The 4th quarter 2016 We’ve Got a Bigger Problem Now WHTM pledge drive continues! If you like, then MONEY pls? SERIOUS THANKS!
The internet’s angry dude army tends to get pretty worked up when women “invade” what some dudes consider sacred male spaces — like video games, and Star Wars, and comedic films about ghosts.
Now these same dudes are furious at comedian Amy Schumer for invading yet another sacrosanct male space: the world of Barbie.
Wait, what did I just write?
Ok, so the world of Barbie is traditionally associated with young girls, not angry adult men, but it turns out that a bunch of these adult men apparently feel that they should get the final say in any Barbie-related decisions that might possibly have some sort of impact on, I guess, their weird sexual fantasies about Barbie dolls?
See, they’re mad about reports that Schumer may play the title role in an upcoming live-action film based on the legendary Barbie doll because, even though the film isn’t aimed at them at all, the very thought that a woman with opinions they don’t like, and who they think is a fatty, might play Barbie kind of makes their little heads explode.
And so, on Reddit’s The_Donald, where a good number of these angry dudes tend to congregate, the Trump-loving, Schumer-hating regulars have decided to make America great again by Googlebombing an unflattering pic of Amy Schumer to the top of the search results for the phrase “fat Barbie.”
They haven’t succeeded in this task, at least not yet, though the post advocating the Googlebomb has managed to garner more than 3500 upvotes so far.
The_Donald’s critiques of the Emmy-award winning comedian, actress, writer and producer are, naturally, small masterpieces of careful reasoning.
I have curated a selection of some of the finest comments for you all below.
What a terrible miscarriage of cinematic justice!!1! In the REAL WORLD Amy Schumer would never ever ever ever be able to date a hunky dude oh wait.
Just a reminder: when then-candidate Donald Trump did his “Ask Me Anything” appearance on Reddit, he bypassed the regular Ask Me Anything subreddit and went straight to The_Donald.
Clearly, these are his peeps.
Personally, I’m offended that Channing Tatum doesn’t have kung-fu grip, eagle-eye vision, a 55 inch chest, and a flocked beard. Never before in history has an average guy been able to infiltrate Team Cobra’s secret submarine Arctic base and take out two nano-warhead missiles with a stolen M.A.R.S. prototype Night Raven jet.
In reality, a guy like Tatum has normal proportions and has to obey Newtonian laws of physics. Navy SEALS walk past him on the sidewalk and sometimes they don’t even say “hi”. It’s almost like he’s an actor playing a fantasy role. Sad! Beta!
Can I just say how happy I am to hear that this movie is going to be a thing? I mean, I don’t really watch movies at all so likely won’t see it. But the fact that there’s going to be a movie about something so stereotypically girly, and the lead is going to be played by a non-supermodel snark machine like Amy Schumer? Troublesome commentary from her aside, the fact that it sounds like the story’s going to be an actual story and not some sort of pablum about riding horses is brilliant.
(If the horses were pastel-coloured marshmallow ponies I’d be okay with that, though)
… oh, were some reddit assholes commenting on this? Gosh, I wonder what the Kings of Rationality there have to say about –
– yeah, that’s about right, exactly what I f –
– hah! wow. There’s your problem, jerks. Clearly, these guys are offended because they think Original Barbie’s proportions are actually possible in real life, and that women lose weight by thinking about it. Gotta wonder why every man isn’t a pillar of muscle and chiseled physique, if all it takes is fuckin’ social pressure to change your body.
(Oh, wait, it’s because men are judged by their actions but women are judged by their looks, my bad)
((as a first approximation. Back of Mark, I know my social psychology on this))
Anyways. Cool! I hope this does as well as Mad Max, and angers the Minions of the Pumpkin just as much.
I have no clue who Amy Schumer even is…
Isn’t it fun how they’ve all started to talk like Trump, too? Ending their sentences with “Sad!” and talking in sentence fragments. Seems to be on the uptick, or maybe that’s just confirmation bias on my part. Either way, I’ve noticed it on the rise. Gosh, I hope so. They’ll all dissolve into unintelligible phonemes by 2018 at this rate.
EDIT: Hi Knitting Cat Lady! Welcome to the show.
