advocacy of violence aggrieved entitlement alt-right evil sexy ladies evil SJWs homophobia immigrants irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism trump

Death Squads for Trumpie? Daily Stormer provides helpful list of people for vigilantes to kill

Rody Duterte: Alt-rightists are jealous of his body count
Rody Duterte: Alt-rightists are jealous of his body count

It’s no secret that Donald Trump is a fan of Rody Duterte. The “strongman” president of the Philippines apparently feels the same way about Trump, congratulating the president-elect for his (electoral college) victory in a phone call last week. According to Duterte, Trump invited him to visit the White House, and praised him for a shockingly literal “war on drugs” that has racked up a death toll of 4.500 in less than six months.

Some of Donald Trump’s far-right fanboys are even more enamored of Duterte and his murderous ways — inspired especially by his past as the “Death Squad mayor” of Davao City, widely accused of “condoning and even inciting” the murders of more than 1000 citizens by right-wing death squads. Back in the early 2000s, Human Rights Watch notes,

Duterte would announce the names of “criminals” on local television and radio—and some of those he named would later become victims of death squad killings.

Now the Daily Stormer wants to get in on that action, providing its own list of people they hope American vigilantes might deliver a similar sort of justice to.

Rather than providing individual names, the Daily Stormer’s Andrew Anglin suggests seven categories of people who right-wing death squads in America might consider targeting.

Anglin begins with the “degenerate artists and musicians who are degrading our society with corrosive filth,” declaring that “[n]o one is more deserving of the old “double tap” than [them].”

The “double tap,” FYI, is a shooting technique designed to ensure that the shooting victim is indeed dead.

Anglin moves on to the women he calls

filthy, lying sluts, who would just as soon have sex with a random black guy in a gas station bathroom as play a puzzle game on their cellphone. There is no group of people more deserving of swift and rapid extermination.

Were Trump to send Right-Wing Death Squads to murder these “sluts,” he adds,

[w]omen would then think twice before spreading their legs, and instead return to the kitchen and shut their lying whore mouths.

Next on Anglin’s list: lefty professors allegedly corrupting the youth of America. Were Right-Wing Death Squads to “target the most extreme offenders,” he notes happily, this would

let the rest of them know that they’d better clean up their act and stop turning our kids into communists.

Doubling down on his racism, Anglin next suggests the death quads aim their, er, justice at immigrants living in the US legally. Yes, legally.

“President Trump will have no problem removing illegal immigrants,” Anglin explains.

However, through fraud, the Jews have brought in many, many brown sludge “people” through “legal” means. These people are harder to get rid of, as changing laws can be boring and time consuming.

It is hard to legally deport a person with legal status to be in the country, but you know what isn’t hard to deport? A bullet-riddled corpse. You can deport it six feet under ground with nothing more than a shovel and some elbow grease.

Next, Anglin directs the attention of would-be vigilante killers to the alleged problem of “[w]hinorities, feminists, homosexuals and vegans” and their “disgusting street protests” that block traffic and make it hard for decent Americans to make it to work on time.

If human rights activist leaders get rode up on by a man on a Kawasaki with a Glock 18 on their way out of the co-opt [sic], no one is going to cry for them other than those who were already crying about something else.

And what about the politicians who stand in the way of Trump’s agenda? They can’t raise objections to Trump’s policies, Anglin notes, “if they’re lying in the gutter filled with .40 caliber hollowpoints.”

Anglin finishes up his list with Trump’s favorite scapegoat: Allegedly “lying journalists.”

“[S]uing them is time-consuming and expensive, even after we open-up the libel laws,” Anglin complains. “Thankfully, a quicker solution exists with [Right-Wing Death Squads].”

In a transparently disingenuous “Editor’s Note” following Anglin’s post — presumably written by Anglin himself, as he is the editor of the site —   he tries to pretend that all of his explicit calls for murder are not actually explicit calls for murder at all.

This is in no way a call for violence or murder. This is a policy position paper in the form of a listicle. The Daily Stormer is opposed to violence, and simply supports the practical implementation of innovative policies which will lead to a great America.

I suppose the next line of defense for Anglin and his apologists will be to claim he was just kidding, an argument that might be a bit easier to make if Anglin did not in fact despise all of his suggested targets with a completely un-ironic passion. “I hate you and want you killed” is not really much of a joke.

Sunday, I don’t need to remind you, a man with an assault rifle opened fire at Comet Ping Pong, a DC pizzeria bizarrely targeted by far-right conspiracy theorists and Trump fans, including Anglin himself. Similarly, a shocking number of those put on public enemies lists by anti-abortion fanatics have been murdered by other anti-abortion fanatics.

What Anglin has done here is more than a little reminiscent of Duterte’s naming of “criminals” on television. The main difference isn’t Anglin’s sometimes jokey tone. It’s that we don’t have right-wing death squads here in the US.

At least not at the moment. We have, of course, had them in the past: the Klan in several of its past incarnations murdered countless black men. Should this kind of ugliness return to America, I suspect that most of the new recruits will come from precisely the demographic Anglin and his friends in the alt-right most appeal to — young white men suffused with aggrieved entitlement and eager to settle scores.

