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MGTOWs completely lose their sh*t over a gif of a toddler on a cell phone

The face of female entitlement, or just a toddler pretending to talk on a cell phone?

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To the regulars on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, she’s a bitch. She’s “disgusting.” She’s a “future cat lady in training.” She’s the inevitable result of a world in which women don’t face “any consequences for having a vagina.” We may need “another Hitler” to rid the world of people like her.

To the rest of the world, she is … a toddler playing with a cell phone.

Not long ago, a Redditor posted the gif above to the MGTOW subreddit, headlining his post with a question: “Where the f**k do women learn this bitchy, ugly behaviour?”

Yep, he accused a toddler of being a bitch.

As it turns out, he wasn’t the only one roused to white-hot fury by a toddler in a gif.

Random-Reddit-Lurker 8 points 7 days ago Future cat lady in training.

Some saw the talkative toddler as evidence that women need to be, er, beaten up more regularly.

lonewolf-chicago 30 points 7 days ago No consequences. Men get punched in the face for acting up. Women don't.

omegapro95 1 point 7 days ago yes, i agree, i have been saying for years. until women start getting beaten up for bad behavior like men, physically, they will stay as bitchy as ever cuz they know there isnt any consequences for having a vagina.

Dude, there are plenty of consequences that come with having a vagina, as there are for having a penis. I’m not quite sure why you think “getting beaten up” should be one of them.

One commenter seemed to suggest that the only real, er, solution to girl toddlers talking on cell phones would involve .. the mass extermination of all “feminazis,” possibly even those still wearing diapers.

Yes, that’s right: he compared feminists to Nazis. And in the next sentence he suggested that they needed to be killed by “another Hitler.”

Irony is dead.

And if FalloutFan2 got his way, I guess, a lot of women would be too.

Even those who put the “blame” for the toddler’s hilarious unforgivable behavior on her mother couldn’t resist taking a dig at the toddler herself. For her unoriginality.

RationalistFaith1 10 points 7 days ago She has observed her mother or another close clam. Mimicking is what women do best, as much as an ounce of innovation? Never.

Seriously, girl toddler in a gif, did you invent the cell phone? I think not. Hang up, and hang your head in shame!

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Latte Cat
Latte Cat
8 years ago

By that age she should be pretend baking and cleaning.

comment image

Apparently, these silly overgrown children are so full of white hot rage and bitterness over rejection or bad treatment from women/female role models, that even female babies inspire deep hatred and an urge to shout something at them along the lines of “GET IN THU KITCHIN. MAKE SAMMICH.”
Of course, realising a baby/toddler doesn’t quite have the motor and reasoning skills needed to make a sandwich, the next best thing is to declare they should be playing PRETEND Stepford Wives. Even if they’re 2, goddammit!!
Because they’re so rational, and conservative (largely Christian) roles are naturally ingrained in babies from birth! Haven’t you seen the neighbour’s 3 year old? He’s already using Roosh’s Testosterone Cream™ and working a part time job as a mechanic.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

@Aunt Podger, yeah, there is one. Halo effect. It’s related to how our brains come to conclusions on things. Turns out that to our brains, “Correct” largely means “makes me feel good” and less actually, you know, correct. So, if there’s someone out there saying things you agree with in one area, you’re more likely to think they’re right in other areas too. Or, if you like how they look, or if they dress in an appealing way, etc.

I largely can’t deal with this article beyond laughing, because it makes me so sad and angry. She’s not even able to form sentences yet, and there’s already legions of assholes who’ve already put her in a box. It’s just not right.

Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy
Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy
8 years ago

I am amazed at the level of hate it requires to freak out over something like this. I can hardly conceive it. They resemble what they despise.

8 years ago

I was going to write a bit about my oldest nephew who used his toy cars as pretend phones and is now about to join the Marines, but I just can’t put a cute anecdote under this story. I don’t know where this level of hatred for women, girls, and all their ways and works comes. It’s revolting and contemptible, and I hope someday these…creatures…realize just how wrong they are.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

By that age she should be pretend baking and cleaning.

I’ve seen my friend’s toddler son pretend cooking. I suppose that’s horrific though.

8 years ago

This just makes me so angry.

1) Who judges babies? Why the hell are you critiquing a baby?? What is your fucking problem???

2) It is a kid’s job to have fun and to learn about the world, not to start training at birth to be your submissive housewife, what the FUCK.

3) Do you think we should be punching this baby in the face? Do you have it in your head that it’s socially acceptable to punch presumed boy babies in the face, and so this is a double standard? No, it is not okay to punch any infants in the goddamn face

4) How dare the same people who are willing to do 1) and who believe 2) and 3) complain that the family courts are stacked against them as men. No, see, you SPECIFIC men aren’t safe guardians for kids because you believe shit like this is acceptable.

5) Why is talking on a phone bitchy, ugly behaviour? What is it about women and girls daring to communicate that makes you want to shame them into stopping?

6) All babies model behaviour. It’s kind of an important part of learning shit when you’re a baby. Maybe you should try learning shit the way adults do and read a book. Any book.

