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Alt-Rightists are boycotting Star Wars Rogue One for its alleged “Anti-White Social Engineering”

Wait, they’re not all white guys!

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Apparently forgetting the humiliating failure of their cuck-centric boycott of Star Wars: The Force Awakens — the film ultimately made roughly six squadrillion dollars at the box office –some of the internet’s most excitable racists are calling on all white people to skip out on the upcoming Rogue One: A Star Wars Story because something something Jew female white genocide.

“All Whites need to boycott Star Wars: Rogue One and (((Disney))) propaganda,” declares one irate racist Redditor in the AltRight subreddit.

J Jew Abrams and the Menorah Mafia need to be taught a lesson at the box office. DON’T SPEND YOUR MONEY!

The second J in JJ Abrams’ name does not actually stand for “Jew.” He’s also not the writer, director, or even a producer of Rogue One. But never mind. The whiteboy-cott is ON!

The Neo-Nazi blog Infostormer was, as far as I can figure it, the first alt-right organ to call for a Rogue One boycott. In a post back in August, the site denounced the film as

nothing but a Jew masturbation fantasy of anti-White hate. Nearly all of the major characters are non-Whites and the main character is an empowered White female.

As the film’s opening draws ever closer, the calls for a boycott have increased. Alt-right Redditors have denounced the film as “Anti-White Social Engineering,” and “[y]et more proof that the dominant cultural force in modern White Western civilization revolves around tearing down White men.”

“Jew wars is the most overhyped franchise in existence,” complains another Redditor.

Now the Daily Stormer — not to be confused with similarly named, and similarly hateful, Infostormer — has gotten on board the boycott, charging that “the Star Wars brand has been destroyed and subverted by money grubbing Jews” and joking that “Chewbacca is more of a human than that retarded Negro stormtrooper” — that is, John Boyega’s Finn from The Force Awakens.

The boycott now has its own fairly active Twitter hashtag — #DumpStarWars — though most of the Tweets using it at the moment come from people who think the boycott is the dumbest thing in the world since the last Trump cabinet pick.

But there are some “serious” #DumpStarWars-ers as well, including reactionary YouTube pundit Mark Dice, Internet embarrassment Mike Cernovich, and antifeminist YouTube cultist Stefan Molyneux. They’ve added more charges to the alt-right indictment against Star Wars, including excessive feminism, anti-Trumpism on the part of several Star Wars screenwriters, and promotion of Teh Ghey.

Er, dude, did you not notice that the evil empire in the original trilogy was basically a bunch of space Nazis?

Ironically, the folks at Return of Kings — who spearheaded the pointless boycott of The Force Awakens — have not explicitly called for a Rogue One boycott yet. But the site has posted two lengthy attacks on the film.

Blogger Aaron Clarey, the self-described “economist of the mano/androsphere” and a regular contributor to RoK, is annoyed that the film looks like it will be a “SJW sermon against white males” with a cast having “more colors than a rainbow,” but he stops short of using the “b” word.

David G. Brown, in a RoK post way back in April, offers a slightly more pointed take on Rogue One, which he sees as a yet another confirmation of “Disney’s hatred for white males.” Like the more explicit racists at Infostormer and The Daily Stormer, Brown is annoyed to find so many people of color in the film’s rebel army.

But he’s even more angry that the main character is not a dude. In the real world, he insists,

women meticulously avoid trying to put themselves in harm’s way to save other people, especially men. …

Unless someone is brainwashed by the pernicious modern “culture,” no one can rationally relate to a [fictional] world where women equally shoulder the burden of self-endangerment, let alone take the lead in it, for some good cause.

The Star Wars franchise’s owner Disney is unquestionably championing women as something they are not amidst the cold, hard truths of real life. …

All in all, Rogue One is just another example of women doing things in films they never bother to do in real life.

How dare a film series featuring a mysterious “Force” that allows people to swordfight blindfolded and move physical objects with their mind feature something as totally unrealistic as a woman fighting in a war?

I’m sure most Star Wars fans will be happy not to have to sit next to any of these idiots in the theaters.

H/T — Jewish Daily Forward, Raw Story

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8 years ago

@PI: I bow to your superior misandering.

I hear you about Skyrim. I sat down last night after everything, after the kids were asleep, the dishwasher was running, the toys were picked up and the cat pan scooped, thinking finally, finally I could get back to the Big MT like I wanted to all day.

And I had to restart my computer twice and “verify data integrity” like five times before NV would even start.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

This is an actual tweet:

My Star Wars is mine and I won’t share.

Cishet white male entitlement in a fucking nutshell, without a hint of irony.

(Even aside from the screaming entitlement leaking from his every pore, sharing is the best part of a fandom – what’s even the fucking point in enjoying something if you can’t talk about it with others who also enjoy it? That’d be boring.)

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

When it comes to media, I can’t empathize nearly as well with male characters. Just can’t. I guess my misandry runs deep :p

Ain’t it interesting how Roy Fokker says that Darth Vader was a “father figure” though? So telling! Darth is the biological father to Luke and Leia, but isn’t actually their father figure. Luke’s father figure is his uncle (and, at least in a literary sense, Obi Wan). Leia’s father figure is the King of Alderaan.

