advocacy of violence aggrieved entitlement alt-right evil sexy ladies evil SJWs homophobia immigrants irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism trump

Death Squads for Trumpie? Daily Stormer provides helpful list of people for vigilantes to kill

Rody Duterte: Alt-rightists are jealous of his body count
Rody Duterte: Alt-rightists are jealous of his body count

It’s no secret that Donald Trump is a fan of Rody Duterte. The “strongman” president of the Philippines apparently feels the same way about Trump, congratulating the president-elect for his (electoral college) victory in a phone call last week. According to Duterte, Trump invited him to visit the White House, and praised him for a shockingly literal “war on drugs” that has racked up a death toll of 4.500 in less than six months.

Some of Donald Trump’s far-right fanboys are even more enamored of Duterte and his murderous ways — inspired especially by his past as the “Death Squad mayor” of Davao City, widely accused of “condoning and even inciting” the murders of more than 1000 citizens by right-wing death squads. Back in the early 2000s, Human Rights Watch notes,

Duterte would announce the names of “criminals” on local television and radio—and some of those he named would later become victims of death squad killings.

Now the Daily Stormer wants to get in on that action, providing its own list of people they hope American vigilantes might deliver a similar sort of justice to.

Rather than providing individual names, the Daily Stormer’s Andrew Anglin suggests seven categories of people who right-wing death squads in America might consider targeting.

Anglin begins with the “degenerate artists and musicians who are degrading our society with corrosive filth,” declaring that “[n]o one is more deserving of the old “double tap” than [them].”

The “double tap,” FYI, is a shooting technique designed to ensure that the shooting victim is indeed dead.

Anglin moves on to the women he calls

filthy, lying sluts, who would just as soon have sex with a random black guy in a gas station bathroom as play a puzzle game on their cellphone. There is no group of people more deserving of swift and rapid extermination.

Were Trump to send Right-Wing Death Squads to murder these “sluts,” he adds,

[w]omen would then think twice before spreading their legs, and instead return to the kitchen and shut their lying whore mouths.

Next on Anglin’s list: lefty professors allegedly corrupting the youth of America. Were Right-Wing Death Squads to “target the most extreme offenders,” he notes happily, this would

let the rest of them know that they’d better clean up their act and stop turning our kids into communists.

Doubling down on his racism, Anglin next suggests the death quads aim their, er, justice at immigrants living in the US legally. Yes, legally.

“President Trump will have no problem removing illegal immigrants,” Anglin explains.

However, through fraud, the Jews have brought in many, many brown sludge “people” through “legal” means. These people are harder to get rid of, as changing laws can be boring and time consuming.

It is hard to legally deport a person with legal status to be in the country, but you know what isn’t hard to deport? A bullet-riddled corpse. You can deport it six feet under ground with nothing more than a shovel and some elbow grease.

Next, Anglin directs the attention of would-be vigilante killers to the alleged problem of “[w]hinorities, feminists, homosexuals and vegans” and their “disgusting street protests” that block traffic and make it hard for decent Americans to make it to work on time.

If human rights activist leaders get rode up on by a man on a Kawasaki with a Glock 18 on their way out of the co-opt [sic], no one is going to cry for them other than those who were already crying about something else.

And what about the politicians who stand in the way of Trump’s agenda? They can’t raise objections to Trump’s policies, Anglin notes, “if they’re lying in the gutter filled with .40 caliber hollowpoints.”

Anglin finishes up his list with Trump’s favorite scapegoat: Allegedly “lying journalists.”

“[S]uing them is time-consuming and expensive, even after we open-up the libel laws,” Anglin complains. “Thankfully, a quicker solution exists with [Right-Wing Death Squads].”

In a transparently disingenuous “Editor’s Note” following Anglin’s post — presumably written by Anglin himself, as he is the editor of the site —   he tries to pretend that all of his explicit calls for murder are not actually explicit calls for murder at all.

This is in no way a call for violence or murder. This is a policy position paper in the form of a listicle. The Daily Stormer is opposed to violence, and simply supports the practical implementation of innovative policies which will lead to a great America.

I suppose the next line of defense for Anglin and his apologists will be to claim he was just kidding, an argument that might be a bit easier to make if Anglin did not in fact despise all of his suggested targets with a completely un-ironic passion. “I hate you and want you killed” is not really much of a joke.

Sunday, I don’t need to remind you, a man with an assault rifle opened fire at Comet Ping Pong, a DC pizzeria bizarrely targeted by far-right conspiracy theorists and Trump fans, including Anglin himself. Similarly, a shocking number of those put on public enemies lists by anti-abortion fanatics have been murdered by other anti-abortion fanatics.

What Anglin has done here is more than a little reminiscent of Duterte’s naming of “criminals” on television. The main difference isn’t Anglin’s sometimes jokey tone. It’s that we don’t have right-wing death squads here in the US.

At least not at the moment. We have, of course, had them in the past: the Klan in several of its past incarnations murdered countless black men. Should this kind of ugliness return to America, I suspect that most of the new recruits will come from precisely the demographic Anglin and his friends in the alt-right most appeal to — young white men suffused with aggrieved entitlement and eager to settle scores.