Thomas Rogers
Thomas Rogers
8 years ago

One nice thing about being a retiree who loves playing PC games, is that we’re too old and spazzy for any of the gamergaters to try and enlist to their cause, whatever the hell it is at the moment, besides hatred for hatred’s sake.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

I’m reminded of Thomas Ball, the MRA hero of legend… Who beat his baby daughter bloody, lost custody of his kids because duh, set his evil-ass self on fucking fire on the steps of the courthouse that “Stole his rightful property” or what-the-fuck-ever and is worshipped as Men’s Rights Jesus to this day.

8 years ago

Their behaviour is weirdly reminiscent of the poorly socialised chimps the others have to eventually drive away because they’re too dangerous to be around juveniles.

8 years ago

Thomas Ball. I like when they talk about how he only hit his daughter a little bit, and only that one time. Like there’s an acceptable amount of child abuse and he fell comfortably within it.

8 years ago

She’s a fucking toddler for fucks sake! JFC. I don’t have enough middle fingers for this.

8 years ago


Podkayne Lives (Soulless Golem)
Podkayne Lives (Soulless Golem)
8 years ago

“Men get punched in the face for acting up”.

After hearing the thousandth variation on ‘women want equality? Huh huh, is it all right to hit you then?’ I went around and asked many men of my acquaintance when they were last struck, either as an assault or in mutual combat.

I think it was a fairly representative sampling of American men, maybe slightly whiter and more middle-class than the absolute national average.

Answers ranged from ‘a couple of years ago there was this guy hassling a woman at a bar I go to’ to ‘when I was working nights in college some dude punched me in the nose and grabbed my wallet’. The most common two were ‘my dad hit me because he’s an asshole drunk/I was an asshole teenager’ and ‘a friend and I had a fistfight’. The last two generally happened before the age of sixteen.

None of the men I talked to said that being hit frequently was a common feature of their lives as adult men. In some cases, the ‘last time’ had happened twenty or thirty years previously.

This was quite an informal survey, and clearly leaves out men in abusive relationships, and others, but I do wonder how much violence the guys who trot this chestnut out are dealing with. I don’t really know if they are being beaten, and think it’s normal, or if they haven’t been punched since eighth grade either, but think they sound clever and tough when they talk about hitting women. I suspect mostly the latter.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

I know at least that men don’t typically get punched for talking on a cell phone.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago

Dear Lord, these men are so angry!

Even if one doesn’t particularly like kids, how could anyone look at that and see nothing but ugliness? Such venom.

Literally, what the fuck??

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

It’s like that other thread that David did a while ago.

Only worse because now they’re screeching for a baby to be hit in the face because she’s not wifing properly AS A FUCKING TODDLER.

Also, FalloutFan2 can fuck right off of my fucking fandom. Get. Shoo.

My Sole Survivor, Lone Wanderer, Courier, and Vault Dweller can all beat the shit out of any asshole who thinks they’re not wifing properly. They all saved the world more than once. Fuck off.

Especially don’t talk to my Sole Survivor or her 2 wives, 3 husbands, or her synth son. They are a happy family and don’t require your fuckery.

I don’t have the fucking words, so have a youtube video:

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
8 years ago

@Thomas Rogers

I choose to gently dissuade you from using “spazzy” here, per comments policy. I’m glad that you’re keeping your distance from what remains of the alleged movement, however.

8 years ago

Also, why are these dudes angry that dudes hit them and therefore dudes should be hitting women more?

Why isn’t the anger be over: Dudes should stop hitting me?

MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
8 years ago

When I read this my jaw dropped and it is staying dropped. How the ever loving fuck can someone be offended by an adorable toddler playing with a mobile phone?!?!? And to want her to be beaten up as well!! She is a BABY, for fucks sake! As if there isn’t enough babies and toddlers being abused. I am so sad and angry right now. 🙁

MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
8 years ago

weirwoodtreehugger-That is so adorable!! But, yes, they will find any excuse to hate it.

“You just can’t win if you’re a female toddler”

So true. 🙁

MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
8 years ago

Paradoxical Intention- That song is brilliant and is exactly what I want to say to them!

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

I don’t understand how you can even hold that much hatred inside yourself.

They can’t, that’s why they keep murdering people.

</half-dark humour, half-giving myself a sad>

EDIT: … And the post I was responding to disappeared. o_O?

8 years ago

I may have accidentally deleted my own post.

I kind of want to find the Reddit thread and see if there is a voice of reason saying “Guys, you’re getting mad at a baby.”

I’m still curious if Fallout 4 has a weird synth adoption service. :U

8 years ago

Babies learn by imitating. That’s the whole thing, that’s how they learn – and adults learn that way too. Ever watched a show or youtube vid that showed you how to do something, then did it yourself? Congrats, you learned by imitating.

When someone’s at the point where they think that a baby should be punched for proving she’s learning, there’s a problem. It shocked me too that apparently only one person actually blamed the mother (and yeah, I’d say it’s most likely the girl is copying her mother as opposed to anyone else) for the kid’s behaviour. I would have honestly thought that even the MGTOWs would have hesitated to say nasty things about the child, preferring to slam the mother. I was wrong.

8 years ago


The ‘yoga pants’ thing is pretty weird. They’re not yoga pants, they’re standard diaper-accommodating knit toddler pants with ankle cuffs. Boys wear them, too.

I doubt any of them have spent any time with restraining-order-distance of a small child since they were infants themselves.