If Vader is the “father figure” of the movie, it means that father figures are supposed to be distant, threatening, manipulative, abusive, and demanding complete obedience. Vader only approaches being an actual father figure at the very end, salvaging some small scrap of love for his children as he realizes what a monster he’s become. He dies so that he can have a moment as a real father, and in doing so he ceases to be Darth Vader entirely.

The only moment Darth Vader is an actual ‘father figure’ is the moment when he rejects the evil of the Empire entirely! When he shows compassion and love! So, yeah, Alt-Right dood, when the guy is saying that the Empire is a white supremascist fascist state, and you reply by saying how unfair it is to paint Vader as evil, you’re sorta own-goaling there. (Not to mention, completely misunderstanding the movies)

I’m not actually a huge Star Wars fan at all, and even I know this stuff. Why don’t you, Mr they’re-stealing-our-media?

Oh, and Jim, you pretty clearly have no idea how much work goes into journalism or nonfiction writing. For every word posted there’s, like, ten written, and a hundred read. And 500mL of caffeine, usually. David is a research bulldozer for the volume of work he writes. One a day is incredible.

By reference, Stephen King has said that you can write a book in a few months if you put in a half hour of writing a day. He doesn’t mention the hours of research, experimentation, design and examination that goes on outside of that half hour.

8 years ago

@SFHC: But the Star Wars OT was released within Trump’s lifetime! Ha! Gotcha!

8 years ago

Please the only reason studios make movies is to make money. The only reason these films have female leads is they’v realized women have money to spend to & don’t just want rom coms and as a bonus a lot of men (ie the secure ones) go & see them too so the studio makes more money.

Having spoken to someone who works way down the totem pole in the merchandising side of the film industry her theory is they market to women now a days as they’ve realized that women buy more merchandising & offer more merchandising opportunities.

Look at all the clothing likes at Torrid & Hot Topic tied to films, heck everything from make up lines to underwear is being made for women tied to geeky movies & computer games now a days.

Also for the most part women decide which toys get bought for the kids, so if you want to sell your themed lego sets & mini figs you better have a good range of characters now a days if you want to sell them.

As an anecdotal side note too, most of my male friends don’t pay to go see movies anyway they download the pirated versions. Why would movie studios make films for people that aren’t willing to pay for them.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

Hey alt “white supremacist” right:

comment image

Notice the resemblance? Sheesh.

8 years ago

@Wwaxwork — at least in theory the toy companies are making a wide range of toys to sell. I remember for the longest time, reports were there were few or no Rey toys to be had.

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
8 years ago

If only I were more cynical. Oh, well.

Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
8 years ago

@ Scildfreja:

If Vader is the “father figure” of the movie, it means that father figures are supposed to be distant, threatening, manipulative, abusive, and demanding complete obedience.

Yup, that’s the igno-right’s philosophy. I’m saying this without a HINT of sarcasm, you hit the nail right on the head

I remember a Mammoth post a while back which linked to some manurespherians who were bragging about their respect for Saudi Arabian cultural norms towards women and girls, and bragging about how they browbeat their daughters into developing this way.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

Unrelated to Star Wars, here’s a bit of Olbermann, reviewing Trump’s cabinet.

I’m so glad that he’s making videos again. Thanks, GQ.

EDIT: Yeah, @Eddie, no sarcasm either. That’s what they seem to think.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
8 years ago

I dug the film reels out of the back room
And threw ’em on the silver screen
But there was something wrong in the movie theater
Wasn’t a soul to be seen

Stepped out of the booth and into the lobby
Darndest thing I ever saw
Buncha white men makin’ quite a din
Rantin’ ’bout some old and ornery law

Now, it may not have been the best place for sellin’ tickets
To films with such a sight to see
But the bystanders were munchin’ away on their popcorn
And that’s not complimentary

So the rest of the films of the day were marked out
And everyone gathered ’round
With their Cokes and their candy boxes, nachos and popcorn
To see the biggest dimwits in the town

Well, they kept on rantin’ and hootin’ and hollerin’
For the better part of that Sunday
And the passerby threw out a line every now and then
To rile them up, ’twas just a game to play

Eventually the dolts of the day got to their point
Somethin’ about the color of skin
Sayin’ somethin’ about the quality of a person
[spoken] And I tried to say something about it just being melanin.

Needless to say, they started goin’ after my jug’lar
Somethin’ about a cabal of “S-juice”
And I told the head [spoken] “Sweetheart, I get you’re trying to make a point”
[belted]”But I don’t quite get your methods of verbal abuse!”

