antifeminism mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit vaginas

What do feminists want? One ludicrous misogynist has an explanation

Feminism, apparently
Feminism, apparently

Feminists! If you’ve been wondering why you’re a feminist and what you believe, I’ve got some great news for you. A dude in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit has the answer, and will be happy to explain you to you. It involves grunting.

534543543543 3 points 23 hours ago They want to come into a male space, grunt, point to their vagina, and have the entire conversation be about them and include them. They somehow think this is different than every other woman. It's becoming increasingly apparent that women did not evolve critical thinking or abstraction, likely due to the incredible biological tole of having to bring a child to bear (not that this has any relevance to the life of a feminist). AWALT (to the feminists in this thread, who do not deserve individual recognition): Tits or get the fuck out. The quota on bloody cum rags is full, and we don't give a shit about what you're lying about now. When all you do is lie, we learn to stop taking you seriously. Go get dicked on tinder and pretend your life has meaning. No one gives a shit what a woman thinks. Women are inferior to men and you feminists proved that to everyone. Thank you. No. Thank you.

No, thank you!

EDITED TO ADD: There’s PROOF of this whole grunting thing. I found a super-seekrit training video in which a woman teaches other women to grunt!

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8 years ago

Do they really think men and women have separate evolutionary paths? We’re the same species.

And they’re the ones telling us to take a biology class.

8 years ago

The ‘tole’ of reading this has been great.

8 years ago

the incredible biological tole of bringing a child to bear

“Bringing X to bear” is generally a phrase that means a military vehicle is pointing its guns at you.

I’m not sure what directional offensive qualities a child might have, save projectile vomiting. They might be useful as sonic area denial weapons, but mom’d have to be wearing some quality earplugs because she’s holding the child.

Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
8 years ago

The ‘tole’ of reading this has been great.

Yeah, nothing beats being lectured on how “women did not evolve critical thinking” by a guy who can’t spell a common 4-letter word.

8 years ago

Tits or get the fuck out. The quota on bloody cum rags is full, and we don’t give a shit about what you’re lying about now. When all you do is lie, we learn to stop taking you seriously. Go get dicked on tinder and pretend your life has meaning. No one gives a shit what a woman thinks. Women are inferior to men and you feminists proved that to everyone.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this basically just a man (or 12-year-old boy, more likely) pointing to his crotch, grunting, and expecting women to drop whatever they’re doing to pay attention to his own inconsequential desires?

And doesn’t he sound bitter that no one is producing boobiepix for him to whack off to?

And where, pray tell, are the “critical thinking and abstraction” in all this man-barf?

8 years ago

Remember that time a MGTOW came barging into a WHTM thread on an article about menstruation, and threw a tantrum because we were talking about menstruation? But it’s feminists who make it all about them?

8 years ago

@Authorial Alchemy

Do they really think men and women have separate evolutionary paths? We’re the same species.

It wouldn’t surprise me. I’ve seen creationists argue that in order to get a new species of some animal (they were using elephants) you’d have to evolve a male and a female in the same region, they’d both have to survive to maturity, and then they’d have to encounter each other and reproduce! The odds are astronomical!!

8 years ago

“Women did not evolve critical thinking” Crows man with zero critical thinking skills.

8 years ago

Women want to invade male spaces and have every conversation be about them and their vaginas,

says man posting on male space dedicated entirely to conversing about women and their vaginas.

8 years ago

Well, tole painting was pretty popular in the 1970s . . .

No-one gives a shit what a woman thinks? Sounds like someone just lost an argument.

Witch of Endor
Witch of Endor
8 years ago

Admittedly English isn’t my first language either, but ‘bring a child to bear’ means what, exactly? Does the bear judge the child and deem it worthy? *When* in a child’s life does it need to meet a bear? How involved is the bear in childrearing? I have questions..

Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy
Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy
8 years ago

By “bring a child to bear” this paragon of abstract and critical thought, 5.35 x 10^11, means “bear a child”. What the expression actually means is “to apply; to employ something to achieve an intended effect” or “to aim a weapon at a target”.

8 years ago

No no, mammotheers, I know what he means, but I don’t care, and also I shall willfully disregard the proper definition of “bringing to bear” in favor of having this hypothetical child being brought forth before a literal bear stationed at a “tole” booth.

Bear, meet child.

Child, meet bear.

That’ll be one incredible biological tole, if you please. Mind we do not accept credibles here.

Here you go. Play nice. I must be off now. Tinder awaits.

8 years ago

P.S. Jaime Lannister will be by later to retrieve child.

Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree
Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree
8 years ago


Remember that time a MGTOW came barging into a WHTM thread on an article about menstruation, and threw a tantrum because we were talking about menstruation? But it’s feminists who make it all about them?

