Feminists! If you’ve been wondering why you’re a feminist and what you believe, I’ve got some great news for you. A dude in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit has the answer, and will be happy to explain you to you. It involves grunting.
No, thank you!
EDITED TO ADD: There’s PROOF of this whole grunting thing. I found a super-seekrit training video in which a woman teaches other women to grunt!
@FranticFerret – that’s some of the saddest shit I have ever seen.
It genuinely upsets me to think I may be interacting every day with men who believe these things (or who entertain some slightly less egregious ideas about ‘women’).
These people make me appreciate my nerdy-ass husband, who thinks smart women are sexy. (Well, appreciate him even more.) Movie stars in tight clothing are okay, but in his books, a well spoken woman laying an informed and compelling verbal smackdown for science or justice is the hottest.
MGTOWs have such an empathy deficiency that not only can they not imagine being a woman, but they cannot imagine being another cishet man who isn’t a hateful manchild.
I have yet to encounter women who enter a space, grunt, then point to their vagina in an attempt to get the whole space to talk about them. But I have encountered plenty of men on plenty of social websites, etc. who come into my inbox with what amounts to a grunt, point me to a picture of their junk and expect that I’m going to lavish attention on them and their genitalia.
@Falconer & @Neurite
I can offer a five month old very effective hair-puller and nose-pincher. This last one is surprisingly effective, because baby fingernails grow incredibly fast.
And then of course there is the psychological warfare of sleep deprivation. It turns everyone into weapons.
I hope there are more men like your husband out there then because well informed verbal smackdowns are one of my specialities. 😛
OMG yes, how could I forget baby fingernails. Fast-growing razorblades, really. I gotta clip my lil’ one’s again tomorrow, because it’s been 5 minutes since the last time I cut them, so of course they’ve grown to weapons-grade length again.
This might be a minor itch compared to other problems with the post, but that Smitty6 guy is doing it wrong (it being an aspiration to zenlike qualities). Upon realizing the feedback nature of the ego, one is supposed to try to regulate it and to reduce it to a more appropriate impulse, not frigging feed it further. Using social feedback to learn and grow is something we teach children, not some sort hidden lore that one should be applauded for realizing. Those people make me so sad…
Can”t help thinking that by “male space” this MGHOWbut not fast enough means “space and everywhere in it.”
Here in the UK most small children get given teddy bears early on in life, so that must be what “bringing a child to bear” means.
Should be “bringing a bear to child”.
@sunnysombrera – hey, he can’t be the only man in the world who digs watching master debaters 😉
@Neurite well… In a fight between any migtoe and baby Sseba I am pretty sure who would win and who would be shitting his pants first.
In fact I think the migtows know that as well, as they have been hiding from us behind computer screens lately. Which is fine by me, as I am trying to rise pacifists rather than fighters 🙂
That should have been “raise”, not “rise”. #makingtyposwhilemockimgtypos
Right? Women use their words…and “look at my crotch!” is usually NOT the first thing any of them says when she enters a room.
On the other hand, there’s a funny-sad-infuriating Instagram called Bye Felipe that’s totally dedicated to men doing exactly what this MGTOW is projecting onto women. Only none of them ever says to men: “Dickpix or get out”; the dickpix arrive unsolicited, which is always good for a “get out”. This guy clearly sees women as nothing but sex objects which should put out but not talk. Which makes me suspect that he’s one of the many Felipes, and has been repeatedly drummed out of women’s DMs for it, and is now taking out his bitterness the only way he knows how: by kvetching to all the other anonymous trolls on Reddit.
By their logic (considering they believe a person’s value is determined by their ability to reproduce), males must be worth even less, considering males contribute only 50% of the DNA and Y/X chromosome, whereas the female gives the other 50% and an X chromosome, carries the baby, gives birth to it, and then feeds it. And infertile people must be worth nothing at all.
Holy cow, how do these clowns live with themselves? Do they ever experience happiness? It’s like every moment of their existence is consumed by all of these bizarre ideas and perspectives. It must be pretty tiring being constantly so bitter and angry.
Ditto for Flora – and here’s a note of hope for Sombrera – they’re not as uncommon as you night think. In fact, I seem to run into them rather frequently. And I married one of them…I’m with Flora. If I didn’t already appreciate my husband, I would start, but instead, I’ll just start appreciating him even more.
In fact, my husband was driven away from ever reading any comments, having any likelihood of going on social media, etc, because of the amount of verbal nastiness and inability to construct a coherent sentence that emanated from so many men he encountered there.