Back in 2006, if someone told me that in 2016, grown-ass men would be angry that women are stealing My Little Pony and Barbie from them, I’d probably have laughed.
The future is weird.
I think Trump’s popularity partially has to do with a backlash against increased public feminism. When Bill Clinton became president, he limited his support for feminism to passing the Violence Against Women Act and supporting reproductive rights. The Obama Administration took much more of an activist stance, especially with campus sexual assault and sexual harassment regulations (before the new system there were even a few public universities where non-employee students couldn’t be disciplined unless they got physical or made violent threats). In places like Ohio there was a huge disdain for the increased concern over sexual harassment.
Insert joke about average women vs. mean women
See, to them, the fairly conventionally attractive but not supermodel looking woman is unfuckable, and that’s why they’re so angry that she can get laid whenever she wants even though they can’t.
Let’s see…10. Bingo!
… CNN…
geez, that’s gotta be wrong… The Cheeto CLEARLY said he’d saved the day….
@ EJ
“grown… men” might be a stretch….
From plastic playthings stored under beds
To images in public heads
Forms we can’t precisely replicate
Pushed by those who want to make a nation “great.”
And a woman who isn’t thinner than a willow stick
Is playing the role (oh, it makes these folks sick!)
A symbol of feminine stereotypes
Commence complaints from these asswipes.
@ Troubelle:
You rock!! Now we need to spread these ditties anonymously throughout the Interlink!!!
@Weird Eddie
Hey, if you wanna drop ’em around, go ahead.
@ Knitting Cat Lady:
Did some of them imprint on Barbie as the ideal of what women look like, and are lashing out at reality itself for betraying them? That’s the only thing I can think of to explain all this. I hope I’m wrong, because that’s one of the saddest things imaginable.
Off topic a bit, but:
That reminds me, there was a discussion about folk songs a few days back. Don’t recall this one being mentioned, but one of my favourites for this sort of thing would be Canadian folk singer James Keelaghan’s Hold Your Ground
(Got that song on the 1993 compilation from the Mariposa Folk Festival. Weirdly, most of the online lyrics sites are missing the line ‘The only view is forward when your back’s against the wall’, but the rest of it looks good.)
Hmm…I may be doing more than just re-drawing Handsome Jack’s silly picture over the 5-week break. Research into folk music may not be the core of the curriculum, but it couldn’t possibly hurt.
Hmm, now that I think about it, cosmetic surgery might be one of those things that these rageholes think can make some women more attractive, but are still going to slam them for, since it’s “dishonest”, like using make up, hair extensions or fake eyelashes. It kind of makes me wonder if they think that dental braces and contact lenses are lies too?
Probably only if they thought that dental braces were a cosmetic enhancement and that glasses were a natural part of the human body, either of which would be bizarre even for them.
Don’t get them started on laser eye surgery.
(highly recommended, btw)
That picture is unflattering? Really?
Well, anything that makes these fuckers angry is good news for the rest of us.
I think the funniest thing is that the article implies there are non-male spaces.
Silly peeps, there’s no such thing! There’s only “male spaces” and everywhere else that a man can have opinions and thoughts on or claim whenever. Everyone else gets to be shit on for invading these places.
I really can’t wait to see that, BTW. Please link or post when you finish it kthanx.
I was thinking contact lens use more along the lines of “You aren’t wearing glasses so I can’t outright tell that you need visual aid, which means you are hiding it therefore being fake” kind of thinking.
Whelp let’s hope no one tells them about Curvy Fashionista Barbie that’s actually a real toy that one can go and purchase at retailers that sell Barbies.
Seriously though, I’m not a fan of Barbie, mostly because I’m kinda “meh” about her, feminist ideals or no, but I want that Curvy barbie with the blue hair.
(I also want the Tokidoki barbies but mostly because I freaking love me some Tokidoki)
And dental braces do have a cosmetic effect, so it could go “Your teeth aren’t that straight naturally, yet you go on about your life smiling like they are”.
Haven’t they ever heard of chubby chasers? Some people (not just men) are attracted to obesity (actual obesity, not someone the size of Amy Schumer).
And why are they up in arms about a BARBIE movie? Barbie is for little girls, not (supposedly) grown men.