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MGTOWs completely lose their sh*t over a gif of a toddler on a cell phone

The face of female entitlement, or just a toddler pretending to talk on a cell phone?

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To the regulars on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, she’s a bitch. She’s “disgusting.” She’s a “future cat lady in training.” She’s the inevitable result of a world in which women don’t face “any consequences for having a vagina.” We may need “another Hitler” to rid the world of people like her.

To the rest of the world, she is … a toddler playing with a cell phone.

Not long ago, a Redditor posted the gif above to the MGTOW subreddit, headlining his post with a question: “Where the f**k do women learn this bitchy, ugly behaviour?”

Yep, he accused a toddler of being a bitch.

As it turns out, he wasn’t the only one roused to white-hot fury by a toddler in a gif.

Random-Reddit-Lurker 8 points 7 days ago Future cat lady in training.

Some saw the talkative toddler as evidence that women need to be, er, beaten up more regularly.

lonewolf-chicago 30 points 7 days ago No consequences. Men get punched in the face for acting up. Women don't.

omegapro95 1 point 7 days ago yes, i agree, i have been saying for years. until women start getting beaten up for bad behavior like men, physically, they will stay as bitchy as ever cuz they know there isnt any consequences for having a vagina.

Dude, there are plenty of consequences that come with having a vagina, as there are for having a penis. I’m not quite sure why you think “getting beaten up” should be one of them.

One commenter seemed to suggest that the only real, er, solution to girl toddlers talking on cell phones would involve .. the mass extermination of all “feminazis,” possibly even those still wearing diapers.

Yes, that’s right: he compared feminists to Nazis. And in the next sentence he suggested that they needed to be killed by “another Hitler.”

Irony is dead.

And if FalloutFan2 got his way, I guess, a lot of women would be too.

Even those who put the “blame” for the toddler’s hilarious unforgivable behavior on her mother couldn’t resist taking a dig at the toddler herself. For her unoriginality.

RationalistFaith1 10 points 7 days ago She has observed her mother or another close clam. Mimicking is what women do best, as much as an ounce of innovation? Never.

Seriously, girl toddler in a gif, did you invent the cell phone? I think not. Hang up, and hang your head in shame!

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Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

authorialAlchemy | December 8, 2016 at 2:02 am
I’m still curious if Fallout 4 has a weird synth adoption service. :U

Uh…well, I suppose I could explain if you’re okay with spoilers for the main questline?

Also, I think it depends on your definition of “adoption”.

Because I’ve “adopted” quite a few synths. Mostly to spite the Brotherhood of Steel because they’re pretty much Nazis in FO4. Or about as close as you can fucking get. I mean, it’s pretty much genocide of all non-humans (and any humans who disagree with their genocide) all the way down in their questline.

8 years ago

@Latte Cat

dick-eating picture

@Paradoxical intention

dick-eating song

Y’know, I think there’s something about associating fellatio with punishment, degradation and disapproval that doesn’t really belong on this blog.

So, uh, can we not?

snork maiden
8 years ago

Interesting they assume the child is imitating her mother, last time I checked using a telephone was a unisex activity.

‘Pretend cleaning’???

I have a photo of my son at two years old vacuuming the hallway, but I gave him an actual dustbuster to play with, may as well get some actual cleaning done. I can’t get him to play at cleaning now, how soon they figure it out…

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

I was punched in the face a number of times when I was 18-21 and frequented bars/clubs. I tend to be a bit of a dick to drunk idiots, and 5-6 times I got punched. Three of those times were by the same person. :p

But other than that I’ve never had any violent altercation. The closest I’ve come was helping to throw a troublemaker off the subway. This idea that men are routinely punched in the face by other men is just a fantasy. Obviously.

snork maiden
8 years ago

@ IP,

not to mention, who the hell punches a toddler for not behaving in a preferred way? No one who doesn’t belong in jail I believe.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago



Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

Yeah, that thing about “pretend cleaning” made a giant question mark appear in the air above my head. What the fuck. This only further confirms that MRAs are space aliens.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Pie | December 8, 2016 at 2:27 am
Y’know, I think there’s something about associating fellatio with punishment, degradation and disapproval that doesn’t really belong on this blog.

So, uh, can we not?

Sure thing. Sorry about that. : (

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

Re: men getting punched

Maybe it’s a selection bias thing? I can imagine these guys getting punched a lot.

8 years ago

Ninja’d by everyone, but…

YOGA PANTS? SERIOUSLY?! Uhhahahahahwhahaa!

Clearly these… uh… people (I guess?) have never seen a baby or a toddler before.

Christina Nordlander
Christina Nordlander
8 years ago

But it’s the SJWs who always complain about minor things, amirite? (I see Troubelle already pointed this out, only with far better wording.)

As for why you’re not allowed to punch women in the face: this may come as a surprise to MRAs, but assaulting people of any gender is illegal! Who would have thunk it?

8 years ago

They aren’t getting hit. They aren’t worried they’re gonna get hit. They just want an excuse to abuse women and kids. That’s why they hate anything that allows victims to leave their abusers.

8 years ago

The yoga pants thing really creeped me out. What do they think toddlers are supposed to wear, mini skirt and high-heels?

8 years ago

RationalistFaith1 had this insight:

Mimicking is what women do best, as much as an ounce of innovation? Never.

So true! Not like you, RationalistFaith1. You’re using poor grammar to make some kind of half-assed point on a website devoted to hating women. That is nothing if not original. You dare to go where no manospherian has gone before. . . .

