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Alt-Rightists are boycotting Star Wars Rogue One for its alleged “Anti-White Social Engineering”

Wait, they’re not all white guys!

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Apparently forgetting the humiliating failure of their cuck-centric boycott of Star Wars: The Force Awakens — the film ultimately made roughly six squadrillion dollars at the box office –some of the internet’s most excitable racists are calling on all white people to skip out on the upcoming Rogue One: A Star Wars Story because something something Jew female white genocide.

“All Whites need to boycott Star Wars: Rogue One and (((Disney))) propaganda,” declares one irate racist Redditor in the AltRight subreddit.

J Jew Abrams and the Menorah Mafia need to be taught a lesson at the box office. DON’T SPEND YOUR MONEY!

The second J in JJ Abrams’ name does not actually stand for “Jew.” He’s also not the writer, director, or even a producer of Rogue One. But never mind. The whiteboy-cott is ON!

The Neo-Nazi blog Infostormer was, as far as I can figure it, the first alt-right organ to call for a Rogue One boycott. In a post back in August, the site denounced the film as

nothing but a Jew masturbation fantasy of anti-White hate. Nearly all of the major characters are non-Whites and the main character is an empowered White female.

As the film’s opening draws ever closer, the calls for a boycott have increased. Alt-right Redditors have denounced the film as “Anti-White Social Engineering,” and “[y]et more proof that the dominant cultural force in modern White Western civilization revolves around tearing down White men.”

“Jew wars is the most overhyped franchise in existence,” complains another Redditor.

Now the Daily Stormer — not to be confused with similarly named, and similarly hateful, Infostormer — has gotten on board the boycott, charging that “the Star Wars brand has been destroyed and subverted by money grubbing Jews” and joking that “Chewbacca is more of a human than that retarded Negro stormtrooper” — that is, John Boyega’s Finn from The Force Awakens.

The boycott now has its own fairly active Twitter hashtag — #DumpStarWars — though most of the Tweets using it at the moment come from people who think the boycott is the dumbest thing in the world since the last Trump cabinet pick.

But there are some “serious” #DumpStarWars-ers as well, including reactionary YouTube pundit Mark Dice, Internet embarrassment Mike Cernovich, and antifeminist YouTube cultist Stefan Molyneux. They’ve added more charges to the alt-right indictment against Star Wars, including excessive feminism, anti-Trumpism on the part of several Star Wars screenwriters, and promotion of Teh Ghey.

Er, dude, did you not notice that the evil empire in the original trilogy was basically a bunch of space Nazis?

Ironically, the folks at Return of Kings — who spearheaded the pointless boycott of The Force Awakens — have not explicitly called for a Rogue One boycott yet. But the site has posted two lengthy attacks on the film.

Blogger Aaron Clarey, the self-described “economist of the mano/androsphere” and a regular contributor to RoK, is annoyed that the film looks like it will be a “SJW sermon against white males” with a cast having “more colors than a rainbow,” but he stops short of using the “b” word.

David G. Brown, in a RoK post way back in April, offers a slightly more pointed take on Rogue One, which he sees as a yet another confirmation of “Disney’s hatred for white males.” Like the more explicit racists at Infostormer and The Daily Stormer, Brown is annoyed to find so many people of color in the film’s rebel army.

But he’s even more angry that the main character is not a dude. In the real world, he insists,

women meticulously avoid trying to put themselves in harm’s way to save other people, especially men. …

Unless someone is brainwashed by the pernicious modern “culture,” no one can rationally relate to a [fictional] world where women equally shoulder the burden of self-endangerment, let alone take the lead in it, for some good cause.

The Star Wars franchise’s owner Disney is unquestionably championing women as something they are not amidst the cold, hard truths of real life. …

All in all, Rogue One is just another example of women doing things in films they never bother to do in real life.

How dare a film series featuring a mysterious “Force” that allows people to swordfight blindfolded and move physical objects with their mind feature something as totally unrealistic as a woman fighting in a war?

I’m sure most Star Wars fans will be happy not to have to sit next to any of these idiots in the theaters.

H/T — Jewish Daily Forward, Raw Story

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8 years ago

The other day when asking about donations one of your readers explained to me this is a full time job for you. So you take half an hour a day to put one article up and people are supposed to dish out their hard earned money to support you? Sign me up, sounds like a good gig you’ve got going on here.

Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
8 years ago

All in all, Rogue One is just another example of women doing things in films they never bother to do in real life.


Overall, I’m glad they are not going to go see it… I hate watching a movie in a theater full of entitled, whiny buffoons who think they know better than the scriptwriters how the movie should have been made….

No Man Rules Alone
No Man Rules Alone
8 years ago

I actually support these idiots boycotting Rogue One. It gives everyone else more opportunities to buy tickets.