This is what our country is turning into.

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Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
8 years ago


Gah….Most of my exposure to electro-swing is via the correlated station on Digitally Imported. My memory may be a bit wibbly on the names, but I recall the names Extra Medium, Wolfgang Lorr (surname may be incorrect), and the remixes of, again if memory serves, the Gentleman Callers of Los Angeles. (But I may be wrong.) Caravan Palace is also a staple.

Heh. I forget the names of the makers, but I recall hearing electro-swing covers of No Diggity and, of all things, Thrift Shop. (The latter is the best thing to speed through a grocery store to.) If you could track those down, I’d be in your debt.

In heavily different terms that still involve swing, the Diablo Swing Orchestra combines swing with metal, and occasionally a few other things. Worth many listens.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
8 years ago

Add me to the Caravan Palace followers, having been introduced through ‘Lone Digger’ and the video for it.

Then again, I started getting back into swing during the big Swing Revival of the 1990s through Big Rude Jake and Squirrel Nut Zippers.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

Lots of new people in the list here! Or at least people I don’t recognize! Gonna have to organize a reception or something. Hello to

Spaniard in the Works,
D. Glen (I think you’re new?)
Dan Hoan,
Alex Stallwitz,
Mark (you may want to add something to your nickname!),
and other people I probably missed! I’m sure some of you are probably regulars and I’ve just forgotten, too. Mea culpa!

@Troubelle, you are best bard. Certainly better than Cacophonix. Those are great!

My favourite Asterix is usually “Whichever one I have managed to get my dirty mitts onto”, but overall? Yeah, it’s Astérix et Cléopatre too. I love Cleopatra in all of her incarnations, and apparently I love her pointy-nosed version most. Even if she’s just the stereotypical “spoiled princess”, she’s a spoiled princess with personality! That’s one reason why I tend to be forgiving of the overt and blatant racism and sexism of the comic. The characters have an incredible amount of personality, and no character can have the spotlight on them for long before they become full, interesting, and real people in their own right. At least that’s how I remember it!



I’d take the kurdish snipers and the Mehal-Sefari over your pasty ass any day. The advantages that brought the Europeans success during the last few hundred years were environmental, not due to some sort of inherent superiority. The advantages you claim men have over women are nothing more than a molly-coddle to protect your fragile pride. Suck it up, buttercup, you aren’t special.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
8 years ago


My dad had a liiittle bit of Squirrel Nut Zippers lying around, so I at least know of them.


I try, hyeh….I try. Throw me a topic and I’ll see what I can do.

8 years ago

Not sure the best thread to put this in, but a co-worker just informed me about a survey the Canadian government is doing about election reforms:

I’d encourage any Canadians hanging about to fill it out!

(I would like to fill it out five times and say how bad I think online voting is, as an idea. SERIOUSLY, seriously bad. They don’t know how bad.)

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

@Rhuu, thank you! I’m spreading that link around to friends now. Really, really happy to see that survey! It means that the Liberals might actually introduce electoral reform after all!

8 years ago

And … question 1: should MPs always support their party? In what context? I’m already stuck.

I think the way things are is fine on that count. Party caucuses debate. MP occasionally switch parties. Party discipline is maintained. Which answer is that?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

(I would like to fill it out five times and say how bad I think online voting is, as an idea. SERIOUSLY, seriously bad. They don’t know how bad.)

… Yeeeah. For every Boaty McBoatface, there’s fifty Hitler Did Nothing Wrong Mountain Dews. You’d end up with that fucking dead gorilla as PM if you’re lucky. ಠ_ಠ

(Okay, so I once voted GLaDOS for mayor, but all the real options were against same-sex marriage and voting’s compulsory in Aus, so I’m only being half a hypocrite.)

Conan the Librarian
8 years ago

@ weird

I like it, I think it would go with a sprightly uptempo folk tune.

I wrote a song the other day, the refrain goes something like:

They’re sayinh better ways just don’t exist
But surely we can do better than this

Conan the Librarian
8 years ago


Your graffiti song reminds me of a song I wrote during the campaign (bluntly titled “Fascists”), and unfortunately relevant to the op:

Now they’re matching in the street
With no need to be discreet
What do you expect?
They’re not politically correct
Now they’re set free
and their liberty will be
Killings and beatings
At some future meeting

Dalillama, Effort Chicken
Dalillama, Effort Chicken
8 years ago

Another one here who grew up on Astérix; I had all the ones that had been translated, plus about a half dozen that hadn’t.
Inspirational and relevant folk music? I gotcha covered. Scuse linkdump:
Arrogance, Ignorance, and Greed
Joe Hill
Peat Bog Soldiers
A fair chunk of the Little Red Songbook*
Ghosts of Cable Street
Viva la Quinta Brigada
Also a lotta Phil Ochs, but I’ve linkspammed enough for now. Lemme know if you want more.
EDIT: And I just remembered some of Andy Irvine’s stuff too:
When The Boys Are On Parade
Ballad of Tom Joad (that’s Guthrie’s song actually)

*Songbook of the IWW

8 years ago

I like the songwriting in this thread. :3

I heard a nice anti Trump folk tune called Backwards. I forget who performed it.

