advocacy of violence aggrieved entitlement alt-right evil sexy ladies evil SJWs homophobia immigrants irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism trump

Death Squads for Trumpie? Daily Stormer provides helpful list of people for vigilantes to kill

Rody Duterte: Alt-rightists are jealous of his body count
Rody Duterte: Alt-rightists are jealous of his body count

It’s no secret that Donald Trump is a fan of Rody Duterte. The “strongman” president of the Philippines apparently feels the same way about Trump, congratulating the president-elect for his (electoral college) victory in a phone call last week. According to Duterte, Trump invited him to visit the White House, and praised him for a shockingly literal “war on drugs” that has racked up a death toll of 4.500 in less than six months.

Some of Donald Trump’s far-right fanboys are even more enamored of Duterte and his murderous ways — inspired especially by his past as the “Death Squad mayor” of Davao City, widely accused of “condoning and even inciting” the murders of more than 1000 citizens by right-wing death squads. Back in the early 2000s, Human Rights Watch notes,

Duterte would announce the names of “criminals” on local television and radio—and some of those he named would later become victims of death squad killings.

Now the Daily Stormer wants to get in on that action, providing its own list of people they hope American vigilantes might deliver a similar sort of justice to.

Rather than providing individual names, the Daily Stormer’s Andrew Anglin suggests seven categories of people who right-wing death squads in America might consider targeting.

Anglin begins with the “degenerate artists and musicians who are degrading our society with corrosive filth,” declaring that “[n]o one is more deserving of the old “double tap” than [them].”

The “double tap,” FYI, is a shooting technique designed to ensure that the shooting victim is indeed dead.

Anglin moves on to the women he calls

filthy, lying sluts, who would just as soon have sex with a random black guy in a gas station bathroom as play a puzzle game on their cellphone. There is no group of people more deserving of swift and rapid extermination.

Were Trump to send Right-Wing Death Squads to murder these “sluts,” he adds,

[w]omen would then think twice before spreading their legs, and instead return to the kitchen and shut their lying whore mouths.

Next on Anglin’s list: lefty professors allegedly corrupting the youth of America. Were Right-Wing Death Squads to “target the most extreme offenders,” he notes happily, this would

let the rest of them know that they’d better clean up their act and stop turning our kids into communists.

Doubling down on his racism, Anglin next suggests the death quads aim their, er, justice at immigrants living in the US legally. Yes, legally.

“President Trump will have no problem removing illegal immigrants,” Anglin explains.

However, through fraud, the Jews have brought in many, many brown sludge “people” through “legal” means. These people are harder to get rid of, as changing laws can be boring and time consuming.

It is hard to legally deport a person with legal status to be in the country, but you know what isn’t hard to deport? A bullet-riddled corpse. You can deport it six feet under ground with nothing more than a shovel and some elbow grease.

Next, Anglin directs the attention of would-be vigilante killers to the alleged problem of “[w]hinorities, feminists, homosexuals and vegans” and their “disgusting street protests” that block traffic and make it hard for decent Americans to make it to work on time.

If human rights activist leaders get rode up on by a man on a Kawasaki with a Glock 18 on their way out of the co-opt [sic], no one is going to cry for them other than those who were already crying about something else.

And what about the politicians who stand in the way of Trump’s agenda? They can’t raise objections to Trump’s policies, Anglin notes, “if they’re lying in the gutter filled with .40 caliber hollowpoints.”

Anglin finishes up his list with Trump’s favorite scapegoat: Allegedly “lying journalists.”

“[S]uing them is time-consuming and expensive, even after we open-up the libel laws,” Anglin complains. “Thankfully, a quicker solution exists with [Right-Wing Death Squads].”

In a transparently disingenuous “Editor’s Note” following Anglin’s post — presumably written by Anglin himself, as he is the editor of the site —   he tries to pretend that all of his explicit calls for murder are not actually explicit calls for murder at all.

This is in no way a call for violence or murder. This is a policy position paper in the form of a listicle. The Daily Stormer is opposed to violence, and simply supports the practical implementation of innovative policies which will lead to a great America.

I suppose the next line of defense for Anglin and his apologists will be to claim he was just kidding, an argument that might be a bit easier to make if Anglin did not in fact despise all of his suggested targets with a completely un-ironic passion. “I hate you and want you killed” is not really much of a joke.

Sunday, I don’t need to remind you, a man with an assault rifle opened fire at Comet Ping Pong, a DC pizzeria bizarrely targeted by far-right conspiracy theorists and Trump fans, including Anglin himself. Similarly, a shocking number of those put on public enemies lists by anti-abortion fanatics have been murdered by other anti-abortion fanatics.

