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Trumpgrets: A schadenfreude-tastic catalog of Trump voters regretting their choice

Who could ever have guessed that this smirky bastard would turn out to be a con man?
Who could ever have guessed that this smirky bastard would turn out to be a con man?

Attention Trump haters! If you’ve been starved for schadenfreude lately, there’s a blog for you: Trumpgrets, a small but growing compilation of Tweets from Trump fans now feeling betrayed by Orange Mussolini.

Granted, most of them are mad at him for terrible reasons, but hey, I’ll take what I can get at this point.

dep1 dep2

Speaking of Ann Coulter, the author of In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome! and yes that really is the name of the book, is also feeling played, big league!


While it’s always delightful to see Coulter redfaced — with “blood in the face,” as her white supremacist colleagues like to put it — some of the other Tweets are more sad than funny.


Ah, Bob. You know who else is worried, Bob? EVERY OTHER PERSON ON MEDICARE OR MEDICAID. Every American with pre-existing conditions who couldn’t get insurance before Obamacare kicked in. Lots and lots of people who are just barely hanging on.

You and everyone else who voted for Trump made a huge mistake. And we’re all going to be paying for it for years.

H/T — To the WHTM reader who linked to Trumpgrets in the comments here.

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Weird (bite me, Bitefart!!) Eddie
Weird (bite me, Bitefart!!) Eddie
8 years ago

@ miggy:

They actually let you use that name around here? You’d think they’d be complaining about ableism by now.

Your dismissive attitude must make you a big hit at (fraternity) parties. If, on the off chance that you care about ableism, there’s a better way to do this. It’s “calling in” the person you believe is displaying ableism. Just explain that use of the term “psycho” is (or can be legitimately interpreted as) disparaging of people with mental illness.

If, on the other hand, you do not care about ableism, why say anything at all?

If, on the OTHER other hand, you’re mocking both those who have disabilities AND those who care about them, then get the fuck out of here, no one wants to listen to you troll.

8 years ago

@Policy of Madness
I really like that plan,
question now is how do we make it happen?

Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

There was consideration of using ‘alternative vote’ here in the UK to elect MPs. There didn’t turn out to be any great enthusiasm for it though. We had a referendum and it was 2 to 1 in favour of keeping first past the post.

Alternative vote is used in some other elections here though, like mayoral ones.

8 years ago

Sorta on topic: It’s really difficult for me to feel schadenfreude about anyone, I’m just not that kind of person. That being said, I’m feeling a little bit of that for NC Governor Pat McCrory. Doesn’t matter that Trump won NC. Doesn’t matter that the state has been gerrymandered to hell and back to the point where Republicans have a hard political lock on the state despite it being demographically purple. Doesn’t matter that NC passed laws which significantly disenfranchises minorities in 2014. He still lost by a wide enough margin that there won’t be a statewide recount. There will be a recount of a few counties which the Republican-controlled election board insists had “irregularities”, but it’s almost certainly not going to change anything. I find this mildly satisfying even though I don’t live in NC.

Silver Miggs: Just hear those MGTOW singling, no comingling, too
Silver Miggs: Just hear those MGTOW singling, no comingling, too
8 years ago


That’s inaccurate. People who vote for third parties aren’t actually trying to get that person to be president, they’re trying to influence the policies of whichever major party has to deal with the spoiler effects of that party, especially if said third party gets more than 5% and becomes a minor party. If, say, republicans had to appeal to libertarians in order to get their votes so they didn’t lose to democrats, they might have to drop some of the religious bullshit, the war on drugs, civil liberty violations, etc., in order to gain their support against the democrats. This would probably also change the democrats’ policies on things, albeit inadvertently.

Hu's On First
Hu's On First
8 years ago

I believe Maine has already instituted instant-runoff voting. They did it via popular referendum this year.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Minneapolis has instant run off voting too. It only applies to city elections though.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Aight, so why is this gnat still here?

Silver Miggs: Just hear those MGTOW singling, no comingling, too
Silver Miggs: Just hear those MGTOW singling, no comingling, too
8 years ago

@Axecalibur: Little Aim Ranger

Because shit stinks, this site is full of it, and 75% of it comes out of your mouth?

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

He’s running through all the Christmas songs for his name until he finally gets to “Silent Miggs, Assholey Miggs” at which point he will finally be silent?

Belladonna "Toxic Hag"
Belladonna "Toxic Hag"
8 years ago


He’s running through all the Christmas songs for his name until he finally gets to “Silent Miggs, Assholey Miggs” at which point he will finally be silent?

Ha! I keep waiting for “Now Bring Us Some Miggy Pudding” though.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack


I feel like that’s already been done…

Belladonna "Toxic Hag"
Belladonna "Toxic Hag"
8 years ago

Aw, did I miss it? I wanted to point at my vagina and grunt about how much I loved Miggy pudding and wouldn’t stop talking about menstruation until I got some.