As a quiet, bookish librarian, I’m sure most of these men would think of him as a “beta mangina”, but I think men like him are the ones who aren’t insecure in their “manhood”, because they don’t need to prove they are men, and they don’t equate that with rape jokes, fart jokes, and threatened violence against anyone who looks or acts differently than they do.
Pretty much. At the very least when these guys are talking about male spaces they mean technology, science, gaming, atheism, anything nerds, business and finance, government and the entire internet except for maybe Pinterest.
Nuh. Way, waaaay back before there was any such thing as an internet, my now husband and I had just moved in together. He was writing a philosophy based thesis which I was proofreading. And started reading philosophy texts myself (though I had the good sense to stay away from Hegel in the original German).
I was also a unionist-feminist so we had lots of long and involved discussions about the rights and wrongs of everything. One night we’d started arguing on some topic or other and, while I was brewing yet another pot of coffee, (we’d got to about half past three in the morning) … when he turned slowly towards me from his leaning against the kitchen bench posture and said, “Hell. You’ve managed to get me arguing the exact opposite of the position I started out with. That’s brilliant.”
Lots of men really _honestly_ like women in their families and relationships to be at least as intelligent and well-informed as they are.
Hi all, I gotta vent… so, long, off-topic screed coming. tl:dr is, I’m having trouble finding justification for going on (thank godx for my grandbabies)
At work Thursday, I had an after-hours conversation with the boss-lady which turned into a “why [boss-man] and her voted Trump” It started with “why are all those people in the streets protesting, it’s just an election, and y’know George Soros is paying them $15 hr to cause chaos for America.” I tried gently to explain about Bannon and Jeff Sessions’ politics which she knew nothing about cuz it wasn’t on fox news. I explained that there’s a huge body of people who have waited their whole lives for someone to make it ok again to publicly abuse, assault and batter people who don’t look like them, and Trump has told them in exactly those words that it’s ok to do that. Now they’re in the streets doing just that. She countered with 900,000 abortions a year and Clinton would encourage women to go have MORE! Also, the Clintons killed Vince Foster and hundreds of others, Clinton Foundation is funding abortion in 3rd world countries, and on and on. (ETA) ANNNND, Trump will bring jobs back to America and balance the budget and… (and pull a rabbit outa his fucking ass)
Then I got home and found out my son had lost 20%+ of income as part of the backlash against the new law that business have to pay salaried employees overtime. His restaurant chain took all their O.T. away, and (just for spite, I guess) stopped giving bonuses for performance, too!!! Without telling them, of course, they all found out when they opened their pay envelopes. MERRY FUCKING CHRISTMAS, SUCKERS, THE TRUMPENING HAS BEGUN!!!
I don’t want to work their any more (and blessed be the godx, we may well be out of business soon), but I’m really unemployable due to age and aphasia causing cognitive problems. Not looking for a solution, if one is possible it’ll become apparent. I’m really just looking for a shoulder to cry on. Oh, sorry, men don’t cry. Thanx, Mammoth-ites.
@Weird Eddie
I’m so sorry you’re stuck in a place where you have to interact with people like that. It sounds tough.
I hope a solution comes along for you. You deserve better.
Edited to add: Eddie’s post seems to have disappeared while I was typing this reply.
Is there some reason you’re referring to people as “males” and “females” as if they were animals?
Women contribute more than 50% of the DNA. They contribute 100% of the mitochondrial DNA.
I was thinking that I could bring my children to the zoo, and thereby bring them to (a) bear, but I do want some glass or a moat or something in between, as bears are apex predators, and children are little and good to eat. And we already had enough trouble over Harambe.
The black bears at the local zoo tend to be sleeping when we come by, but one time one was way down in their little pool in front of the windows, and also got out and played with a big cardboard box.
So yes, I have brought my babies to a bear, and the bear went meh, which is sort of the best scenario.
Black bears can get big, and their claws are intimidating. I mean, don’t think they’re softies just because they’re not grizzlies.
There’s a reason one of our planet’s poles is called “The Circle With Bears In.” I mean, the other one could have been called “The Circle With Penguins In,” but it isn’t.
@ podkayne
The morality of zoos is yet another complex topic. I won’t go into all the issues here; but the linked documentary covers some of then and is quite interesting.
Bears especially though don’t fare well in zoos. It’s great that you want to teach your children more about them. There are resources though to do that without seeing caged bears. And such bears are hardly representative of bears in a natural environment anyway; most of them suffer in ways that affects their behaviour very dramatically.
Remember very few kids have seen a real life dinosaur; but that doesn’t seem to stop them knowing all about them.
@ Falconer
Sorry to be that guy but the Arctic is named after Ursa Major, the constellation.
(which is always visible above the Arctic Circle)
That is the very best getting-together story ever, mildlymagnificent.