I sure didn’t then, and I still don’t now, but I can say they each deserve
A golden star emblazoned with “you tried”
They went on and on with stranger terms that I still couldn’t translate
And my manager looked like he would rather die

Eventually, she called the cops to herd them out of the joint
But they said that “it’s all just in good fun”
So I offered to do the job myself, but she was quite a skeptic
And I just told her “don’t you worry, hun”

Within the next ten minutes I’d entered the crowd, and things were surely gettin’ loud
But airhorns tend to serve that purpose well
I danced between the rantin’ folks, and all the while I’m screamin’
Like a feral cat comin’ straight outta the bowels of Hell

Well, not two minutes later, the men decided that it wasn’t worth bein’ deafened
By this plump lil’ gal tearin’ them up, up, up, up
So they stormed out grumblin’ through the gates of the ol’ theater
Leavin’ nothing but the wrapper to two peanut butter cups

So I cleaned right up and tossed that in the bin, and I think it would be a sin
Not to mention that passerby were gapin’ at me
So I gave a wave, said “I’m okay, just took care of this in my own way”
“Sometimes you have to believe what ya see!”

Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
8 years ago

ANNNNNNNDDD… I guess it would just be “bad form” to point out that the actor who voiced Darth Vader (and as such “WAS” the character)…

… was a black man….

8 years ago

Shorter Alt-Reich:

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
8 years ago

@Weird Eddie

I meant for that song to just be, like, two verses. Then I just kept going.

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
8 years ago

@Dan Kasteray, I’ll meet your Harriet Tubman and raise you a Clara Barton, who used to have to wring blood out of her heavy skirts to assist on Civil War battlefields.

Women who have deliberately stayed out of danger have generally done so on order to care for others. And of course, women who have deliberately tried to go into dangerous situations in order to help, have often been prevented from doing so. Ms. Tubman and Ms. Barton, among many others, defied convention and the law.

NicolaLuna - epic slut
NicolaLuna - epic slut
8 years ago

Wait, three women helped… that can’t be right.
Or as in the link I posted yesterday, Irena Sendler who saved thousands of children. And who was caught by the nazis, beaten so badly that her ankles and feet were broken (but still didn’t inform on anyone who helped her), was sentenced to death, managed to escape and then went RIGHT BACK TO SAVING KIDS. Although those kids probably don’t count to the alt right as they’re Jewish.


If a movie writer started virtue signalling

What is virtue signalling? Do I want to know?

Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
8 years ago

Troubelle, you just KEEP GOING!!!

I’m “social media inept”, so I can’t do it, but somebody needs to post Troubelle’s stuff on the ‘net.

What would be the social media equivalent of “spray painting on a wall” for all to see??? We need our OWN “Simon Jester”!!!!

Seriously, (maybe I’ve just read too much Sci-Fi…) at some point, Social Conscience is going to go viral and take back the Internet from the igno-right and from the Alternate Reality Industry…. Maybe we start here???

8 years ago

Another thing I would like to ask David G. Brown:

If you were in physical danger, would you want a woman risking her safety on your behalf? Or would it sting your masculine pride?

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
8 years ago

@Weird Eddie

I’m half-considering learning how to play a banjo, guitar, mandolin, fiddle, or string base, finding other people to cover the other bases, and forming a left-leaning bluegrass band. If not, well….I can solo, I suppose. (Coincidentally, the president of my university plays banjo really well….)

I’m not sure what the exact equivalent of an online graffiti wall would be. But….there are real walls. And there’s spray paint, and posters and improvised glue.

8 years ago

Fuck yeah! Filmmakers – make more diverse films and keep white supremacists and Nazis out of our theatres! WIN WIN

8 years ago


What is virtue signalling? Do I want to know?

As I understand it, it’s not that the filmmakers honestly want to put Felicity Jones in the lead of Rogue One, for example, but they do it anyway so they get praise and ups and possibly women will sleep with them.

Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
8 years ago

Way cool, Troubelle, I’ll keep an eye out on yootoob for a band of reprobates wearing Guy Fawkes masks, playing tunes which I “remember seeing somewhere on the ‘net…”!!! Hope you do follow thru, but if you do, please be careful. These are dangerous times.

8 years ago

I’d always thought it was supposed to be a samurai helmet:

8 years ago

@guest: Me, too. Goes with the whole aesthetic that Lucas lifted straight from Kurosawa films.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

@NicolaLuna, Falconer’s got it, but the word’s got some history to it at this point. “Virtue Signalling” is a real thing, discussed in political science and social psychology. It’s when people advocate good things in order to gain social standing, not to actually do good things – the foundation example is a person who advocates recycling, but isn’t actually doing any recycling themselves. It’s a real phenomenon that can crop up all over the place.

MRA’s latched onto the concept, likely because it was tied it to “soccer moms” and “helicopter parenting” and “keepin’ up with the Joneses”. They started using it a couple of years ago as a synonym for “white knight,” probably because they thought it made them sound smarter. They figure that Social Justice Warriors aren’t actually interested in social justice at all, that we just want to feel and be perceived as superior for caring about something that we don’t actually care about.

So yeah, it’s just the old standard “you’re just doing it for attention, you don’t actually care about anyone but yourself” that was the original definition of SJW. (I stand by my belief that “SJW” now means “normal moderate beliefs”)

H. Bomberguy did a great video on it a few months ago, it’s pretty fun: