing things in films they never bother to do in real life.
How dare a film series featuring a mysterious “Force” that allows people to swordfight blindfolded and move physical objects with their mind feature something as totally unrealistic as a woman fighting in a war?
I’m sure most Star Wars fans will be happy not to have to sit next to any of these idiots in the theaters.
H/T — Jewish Daily Forward, Raw Story
@Weird Eddie
I’m well aware that these are dangerous times that we live in. Interesting times, as some might say. I have a non-zero chance of being harmed or killed thanks to who I am, what I say, and what I believe in. I fear. But this will not stop me from making an effort to improve the world that I live in. If your house has a hole in its roof, you don’t ignore it and let the rains flood your house. At the very minimum, you put a bucket under it to entrap the damage; and if you can, you repair the hole itself to whatever extent you can–whether that’s putting a tarp over it, nailing some boards over it, or getting a professional to fix it.
Good. Boycotting the film will mean actual humans won’t have to deal with them when they go to the theatres.
Thanks for the explanations of virtue signalling. And if that isn’t a shining example of their projection, I don’t know what is.
Troubelle, I apologize, that was very condescending. I don’t know if you were calling me on that, but when I read your response, I realized that regardless of intent, I was out of line. That’s my privilege showing through.
The funny thing is, by calling it virtue signalling, they’re conceding that social justice is well, virtuous.
After we’re finished erasing the likes of Harriet Tubman from history, let’s pretend that all those feminists (and “I’m not a feminist, but…” women) who have fought and still fight for women to be full police officers, firefighters, and soldiers don’t really exist and that they’ve never had to put up with “but women can’t do these things as well as men!”
Seriously, if you ever say anything along the lines of the blockquote, you have to be genuinely shocked whenever you see a woman in uniform. No pretending. Genuine shock.
@Weird Eddie
We both have our privilege to shed, dude. And I wasn’t so much calling you so much as declaring my intent. I’m gonna fucking live my life, and I want other people to do the same. But that can be hard to do when you’re part of a group that’s systematically oppressed, shamed, and denied equal treatment. I plan to work as best I can to get That Shit to stop. It sure as hell won’t be easy, and I ain’t gonna do it alone. But one more to the numbers is always a good thing.
Man, I gotta hire a speech coach. Gotta actually say this to people.
@troubelle, I think that would make an excellent “talking blues” of the kind Woody Guthrie used to do
Yeah, @wwth, @Nicola it’s a weird one. The accusation is, at the same time:
1) You don’t actually care about the thing, you’re just trying to look good!
as well as
2) The thing isn’t good anyways! It’s bad!
That’s how it always is though, huh? It’s sort of the biggest sign that they aren’t actually thinking or being critical, they’re just sort of scrambling about to find any words that sounds like they’re supportive. It’s all feels before reals for these guys!
Welp, looks like I just added Rogue One to the list of “movies I only became interested in seeing after I learned that they were pissing off MRAs.”
@Conan the Librarian
This is my first time hearing of these “talking blues”. I’m willing to hear more.
Woody Guthrie Talking Dust Bowl Blues
They think “virtue signalling” is a problem because societies with greater virtue and empathy tend to move closer towards egalitarianism and challenging social hierarchy. They’re against anything that prevents “natural” social hierarchies from developing based on strength and weakness, so morality and anything else that gets in the way of what’s “natural” needs to go.
Is Dylan’s “Subterranean Homesick Blues” talking blues or something else? (I once heard two teens snickering at that song because they thought it was Springsteen trying to rap. It was a real ‘get off my lawn’ moment.)
re: talking blues
The word that comes to mind is…”genuine,” I suppose.
But we’re the #triggered crybabies, not them!
So… in a fantasy world it’s unrealistic for women to be badasses? Women can’t kick ass or have weird powers in a fantasy universe, because it’s totes not realistic, but it’s super duper realistic for a man to walk on walls and do all that badass shit, right? And supposedly these guys are more rational than all we women combined? Whaaat?
So laughable, I can’t.
I think the original trilogy was also influenced by the Vietnam War and counterculture movements of the 60s and 70s. Pretentious writers did compare Luke to a whiny hippie Gen Xer while Vader was the generation that represented the establishment.
Just a note: I realise I am totally old, but have to point out that Gen X was the 90s, grunge-Nirvana era & Star Wars was released in 1977.
I really like this one! As the lines get longer at about the second half, it gives the impression of a tone shift – picking up the pace, or taking an aggressive edge, or something like that. I’ve already started working on a version of “Welcome to the land of the allegedly free” that I’m pretty happy with (planning to make a draft recording as soon as I get some quiet time in the house), and I think this one will be fun to take a shot at as well.
See also Mean Talkin Blues (A description of fascists if ever there was one)
Talkin’ Fishing Blues
Talking Hard Work
Not talking blues, but worth a listen.
Plane Wreck at Los Gatos
I actually prefer Cisco Houston’s cover, though
I was previously on the fence about whether or not to see it, but I’ll definitely see it now, to play my part in the great cause of white knight beta cuck mangina race treason.
Awesome! Just remember to drop me a royalty if this gets big, kyeheheh. I could use the money. (In all seriousness, I’m really happy that you think this is worth making into a proper song.)
I’ll have to listen to those later when time isn’t as pressing. (I’m currently less than an hour from moving out for the holiday break.)
Gen Xers were both in the 60s and 70s. Gen Y was born in the 90s.
And some context to my last post:
Yeah, I’m not a millennial by about a year.
That just makes millennials my younger sibs, metaphorically speaking.