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Reddit’s Trump army is furious Amy Schumer is invading the sacred male space of … Barbie

Amy Schumer: Ruining Trump fans’ memories of Barbie

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The internet’s angry dude army tends to get pretty worked up when women “invade” what some dudes consider sacred male spaces — like video games, and Star Wars, and comedic films about ghosts.

Now these same dudes are furious at comedian Amy Schumer for invading yet another sacrosanct male space: the world of Barbie.

Wait, what did I just write?

Ok, so the world of Barbie is traditionally associated with young girls, not angry adult men, but it turns out that a bunch of these adult men apparently feel that they should get the final say in any Barbie-related decisions that might possibly have some sort of impact on, I guess, their weird sexual fantasies about Barbie dolls?

See, they’re mad about reports that Schumer may play the title role in an upcoming live-action film based on the legendary Barbie doll because, even though the film isn’t aimed at them at all, the very thought that a woman with opinions they don’t like, and who they think is a fatty, might play Barbie kind of makes their little heads explode.

And so, on Reddit’s The_Donald, where a good number of these angry dudes tend to congregate, the Trump-loving, Schumer-hating regulars have decided to make America great again by Googlebombing an unflattering pic of Amy Schumer to the top of the search results for the phrase “fat Barbie.”

They haven’t succeeded in this task, at least not yet, though the post advocating the Googlebomb has managed to garner more than 3500 upvotes so far.

The_Donald’s critiques of the Emmy-award winning comedian, actress, writer and producer are, naturally, small masterpieces of careful reasoning.

I have curated a selection of some of the finest comments for you all below.

FightTheUniverse 37 points 9 hours ago RIP Amy Schumer's f**kability. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]ZornsLemmon 55 points 8 hours ago She's always had a dog face and her chin is annoying as f**k. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]Tragically_American 16 points 2 hours ago SHE'S A CHUBBY CHEEKED WHORE!!

TheSaltyFlipper 8 points 6 hours ago It was a calculated move. Most of American is now overweight. Instead of striving to be her best she let herself go in order to be a closer fit to the "avergage American". Sad!

enemyofIslam 1 point 3 hours ago Not even worth the hatef**k anymore how sad

johnchapelOH 3 points 2 hours ago  If anyone saw trainwreck, her character was a promiscous girl who was really picky with men, slept with 8s and higher, and treated them like sexual objects, kicking them out of the house after SHE'S cum. Absolute f**king make-believe. Never before in history has a girl who looks like Amy f**king Schumer EVER been like that. In reality, fat weird looking girls like her f**king GUSH when a 6 even says "Excuse me" to walk past them.

What a terrible miscarriage of cinematic justice!!1! In the REAL WORLD Amy Schumer would never ever ever ever be able to date a hunky dude oh wait.

Just a reminder: when then-candidate Donald Trump did his “Ask Me Anything” appearance on Reddit, he bypassed the regular Ask Me Anything subreddit and went straight to The_Donald.

Clearly, these are his peeps.

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8 years ago

There are a whole host of reasons to hate Ms. Schumer. That she is the epitome of “white feminism” is only one of those reasons.

That said, I couldn’t give a flying hot s**t that she’s playing Barbie. And I’m always gonna be okay with her making these guys angry.

Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
8 years ago

Oh, godx, please, PLEASE, make them go away….

For a group so easily enraged over everyone else having agency, they sure have an inflated view of their own agency….

8 years ago

But, but they’re so sad about Amy! They say so right there!

8 years ago

The poor dears are just so adorable and cute when they’re mad! I love how their apoplexy causes all sorts of weird and wonderful phrases to come gushing out of them.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

1)Doesn’t her face always look like the ‘unflattering’ pic? I’m unfazed

2)This movie’s gonna be total ass. Imma rewatch Toy Story 3 instead

3)Stop wanting to fuck tiny plastic dolls, ya creepers!

8 years ago

Well, to be unduly generous to these whiny hyperbolic babies, Barbie was based on a German sex toy, right?

8 years ago

I’m not much of an Amy Schumer fan, I guess, but it’s… interesting? that these guys are all trying to insult her appearance while admitting they still find her attractive.

“You’re fat! I probably wouldn’t even have sex with you. Probably!”

8 years ago

And so, on Reddit’s The_Donald, where a good number of these angry dudes tend to congregate, the Trump-loving, Schumer-hating regulars have decided to make America great again by Googlebombing an unflattering pic of Amy Schumer to the top of the search results for the phrase “fat Barbie.”

Way to show them how serious your movement is.

Can I add that “Tragically_American” has the most appropriate username?

Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
8 years ago

@ Kupo:

That’s “Make America GRATE Again”

8 years ago

@Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie

Make America gyrate again

Turan, Emissary of the Fly World
Turan, Emissary of the Fly World
8 years ago

Is Schumer actually playing Barbie? The summary that I read gave the impression that she was a playing a subsidiary character, who gets kicked out of the Barbie Universe (presumably to be CGI) and into the real world (live action), because she no longer looks or behave as a Barbie character should.

Which might be a premise that the Redditers would approve, if only their automatic hatred of Schumer were not blinding them. Well, also, if this is the plot (and as the film has not been made yet, and may not have a final script, who knows?), it is certain to end with Schumer’s character finding love and happiness, and to carry a “be happy with who you are” message, so in any event the Redditers will find something to dislike.

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
8 years ago

As a relatively cis white male, every day that I wake up I thank the maker of the universe that I’m not like these guys

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Her body is a calculated move? What is it with people’s insistence on believing that women can control our body shape? It’s not even just internet misogynists who think this way. It’s the culture as a whole. If we just want it enough we can will our way into being super skinny except for shapely t&a. That’s not how it works!

Also misogynists need to get their stories straight. Are men oppressed because it’s near impossible for an average Joe to get laid while average Janes can fuck anyone so they join alpha male harems? Or is a fairly conventionally attractive but not supermodel looking woman so hideous that she is permanently unfuckable? You can’t have it both ways!

8 years ago

Amy Shumer is super problematic. Ikeke35 is right.
But her skit 12 Angry Men inside Amy Shumer is hilarious. Highly recommend. It mocks men just like this.

8 years ago

I guess they don’t realize that there are now actual Barbie dolls with Amy Schumer-like proportions now.×807.jpg

8 years ago

I think I once saw someone claim that it was about body type (like, that any woman is considered attractive enough as long as she isn’t fat) or something like that… 🙁

Turan, Emissary of the Fly World
Turan, Emissary of the Fly World
8 years ago

“Barbie was based on a German sex toy, right?”

Oh, dear God, not that again.

The facts: Barbie was the creation of Ruth Handler. When she tried to sell the idea to Mattel, she found the company resistant. One of the objections was that a doll of the dimensions Handler proposed (simultaneously slender and curvy) was simply unworkable. On a trip to Germany, she saw a doll based on a comic strip character named Lilli. This looked a lot like what she had in mind, so she took some Lilli dolls home, and redesigned Barbie along the same lines. Mattel bought this version, and also eventually bought the rights to Lilli, presumably because someone finally noticed how much the two characters looked alike and saw the potential for a lawsuit.

The Lilli doll was never a “sex toy,” in any sense in which that phrase is ever used. It was, simply, a doll. The marketing was aimed more at adults rather than children, but the idea being sold was more the character as a sort of mascot, not something to be inserted into any bodily openings.

Now, the Lilli comic strip was certainly risque, and Lilli was broadly hinted to have an active sex life. One might some interesting observations on the fact of such a character being the basis for Barbie (see M.G. Lord’s book FOREVER BARBIE for that). However, that would require staying within the facts, and not accepting the usual Internet distortion: “Barbie was originally a hooker!,” “Barbie was based on a porn character!,” etc.

8 years ago

Keep in mind that a an antifeminist man shot up a theater that was showing Trainwreck.

This irrational rage leads to murder. They know it. That’s what they hope for.

Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
8 years ago

I thank the maker of the universe that I’m not like these guys

… if ever I think I have nothing to be grateful for… there’s ALWAYS that!!!


something to be inserted into any bodily openings

… damn, that would… HURT!!!

8 years ago

I’m sure successful film and television star Amy Schumer will be devastated to learn that she is no longer worth a “hate fuck.”

A Rose for Emily
A Rose for Emily
8 years ago

Amy Schumer is a size 8. In what world is that “fat”? She tells fat jokes and stars alongside size-0 actresses, yes, but she’s smaller than about 80% of women today[*]. How is someone in the 20th percentile for body size a “fatty”?

[*] Average waist size is about 36″ (size 16), with a standard deviation of ±7 inches. As a size 8, Schumer would have roughly a 30″ waist.

8 years ago


And it does appear to be ramping up higher and higher on Reddit and 4chan, which I find all kinds of disturbing, considering that these guys have always been histrionic. When they start calling for toddler genocide tho’…

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo


Yeah, they create gigantic loopholes so they can whine no matter what. All women are covered in suitors as long as they aren’t fat but their definition of fat is any woman over about 125 pounds.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


any woman over about 125 pounds

Regardless of height or build of course…

8 years ago

And then they still complain about how women can’t be attractive if they have short hair, dyed hair, piercings, tattoos, cats, children, thick-rimmed eyeglasses, too much make up, too little make up, unshaven legs and/or armpits, cosmetic surgery, a 26th birthday… the list is just never-ending

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