This is what our country is turning into.

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NicolaLuna - epic slut
NicolaLuna - epic slut
8 years ago

Basically, it’s not even “vigilantes” – they’re not going after actual criminals; it’s a “moral police” similar to that found in extremist Islamic world. Calling these people the “ISIS of the west” is not – and has never been – hyperbole.

It seems so strange that they are against ISIS when they are basically the same thing.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

More freeze peach news:

Åhléns, a massive chain of department stores in Sweden, recently got hit with an alt-right shitstorm. The company had put out an ad celebrating Lucia (St. Lucy’s Day), which is a major tradition in this country. Schools and kindergartens all over the country celebrate Lucia by having the kids dressed up as Santa’s helpers, gingerbread boys, star singers, etc. Traditionally, there will be one and only one “Lucia” in each celebration, who will wear a special crown of candles, and this position will normally be given to the most popular girl in the school/group (i.e. a blonde one).

Åhléns’ ad had a picture of a child dressed up as Lucia, but horrifyingly enough they had chosen a child with brown skin for the photo. Even worse, the child was also quite androgynous, with many suspecting it was a boy. Gasp!

I’m sure you can guess what happened next. Far right racist, Nazis, homophobes, transphobes, white supremacists, and so on, started a shitstorm of internet harassment and doxxing campaigns aimed at the boy (yeah, he did turn out to be a boy) and his family. Eventually, the family asked Åhléns to pull the ad and take it off their website. They just couldn’t deal with the backlash.

The most heartbreaking detail of the story was a quote from a relative of the boy, saying “We were always told to assimilate and take part in Swedish traditions. But when we do, they hate us even more.”

8 years ago

RE: Incitement

Of course, if this was on the website of a violent separatist group of the non-white persuasion, the legal standard would gain a sudden flexibility.

As would media attention to it:

Us: “A hit list was published on the Internet by white …”
Media: “Stop right there. Yawn. How Brad Pitt going to keep his kids?”
Us: “A hit list was published on the Internet by brown…”

8 years ago

Anglin’s world is a great place , on a xbox/playstation. Unlike real life if you have to go to the bathroom you can pause the game and go. If you are frustrated (you keep dying), you can pause, get a drink, have a nosh, even have a cigarette. Then you can return and reset the game to give it another go. Can’t do that in real life (especially the dying part). Reading these guys (like Anglin) I get the impression that they wish life was like a video game. Life is not a video game, it doesn’t work that way.

D. Glen
D. Glen
8 years ago

Anglin’s number will be up soon enough. The murder of Jo Cox in the U.K was committed by a Stormer fan. These links come up now in google and there will be more. Right wing newspapers like the Daily Mail who he thinks are allies love a good crazed Nazi story. More nutters will take to the streets like pizzagate guy and eventually something will stick.
Anglin’s only defence will be insanity. Look at him celebrating the deaths of those clubbers. Even people in the comments section were dismayed – even if it was because they were white.

Everyone is playing this game of it’s just for LOL’s obviously, salutes, death squads – I mean com on !

Stupid brainless kids being all ‘fashy’ totally divorced from the realities someone pointed out earlier – the total inability to understand that a successful attempt like the Third Reich, even after nearly having the whole world in its hands, ended with it’s total destruction and it’s henchmen hanged.

No one was watching when Dylan Roof, another Stormer alumni did his thing, but everyone is now. They think it means more red pilled normies. Maybe it does but it also means more psychos seeing a green light.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
8 years ago

@D. Glen

You’ve made your point, but for God’s sakes, read the comments policy on ableist language!

….Also, you forgot an e at the end of what was meant to be “come”.

Conan the Librarian
8 years ago

Um..surely this kind of thing should not be legal.

“I was not actually calling for the murder of my political enemies, I was merely outlining a paramilitary death squad policy that I am proposing could be adopted unofficially, as it were” is one of the lamest attempts to deny personal responsibility in existence.

8 years ago

Yay I’m on the kill list! I’m assuming I’m one of those liberal professors turning young people into communists, since I teach that global warming is real and is an urgent threat, not a Chinese hoax. Only communists believe in scientific fact, after all.

Jokes on you because my state just passed campus carry, and that includes professors, so you better watch out Nazis! Liberals have guns too! That’s something these alt-right people seem to forget. I know several professors who hunt and own guns.

But seriously, the day after the election there were flyers put up at another college nearby threatening the professors there. The police investigated, but I never heard anything about it again, so I guess they never caught who did it. My husband, who is way more into guns than I am, thinks it wouldn’t be such a bad idea if I started carrying. I’d really rather not, because I don’t believe the rhetoric that more guns make us safe, but lately I’ve wavering in my anti-gun convictions. I guess I’ll see what happens when campus carry is fully implemented next year.

