
Did Trump kill Castro with the sheer overwhelming power of his manliness?

Did Trump get the last laugh on Fidel Castro?
Did Trump get the last laugh on Fidel Castro?

Fidel Castro survived innumerable assassination attempts over the years, the most infamous being the CIA’s attempt to take him out with an exploding cigar. He died last week, at the age of 90, after a long fight against a debilitating illness.

But was it really the combination of age and illness that killed him? Or was it Donald Trump?

That’s the question being asked by a blogger calling himself Anonymous Conservative, a Trump fan and right-wing ideologue obsessed with some rather idiosyncratic theories about politics, evolutionary psychology, and the human brain, particularly the amygdala, the part of the brain responsible for our fight-or-flight response to perceived danger.

AC thinks that Trump essentially terrified Castro to death, overloading Castro’s amygdalae with the sheer power of his manly essence. AC thinks this could be the first in a long line of Trump-related leftist deaths to come.

Already Trump may be cleansing the world of leftism. …

Over the next four years, leftists may begin dropping like flies, and it will be the physical manifestation of the ephemeral weaknesses of the leftist mind.

AC — who, it turns out, is something of a moral monster — thinks Trump and his fans should do their best to overload the amygdalae of their enemies.

I would even make helping that along a reelection strategy. Who know how many voters who opposed The Donald this time could be dead in four years, if his administration were K-selected enough?

I guess I forgot to mention that AC thinks liberals and leftists are the political equivalent of r-selected rabbits — docile, promiscuous creatures best adapted to an environment of abundance — while conservatives like Trump are the equivalent of K-selected wolves — aggressive predators built to survive in a world of scarce resources.

Docile rabbits? I guess he never saw Night of the Lepus.

You’ll have to read his blog for a fuller explanation of his assorted crackpot theories; he’s got a book as well, the ebook version of which is published by none other than Theodore “Vox Day” Beale’s Castalia House imprint. Because of course.

There’s no question that Trump scares a lot of people, though I suspect the overwhelming majority of them are scared more by Trump’s narcissism, his racism and misogyny, his autocratic impulses, and his complete and utter unfitness for public office than they are by his macho preening.

But for a moment, let’s pretend that Trump’s opponents are wigged out by his machismo. How exactly does this lead to their impending deaths?

In a previous post, sporting the lovely title “You Could Kill A Liberal With An Amygdala Hijack,” AC gives a more detailed explanation of his peculiar theory.

Noting that lefty writer Jeff Gillenkirk died of a heart attack last month just a couple of days after diagnosing himself with what he called Post-Trump Stress Disorder, AC suggests that it can be “highly stressful to the human brain to exist in an environment for which you are not designed,” especially for lefty rabbits now living in the wolf-eat-wolf world of Donald Trump.

A damaged amygdala, which has failed to develop the ability to resolve a threat, can leave the body in a permanently agitated state from which it never recovers, until it simply burns out.

That is probably what happened here, and while most cases are not so dramatic, mainly because the liberals afflicted are not so physically fragile, all of them endure physical costs. And those costs are produced by mere ideas and concepts they register in their brain. It is a critical step in grasping how the human machine can be hacked, turning the virtual and amorphous world of ideas and concepts into a physical manifestation of material reality.

Call it mental terrorism — an attempt to use “words and concepts” (and presumably Pepe memes) to literally terrify leftists to death.

Not that this is terribly different in practice than what many alt-rightists and Gamergaters and MRAs have been doing for years — harassing and threatening their assorted enemies in hopes of scaring them into silence.

While ACs talk of r-selection and K-selection and “amygdala hijacking” is more or less crackpottery, it’s certainly true that stress takes a toll on the body.

In other words, self-care needs to be a major component of whatever strategies we adopt to stand up against Trump and his fans.

All suggestions are welcome.

EDIT: Added the video.

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Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

Riiiight. Although the repeal of ACA might do the trick in some cases. So what if it takes out his own supporters, too? /s

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Wait, was Fidel a leftist? I seem to recall that he did a lot of not-really-leftist stuff.

But then again, I don’t know much about Cuba’s political history, so…

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

So, what are his thoughts* on Andrew Breitbart, who raged himself to death?

*I’m using a very loose definition of the word “Thoughts” here.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

Also, I should note that this guy has no fucking idea what r/K selection is. It doesn’t mean “Passive” vs “Aggressive,” it means “Many offspring and lower parental care” vs “Few offspring and higher parental care.”

So, even if it applied to humans (which it doesn’t, but purely for the sake of argument)… You have the two backwards, bro. It bloody well isn’t liberals who stereotypically have a Quiverfull of kids and a screaming phobia of sex ed and birth control.

