advocacy of violence aggrieved entitlement alt-right evil sexy ladies evil SJWs homophobia immigrants irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism trump

Death Squads for Trumpie? Daily Stormer provides helpful list of people for vigilantes to kill

Rody Duterte: Alt-rightists are jealous of his body count
Rody Duterte: Alt-rightists are jealous of his body count

It’s no secret that Donald Trump is a fan of Rody Duterte. The “strongman” president of the Philippines apparently feels the same way about Trump, congratulating the president-elect for his (electoral college) victory in a phone call last week. According to Duterte, Trump invited him to visit the White House, and praised him for a shockingly literal “war on drugs” that has racked up a death toll of 4.500 in less than six months.

Some of Donald Trump’s far-right fanboys are even more enamored of Duterte and his murderous ways — inspired especially by his past as the “Death Squad mayor” of Davao City, widely accused of “condoning and even inciting” the murders of more than 1000 citizens by right-wing death squads. Back in the early 2000s, Human Rights Watch notes,

Duterte would announce the names of “criminals” on local television and radio—and some of those he named would later become victims of death squad killings.

Now the Daily Stormer wants to get in on that action, providing its own list of people they hope American vigilantes might deliver a similar sort of justice to.

Rather than providing individual names, the Daily Stormer’s Andrew Anglin suggests seven categories of people who right-wing death squads in America might consider targeting.

Anglin begins with the “degenerate artists and musicians who are degrading our society with corrosive filth,” declaring that “[n]o one is more deserving of the old “double tap” than [them].”

The “double tap,” FYI, is a shooting technique designed to ensure that the shooting victim is indeed dead.

Anglin moves on to the women he calls

filthy, lying sluts, who would just as soon have sex with a random black guy in a gas station bathroom as play a puzzle game on their cellphone. There is no group of people more deserving of swift and rapid extermination.

Were Trump to send Right-Wing Death Squads to murder these “sluts,” he adds,

[w]omen would then think twice before spreading their legs, and instead return to the kitchen and shut their lying whore mouths.

Next on Anglin’s list: lefty professors allegedly corrupting the youth of America. Were Right-Wing Death Squads to “target the most extreme offenders,” he notes happily, this would

let the rest of them know that they’d better clean up their act and stop turning our kids into communists.

Doubling down on his racism, Anglin next suggests the death quads aim their, er, justice at immigrants living in the US legally. Yes, legally.

“President Trump will have no problem removing illegal immigrants,” Anglin explains.

However, through fraud, the Jews have brought in many, many brown sludge “people” through “legal” means. These people are harder to get rid of, as changing laws can be boring and time consuming.

It is hard to legally deport a person with legal status to be in the country, but you know what isn’t hard to deport? A bullet-riddled corpse. You can deport it six feet under ground with nothing more than a shovel and some elbow grease.

Next, Anglin directs the attention of would-be vigilante killers to the alleged problem of “[w]hinorities, feminists, homosexuals and vegans” and their “disgusting street protests” that block traffic and make it hard for decent Americans to make it to work on time.

If human rights activist leaders get rode up on by a man on a Kawasaki with a Glock 18 on their way out of the co-opt [sic], no one is going to cry for them other than those who were already crying about something else.

And what about the politicians who stand in the way of Trump’s agenda? They can’t raise objections to Trump’s policies, Anglin notes, “if they’re lying in the gutter filled with .40 caliber hollowpoints.”

Anglin finishes up his list with Trump’s favorite scapegoat: Allegedly “lying journalists.”

“[S]uing them is time-consuming and expensive, even after we open-up the libel laws,” Anglin complains. “Thankfully, a quicker solution exists with [Right-Wing Death Squads].”

In a transparently disingenuous “Editor’s Note” following Anglin’s post — presumably written by Anglin himself, as he is the editor of the site —   he tries to pretend that all of his explicit calls for murder are not actually explicit calls for murder at all.

This is in no way a call for violence or murder. This is a policy position paper in the form of a listicle. The Daily Stormer is opposed to violence, and simply supports the practical implementation of innovative policies which will lead to a great America.

I suppose the next line of defense for Anglin and his apologists will be to claim he was just kidding, an argument that might be a bit easier to make if Anglin did not in fact despise all of his suggested targets with a completely un-ironic passion. “I hate you and want you killed” is not really much of a joke.