Christina Nordlander
Christina Nordlander
8 years ago

Films with a female protagonist: feminist propaganda. Seriously, that’s all it takes.

I remember someone on IMDb (which is a complete hive of scum and villainy, so no surprise there) complaining about how the protagonist of Rogue One was going to be “another Mary-Sue female” back before we even knew her name, let alone anything about what she was going to do. I’ve seen people refer to female characters as “Mary-Sues” for being even remotely competent, but that was the first time I’d seen the term broadened to “woman who does something, period”.

(Relatedly, speaking as a feminist, am I the only one wanting the film to be about the cast as an ensemble, not just about Jyn Erso as the heroine? Of course, that’s far too subtle for the alt-righters to understand.)

Also, LO fucking L at that tweeter throwing a fit over Mark Hamill neither confirming nor denying whether Luke is gay. They’re so sensitive.

Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
8 years ago

@ Jim;

First, I doubt that David is getting rich off this

Second, if you WANT to get rich ‘blogging, I recommend you get into the Alternate Reality Industry. There’s a ready-made customer base who will pay you to tell them things like “The Earth Is Flat”, We Never Went To The Moon”, Donald Trump Knows What The Fuck He Is Doing”, “9/11 Was A Government Hoax”, etc, etc, etc…

Some of these ‘bloggers are making upwards of $5k a WEEK!!! Go get yerself some’a that!!

Schnookums Von Fancypants, Purveyor of Misandrist Klondike Bars
Schnookums Von Fancypants, Purveyor of Misandrist Klondike Bars
8 years ago

Do you think that if we use nothing but people of color to advertise food and water we can get them to boycott those things as well? Asking for a friend.

Dan Hoan
8 years ago

Look, I know I am “historian” who went to one of those “left-communist schools” and listen to the “main-stream media” – but women have been fighting and dying for causes the entirety of the human existence. The idea that men have a monopoly on any sort of fighting makes me want to scream.

Here is an example from my home state:

Additionally, while these kind of men think that my only role in life is to please them and birth more white babies – that is literally putting myself in harms way. Up until recently, pregnancy and child birth was incredibly dangerous and harming. It still is to many women! And just being married to a man, who at one time had total control over the women in their lives, was harmful not just bodily, but mentally.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

1. Is Cernovich trying to imply that he’s hard working?

2. No woman or man does the things featured in Star Wars movies because it’s set in a science fiction universe. It’s not like it’s an all woman remake of a historical tale about men such as Saving Private Ryan. It’s a fantasy adventure.

3. I was disappointed with the Lost finale too but the J.J. Abrams hate is getting way out of hand. What is it with their obsession about him?

4. Piss off, Jim.

8 years ago

Okay, I’ll play along for a minute…

women meticulously avoid trying to put themselves in harm’s way to save other people, especially men.

Even if this were true (it isn’t), did it ever cross your mind that maybe it’s because we don’t see many self-sacrificing heroes of our gender in the media? For most people, real life honestly doesn’t afford many opportunities for this sort of heroism. Going about my daily business this week, the number of accident scenes, animal attacks, and crimes-in-progress I encountered was exactly 0. People have to get most of their information about who does the heroics from media, and if we don’t see people we identify with as heroes in fiction, we’re less likely to aspire to be heroes in real life.

Anyhoo, have fun with your boycott. It’s not going to work, but…literally, have fun with it. Take those two and a half hours you would have spent watching Star Wars and do something that brings you genuine joy. No, not angry self-satisfaction, genuine joy. Become a better person for once.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

I’d go one step further, Christina: Any movie that doesn’t have a cishet, hyper masculine, white dude is an attack on cishet, hyper masculine, white dudes to these people.

Because they appear to believe that media is a finite resource. (Which is, on it’s face, absolutely ridiculous.)

Any movie that stars a non-cishet, non-masculine, non-white dude is taking away from and outright attacking them personally.

So, they parrot us yet again and try to co-opt “SJW” tactics for some veneer of legitimacy, not understanding that the reason why our boycotts get media attention or go viral (or work) is because we’re not throwing a tantrum over people getting a toy when we’ve got a toy box full of ’em.

Of course, asking them to examine those feelings and think about how women and/or PoC must feel when they get excluded from media the rest of the time would be asking for the sun to stop rising in the east.

8 years ago

Dafuq? Star Wars, as an entire frickin’ franchise, hasn’t been white since the very first episode! What are all those alien critters, chopped liver? And those ‘droids. (I count them as people too, dammit, because they sure as hell have personalities.)

Short story shorter: Alt-righturds sooooo stoooooooopid.

Podkayne Lives (Effortless Chicken)
Podkayne Lives (Effortless Chicken)
8 years ago

The other day when asking about donations one of your readers explained to me this is a full time job for you. So you take half an hour a day to put one article up and people are supposed to dish out their hard earned money to support you? Sign me up, sounds like a good gig you’ve got going on here.