Lone Galtian Bootstrapper
Lone Galtian Bootstrapper
8 years ago


Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
8 years ago

Dammit, I’m pissed!!! I didn’t see “race mixers” on the list!! 🙁 🙁 🙁

I admit, I didn’t actually READ the good Mr. Anglin’s screed, and I feel certain I’d make his list. Actually, I’m humbly pleased to say, I tick most of the boxes for most of the people David so kindly keeps us informed of….

A brown friend whose vital info will remain secret was at work a couple days after the travesty… er, the election, and a delivery driver friend of his (who is black) showed my friend a pic of his new AR15-clone rifle… whereupon another delivery driver, who is ALSO black, showed them a pic of HIS ar15-clone rifle…. Not to be outgunned… er, out-done, MY friend showed them BOTH a pic of HIS AR15-clone rifle. My friend was raised by 1960’s leftists of the “we shoot back” persuasion, and can, as the jarheads say, “put 5 in the black at 100 yards”.

So, while I sincerely, and no sarcasm intended AT ALL, sincerely hope we never fight, WE FUCKING CAN.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

Oh my gosh, @Lone Galtian Bootstrapper (who Im’a call LGB from now on). That video was really an antidote. So sweet.

I’m on that list a few times over. So all I gotta say is that we don’t wanna fight, but by Toutatis, if we do, we’ve got the swords, we’ve got the stones, and we’ve got the druid, too. Done playing with these assholes.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
8 years ago


we’ve got the stones, and we’ve got the druid, too. Done playing with these assholes.

I’ll probably wind up being a bard. But morale is always important. Never forget that!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

More ugly behavior from Trump supporters.

no one is going to cry for them other than those who were already crying about something else.

That’s an idiotic tautology. “No one will care, except those who have human feelings and care about things”. Or in other words, most members of the human race. The ones who aren’t desiccated cinders of hatred.

Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
8 years ago

@ Troubelle;

I’ll probably wind up being a bard

No sarcasm intended, that is a VERY important job! I’m listening to Pandora “Traditional Folk” a LOT lately, cuz it keeps me hopeful! Polish up your “inner poet” and make us some SONGS!!!

Elizabeth Regina
Elizabeth Regina
8 years ago

I’m no shooter, not my skill area. One of life’s natural rioters, me. Anyone want to join a loosely organised rabble of chaos generators?

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

@Troubelle, Weird Eddie, I was actually quoting Asterix and Obelix! I don’t ever expect anyone to actually get the quote, but, well. I live in hope. Asterix, the little Gaul that is forever foiling the fascist Romans in their hopes of conquering all of Gaul, shouts it from time to time when the Romans challenge his village. Looked for a clip of one, but can’t find it online and I don’t want to dig out my old Asterix comics to scan it in. Sorry! Here’s something else instead.

8 years ago

There is no group of people more deserving of swift and rapid extermination.

This is in no way a call for violence or murder.

EDIT: OMG Asterix is the best. I grew up on those comics! Unfortunately, it ain’t without it’s problems. One of the episodes involves the Romans exploiting the “galantry” of the gauls and having an all-women army (which must be kept secret for fear of mockery).

Funny premise and the women end up kicking ass, but their ‘undoing’ happens when the Gauls just turn their base into a ‘shopping mall’ and the women are too distracted by the purses and shoes and hair stylists and decide they don’t want to fight. UGH.

8 years ago

@Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie

Honestly current events have had me contemplating the cost of building an AR,
I’m not sure how good of an idea it would be but regardless the blasted things are so bloody expensive I have no idea how people afford enough of the damn things to overthrow a small nation then claim “economic anxiety” as there excuse for voting for cheddar flavored Hitler (now with extra death squads!).

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

Yeah, Asterix is certainly a product of its times. Some good elements, but there’s racism and sexism aplenty as well. Still some good stuff in there as well! And the newer stuff seems to be less troublesome. I grew up on it too, and I’m glad it’s still around!

8 years ago

Come to america! Now without alt-right death squads!*
*limited time offer

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
8 years ago

I feel that “disclaimer” must be some sort of schoolyard bully joke.

“I know you’re strongly opposed to being kicked in the head, so let’s just call it very intensive and topical cranial massage”

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

Trump’s Air Force One tweet appears to be retaliation against Boeing for hurting his fee-fees

Wins the award for best description of Mr. Trump:

Der Pumpkinfuhrer. 🙂

8 years ago

Astérix is very problematic at times — the whole series is an exploration of French stereotypes. But I’m a fan, as you might have guessed.

Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
8 years ago

@ TreePerson

Yes, they are expensive!! Especially in my current “employability challenged” condition. A low-end battle rifle is cozying up to a thousand dollars, and the high end ones are the GDP of a small nation.

We currently live in a country with 275 million guns and a three days’ supply of food and less than a day’s worth of medical care.

Buy food and medical supplies…. It’s cheaper and if the bell rings, they’ll be very good to have around.

… and, having lived thru the 1962 missle scare and the 1980’s Rocket Ronnie Reagan nuclear war fear… the situation today really, really, REALLY SUCKS….

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
8 years ago

Imaginary Petal, that’s horrible.