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What do feminists want? One ludicrous misogynist has an explanation

Feminism, apparently
Feminism, apparently

Feminists! If you’ve been wondering why you’re a feminist and what you believe, I’ve got some great news for you. A dude in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit has the answer, and will be happy to explain you to you. It involves grunting.

534543543543 3 points 23 hours ago They want to come into a male space, grunt, point to their vagina, and have the entire conversation be about them and include them. They somehow think this is different than every other woman. It's becoming increasingly apparent that women did not evolve critical thinking or abstraction, likely due to the incredible biological tole of having to bring a child to bear (not that this has any relevance to the life of a feminist). AWALT (to the feminists in this thread, who do not deserve individual recognition): Tits or get the fuck out. The quota on bloody cum rags is full, and we don't give a shit about what you're lying about now. When all you do is lie, we learn to stop taking you seriously. Go get dicked on tinder and pretend your life has meaning. No one gives a shit what a woman thinks. Women are inferior to men and you feminists proved that to everyone. Thank you. No. Thank you.

No, thank you!

EDITED TO ADD: There’s PROOF of this whole grunting thing. I found a super-seekrit training video in which a woman teaches other women to grunt!

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weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

What do you all have against private property?

What does this have to do with your hatred and ignorance of menstruation.

Have you read the Wikipedia page on the menstrual cycle yet BTW? You really need biology lessons.

I think what you’re mad about is that some feminists are advocating for menstrual hygiene products to go untaxed? It’s hard to tell because you’re pretty incoherent and don’t write very well but I think this is what has you mad?

I thought that taxes were bad though? Why is that from your right wing/libertarian/objectivist/whateverthefuckyourdumbassis view taxes are suddenly good when it’s a female gendered product.

next thing your trying to use government force people who don’t even use tampons to pay for them with tax THEIR tax dollars

Saying menstrual products shouldn’t be taxed because they’re necessities like food, medicine and in some state clothes are =/= saying men have to buy women tampons.

women really DO just point to their vaginas and demand things?

Oh look. Another troll who doesn’t know that not all people with vaginas are women and not all women have vaginas. Also, there are plenty of cis women who don’t menstruate.

Seriously. What is your deal with menstruation. Why does it upset you so much? It’s pretty damn pathetic.

I’m almost regretting the fact that I’m not on my period right now. I would love to discuss my cramps and period shits with Miggs.

Oh well. I guess I just kind of already did!

8 years ago

Oh hey so uh

How many (unopened) tampons do you think are going to be sent to the Texas governor’s office now that Texas has a law that abortions and miscarriages have to end with a funeral or cremation?

8 years ago

But seriously, why is your life so hollow that you can devote so much time and emotional energy to this crazed, impotent rage towards menstruating women? You spend hours skulking around a blog that further infuriates you, and write lengthy, rambling comments that you MUST know are not going to sway anyone’s feelings or opinions. You clearly spend more time seething and ranting about menstruation than you have learning what actually occurs during menstruation.

Why are you like this? What do you think you’re accomplishing?

What do you actually live for? How is all of this, by any definition, bettering yourself, striving for zenlike indifference, or ‘going your own way?’

Croquembouche of patriarchy
Croquembouche of patriarchy
8 years ago

I look forward to Miggy pretending Miggy always knew the tampon tax is a tax on tampons, not a tax to fund their purchase. Maybe Miggy really is Ryan Williams, who may still not have grasped that point (or the menstrual cycle).

Miggy, I don’t need these any more. You can have them.
comment image

8 years ago

Hey Miggs,

I just sat down on the toilet and a blood clot plopped right out. So much for my period being over! But it’s OK, my partner still ate me out, because a tiny bit of blood doesn’t phase a lot of people.

Also I thought you’d like to know my university students union is now providing free menstrual products in their buildings. All the front desks have baskets full of pads and tampons, right there where anyone can see them! And take them. For free.

8 years ago

I almost forgot to address Miggy’s rant about using male/female as nouns.

What the fuck is your major problem? There’s nothing inherently “dehumanizing” about the word, and it can be used as a noun, so none of this “well, it’s not grammatical anyway” prescriptivist bullshit. There’s more than one way to use a goddamned word, you know.

There may not be anything inherently dehumanizing, but the way people actually use the language if you use the terms male or female as nouns it’s more clinical and removes their individuality and humanity. We don’t like it in feminist spaces because it’s far, far more frequently used against women, in fact often you’ll see “females” mixed with “men” in the same sentence. Our objection has nothing to do with grammar; we recognize that it’s valid grammar and most feminists who care about linguistics are not prescriptivist. We know there’s more than one way to use a word; what’s more, we understand the implications and social context of the way these words in particular are used and we’ve studied it and how it affects people. You, on the other hand, know so little about it that you’ve started spouting off about something entirely different.

