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The internet’s angry dude army tends to get pretty worked up when women “invade” what some dudes consider sacred male spaces — like video games, and Star Wars, and comedic films about ghosts.
Now these same dudes are furious at comedian Amy Schumer for invading yet another sacrosanct male space: the world of Barbie.
Wait, what did I just write?
Ok, so the world of Barbie is traditionally associated with young girls, not angry adult men, but it turns out that a bunch of these adult men apparently feel that they should get the final say in any Barbie-related decisions that might possibly have some sort of impact on, I guess, their weird sexual fantasies about Barbie dolls?
See, they’re mad about reports that Schumer may play the title role in an upcoming live-action film based on the legendary Barbie doll because, even though the film isn’t aimed at them at all, the very thought that a woman with opinions they don’t like, and who they think is a fatty, might play Barbie kind of makes their little heads explode.
And so, on Reddit’s The_Donald, where a good number of these angry dudes tend to congregate, the Trump-loving, Schumer-hating regulars have decided to make America great again by Googlebombing an unflattering pic of Amy Schumer to the top of the search results for the phrase “fat Barbie.”
They haven’t succeeded in this task, at least not yet, though the post advocating the Googlebomb has managed to garner more than 3500 upvotes so far.
The_Donald’s critiques of the Emmy-award winning comedian, actress, writer and producer are, naturally, small masterpieces of careful reasoning.
I have curated a selection of some of the finest comments for you all below.
What a terrible miscarriage of cinematic justice!!1! In the REAL WORLD Amy Schumer would never ever ever ever be able to date a hunky dude oh wait.
Just a reminder: when then-candidate Donald Trump did his “Ask Me Anything” appearance on Reddit, he bypassed the regular Ask Me Anything subreddit and went straight to The_Donald.
Clearly, these are his peeps.
They’ve identified at least one gene linked with the ability to taste bitterness in cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, etc.). I learned about it from 23 and Me, at the same time I learned I do not have that variant of the gene. Before that, I never knew anyone experienced a bitter flavor from those veggies and suddenly the reason why I’ve always loved Brussels sprouts became clear. It’s always had a nice flavor to me. Even if I eat it raw it’s never bitter, actually it’s a bit spicy like radish that way. But since radish is in the same family maybe other people find that bitter, too?
Radicchio and endive, on the other hand, are horrible, bitter things. Why anyone eats them is beyond me. You might as well sprinkle aspirin pills on your salad; it would taste better. I used to every few years find a recipe from a favorite chef and think maybe this recipe has the proper preparation method so I won’t hate it, but they never did and so I’ve given up on them.
@Scented Fucking Hard Chairs:
Wow, turning against the original Star Wars trilogy is sure to make them popular with the internet at large.
On the upside, now I have another reason to hate the alt-right!
@Matt, ew.
Pretty much. They’re mad every time there’s a movie starring a woman, or aimed at women, rather than just using women as an accessory/trophy/fap-fodder in a movie aimed at men. The whole idea of women-as-leading-characters just saps and impurifies their precious bodily fluids!
Hmm. I can taste the bitterness in crucifers, but it doesn’t bother me. On the other hand, I can taste the bitterness in chocolate, but it does bother me.
The list of things which I don’t like is pretty short and seemingly lolrandom.
<excessive pedantry> Seer, or perhaps soothsayer. A prophet, technically, is someone who speaks on behalf of a god. This may include predictions of the future, but it is not necessary </excessive pedantry>
I like most bitter green things. I can’t handle cilantro though. Tastes like soap. But bitter greens are good to me the way really hoppy beer is good. I like some stinky cheese too.
Vegetables! I like most of them that I’ve tried (that is, in my grown-up stage of life – as a kid I was pickier). Cauliflower and carrots are probably my favourites. Raw and crunchy is nice. Or roasted with olive oil and a bit of rosemary and/or savoury. On the other hand, I don’t care for horseradish or very sour things.
Now, Barbies… I don’t think @Matt set out to offend, but was joking about the idea that a Barbie could be a “sex toy” in a literal way. Anyway, it made me laugh.
But that’s the thing (and here I begin my rant against the MRA types). People on this blog like and dislike different things, and mostly we don’t get angry about matters of taste. Thinking that your taste should dictate everything that people should do and be? That’s called entitlement, and it gets very, very silly as well as unfair.
@epitome of incomprehensibility
Pardon me, but I am enraged by the disrespect shown on this thread to the innocently spicy horseradish.
It’s delicious and works wonders to clear the sinuses. Anyone who disagrees with me is a poopyhead in the extreme.
Horseradish: What’s it ever done to you (besides give you a jolt of I’m awake!).
@Kat – Oh noes! I need to defend my honour! My carrots challenge your horseradish to a battle!
…Hm, not sure how that would work. And in terms of clearing sinuses, yours would clearly win. Okay, I surrender 😛
@epitome of incomprehensibility
It’s impossible to get a good vendetta going on WHTM.
Damn it!
I wish I looked as good in photos as Amy Schumacher does in that “unflattering” photo
Well, sometimes they mix it with other stuff to lessen the heat level, in which case it’s greatly disappointed me. Though I blame the chef, rather than the horseradish in those cases.
This does not rise to the level of vendetta.
Or even mild disagreement.