gloating schadenfreude trump

Spinal Trump Mach 2: A Jazz Odyssey

Donald Trump: The center of attention once again
Donald Trump in Cincinnati: The center of attention once again

Last night Donald Trump kicked off his “Neener Neener, I’m Going to be the President” tour with an appearance in Cincinnati in which the popular-vote-losing president-elect regaled a crowd of almost-exclusively white supporters withĀ a play-by-play recounting of what he insisted on calling his “landslide victory.”

What wasn’t apparent to television viewers of this strange spectacle was how sparse this crowd really was. Photos of the event reveal that the auditorium was half-filled, if that. It’s not clear if this was due to traffic snarls that kept his fans from the arena, or to the public’s lack of interest in attending an event that had no purpose other than burnishing Trump’s ego.

Looking at these pics of the half-empty arena, I couldn’t help but think of the sequence in This is Spinal Tap after Nigel Tufnel quits the band mid-tour, forcing the rest of the band to rename themselves Spinal Tap Mach II.

If the crowds continue to shrink, Trump may end up having to resort to doing dinner theater.

Or maybe Trump’s crowds will start growing again. Who the hell knows? Who the hell knows about anything any more?

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8 years ago

At least he did get the bigger dressing room…

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Sorta OT:
Donald Trump is already instigating a war. Maybe 2! Only he doesn’t know he’s doing it. But that’s totally fine, cos Clinton was gonna start a war with Russia apparently. Djeizas Kraist…

Also, Donald fuckin Trump refers to Chinese trade policy as ‘rape’, and just… FFS

Not even 4 weeks, and he’s not even started his 4 goddamn years!

HawkAtreides, on the floor again with a head full of rain
HawkAtreides, on the floor again with a head full of rain
8 years ago


I could never wrap my head around the Trump-fan doublethink.

Trump: “I love war”*

Trump: “Grab ’em by the p***y” & a history of adultery

* – And of course <a href=""Conway tried to spin the whole thing as "cherry picked", yet could not herself provide any further context by which to judge the phrase. And no one called her on it to her face (or in any appropriate amount of time) – not even the article I just linked to. Congrats, news outlets, you done did the jurnalizms.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago


Thank you thank you thank you for steering me towards Trumpgrets.

HawkAtreides, on the floor again with a head full of rain
HawkAtreides, on the floor again with a head full of rain
8 years ago

Dangit, got called away before my comment loaded and didn’t come back until the edit window was past. The link should be to here. This, in particular, was what I was referring to:

“‘I love war,’ putting nuclear weapons on the table. The Clinton camp says that’s irresponsible,” ABC’s George Stephanopoulos remarked to Kellyanne Conway at the start of their interview on “Good Morning America.”

Conway responded that what is actually “irresponsible” is “taking little, cherry-picking little snippets of what he said and not giving the full context of the sentence, let alone the speech.”


Asked what Trump meant when he said “I love war,” Conway demurred.

“I’d have to see the entire snippet there, but obviously many commanders in chief have made the very difficult decision to go to war,” Conway responded.

And this is the level of discourse we can expect for the next four years. Repeated claims that things are “taken out of context” without providing that greater context, claims that things we have on video were never said, and the general implication over and over that we’re all too dumb to understand the words Trump speaks and have to have an intercessor interpret for us. We’re phasing out the incandescent bulb and bringing back gas, apparently.

8 years ago

Dang it, I just lost a post I had composed. Sorry if this ends up being a duplicate.

The house just voted in a bill that would strip away the 2014 executive order that’s currently protecting LGBT workers contracting with the government from discrimination.

I wrote my rep to let her know that I was disappointed in her vote of Yea and why. You can see how your rep voted (if you’re USian) here:

Angry Since 11/09/2016

Buyer’s Remorse has begun…

Blue wave
Blue wave
8 years ago

@Hambeast He once told reporters in private that he knows exactly how the pool cameras work and how networks film his rallies, yet still lied to his supporters about it. He also thought the media was lying about him claiming he’ll keep Carrier from leaving until his aides showed him video footage of him making the promise.
The “Democrats will work with Trump” claim seems to be purely based on the 2018 map and how many Democrats are now sitting in red states because of the “white working class”, when everyone who has looked at the data says it’s more of rural vs urban divide, you don’t really see a lot of Republicans from red states with big urban areas line up for a cabinet post in the Trump administration.