Sunday, I don’t need to remind you, a man with an assault rifle opened fire at Comet Ping Pong, a DC pizzeria bizarrely targeted by far-right conspiracy theorists and Trump fans, including Anglin himself. Similarly, a shocking number of those put on public enemies lists by anti-abortion fanatics have been murdered by other anti-abortion fanatics.

What Anglin has done here is more than a little reminiscent of Duterte’s naming of “criminals” on television. The main difference isn’t Anglin’s sometimes jokey tone. It’s that we don’t have right-wing death squads here in the US.

At least not at the moment. We have, of course, had them in the past: the Klan in several of its past incarnations murdered countless black men. Should this kind of ugliness return to America, I suspect that most of the new recruits will come from precisely the demographic Anglin and his friends in the alt-right most appeal to — young white men suffused with aggrieved entitlement and eager to settle scores.

This is what our country is turning into.

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Spaniard in the Works
Spaniard in the Works
8 years ago


I do have a favourite. “Obelix and Co.” was the first one I read when I was a boy and I missed like half of the jokes. Later I caught all the digs at capitalism. And even this year I learned something about France that made me finally get it.

I don’t know how this was translated in the English edition – the Spanish editions tend to be less creative than the English and follow the original French more closely – but Caius Preposterous (Cayo Coyuntural in the Spanish, Caius Saugrenus in the original) is a graduate from an expy of the École Nationale d’Administration. He is even called an “enarque” by another Roman counselor. So he’s actually a parody of the Parisian technocratic caste.

Christina Nordlander
Christina Nordlander
8 years ago

Nazi “hypothetically” calls for the killing of racial minorities, “race traitors,” journalists, left-wing intellectuals, gay people, swing musicians and creators of entartete Kunst.

I don’t think this is hypothetical at all.

Christina Nordlander
Christina Nordlander
8 years ago


Well, you’ve got us there. Since mostly men fight in Asterix, that means that we Mammotheers (who are of course all women, this being so easy to tell over the internet) can’t fight. Shut it down, everyone, this guy has defeated us with his superior logic.

In less brain-hurty Asterix-related stuff:

@Buttercup Q Skullpants: I saw someone else on the internet suggest dipping all the babies in the magic potion. Someone responded to them saying that it’s likely that falling in the potion probably gives you not only perma-strength, but also others of Obelix’s traits. You might drive the Romans out of Gaul for good, but you’d end up with a generation of young people who aren’t massively intelligent, like rough-housing without being aware of quite how strong they are, and would completely deplete the area’s wild boar population.

In general, and moving away from comic-book white fighting men:

Anglin is a coward. He knows that if he put actual names on his hit-list, he’d probably get his own name on another one, if not straight-up get arrested.

8 years ago

Anglin is a coward. He knows that if he put actual names on his hit-list, he’d probably get his own name on another one, if not straight-up get arrested.

When it feels sometimes like the alt right are growing too strong this plus one other thing is what gives me hope. Anglin and co are cowards (of course they are, they’re bullies). We don’t even need to fight very hard on an individual basis for them to run away. Secondly – plenty of them are none too bright either. Certainly not self aware. While of course it’s hard to argue logic with a group that’s frequently illogical, we can turn moderates away from the extremists’ influence just by showing them up to be what they really are.

Conan the Librarian
8 years ago


If white men are so great at fighting why are so many of them so scared of those who aren’t white?

Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
8 years ago

@ Troubelle, Conan

Eh, I can toss out a few lines for ya…gimme a sec…

Got the old flesh lingerin’ under our boots
With the roads under us trailing into the horizon line
And we’ll keep on walking until seeds turn into shoots
And we’ll say without irony, “This is fine.”

YEAHHHH!!! For topics/subjects, the Trumpening is a very timely one! Love instead of hate, support for those who can’t defend themselves… ETA: also, I saw a CNN about someone spraypainting hate grafitti… THAT would be a GREAT subject right now!!!

This is grunt work, and when I write, I like to be critical… NOT “oh, this sucks” critical, but “is there another word I can use that will make the rythym/meter better… is would it be better to switch these two lines around…” that kind of thing

My roots are the folk revival of the 50’s-60’s, but the folk songs of this movement needn’t be that “type” of music. Part of what drove the style of music back then was the need to make the tunes simple enough that we could learn them quickly. The only to spread the music then was by playing it at gatherings. Now we have social media, yootoob, etc., so if the music is technically complex, well, that’s just all the better!! For all, though, the most important factor is, put your HEART into it. What draws me in to music is when I can hear the writer/artist’s soul in the song.

