alt-right literal nazis memes memespreading racism trump

I made some propaganda posters! You should too!

Fight the giant floating head of Trump!
Fight the giant floating head of Trump!

So I made some propaganda posters. Well, technically speaking, I took some old propaganda posters and turned them into anti-Trump, anti-alt right posters. Yes, they’re a bit silly, but (to very loosely paraphrase the terrible Barry Goldwater) silliness in defense of liberty is no vice; humorlessness in pursuit of justice is no virtue.

Join in! There are a gazillion old propaganda posters that could easily be turned into anti-Trump/anti-alt right posters, even if you’re no graphics whiz. Allied propaganda posters from WWII work well; so do anti-Communist posters from the height of the cold war.

You can find a yuuuge 9-part series of posts featuring WWII propaganda here. And several hundred propaganda posters I’ve collected together on Pinterest. And if like me you’re too lazy to cut out Trump heads for photoshopping, there are a bunch already pre-cut-out for you.

Some of my other posters:




EDIT: I made an alternate version of the first one that I think is better:


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Belladonna "Toxic Hag"
Belladonna "Toxic Hag"
8 years ago

Yes, actually that whole thing about cuckoo birds and reed warblers is the etymological origin of the word cuckold.

Extending the metaphor to an elaborate fantasy about whites and non-whites is something else, again.

Come home to WHTM for a while before you brave youtube comment sections again! *hugs*

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
8 years ago

I’m half-tempted to print some of these out and plaster them around campus. We have a plus-size print shop, after all….

8 years ago


Isn’t the word “cuckold” derived from “cuckoo,” as in the bird?

It is!

And, fun fact: in Germany, they use the term “Kuckuckskinder” (literally, “cuckoos’ children”) to describe children conceived by women cheating on their husbands, who end up inadvertently raising them as their own. (Think other birds, raising baby cuckoos instead of their own nestlings.)

Only…and here the analogy falls apart…it’s female cuckoos doing the egg-laying in someone else’s nest. But I guess the idea is still kinda-sorta there.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago

Perusing the Trump head link, I came across a pic of him looking a bit…foreheady…so I clicked on the link, and came across this:

People often ask him what he’d do differently if he were elected president, he said.
“I would probably comb my hair back. Why? Because this thing is too hard to comb,” he said. “I wouldn’t have time, because if I were in the White House, I’d be working my ass off.”

-Des Moines Register

Let’s see if he keeps his word on that.

Remember, Remember, the Mig of December
Remember, Remember, the Mig of December
8 years ago

And you know those shitwaffles in the EC care more about party lines than about Trump literally fucking over the entire country.

Good luck trying to get them to see the shithole they’re most likely going to put us in.

Again, it doesn’t fucking matter if the EC tries to keep Trump out; not only has Clinton stated that she *won’t* accept the presidency if the EC turns coats on Trump, but the decision would fall to the House anyway. I honestly can’t see the House electing a democrat. You’d also have to deal with stupid Trump supporters spending the next four years griping about “rigged election!!!” irrespective of whether or not they *like* Trump as he is right now.

Hu's On First
Hu's On First
8 years ago

Part of me wonders if it’d be possible to give the Russians and Macedonians a taste of their own fake-news medicine.

I wonder how the people on VKontakte would react if they learned Vladimir Putin was planning to sell eastern Siberia to the USA in exchange for Donald lifting the sanctions.

Or if the Macedonians found out that the REAL headquarters of the “pizzagate conspiracy” is Belgrade. (Marina Abramovic is a Serb and the niece of a Serbian Orthodox patriarch, after all….)

On the other hand, I’m not the kind of guy who believes two wrongs make a right. But sometimes I do fantasize about what would happen if Americans started trolling people overseas instead of the other way around….

8 years ago

Speaking of pizzagate:


I remember Dad telling Lola she’s a Kuckucksei in Lola rennt 🙁

Belladonna "Toxic Hag"
Belladonna "Toxic Hag"
8 years ago


Again, it doesn’t fucking matter if the EC tries to keep Trump out; not only has Clinton stated that she *won’t* accept the presidency if the EC turns coats on Trump, but the decision would fall to the House anyway.

I have no illusions that the EC will vote in Clinton (although I’d be surprised if she didn’t change her tune if it actually happened), unless some utterly weird and unlikely miracle happens with the recount efforts, which would change who the actual electors are.

An only slightly less unrealistic possibility is that the EC could decide Trump is unfit or has too many conflicts of interest due to the Emoluments Clause and choose a different Republican.

I don’t know why you think the decision would automatically fall to the house, though. That won’t happen unless there’s a tie in the EC (both candidates under 270).

It’s fantasy to keep hoping that Trump may not become president, but in this interim time between now and December 19th, I’m entitled to fantasize. Just as you are entitled to your red pill fantasies. At least I know when I’m fantasizing.

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)

David, I’d like to use that “are YOU a goddamn Nazi?” poster elsewhere, if I may. It’s hysterical. May I?

8 years ago

Wait, Mig the troll is anti-Trump? The world never ceases to surprise me.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

In other news, both CNN and Mother Jones* have come out in favour of the alt right – CNN was obvious, but Mother Jones? o_O I guess they could only chase dopey conspiracy theories for so long before crank magnetism set in.

*I don’t care how many anti-Trump posts they’ve retweeted, they posted “This literal neo-Nazi gives us a boner,” everything else is irrelevant.

Cynical Optimist
Cynical Optimist
8 years ago


I need to get a gif of Father Ariandel screaming. Pretty much sums up my reaction right now.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

Sooo… Ben Carson will be Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. There’s another area in which nothing good will happen until Trump’s out of office.

Also, this means Dr. Ben is now Trump’s Kiefer Sutherland. When that massive terrorist attack happens, Ben Carson will be the designated survivor and thus POTUS. Goodbye, America.

8 years ago


Mother Jones? Really? Why is everything always awful?

Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
Weird (yeah, it CAN happen here) Eddie
8 years ago

re: pizzagate, etc

Scariest part is, once the “Alternate Reality Industry” produces a truth, it becomes set in stone and no amount of evidence will dislodge it. Twenty years from now this will be forgotten, but if the name “Comet Ping Pong” or the names of the owners come up, they will immediately be linked to the “child sex ring that the Clintons ran out of that place”….

ETA: “… and you know, George Soros was financing that….”

ETA: “… yeah, and I heard it was one of the kids there whose birth certificate Obama stole to forge his American birth!!!”

epitome of incomprehensilibility


Mother Jones did a good job of exposing/explaining the alt-right here – though a lot of this won’t be news for WHTM readers. Still, there was a whiff of “cool rebel guy” while talking about Richard Spencer (in the section “Academic Racism”).

Maybe this isn’t a huge deal, but it annoys me because people’s coolness, non-coolness, perceived hotness or non-hotness is irrelevant to their politics. Perhaps the image they’re trying to convey is important, but “they’re hot” or “they’re ugly” is really, really irrelevant. Anyway.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

And back to the posters for a moment:

</intensely unimportant things that annoy the snot out of me>

8 years ago

Well then, the revoltioon will not be televised, but supportung the hate propoganda machine they shall do. Well I guess Orwell’s novel fell on deaf ears because well, everything that could go wrong with this election did.

8 years ago

On a brighter note, at least Austria rejected Norbert, they probably remember the trouble caused by the failed artist only too well…

8 years ago

This needs a caption:

“Make Nazi boners sad! Fight the Alt-Right!”

8 years ago

This needs a caption:

“If Superman can pull the penis off a Nazi tank, you can resist Trump!”

8 years ago

Bend the Alt-Right to the Left!