evil single moms men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny red pill

Today’s almost completely unreadable MGTOW meme takes aim at single moms

Graphic designers weep.
Graphic designers weep.

This lovely meme, found in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, pretty unreadable even at full resolution. But it’s not too hard to see what point the meme-maker was trying to get across.

Naturally, Reddit’s MGTOWs have many thoughts on this subject.

Like these:

CyanideCookiez 3 points 15 hours ago Single moms are a scourge. These bitches failed hardcore when it came down to deciding who the father of their children was going to be. Oh Well, the next generation of criminals has to come from somewhere I suppose. and men who date single moms are the lowest caliber of men on the planet aside from white knights and cucks, although generally they are one and the same.

And these:

frikabg 25 points 23 hours ago This is what happens when you try and upbring your child with feelings instead of logic! Also it doesn't help if u are a soul sucking bitch who thinks that the world owns her something just because she decided to have a child or the fact that majority of single moms are single mainly because they decided to go for chuck who bailed the moment he got the phone call she is pregnant. But hey! Atleast she fucked around with 10s all the time i mean that has to count for something right?!???

Wait, am I reading this correctly? Has the legendary Chad Thundercock been replaced by his brother Chuck?

I feel kinda bad for the models who posed for the stock photos MGTOWs love to appropriate for their memes. No one wants to discover one day that they’ve become the focus of a MGTOW two-minute hate.

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IBH Ardipithecus
IBH Ardipithecus
8 years ago

@Scildfreja Unnýðnes

I’m guessing quite a few have fathered children (that does not make them Dads)

None of them are good Dads by definition – they’ve gone their own way and hate the mother of their children. I certain that NONE of them make a full contribution towards the financial burden of their children.

8 years ago

I love that it doesn’t even occur to them that many single moms are widows.

8 years ago

OP is 100% spot on. If I had not chosen so poorly then I would not be a single mother now. I should have known my abusive ex would fall down the alt-right rabbit hole and become a racist, sexist, Trump-supporting, Breitbart reading, custody interfering p.o.s.

History Nerd
History Nerd
8 years ago

PAS is bullshit and there’s no scientific evidence for it. It’s a blame-shifting tactic abusers use when they’re desperate to avoid losing control in a custody dispute.

8 years ago

Single moms are a scourge. These bitches failed hardcore when it came down to deciding who the father of their children was going to be.
and men who date single moms are the lowest caliber of men on the planet aside from white knights and cucks, although generally they are one and the same

So… single moms are the worst who do damage to their kids by raising them while single, but men who date single moms and help support the child(ren) and bring the family unit closer to a nuclear family… are also the worst? Seriously, you’d think that if single moms are so bad at parenting that these knuckleheads would be thrilled that a child had access to a steady male parent figure. It’s almost like it’s more about condemning the woman for choices they don’t approve of rather than any concern for the child! Golly gosh gee, should someone tell them?

8 years ago

Ugh, I just woke up and it is waaaaaay too early for me to deal with this whole hot mess at the moment. So let me just say this:

MGTOWS and everything they stand for can go shove it.

8 years ago

It drives me insane that they don’t even get that «39% of inmates were raised by a single mom, 4% by a single dad» (or whatever it was) does not by itself give ANY INDICATION about the percentage of children raised by single moms/single dads who became inmates.

8 years ago


Wonder how many of these guys are dads?

Wonder how many of these guys are good dads?

Deadbeat dads, yes. Who whine incessantly about all the child support they never pay.

snork maiden
8 years ago

I’ve seen this meme before. What puzzles me is why they picked a stock photo of a wholesome, healthy, young but not teenage woman with a happy baby? Why not go searching for some offensive stereotype welfare/trailer mom? It’s not like the internet isn’t awash with that kind of thing.

I am not surprised that none of their ire is directed at the men who impregnate and then abandon these women. They’re just bitter that other people are breeding, and that some of the tax they pay might be going towards raising other people’s children.

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)

Thank you for that, msexceptiontotherule. I learned something.

8 years ago

@Scildfreja : “the plural of anecdote is not data” refer to the fact that anecdotes are already filtered. We only talk about unusual or interesting anecdote, which is why a collection of anecdote isn’t raw data at all. With work I am pretty sure I can find 100.000 anecdotes about muslims in France, and about 75% of them will be about them being the scum of the earth while the remaining 25% will them being the incarnation of patience and forgiveness. That’s not datas that would prove that muslims are alway either superheroes or villains.

That infographic make me wonder how their brain function. Do they have an internal unconscious censor for anything that disagree with their worldview ? Or are they aware of their dishonesty ?

8 years ago


Here’s a peer-reviewed, up-to-date study that covers an actually significant number of children and parents, and it has found that “quality of parenting” (regardless of gender) is what counts for various outcomes in children’s wellbeing.

What could possibly explain this discrepancy?

Well, that is a surprise!

I’ve certainly never known MRAs to be slipshod in their research.

Or liars.

It’s got to be a typo. The writer cited some mainstream reference when he meant to cite The KKK Journal of Marriage and the Family.