The little girl in the video, on the other hand, is completely derivative, down to her “yoga pants.” And like every other girl toddler, her yoga pants conceal her diaper. What a copycat loser!

8 years ago

What is it like to have so few actual pressing problems that a gif of a small child doing small child things can send you into a frothing misogynist rage?

I don’t even mean that in the oppression Olympics sense, I just mean like, having laundry to do, groceries to buy (those boneless skinless unseasoned chicken breasts/seagulls aren’t gonna procure themselves!) crud under your nails to pick out, anything more pressing than plumbing the depths of stupidity and making it public.

Is this why manospherians assume that feminists are always blowing up over nothing? Projection like a fucking drive in theater, yo.

Even if you’re the kind of bitter asshole who doesn’t find small children charming (like me), does it really stoke your confirmation bias hard enough to justify the effort of being angry? The desperate need for approval looks like vice signalling from over here.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

If someone did dress alzheimer’s toddler in a mini skirt and heels and put it online, they’d be raging about her being turned into a slut by her evil whore mother who’s probably on welfare because she got knocked up by Chad Thundercock.

8 years ago

Here’s some interesting background on the alt-right.

Not mentioned: the men’s “rights” movement.

Mentioned (but just that): monarchists.

Monarchists! Some people apparently want a king (or a queen?) to govern the USA.

Excuse me, monarchists: The Founding Fathers! Betsy Ross! Pilgrims! Lafayette! Crispus Attucks! Molly Pitcher! I believe I’ve made my point.

How the alt-right became racist: A short history of hate — Part 1
Part One: What’s now called the alt-right actually began as a conservative resistance — against George W. Bush

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

Re: women inventing stuff

It’s probably hard to claim any single individual invented rock & roll; but Rosetta Tharpe must have a pretty good shout. Johnny Cash certainly thought so.

(Note also pioneering use of radio microphone)

8 years ago

How sad are these people? Though I do love the feminazi’s need to be Hitlered logic it’s almost majestic in it’s idiocy. Kids mimic they see people on cell phones they learn to mimic it. My Goddaughter does that she’s not even 16months yet and is frikken adorable. Of course she is the daughter of my ex-wive (we maintained a good relationship) and her father is a black man so I think that makes me a top tier “cuck” in these idiots mythology. I’m apparently supposed to hate this wonderful little girl because of reasons. I alternate between despising these guys and feeling pity for them.

8 years ago

They’re ignorant of women’s accomplishments because they’re ignorant of most things. Learning facts is misandry!

8 years ago

This may be OT but I noticed it this morning and thought some might find it interesting (though completely unsurprising):

8 years ago

I know a reasonable amount about rock ‘n’ roll, but I had never heard of Rosetta Tharpe. Isn’t she something! Thanks for alerting me about her.

For a fictional take on a woman involved in the origins of rock, check out “Nineteen Fifty-Five” in Alice Walker’s book of short stories You Can’t Keep a Good Woman Down.

8 years ago

I forgot to include the title of the article.

HUFFPOLLSTER: Most Trump Voters Say They Wouldn’t Believe News Reports That Said He Was Lying

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ kat

For a fictional take on a woman involved in the origins of rock, check out “Nineteen Fifty-Five” in Alice Walker’s book of short stories You Can’t Keep a Good Woman Down.

Ooh thanks for that tip. I’ve found a legal pdf of it so that’s tomorrow’s waiting for the judge reading sorted out (it’s either that or actually read the case papers). I’ve had a little peak and it looks very interesting and a subject close to my heart.

Yeah, she was amazing. Started out as a church gospel singer as you might have guessed from her music; but you can practically hear rock & roll being born in some of her songs. The way she suddenly gets all twangy guitar riffs and hard beats.

Unsurprisingly a lot of the major rock and roll stars credit her as an influence. Perhaps more surprising is how many metal guitar gurus also do (it was someone in a supposed punk band that turned me on to her).

8 years ago


Also, FalloutFan2 can fuck right off of my fucking fandom. Get. Shoo.

My Sole Survivor, Lone Wanderer, Courier, and Vault Dweller can all beat the shit out of any asshole who thinks they’re not wifing properly. They all saved the world more than once. Fuck off.

That’s it. From now on, every single one of my Fallout characters are going to be women just to spite FalloutFan2 FOREVER AND EVER AMEN.

… but you know what, what he really deserves is for me to forget him.

Because I’ve “adopted” quite a few synths. Mostly to spite the Brotherhood of Steel because they’re pretty much Nazis in FO4. Or about as close as you can fucking get. I mean, it’s pretty much genocide of all non-humans (and any humans who disagree with their genocide) all the way down in their questline.

Seriously. I had been thinking I would do a Brotherhood run at one point, but that’s getting to be as unlikely as my doing an Institute run. I’d have to mute my conscience hard.

Not only are they zero-tolerance for anything that isn’t scarred or runs on batteries, but also they come swanning in from the Capitol Wasteland, following a guy who was a kid ten years ago and had to grow a big beard to hide his youth, and announce that they’re going to take over, and then act all shocked when people don’t like that and only grudgingly hand over their crops.

Time’s all wonky in Fallout. Maccready and Maxson are way more than 10 years older than they were in FO3, but Dr. Li hasn’t aged. There’s 200+ year old stuff all over the place, computers still run after all this time (even though there’s an EM pulse mentioned in one of the New Vegas expansions), and little vignettes that involve stuff that should have decayed by now are dotted all over. Nothing for it but to suspend my disbelief.

I think Old World Blues may be my favorite DLC, but I haven’t bought anything for FO4 beyond the Wasteland Workshop.