It’s because demonic crocodile shepherds like you can’t just keep it to yourselves, you have to hatch plots in snake dens like WHTM to take it to the streets so the rest of us have to hear you moan about your engorged jungle gutters. One moment, people like you are talking about the ‘liberatory’ power of uncontrolled vaginal bleeding, the next moment you’re demanding that we trash da Vinci and replace him with Rorschach blood splatters so frenetic and degenerate in design that even Pollock would look tasteful by comparison. Life doesn’t consist entirely of the depraved, monthly machinations of your flooded floozy tunnels and I find it almost risible that feminist-controlled academia and symbols of white-male fiefdom like Beyonce have convinced you otherwise. You have no right to clog the drains of public discourse with your incessant buzzing about crimson panties and Aunt Flo or whatever else you crapular nub biters have pounding at the front doors of your uneventful minds.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

“Woman pointing at crotch” seems to be this guy’s version of “don’t think about a pink elephant”.

As if he isn’t already obsessed with sex 24/7. It’s helpful of his fantasy straw-feminist to point though, in case he missed it. I picture her in earmuffs, with a pair of those light wands that ramp service agents use to guide planes in from the runway.

Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree
Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree
8 years ago

It’s amazing that so many of you seem to think that an otherwise airtight argument is somehow undermined by the simple fact that it contains a misspelled word, as though correct thinking proceeds from correct spelling. You go on now, prove everything he said in his post with your stupid mind games, your caterwauling nymph snark, your impudent desire to make every medium of communication resemble the ivory tower academies you and your kind coalesce around, with your “citations needed!!!” like this man is writing a term paper for you paper-shuffling theory-congested scribblers.

8 years ago

Honestly, it’s impossible not to laugh at MGTOW who claim their ‘movement’ is about finding happiness and ‘zenlike’ calm when you take even a momentary glance at the posts on there. THESE ARE HAPPY ZENLIKE PEOPLE DAMN IT

Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree
Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree
8 years ago

You’re always asking for things for yourselves, but trying to prevent men from having anything exclusive. You all but arm yourselves and take on the YMCA with battering-rams in order to gain entry into a male establishment, but you expect women-only scholarships, grants, and trophies in the form of affirmative action policies. Everything is about your pussies with you all, it’s as though the absence of anything there makes you want to fill up your innate sense of emptiness by claiming everything you come across as your own, even if you had nothing to do with its existence. You think nothing exists if you can’t see it, smell it, or experience it in some way; when you exit a room, the containments of that room may as well be nonexistent to you until you reenter it. You think everything is just an extension of your body or mind in some way, so naturally you think that the merely possessing vaginas suffices to get you everything you want in life, from food, to housing, to marriage and children, it all comes back fool-circle to your pussy-induced feelings of incompleteness.

8 years ago



Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack


Euck. I cleared my internet history after click that shit.

(Not that it’s a bad link, it just reminds me why I never go on Reddit ever. The stuff on WHTM is enough.)

8 years ago

OMG, how zenlike can you get?

Masterbate while on a phone call with your parents! If you can do that you can do anything.

“Johnny? Is something wrong, dear?”
“Nothin’, ma! (grunts, pants, wheezes, loses erection, throws up hands in despair) NOW LOOK WHAT YOU WENT AND MADE ME DO…”
“Johnny? What’s the matter? Johnny…”


The Real Cie
8 years ago

Damn it, I’ve been doing feminism wrong all these years.
One time after a swim, there I was not wearing my glasses. I’d been wearing swim goggles but got water in my eyes anyway and my vision was kind of blurry when I made my way to the locker room…
The wrong locker room.
As some fellow shouted out “lady, you’re in the men’s locker room,” I muttered “sorry,” partially covered my eyes, hurried out and hustled red-faced into the women’s locker room.
I am really ashamed to have let my sisters down by not having grunted and pointed at my vagina in response. I will try to do better in the future.

8 years ago

@Handsome “Punkle Stan” Jack

Yeah, it left me feeling so grossed out that I had to look at cute animal gifs for a while – which, incidentally, is one of the few things reddit is really good for. I wholly recommend r/kittengifs, r/AnimalsBeingBros, and r/AnimalsBeingJerks, though the latter is more of a ‘haha oh my god that cat just took that toddler out for no reason’ funny than cute.

Seriously, though, MGTOW seem to be absolutely miserable people, and I’m torn between something like pity, and complete disgust.

8 years ago


I’m not sure what directional offensive qualities a child might have, save projectile vomiting.

I dunno, now that my lil’ guy is teething, he is producing truly mindboggling amounts of drool. Which one wouldn’t think of as very directional, except for two things:

(1) He thinks his hands are delicious, so they constantly end up utterly soaked and dripping in drool.

(2) His new favorite thing to do is enthusiastically clap his hands.

The net result is applause-propelled drool everywhere. If you’re anywhere within sprinkler range (can be impressively far), prepare to be splattered.