alt-right literal nazis memes memespreading racism trump

I made some propaganda posters! You should too!

Fight the giant floating head of Trump!
Fight the giant floating head of Trump!

So I made some propaganda posters. Well, technically speaking, I took some old propaganda posters and turned them into anti-Trump, anti-alt right posters. Yes, they’re a bit silly, but (to very loosely paraphrase the terrible Barry Goldwater) silliness in defense of liberty is no vice; humorlessness in pursuit of justice is no virtue.

Join in! There are a gazillion old propaganda posters that could easily be turned into anti-Trump/anti-alt right posters, even if you’re no graphics whiz. Allied propaganda posters from WWII work well; so do anti-Communist posters from the height of the cold war.

You can find a yuuuge 9-part series of posts featuring WWII propaganda here. And several hundred propaganda posters I’ve collected together on Pinterest. And if like me you’re too lazy to cut out Trump heads for photoshopping, there are a bunch already pre-cut-out for you.

Some of my other posters:




EDIT: I made an alternate version of the first one that I think is better:


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Lorcan Nagle
Lorcan Nagle
8 years ago

Reminds me of You Back the Attack! We’ll Bomb who we Want! by Micah Wright, a series of WWII propaganda posters criticising the Bush administration’s road to war is the book, but many of the posters first appeared on Wright’s long-gone forum

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

Meanwhile Trump is on Twitter trying his hardest to destabilize the US relationship with China.

Weird (Don't Mourn, ORGANIZE!) Eddie
Weird (Don't Mourn, ORGANIZE!) Eddie
8 years ago

@ PoM;

(CW: this post will contain misdirection and even sarcasm)

Yeah, ain’t it great!?!? Now, when North Korea starts threatening South Korea, Japan and Taiwan with nukes, they’ll have China either taking a neutral position or backing North Korea!!

All Mussolini The Orange knows is bluster and bully. There are a lot of mega-capitalists who stand to lose billion$$$ if that part of the world becomes unstable. They’ll eventually try to rein in The Cheeto, and I’d like to be a fly on the wall of their boardroom when they finally realize that HE DON’T LISTEN TO ANYONE

Weird (Don't Mourn, ORGANIZE!) Eddie
Weird (Don't Mourn, ORGANIZE!) Eddie
8 years ago

The simpletons that elected him naturally think this is great, “screw, China, now we’ll get our jobs back”, forgetting that the industrial economy that Trump’s corporate friends shredded in the 80’s will take years if not decades to rebuild… in the meantime, all trade with East Asia goes through China.

He could very quickly turn the world economic/military situation into U.S and their “allies” (read “vassal states”), Russia and their “allies” and China and their “allies”….

Holy Animal Farm, Batman*

* (that’s a dig at a former Mammoth troll who confused Animal Farm with 1984)

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

And you know those shitwaffles in the EC care more about party lines than about Trump literally fucking over the entire country.

Good luck trying to get them to see the shithole they’re most likely going to put us in.

8 years ago

“Are YOU a goddamn Nazi?” made me laugh probably harder than it should have, considering it’s actually a valid question now.

comment image

Weird (Don't Mourn, ORGANIZE!) Eddie
Weird (Don't Mourn, ORGANIZE!) Eddie
8 years ago

@ P.I.

Good luck trying to get them to see the shithole they’re most likely going to put us in.

“I KNOW we’re in a hole! We’re trying!!! Can’t you see we’re digging as fast as we can?!?!?

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago


Sad Eagle is sad.

8 years ago

Meanwhile Trump is on Twitter trying his hardest to destabilize the US relationship with China.

if trump screws things up with China who will make his hats?

Weird (Don't Mourn, ORGANIZE!) Eddie
Weird (Don't Mourn, ORGANIZE!) Eddie
8 years ago

… interesting… (hopeless, but interesting…) The Cheeto has only been “president elect” for 26 days and he’s already alienated Joe Walsh and Ann Coulter… and China. He’s got 47 more days before he’s even IN office.

ETA: Damn you, wwth, I spit up my SOUP!!!!!!!

8 years ago

@Peevee, yes, but then it inexplicably swelled with American pride and burst forth it’s freedom, as demonstrated by weirwoodtreehugger.

Let freedom j̶i̶z̶z̶ ring!

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

@Fabe, or his shitty ties and suits after he finally builds that wall around Mexico?

Here’s a list of all his outsourced goods.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago
8 years ago

Don’t buy Nazi hats for your kids, always good advice.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
8 years ago

@David F. and anyone else who’s interested,

A recent article in the NYT on the alt-right has been very nicely annotated and critiqued on Twitter here by Nicole Hemmer. She’s also done a Storify of it, here.

Lots of useful information. Now I’m off to make some propaganda posters 🙂

8 years ago

Well I’m no Math4Feminists or JohnGalt, but I’m proud of my first attempt:


Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
8 years ago

ohmygod thanks to that NYT article I went and read the comment thread here. It’s … wait for it … a clip about a cuckoo pushing reed warbler eggs out of the nest and of course the unwitting parents raise the cuckoo baby. We all know that story, right?

Well, the commenters feel that this is a perfect analogy for ALL THAT IS WRONG WITH THE WORLD. Here are two of the least horrible contributions:

This happens in humans. All Western nations, built by Europeans, have displacement level immigration. Non-whites are the cuckoo birds. Whites and their representatives are the reed warbler. The Jew is the ecologist telling us that the cuckoo is endangered.


Halp meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago


‘Tis truly alt-right. Your baby is YUUUUUUUUGE!

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
8 years ago


Your baby is truly a thing of great and terrible beauty.
I hope it was ok to play with your wonderful nym.
(I tried to pop this in my post above but it went into endless loading, so I’ve had to add yet another comment to this thread)

8 years ago


Thank you! *curtsies*

I’m going to pour a big mug of Bailys and hot chocolate and try again.

@Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy

Quick! Erect a feminist strawman to scare all the cuck birds away!

(and it is totally okay to play with my nym *wink* thanks for asking for permission first!)

8 years ago


It might be the other way around, but I’m pretty sure they’re related one way or another.

8 years ago

I burst out laughing at the one with the “scary bird” ripping up eating a nazi flag.

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