8 years ago

Definitely, guys. Definitely.

Any one of you would have been a much better partner to this single mom than the (dead? absentee?) guy was. You’ve got it all over him in terms of looks, charm, and brains. The fact that this unsupervised woman couldn’t see it just explains — duh! — why she needs supervision. And there would have been no money problems, no communication issues, health challenges, or any other kind of problem — because you would have been supervising her.

And any one of you would have been a superb dad to this baby were he yours. (He’s not of course, and he’s got no dad, so he can just go to hell. Serves him right for having a missing dad.) There would have been no fussiness from a teething baby, no learning disorders, no “Dad, I crashed the car” problems. Because you would have been supervising both of them.

But she wouldn’t let you do her thinking for her, and because of that you now have no wife or kid.

So you do the next best thing, which is to vilify mothers who have no husbands. Good way to spend your time!

8 years ago


Or are they aware of their dishonesty ?

My theory is that MRAs recognize that it’s dishonest. But they love to read bad stuff about women — who for some strange reason won’t give them the time of day. And MRAs might have such a casual acquaintance with the truth that they end up believing this stuff just because they want to.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago


Congrats on leaving that asshat. I think you were still with him when I started commenting here a few years ago? Unless I have you mixed up with some other unfortunate person.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
8 years ago


As usual, your posts are brilliant and hilarious. My personal favourite:

And any one of you would have been a superb dad to this baby were he yours. (He’s not of course, and he’s got no dad, so he can just go to hell. Serves him right for having a missing dad.)

I am ashamed to say that my comment above (about research) may have been badly worded. The peer-reviewed study that I linked to was not included in the mgtow meme – I found it via Google Scholar (took less than 5 minutes) and it was intended to show the contrast between actual scholarly research versus Assfax University sources.

I may have been mildly irritated when I commented, thus less than clear expression. My bad 🙁

Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
8 years ago

Waaaayyyyy off topic…

“Mr. Trump lacks the foreign policy experience and demeanor needed to be commander in chief….Shows daily that he is not qualified for office.”
— Republican elector Christopher Suprun, in op-ed explaining why he cannot cast his Electoral College vote for Trump

… it’s starting…. (it won’t go far enough, but it’s at least happening)

Christina Nordlander
Christina Nordlander
8 years ago

So you’re a woman who sleeps with/are in a relationship with an MRA guy.

If you get pregnant and have an abortion, you’re killing his child.

If you get pregnant and want him to stay and help raise your mutual baby, you’re destroying his freedom.

If you get pregnant and he leaves, you’re forcing him into paying child support.

If you get pregnant and he leaves and you don’t press the child support, you’re a worthless single mother whose child will probably turn criminal.

If you use birth control, you’re a selfish bitch for not wanting children.

And they wonder why it’s so hard for them to get a partner.

8 years ago

Oops, that was my bad.

Thank you for the compliment. I find that MRAs bring out my most sarcastic of sarcasm. Thanks, MRM!

8 years ago

There was a study a while back, where children living with parents who have a healthy relationship is good. Single parenting was better than rearing a child in a broken relationship. Best of all (in terms of emotional health and future prospects) were children raised in womens shelters under the care of multiple single mothers.

It all boiled down to time I seem to remember. A relationship failing has less time for children than a single parent would have, and that in turn has less time for children than a healthy relationship would have, and in the shelters, children could have the shared time of more several parental figures. Can’t find the study now, so I could be wrong, but most studies I can find on the subject still boil it all down to time first, money second.

8 years ago

msexceptiontotherule: ugh, what you describe is exactly what I’m hearing in a relative’s custody proceedings (albeit with genders flipped). CPS calls, endless proceedings, trying to convince the kids their dad is a bad dad, refusing to hand over the kids in a reasonable way. They’re both high income, so they’ve kept this nonsense up for a couple years already with no sign of any ending.

8 years ago

You know what would help that meme. Comic sans. Comic sans, baby.

8 years ago

I’ve seen this meme before. What puzzles me is why they picked a stock photo of a wholesome, healthy, young but not teenage woman with a happy baby? Why not go searching for some offensive stereotype welfare/trailer mom?

My guess is because they think all women are the problem, not just trailer trash, and they want to challenge the idea that this happy young woman is fit to raise her own child.

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)

My guess as to why they picked a conventionally attractive woman is because they want to specify which target to hate.

If she were a Black woman or a fat white woman, then they might get distracted by hating fat people or Black people. If she had tattoos or dyed hair, they might get distracted by hating people who want to control their own bodies. By making sure she fits their definition of an ideal human being in every way but one, this makes sure that when their fellow MRAs see the image, they know whom they’re supposed to hate.

8 years ago


Michael Flynn’s conspiracy-minded son, who tweeted about the “Pizzagate” theory, is on Donald Trump’s transition team
The son of Trump’s national security adviser is on a white supremacist social media platform.

But take a look at this:

Veterans at Standing Rock shock tribe members, beg forgiveness for war crimes against tribal nations