Not all that different than Miggy’s complaints about menstruation, really.

Miggy the Towman
Miggy the Towman
8 years ago


Personally, I find it hilarious that people think fetuses ought to be given proper burials.


Because I did in fact know that it was a tax on the purchase, but I can guarantee you that eventually, women will want them to be subsidized not by the invisible hand, but by the machinations of top-down statist bureaucracy and legalized theft. You would probably all have tampons distributed by a central planning council which would time its distributions around your cycles. The unmitigated desire for sex-specific hygiene products is yet another step in the state’s quest to rob markets blind and produce more inefficient make-work.


“All the front desks have baskets full of pads and tampons, right there where anyone can see them! And take them. For free.”

Nope, classic leftist mistake; assuming that things are free. Nothing is free, someone somewhere is paying for it.

Croquembouche of patriarchy
Croquembouche of patriarchy
8 years ago

@ Miggy, you like an adjective or three (hundred). Are you an aspiring author? Or would-be advertising copywriter?
Did you write this?

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago

@Croquembouche of patriarchy: perfect. Just perfect.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

For some reason I read the comments on that Tampax commercial parody video and it was a mix of “inb4 the feminists get mad!” even though I didn’t see any angry feminists and dudebros who actually were mad at the insinuation that a lot of men are very ignorant about how menstruation works.

Phryne: Tool of the Butt-Worshipping, Lesbian-Powered Elite (also cats)
Phryne: Tool of the Butt-Worshipping, Lesbian-Powered Elite (also cats)
8 years ago

“socializing your tampons” made me think we’re supposed to take them out on leashes to acclimate them to other humans.

Imagine my disappointment when I figured out he just seems to think that menstrual products will be free or something. I mean, tampons already come with leashes, so it’d be easy!

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

Now I’m officially scared.

Scared by the beauty of this friendship? We all are.

Croquembouche of patriarchy
Croquembouche of patriarchy
8 years ago

@ Peevee,
Thanks, I’ll be here all week, and back same time next month.
Try the blood sausage.
Boom tish.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
8 years ago

@Handsome Jack

God help us all.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
8 years ago

also @Handsome Jack

Didja make that image yourself, or pick it up from somewhere? Because I’m considering re-making it with credit to the original (in something that isn’t what appears to be MS Paint, hyeh).

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Because I did in fact know that it was a tax on the purchase, but I can guarantee you that eventually, women will want them to be subsidized not by the invisible hand, but by the machinations of top-down statist bureaucracy and legalized theft.

So, you’re mad about something that hasn’t happened anywhere but inside your head? Got it.

Belladonna "Toxic Hag"
Belladonna "Toxic Hag"
8 years ago


How many (unopened) tampons do you think are going to be sent to the Texas governor’s office now that Texas has a law that abortions and miscarriages have to end with a funeral or cremation?

Ha! I’m feeling kind of bittersweet about being postmenopausal, now.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

God help us all.

I made it in Paint.NET.

(I made the shit gif in Photoshop in an hour shush.)

8 years ago

Huh, clearly my WHTM troll knowledge is not up to snuff. I can’t remember miggs at all. I saw the weird prose and thought “O hai, Mark!”, though.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo


I can’t remember which thread Miggs first reared his ugly head in. It was a few months ago. He said women were bad because we want to be wined and dined at Olive Garden every day and men are good because they can survive on a desert island by eating seagulls if there’s an apocalypse. Then he said he was an engineer and 329 years old. He probably meant 29, but the typo was hilarious so we didn’t let it go. He eventually got banned because his antics got too boring but he keeps creating sock accounts and returning.

Croquembouche of patriarchy
Croquembouche of patriarchy
8 years ago


Because I did in fact know that it was a tax on the purchase,

Of course you did!
That was totally what you meant by

next thing your trying to use government force people who don’t even use tampons to pay for them with tax THEIR tax dollars.

You were once again just extrapolating.

Nope, classic leftist mistake; assuming that things are free. Nothing is free, someone somewhere is paying for it.

But not 329 year old engineers who subsist entirely on seagulls, right? YOU don’t pay sales tax, surely?

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

YOU don’t pay sales tax, surely?

Don’t some states not have sales tax? So, like, they may not.

Croquembouche of patriarchy
Croquembouche of patriarchy
8 years ago

@ Handsome Jack,
Delaware, New Hampshire and Oregon maybe?

I rely on US citizens to tell me how reliable the seagull supply is there.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

@Croquembouche of patriarchy

I did a google.

There are four states with no sales tax: Delaware, Montana, Oregon, and New Hampshire. A fifth, Alaska, has no state-level sales tax but allows municipalities to impose the retail-level tax. As a result, the average sales tax rate in Alaska is 1.69%.

8 years ago

Oregon is infested with them. They’ll follow rivers hundreds of miles inland.

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