antifeminism mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit vaginas

What do feminists want? One ludicrous misogynist has an explanation

Feminism, apparently
Feminism, apparently

Feminists! If you’ve been wondering why you’re a feminist and what you believe, I’ve got some great news for you. A dude in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit has the answer, and will be happy to explain you to you. It involves grunting.

534543543543 3 points 23 hours ago They want to come into a male space, grunt, point to their vagina, and have the entire conversation be about them and include them. They somehow think this is different than every other woman. It's becoming increasingly apparent that women did not evolve critical thinking or abstraction, likely due to the incredible biological tole of having to bring a child to bear (not that this has any relevance to the life of a feminist). AWALT (to the feminists in this thread, who do not deserve individual recognition): Tits or get the fuck out. The quota on bloody cum rags is full, and we don't give a shit about what you're lying about now. When all you do is lie, we learn to stop taking you seriously. Go get dicked on tinder and pretend your life has meaning. No one gives a shit what a woman thinks. Women are inferior to men and you feminists proved that to everyone. Thank you. No. Thank you.

No, thank you!

EDITED TO ADD: There’s PROOF of this whole grunting thing. I found a super-seekrit training video in which a woman teaches other women to grunt!

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Ikarikid the Dumb
Ikarikid the Dumb
8 years ago

What the hell is a “bloody c*m rag”? Do these guys have some weird disgusting habit of masturbating into used menstrual pads?

Shiny Thingo
Shiny Thingo
8 years ago

Oh, gosh. There aren’t enough neon [citation needed] signs in the world! I do enjoy the idea that bearing and/or raising children does not require thinking and stuff. SCIENCE!

John Howard
John Howard
8 years ago

Now I don’t know if women at the gym are grunting at me or just grunting.

8 years ago

SCIENCE. Fer sure.

AWALT is, like, a peer-reviewed, known stat n stuff.

…I haven’t stopped laughing, and it started with “grunting,” so thanks very much for that… 😀

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
8 years ago

Wow, that is some sad, bitter shit.

Sorry your life sucks, dude. Glad I have men in my life who are interested in what my big brain thinks about all sorts of things.

8 years ago

But don’t forget, MGTOW is about self-improvement!

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

Some women don’t even have vaginas, though I suspect this doofushead wouldn’t see them as women.

8 years ago

What would they do if they got the tits is my question.

I know the answer — they would run and hide.

Also, David, thanks for highlighting the gender-reversed projection bits.

Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy
Laugher at Bigots, Mincing Betaboy
8 years ago

Poor Five Hundred Thirty-Four Billion, Five Hundred Forty-Three Million, Five Hundred Forty-Three Thousand, Five Hundred Forty-Three. He’s written off half the species as bloody c-m rags, yet still wants them to show their breasts? Poor 5.35 x 10^11 is very confused. Poor idiotic 5.35 x 10^11. I have long since made peace with the fact that some women STEM better than I, and he should too.

He obviously thinks that the dimmest man is smarter than the smartest woman, which is patently false. I know several women smarter than I, and I’m not even the dimmest man! Lest anyone cry “anecdotes are not evidence”, mark that he said “AWALT“, i.e. “All women are like that”. A single counterexample is sufficient to disprove a universal statement like this, and anyone fancying themself a paragon of critical thinking should know this.

8 years ago

These little screeds against Women, Black People, Muslims, are some of the most non-sensical gibberishes I have ever read. I’d laugh at them except they’re often so vilely irrational that I’m too appalled. These people often refute whatever they just assserted, right in the next sentence, and yet, it’s their victims who lack critical thinking skills.

I love how they’re obsessed with women not being critical thinkers, while not displaying any critical thinking abilities themselves. How would they know, since in order to recognize if someone doesn’t have it, they’d need to have the skill to recognize it.

I think that’s called the Duning-Kruger Effect, right?

8 years ago

I dunno about you, but what I really REALLY want, is for MGTOW to STFU, GTFO, and even FOAD.

Is that enough alphabet soup for the omega-male?

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

So … all women go into male spaces, point at their vaginae, and have the conversation revolve around them? Am I getting the gist correctly? I’ve personally never noticed this. There’s just not an epidemic of women pointing at their bits in my world. Where does this guy live that this is something all women around him do?

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

To be fair, if I was in an explicitly male space with my squad, and somebody runs in, grunts, and pokes their vagina, the entire conversation would very much be steered towards what the fuck just happened…

Conan the Librarian
Conan the Librarian
8 years ago

Can’t say I’ve ever been in any of these “male spaces” where women are wont to walk in as bold as they please and point at wtheir vaginas, grunting. Either I’ve been missing out or someone is leading a rich fantasy life.

Some people’s fantasies bring them excitement or solace, but this guy seems unable to escape the seething bitterness that appears to corrode his very soul as he writes.

Robyn Ryan
Robyn Ryan
8 years ago

Like a virgin….

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

Like a virgin….

Not okay.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

Oops, posted in the wrong thing because I have too many tabs opened.

But, you know, on topic, fuck that guy.
comment image

8 years ago

They want to come into a male space, grunt, point to their vagina, and have the whole conversation be about them and include them.

Ugh, why do women think their sexuality is so important?

go get dicked on tinder and pretend your life has meaning.

Ugh, why are women always doing sex things with their sex bodies?

Tits or get the fuck out.

Anyways, sexuality is the only part of a woman that matters.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

Yeah. Every MGTOW screed can be summarized as: “sex is scary 🙁 “

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve used this technique to generate conversation.

I walk into a room, pop a Captain Morgan pose, gesture at my vulva, and grunt.

I get eyerolls and “can’t you say ‘hello’ like everyone else??!? It’s Thanksgiving!!”

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
8 years ago


I think that’s called the Duning-Kruger Effect, right?

I believe it’s Dunning-Krueger (ue should be umlauted u), but you’re close.


It’s been a while since I heard “tits or GTFO.” My response to such demands is to post an image of this nature:

comment image

8 years ago

Troubelle – great tits.

hottotrotsky (Lamarck Wept)
hottotrotsky (Lamarck Wept)
8 years ago

I mean, if he sincerely believes that women are ‘less evolved’ (evolution, it’s whatever you want it to be now!) but he still wants to see tits, isn’t that equivalent to bestiality? Also, I would love to read the explanation for how a ‘less evolved’ subspecies can contribute half the chromosomes that produce a ‘more evolved’ offspring half the time every time?

And by read, I mean point and laugh.

Tbh, my feminist policy on grunting genital gesturing is that it’s best reserved for emergency medical situations and consensual bedroom times (if you’re into that), but no true scotsman, I guess. I must be doing feminism wrong.

8 years ago

Yes … feminists are just flocking to their subreddit en masse. I feel bad enough that writers and academics tracking the manosphere hate movement are forced to read this bile. :p

If he really wants to know what feminists think and want, perhaps he should take a gender studies or sociology course at a university and educate himself instead of spending his spare time seething with hatred and pulling pseudoscientific bullcrap out of ass and putting it on Reddit.

8 years ago

Oh, but Emma, those classes are taught by feminists, who obviously don’t know what women (or feminists) really want, since there are so many men out there who have to explain it to these inferior, non-intelligent women. Whatever they would be told in a class like that would be a lie…part of the feminist agenda, trying to take over the world for the gynocracy, led by our fearless leader, Hillary R. Clinton, who would grunt and point to her vagina every time she had to meet with a world leader. Glad we dodged that!

Can you imagine, Clinton and Theresa May, meeting about important state things, and just grunting and pointing at their vaginas so Parliament and Congress would only talk about them?

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