8 years ago

Oh Asterix, man that’s a trip down memory lane, I used to have (and I probably still do) a ton of them. I just love comics in general (even if I do have a slight preference towards Anime) and I’d never thought that I’d ever come across a group of people online who would be talking about not only Asterix but Big Rude Jake too!
Oh my god you people are awesome!
Lone Digger is a masterpiece
@everyone who is sharing their songs
would anybody like to have someone make a Discord server so we could keep sharing these songs?
just a thought

8 years ago

It’s that we don’t have right-wing death squads here in the US.

That’s debatable. They usually prefer to call themselves “police departments” in this country…

8 years ago

@Spaniard in the Works

Hah, I totally remember that one! Now I see the digs at capitalism. Like when Caesar goes “The fuck do I do with all these menhir?” and they come up with an advertising campaign to convince people they need this product.

And the conclusion! I get it now! For almost the whole story they almost look like they’ve pacified the Gauls until POOF, no we’re not buying menhirs and the Gauls go back to beating up the Romans. At the end, Panoramix says there’s hyperinflation and borderline civil war in Rome. It’s the “bubble” bursting!


Holy crap, this whole time I was like “why does their username sound so familiar?” The architect! I completely forgot so many of the names (and suffixes!)

Also, I didn’t even realize that there were multiple authors, I’m going to have to check that out now

@Asterix and Cleopatra discussion

I remember that one! Wow they had a lot of fun with the hieroglyphs. And Cleopatra was fantastic! Fair leader, only imprisoned our heroes because of the evidence, released them when they prove the evidence to be false.


I’m super excited as well! My PS3 broke literally while playing the first game >:c (can’t read disk, my PS3 is blind). I’d have to buy the version on the PS4 and start over.


I heard about that at work. I thought it was a fucking joke. The only award he deserves is worst person of the year.

8 years ago

I have reported The Daily Stormer post in a tip to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center for its incitement of murder and suggest others do the same

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)

(Okay, so I once voted GLaDOS for mayor, but all the real options were against same-sex marriage and voting’s compulsory in Aus, so I’m only being half a hypocrite.)


8 years ago

Lots of new people in the list here! Or at least people I don’t recognize! Gonna have to organize a reception or something. Hello to


Yeah, I’ve lurked for literally years, and link a lot of posts to wider audiences, but I think that was like, my third comment in, um – well, a quick search of my gmail tells me I sent a friend my first manboobz link back in 2011. I guess I’m just the quiet type?

I too grew up with Asterix, but only in English translation. My older brother had the complete set, and I read them sadly too young to understand all the nuances, so had to reread when older.

8 years ago

I was chatting with my mom — turns out the Asterix collection is still safe, but they hadn’t planned on moving it to their new home. Now they will. That was a close call!

Goscinny wrote, Uderzo drew. Goscinny died relatively young, and Uderzo started writing — he was good, but not as good. Now he’s dead too and there are new authors; I haven’t tried their work.

8 years ago

I inherited the Astérix collection; one of my siblings got all the Tintins (I can’t help wishing I had them too, but I am greedy and of course it wouldn’t be fair).

8 years ago

@numerobis: Yeah. I was pretty annoyed that there was no point where you could put in comments. I know that makes things more complicated because someone has to read them, but some of these questions needed a “why are you asking me this? I’m happy with how things are?” option.

@Scildfreja: I’ve since seen some rather concerning criticism of the survey, pointing out how easy it would be to figure out who said what in smaller communities. So… I’m not sure how I feel. I also found out that, since I chose not to give my postal code, my information is not going to be counted.

I don’t remember seeing that in ‘this information is optional’ print!

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent + Bard of the New Movement
8 years ago


I actually found out about Tintin from a snippet in one of those Eyewitness books on dogs alongside a study mentioned in a Bathroom Reader saying that the amount of times Tintin was knocked out likely stunted his growth, hence the reason he remained baby-faced until the end. Then I came upon the animated series on Netflix (sadly, it’s gone now), and then I asked my dad to track down some of the books. I think he found, like, PDFs of them.

8 years ago

Tintin is such a, well cultural phenomenon of its day, just because it was so iconic for so long I suppose – very period-typically racist and right-wing when it started, and then Hergé went on creating it for so many years and gradually began to reflect some changes in typical attitudes around him, I guess. (I don’t mean he was transformed into someone radically different, but he got less inclined to automatically mock and condemn non-Europeans out of hand). I know less than nothing about drawing and cartooning, but I’ve heard his ligne claire style is considered massively influential … ?????

8 years ago

His choice of canine companion is massively influential, in any case. I see a white terrier trot along and my mind screams “Milou!”

I used to go by idefix, but after just a few years on the ‘net I found it was too common a name. That’s when I switched to the more obscure architect.

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