I Saw Three Men Go Their Own Way
I Saw Three Men Go Their Own Way
8 years ago


I gotta say, it’s pretty awesome being a MGTOW around the holidays. None of that pitching tents in front of the stores on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, just so you can get your kids some crappy present that they’ll forget about in a few years, and I don’t have to waste all of my spare time finding some gift for a woman or have the time-honored “white-lights or colored-lights?” argument with her (I like white-lights on my tree, btw). Christmas is such a bummer, because women insist of cooking a bunch of shit and complaining about it when you don’t wash dishes afterwards, or they complain that you’re not wrapping enough gifts for their taste. I don’t need too many things under the Christmas tree, MGTOW is the gift that keeps on giving. Nope, I’m not going silent about the MGTOW life. Ain’t nuthin’ but a Migg thang, baby.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Is Miggy pudding a savory pudding made out of menstrual blood and seagull meat?

8 years ago

@Weird Eddit

@ miggy:

They actually let you use that name around here? You’d think they’d be complaining about ableism by now.

Your dismissive attitude must make you a big hit at (fraternity) parties. If, on the off chance that you care about ableism, there’s a better way to do this. It’s “calling in” the person you believe is displaying ableism. Just explain that use of the term “psycho” is (or can be legitimately interpreted as) disparaging of people with mental illness.

If, on the other hand, you do not care about ableism, why say anything at all?

If, on the OTHER other hand, you’re mocking both those who have disabilities AND those who care about them, then get the fuck out of here, no one wants to listen to you troll.

Nicely summed up.

Very well stated!

(Personally, I always have trouble knowing what to say to slimy remarks. The person making them always acts so innocent. Who, me?! Make a disgusting, hateful remark?)

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

Is Miggy pudding a savory pudding made out of menstrual blood and seagull meat?

I could see a 329-year-old engineer being into that.

Belladonna "Toxic Hag"
Belladonna "Toxic Hag"
8 years ago


Is Miggy pudding a savory pudding made out of menstrual blood and seagull meat?

Yes, that’s the thing! It’s best when you have MGTOW tears for liquid, but if you only have plain water, you can add some salt.


Christmas is such a bummer, because women insist of cooking a bunch of shit and complaining about it when you don’t wash dishes afterwards, or they complain that you’re not wrapping enough gifts for their taste.

Aw, it’s so cute that you can make yourself less sad by fantasizing about all of the ridiculous, made-up stuff that you’re avoiding. I wish you a Merry Christmas with your microwave TV dinner, complete with disposable dishes-free packaging, and the unwrapped gifts you buy for yourself.

8 years ago

Aight, so why is this gnat still here?

Because we keep talking to it?

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


I wish you a Merry Christmas with your microwave TV dinner, complete with disposable dishes-free packaging, and the unwrapped gifts you buy for yourself

That… that actually sounds pretty rad. Obviously, ya don’t need to be a literally raging misogynist to do any of that, but I’m kinda about that life. Can I do pizza rolls instead of meatloaf and potatoes. I mean, it’s still technically a microwave dinner

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
8 years ago


I’d honestly prefer at least making something middlingly fancy, like a bacon-wrapped tenderloin served in roast beef ramen with eggs and with real grape juice to drink. Or just retrieving some leftovers from a favored restaurant. (Or going to one that’s open.)

Presents, on the other hand, I would concur with if I had income.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

It’s hilarious that Miggs is bragging about how he’s such an insufferable asshole that nobody wants to be near him during holidays.

8 years ago

The schadenfruede is like a basket of Christmas cookies, because it’s showing the cracks between the people who are angry that Trump didn’t give them full fascism from November 9th, and the people that are shocked shocked I tell you, that when Trump said he wanted to do away with SSI, Medicare and Medicaid, he actually meant it, in addition to all of the other disastrous policies he laid out that will only enrich himself and his buddies.

The former are only going to get angrier as time wears on and they realize that Trump isn’t actually charismatic enough or interested in a full fat fashy government, and they remain a tiny numerical minority, and the latter are about to realize that a con man with inherited wealth and golden toilet doesn’t give a tin shit about their anxieties, economic or otherwise. Will this be the painful lesson that breaks their habit of voting against their own interests as long as it seems like a brown woman will hurt the most? Eh, nah. But I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t enjoy watching them dance in the fire they lit to burn the rest of us at the stake.

8 years ago

Christmas is such a bummer, because women insist of cooking a bunch of shit

Wait… I thought you Manosphere types wanted us to make you sammiches?

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

The cooking part would be fine with Miggy, I’m sure. It’s just an outrage when men are expected to pitch in in some way.