I love this, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8 years ago


Methinks you’re going to need a few more white men on your side if you hope to stand a chance

You’d do well to a) think about the demographics of your country and b) think harder about how much support you really have amongst those white men you think so highly of.


why would we need the soldiers to be white? Wouldn’t we be better off getting Afghans, say, or Vietnamese? If history has taught us anything it’s that white people are pretty mediocre at winning wars.

Isn’t that more about how a pointless empire-building war fought by soldiers who don’t want to be there in an environment they’re ill-equipped to deal with against people with little to lose is a stupid thing to get into?

I’m hard pressed to think of any counter-insurgency efforts by anyone that succeeded, regardless of how melanistic either party were.


If white men are so great at fighting why are so many of them so scared of those who aren’t white?

I’m sure it is out of concern for the safety of their feeeemales and children.

8 years ago

Here’s the thing that scares bigoted cis het white men: We do not need them at all.

They need us. They can get on board and do their own due diligence or fuck straight off.

Get right or get out.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Trump is Time person of the year.

Just like Hitler once was.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
8 years ago

@Weird Eddie

Good to hear that I’ve at least started off on the right foot.

re: hate graffiti: I was lucky enough to have a Dreamcast growing up, so graffiti to me is forever associated with Jet Set/Grind Radio. So I can’t guarantee that a song made about it, however deliberately thrown back, won’t contain at least an allusion to it.

re: The Trumpening: ’tis obvious.

Lemme try another shot pertinent to the latter. I’mma try satire.

Welcome to the land of the allegedly free
Where you can be you, and I can be me
As long as ya fit in the mold, y’see.

The lights might be glowin’ awfully dim
But the telly’s on, don’t need a whim
to watch the overlord, all hail him!

This land ain’t cut to the rebel kind,
Or anyone who wants to use their mind
To traditions long past, with us they’ll bind.

Welcome to the land of the allegedly free
Keep your eyes trained right on me
Not over there at that heresy

We’re a lovely lot, don’t you dare doubt
Those that do, well, we’re best without,
Now pipe down, kiddo, now don’t you shout

Well sorry, son/gal, that’s how it goes
Y’don’t say things t’raise the woes
And here you are in the middle of the road

Welcome to the land of the allegedly free
Part of what was a whole country
Guess this is a new Confederacy

And if this comes about, well…don’t look at me.

Any good?

8 years ago

@Lone Galtian Bootstrapper

(Weepy) I want some grand-babies!

Also, *whew*, pasty white, cis-married, and not a Vegan which makes safer?


Upscale Nazis. I fart in your general direction. (SBD)

8 years ago

My favorite is of course Astérix et Cléopatre!

I like all the Uderzo/Goscinny ones, though Le Devin was pretty dark and scary when I was a kid, and I haven’t reread it lately.

I could easily now that my parents moved next door. Hopefully they didn’t leave the collection behind!

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
8 years ago

And now, an attempt on the graffiti theme:

A single splash of blank space
Is all he needs to see
Before he decides
To make it great

A single can of spray paint
Is all he needs to get
Before he chooses
To fill the space

A little bit of hate’s taint
Is all he needs to have
Before he fills it
With something so much worse

A single thing to create
It’s really kinda sad
It could have been filled
With something of worth.

More like poetry, but I had a bit of a tune in my head, at least.

Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
8 years ago

@ Troublle;

Oh, lord, child, you have the gift, and I mean that sincerely!! Those are great! Do you do music? If not, the “olde” folk tradition was simply to take the tune from another song which fit the meter and kinda sounded good with the new lyrics. The first one looks like it’d be good with a reggae or maybe a dubstep (I’m really not that good with new musical styles)

“Write” On, oh, bard of the new movement!!! And THANK YOU!!

Hu's On First
Hu's On First
8 years ago

Tim Gueguen:

I wonder if Anglin considers Filipinos to be “honorary Aryans”, like Hitler did the Japanese.

