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So here’s a little silver lining: Remember how, before the election, some people were speculating that Trump’s whole candidacy was really just an attempt to build up an audience so that he could launch Trump TV after he inevitably lost?
Hell, this theory might have even been true. But after Trump’s surprise victory, Trump TV was off the table. At least for now.
The YouTube channel Super Deluxe shows us what might have been:
Actually that looks kind of awesome. Thanks, Super Deluxe!
@ Troubelle:
That’s a good one!!
@Weird Eddie
Just that one line, huh? *hyeh*
Peace to you and best of luck!
It’s all Trump all the time on the news now. I am trying to cheer myself up by hoping that, when he finally start the job he’s woefully ill-prepared to do, he’ll realize that it’s too hard for him, that it doesn’t really go with his desired lifestyle. He’ll get tired of late-night TV hosts eviscerating him every night.
Who am I kidding though?
Trump’s secretary of education pick is okay with child labor. His secretary of labor pick is against the minimum wage. He wants a woman whose considerable personal wealth comes from a corporate conglomerate that destroys small, local ventures in charge of small business affairs. We’d all be better off if Trump just wrote his dystopian fantasies as YA novels instead of trying to make them real.
@Monzach: Be well.
Good luck, Monzach!
Thanks for letting us know! Completely understandable, and it’s great that you’re able to spot this coming and (hopefully) try to reduce the impact a bit. I haven’t had severe depression for a while, but I still need to take time out occasionally; all part of essential self-care.
Look after yourself and get in touch if you need to talk to relative strangers 🙂
@Sinkable John, esquire,
How is you? 5 words or less is fine if that’s all you got 🙂
Take care of yourself.
Take care of yourself. If I may offer a place of positivity that helps me when I start heading downward: http://positivedoodles.tumblr.com
Monzach, sad to hear it. Take care of yourself any way you need to. Hope the black hole doesn’t run on too deep or too long this time around.
Oh yeah, and TRUCK FUMP. Because I’m sure he’s not helping either.
Boggle the Owl is pretty good too, though a lot of the art stopped a few years ago (hopefully it’ll start coming back).
Spoonerisms are THE BEST 😀
If you spoonerise the current PM’s name (in Aust.) it becomes Talcolm Murmbull. Perfect. The opposition leader becomes Shill Borten (oops)
Aren’t they? I thought it bore reviving, since I used to say “Buck Fush” a lot. And now I almost miss the bumbling idiot, sweatsocks stuffed in his flightsuit crotch and all. 🙁
Good luck Monzart.
It might have been WHTM that convinced me to check out Gravity Falls. It’s surprisingly good. I like that Dipped has a mostly positive relationship with his sister.
Take care, Monzach. See you later!
You know, I couldn’t stand his Presidency, hated who he surrounded himself with and who actually pulled his strings, but I genuinely liked Bush as a person, if that makes any sense at all.
Like I have an urge to ruffle his hair and chuck him under the chin.
He is…unique.
Oh, Trump TV will be waiting for him as soon as he leaves office.
He really isn’t, you can find the likes of him in any frathouse or car dealership on the continent.
Kinda OT, really fucked up:
Some festering wart on humanity is using Louisiana’s ludicrous anti choice laws to sue to force Sofia Vergara to bring two frozen embryos to term
He basically wants to be Putin, so I actually do expect government controlled TV channels, like Russia has.
@Dalillama, Effort Chicken
Between this case and the Ohio bill effectively banning abortion in that state I don’t know which is worse.
I don’t believe it. Roosh V is making his own version of Wikipedia called “Kings Wiki” (named after Return of Kings, apparently). No links because… just no.
I did check out some of the articles; it seems fairly sparse at the moment, and only one of them which I happened to read had much detail (specifically, “Attacks by Social Justice Warriors”). But the whole thing is… very manospherian. It’s like Conservapedia or Metapedia, except for misogynists.
I have to agree that it’s not much of a silver lining; der Pumpkinführer does not need his own TV network, and will probably just found one anyway, because [sarcasm] Hillary is the corrupt one and der Pumpkinführer will drain the swamp!!!! [/sarcasm]
Vox Day is making his own wiki too, “Infogalactic”. Apparently SJWs are the main problem with wikipedia, so geting rid of them will make everything better. I have no interest in visiting it at all, though rationalwiki says that it is mostly filled with pages copied directly from wikipedia.