What Anglin has done here is more than a little reminiscent of Duterte’s naming of “criminals” on television. The main difference isn’t Anglin’s sometimes jokey tone. It’s that we don’t have right-wing death squads here in the US.

At least not at the moment. We have, of course, had them in the past: the Klan in several of its past incarnations murdered countless black men. Should this kind of ugliness return to America, I suspect that most of the new recruits will come from precisely the demographic Anglin and his friends in the alt-right most appeal to — young white men suffused with aggrieved entitlement and eager to settle scores.

This is what our country is turning into.

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8 years ago

For some strange reason, people like this keep forgetting that all the people they would target, also have as much access to weaponry, as they do. They act as if they are the only ones willing and able to use guns.

My Mom had a saying about bullies in our house and I’ve been trotting it out pretty frequently lately:

You got to bring some ass, to get some ass!

In other words, a bully is in as much jeopardy as he is willing to put his victim.

Paradoxical Intention - Mobile
Paradoxical Intention - Mobile
8 years ago

I find it maddening that not only is Anglin suggesting such a horrible thing, he purposefully made the targets vague as hell.

He’s literally inviting violence upon random people with talk of “lying whores” and such, because that kind of shit relies on someone else’s interpretation.

A woman can be considered a “lying whore” by one of these awful men, even though she’s not actually sleeping around. All he has to do is believe she is.

All of these can be interpreted as “people who disagree with our views” (especially those “communist” remarks), or “people we don’t like”.

And no the “I’m just making a suggestion!” excuse doesn’t fly, you nazi fuck. You are literally trying to get people killed. Go jerk off into your copy of Mien Kampf.

8 years ago

Soooooo, pretty much the same kill-list fascists have had since forever? Come on Anglin, step up your game.

OT @David
You misspelled Duterte’s name as Duarte a couple of times in the post.

8 years ago

I see that a certain Mr. Anglin needs a harsh reminder of what kind of end these fascist death-squad leaders invariably come to when people finally get sick of their shit. So, here ’tis:


Sic semper tyrannis, motherfucker.

8 years ago

On a more positive note, however, Milo Yeah-Nope has been denied another venue to freeze peaches in.

Sic semper imbecilis.

8 years ago

As usual, a fascist fantasising about death squads would kill just about everyone in the world, as their definitions are so vague and sweeping – ‘filthy lying sluts’ – so 99% of women according to their view of women – ‘degenerate artists and musicians’, so just about every creative person, and of course the Jews, pinko’s, homo’s and feminists.

Tell me again – what is so great about a world with no diversity, no freedom (human rights? who needs human rights?!) and no creativity?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

It’s a minor quibble in the grand scheme of things but the Glock 18 isn’t available in .40 Cal. But perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised that even their fantasies are misinformed.

Johanna "Actually Godzilla" Roberts
Johanna "Actually Godzilla" Roberts
8 years ago

A woman can be considered a “lying whore” by one of these awful men, even though she’s not actually sleeping around. All he has to do is believe she is.

TW: Assault and Sexual assault.

Yeeeeeep. And that’s the reason I got beat into the ground and assaulted despite never having had a willing partner in middle school. The bullies, the men who used to beat me into the ground, assault me and tried to destroy me have taken over the country.


8 years ago


Hey racist, genocidal, SS wannabe, morons, even under Trump if you decide to go around murdering people you don’t like, because you don’t like them, you will go to jail and its unlikely the president will pardon you, since among other things, he will want to get reelected. Trump won in spite of you, not because of you, remember that. Don’t think that you will be able to make America into the next Nazi Germany.

Across the country, Americans are standing up against hate

8 years ago

Between Trump and Pizzagate, this jumped from “irresponsible and dangerous” to “foreshadowing”.

8 years ago

Artists, musicians, women, anyone working at a university or college, any immigrant, anyone who is queer or has a shred of empathy for those who are, vegans (!?), any politician who has ever disagreed with Trump (that does include Trump on many occasions, he is technically a politician), and journalists.
I’d estimate that at about three quarters of the population, minimum.
That’s quite a list.

8 years ago

Gee whiz, would there be anyone left after this so-called purge? His definitions are vague enough to include ridiculously large swaths of the population. Also:

“…no one is going to cry for them other than those who were already crying about something else.”

I’m pretty sure even most conservatives, if not horrified by the violence on its own, would see the eventual danger to themselves and probably condemn this. Lol. But I choose to believe that most of us, regardless of our affiliation, don’t support senseless and gratuitous murder in the streets. Death on this level would be hard to spin as self-defense.