Anglin had a Filipina girlfriend, if I’m not mistaken.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

@ Troubelle *applause* What Weird Eddie said – keep writing! 🙂

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent (Now Mobile!)
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent (Now Mobile!)
8 years ago

@Weird Eddie + Fishy Goat

Well, shucks, y’all. I don’t “do music” per se, but I can improvise a little on the piano and played tuba until I got out of my old high school. (It stopped being fun when Mom forced me to do marching band.) For these songs, I kinda just….hear a little guitar in my head, even though I don’t play it. And mentally sing it in a Southern male voice. I could probably expand the instruments, at least, into a bluegrass ensemble. (I’m a native Kentuckian, sue me.)

Honestly, my biggest fear is coming off as pretentious. It applies whether I write a song or a paper. I don’t want to come off as some girl trying to expound upon things she doesn’t understand.


bard of the new movement

I may just have to add this to my handle later. Capitalized, of course.

Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
8 years ago

(I’m a native Kentuckian, sue me.)

One of the great social conscience songs is Darrell Scott’s magnificent “You’ll Never Leave Harlan Alive”… and of course, native Kentuckian Florence Reese gave us the anthem of resistance, “Which Side Are You On”!!!

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Speaking of awesome music: The Last of Us 2 trailer came out and it has an awesome song in it.

I haven’t gotten to play the first (I don’t own a PS3 and my computer probs won’t run it), but people are saying they’re a little leery of a sequel because the first’s ending was so good and perfect?

Eh, I dunno.

Here’s the trailer anyways:

8 years ago

@numerobis Astérix et Cléopatre has some great things in it – the “translations” between characters speaking different languages (including the “hieroglyphics”, which get wobbly when “spoken” by non-Egyptians) are pretty clever and I think not awful in the way the black Pirate lookout’s speech is. And I always remember the frame where Cleopatra arrives to tell off Caesar, accompanied by a vast entourage of trumpeters and drummers etc., and you can still “hear” her tapping her fingers in extreme annoyance (as in, you can read a teeny tiny little “tap-tap-tap” beside her hand, amidst all the huge TZING BOUM PAAAAARP of the musicians).
Funny how that sticks with me, I haven’t read it in decades.

@Troubelle, I especially love the graffiti one!

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
8 years ago

@Weird Eddie

I’ll….need to look those up after my Pre-Calc review. A little inspiration never hurt anyone. (After that, though, I’ve got some work to do.)


I’ve yet to actually play the original, but I’ve seen and read too much….


Well, shucks. I may need to make a better tune for it, but it’s scratch, at least.

re: music
I’ll be completely honest: bluegrass aside, a recent interest of mine has been electro-swing–and with the new 20’s coming up, I’d be no stranger to making electro-swing and swing in general make a comeback. But there’s always the issue of substance, making meaningful lyrics, getting the tune right, and treading carefully around a genre which, like many, was founded by people of color and treated as A Bad Thing until it was taken over by white people. O-o

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

@Troubelle I hear you on marching band! Ugh! LOL!

Trombone player here, plus some voice and other sundries. 🙂

Patricia Kayden
Patricia Kayden
8 years ago

It’s that we don’t have right-wing death squads here in the US.

Sometimes with all the Black men and women being killed by cops, it feels as if we have rightwing death squads here in the US. Compare and contrast the way the Bundy/”Patriots” who took over a federal building were treated with how the Native American water protectors were treated by the police. My fear is that we may have death squads by the time Trump and his neo-Nazi thugs are through with this country. Nothing would surprise me.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent | December 7, 2016 at 11:28 am
re: music
I’ll be completely honest: bluegrass aside, a recent interest of mine has been electro-swing–and with the new 20’s coming up, I’d be no stranger to making electro-swing and swing in general make a comeback.

As someone who also loves electro-swing, some suggestions?

Caravan Palace was my gateway drug into the genre, and they’ve even released an album a short while ago called this.

(No, I’m not kidding, that’s the real name. Some people call it Robot Face for short, and so it shows up on forums and such.)

There’s also a few similar bands whose names escape me at the moment, but I found a lot of them via making a Caravan Palace station on Pandora.

And while not exactly electro-swing, there’s also Ruckus Roboticus which takes some samples from old 50s educational videos and such and mixes them into an awesome song or two. (I also found this via my Caravan Palace Station.)

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

@WWTH I think I’ll be spending the next month turning TIME mags over when I see them in stores.

@Paradoxical Love Caravan Palace! 🙂 These days I’m more into things like Romany /Eastern European/klesmer brass bands like Lemon Bucket Orkestra and Fanfare Ciocarlia.