It’s an unlicensed industry. Try your luck. Post a link here and I’ll take a look at what you have.

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)

All in all, Rogue One is just another example of women doing things in films they never bother to do in real life.

Women can’t discover the Force amidst the stars, he says.

comment image

This is Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin, the most brilliant astrophysicist ever to live, and the discoverer of lots of things. On her behalf, I would like to call bullshit on any claim that women can’t star.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

Oh, you sweet summer children. Throw another tantrum, do.

8 years ago

Two seconds of googling, and I find plenty of women who put themselves at risk to help others.

Here’s just one of many–a bus driver who saved 20 kids from a fire:

I wonder how many alt-righters would do such a thing.

8 years ago

Awright, every time I play Knights of the Old Republic, I’m going to play a woman … oh wait, I do that anyway.

Female Vault Dweller, female Chosen One, male Lone Wanderer, female Courier, female Sole Survivor …

Female Jedi Outcast, female Jedi Exile …

Too many Bhaalspawn to count, but a goodly number were women. Same goes for the Neverwinter Nights games. Also, in the SSI Gold Box games and the similar Might & Magic games, I tend to go for parties with equal mixes of genders …

Two female Dragonborn …

One female and one male Grey Warden … aaaaannnnnddddd

One boy Shepard and one girl Shepard …

so far.

Because I love the freedom to choose, and so many other games make me play a dude. I was a dude particle physicist, a dude pirate, a dude genetically-modified, gene-tailored-plague-carrying Spec Ops soldier, a dude child soldier who replaced same in the sequel, a dude Black Ops agent, a dude incarnation of the Triforce of Courage … agh.

So I am going to go and watch a chick kick the Empire’s ass, steal the plans to their secret weapon, and hopefully live to fight another day. Because there’s no right way to imagine.

Podkayne Lives (Effortless Chicken)
Podkayne Lives (Effortless Chicken)
8 years ago

They turned on the franchise at the exact moment that Finn took off his helmet, and the sight of a black stormtrooper ruined some fantasy the rest of us didn’t even know they had.

I got into one fascinating argument with a dude who insisted all the stormtroopers were white because clones, which a. they aren’t all clones indefinitely, and b. the actor playing Jango Fett isn’t white, so how they imagined all his clones would be suggests they didn’t get a whole lot of biology in school.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago

So silly.

Not enough in the world to complain about? Invent some.

And they call “SJW’s” oversensitive snowflakes that seek reasons to be offended. Pffft.

Jim: I’ll bet every one of the sites you visit has a donate button.

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
8 years ago

“women meticulously avoid trying to put themselves in harm’s way to save other people, especially men. …”

In response to that, I have two words.



Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Falconer | December 9, 2016 at 10:36 am
Two female Dragonborn …

I think all of my TES MCs have been female with only one or two dudes in there.

However, my latest Dragonborn is a fat (as fat as they’d let me make her), scarred lady Orc with a lovely Orc wife.

So, not only is she fat and “ugly”, she’s also a lesbian. She’s also a master blacksmith, and runs both the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves’ Guild.

Oh, and she’s working on plying her skills as a mage. So she can “science” in the Tamriel sense.

…I wanna go play Skyrim now. I also installed a museum mod on my PC version and it comes with a huge questline and I’m trying to fill the place up and holy shit I have so much adulting to do I can’t just drop everything for Skyrim but I want to so badly now

8 years ago


I’d go one step further, Christina: Any movie that doesn’t have a cishet, hyper masculine, white dude is an attack on cishet, hyper masculine, white dudes to these people.

Because they appear to believe that media is a finite resource. (Which is, on it’s face, absolutely ridiculous.)

Time to bring this back:

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

David missed the part where they’re turning on the original trilogy, too, because they have (finally) noticed (just this week) the whole space-Nazi thing.

And the part where their accusations of “Anti-Trump propaganda” extend to said original trilogy.

Fucking time, how does it work.

8 years ago

I’ll give you a nudge in that direction by banning you.

And the people rejoice!

Today’s payday, so I’m happy to send some of my hard-earned money your way, David.

8 years ago

Right wingers work hard and then gicd their money to people who hate them. This must change. #DumpStarWars for calling you Nazis.

Oh Cerno, you fragile fucking hot-house flower. You ARE a Nazi. Why not step up and own it? Where’s your White Pride?

I mean, jeez…for a bunch of guys who hate Political Correctness so much (or profess to), they sure are Politically Correct about what they want to be called. And for people who spend so much time decrying others’ hypersensitivity, they’re the most hypersensitive of all. And they wonder why they’re the despised laughingstocks of the Internet…

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