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)

I notice that Anglin is keeping it vague, despite the fact that people he takes inspiration from all made sure to name names on their enemies list. This should be emphasised: even after his presidential candidate has won, and even on his own blog, Anglin is scared to actually name his enemies lest he draw their attention.

Hey, Anglin. What do I have to do to get my name on your list? Or are you too chickenshit to write something calling for my death?

What a wretched little man you are, Anglin. Duterte wouldn’t have used you to clean his windows and you know it.

8 years ago

“He’s literally inviting violence upon random people with talk of “lying whores” and such, because that kind of shit relies on someone else’s interpretation.”

– PI

The intention of domestic terrorists like him, is to scare women (among others) into huddling fearful in silence in their homes. Having women essentially targeted just by doing *anything* that a “right thinking white man” like himself would find undesirable for her to do, is in accordance with that intention.

Basically, it’s not even “vigilantes” – they’re not going after actual criminals; it’s a “moral police” similar to that found in extremist Islamic world. Calling these people the “ISIS of the west” is not – and has never been – hyperbole.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Does that disclaimer at the end make it protected free speech rather than incitement. I’m guessing yes but I hope the FBI is keeping tabs. Of course, given the FBI recent history of propping up Trump and past history of harassing civil rights leaders, they probably approve of this shit.

Remember kids, it’s only terrorism when brown people do it!

Cynical Optimist
Cynical Optimist
8 years ago

Has anyone tried to report this… thing that is supposed to be writing? Or is there some bullshit loophole that makes it pointless?

Dan Hoan
8 years ago

This is in no way a call for violence or murder. This is a policy position paper in the form of a listicle. The Daily Stormer is opposed to violence, and simply supports the practical implementation of innovative policies which will lead to a great America.

On top of being truly awful human beings, I do not think they have any sort of reading comprehension skills. /sarcasm.

You can’t say you want to ‘exterminate’ several groups of people, and then say “this is just a policy idea.” You have actually suggested genocide, which is, at its base, violent.

8 years ago

I’m not wrong in thinking this is a semi-major publication directly inciting violence in direct contradiction to federal law right?

Everyone involved in the publication of this list could go to jail, right?

They’re no longer dog whistling the “Kill these people” thing, and I don’t think a court of law would find this anywhere near approaching free speech.

8 years ago

This is in no way a call for violence or murder. This is a policy position paper in the form of a listicle.

The fuck kind of excuse is that?! “I don’t think you should kill them, my official policy is just that you should kill them.”

8 years ago

I’m pretty sure even most conservatives, if not horrified by the violence on its own, would see the eventual danger to themselves and probably condemn this

Not to mention, a fair number of conservatives (thought possibly not these Alt-Righters) have someone they love that would be on that list. They would, in fact, cry very much for their children, their grandchildren, and their spouses…even their good friends.

That’s the problem for a lot of these guys. Mainstream conservatism is, in their view, soft, because mainstream conservatives want to work with the system to change it, they aren’t trying to blow it up. There are too few of these sorts of conservatives left. They were people you could at least argue with, fume at, and sometimes laugh with…you can’t even talk to the Alt-Right, because they don’t care.

And since I am on that list several times over (professional woman who works outside the home, therefore lying whore; liberal; college professor, and more), I think I have to take it seriously. Even if they do mean it ironically (put up your hand if you believe that), there are a lot of people out there who have very itchy trigger fingers. I refuse to let them lock me in my house in fear.

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)

As mentioned, they’re white people. Straight white men, at that. The bar for finding them guilty of inciting violence is very high.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Since he didn’t name a specific individual and gave that disclaimer, there’s no imminent threat, therefore it’s not incitement.

IANAL, but that’s my understanding. To me, this is a terroristic threat, but yeah, while men. Even if someone kills people and gives the rhetoric on the Daily Stormer as a motive, the FBI will almost certainly call it mentally ill lone wolf, not terrorism.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

For those wondering, this doesn’t seem to be an incitement to imminent lawless action. Imminent is the operative word here. It’s vague, sets no timetable, lays out no plan, etc…

That said, I just wanna take this time to point out that literal nazis can put out a kill list (after a fashion. As already mentioned, it’s a rather shitty ‘list’. Where are the names?) with no repercussions, but these are the same muffugas yapping on and on about how their free speech is being squashed. MAYUNLAWJIQ

ETA: ninjad by WWTH

8 years ago

Looks like he basically wants to kill the entire world outside his head, or at least deeply relishes the fantasy. Sad, squalid little creature.

Alex Stallwitz
Alex Stallwitz
8 years ago

Ladies and gentlemen, the right wing mikado

?as someday a victim must be found. The daily stormer has got a list, a little list of people who wont be missed. Oh they wont be missed?

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