Some Sort of Username
Some Sort of Username
8 years ago

@Paradoxical Intention

Yeah, Fidel was left as hell, he formed the communist party in Cuba from what I recall. Not that it made him a good person mind you but I suppose someone’s political affiliation has never been a perfect indicator of their morals.

Cynical Optimist
Cynical Optimist
8 years ago


I think Cuba was communist if I remember correctly. So since the left is of course one homogeneous hive mind who share the same beliefs, we’re all like Castro.

Or something. The mental gymnastics this guy does boggles the mind.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

There’s always been a lot of magical thinking in conservative “thought.”

“If the government gives money to rich people it’ll trickle down to everyone else”

“If only there weren’t any taxes or regulations, I’d be a millionaire”

“If we get rid of feminism, I’ll be guaranteed a harem of hot young virgins and fat women will cease to exist”

But between “immigrants cause there to be no working toilets or dishwashers” and “Trump can psychically kill people” things are really getting surreal in right wingville.

John Howard
John Howard
8 years ago

I’ll never forget where I was when I heard that Trump had killed bin Laden . . . .

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

Poor Fidel. He swore he wouldn’t rest until he saw America destroyed. But then he dies, just after Trump is elected.

8 years ago

What I hear is that if AC posts more memes, we can try to get him arrested for conspiracy to commit murder.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

I guess I forgot to mention that AC thinks liberals and leftists are the political equivalent of r-selected rabbits — docile, promiscuous creatures best adapted to an environment of abundance — while conservatives like Trump are the equivalent of K-selected wolves — aggressive predators built to survive in a world of scarce resources.

Yes, of course, that’s why rabbits survive and thrive all over the world while wolves have been hunted to near extinction in many places, because rabbits are so ill-adapted while wolves aren’t.


P.S. Leave wolves alone, fuckheads. You don’t know shit about them.

8 years ago

Castro offered asylum to many black activists and revolutionaries in exile, so there’s a significant number of black activists who are mourning his death. A professor of Black Studies and Culture I’m studying under gave a very measured response on Castro’s death and race relations in Cuba, but he’s still rather grateful for what Castro has done for revolutionaries.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Who know how many voters who opposed The Donald this time could be dead in four years

Not due to healthcare costs, hate crimes, police brutality, environmental degradation, plain incompetence, etc. Nope, brain splosions. FFS…

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Poor Fidel. He swore he wouldn’t rest until he saw America destroyed. But then he dies, just after Trump is elected.

8 years ago

@Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Attributing miracles to a person who promises salvation, I can’t even make a satire of that, it’s literally what they are doing in accordance to prophecies of anti christ. I can’t even joke about that, that is literally what they are doing, attributing their dictator to supernatural status.

@ weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo
Fidel: Well orange hitler is now president, I guess my work here is done.

8 years ago

Poor Fidel. He swore he wouldn’t rest until he saw America destroyed. But then he dies, just after Trump is elected.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
8 years ago

Re Castro as a leftist: the important thing is that he’s seen as one, and he managed to stay in power from 1959 after overthrowing the US-backed Batista dictatorship.

I’ve no desire to re-start the debate over whether he was good or bad or a true socialist, and the evidence is certainly mixed. But as far as the right is concerned, (1) Castro was of the left, and (2) he was a massive thorn in the US’s side, despite frequent efforts to get rid of him.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ mish

despite frequent efforts to get rid of him.

One of CIA’s more ‘imaginative’ plots was to get Castro to ingest a chemical that would make his beard fall out. The theory being that he’d then look less macho so his followers would abandon him.

8 years ago

Castro instituted free universal education and free universal health care, showing you don’t need much world trade and wealth to get there. Also he got an effective civil defense system so that Cuba gets through hurricanes much better than its wealth would predict. He wiped out the old race-based caste system.

And he was a brutal dictator.

Where you sit in the chamber of commons don’t really predict anything about whether you’re authoritarian.

8 years ago


And fuck those people who refuse to learn how wolves and rabbits actually fucking work.

8 years ago

Oh darn. Also, Janet Reno did not say Trump would be president over her dead body.

8 years ago

I do wonder about excess mortality on election night and the following day, suddenly. It must be a thing: the bars fill up, so drunk driving must be higher than a normal Tuesday night.

Weird (Don't Mourn, ORGANIZE!) Eddie
Weird (Don't Mourn, ORGANIZE!) Eddie
8 years ago


Wannabee scientists, wannabee naturalists, wannabee philosophers, wannabee political analysts. The sheer zetabytes of knowledge these people DON’T have would break the internet. The political left has been under fire in every society for all of human history. With few exceptions, the left has NEVER been in power (I don’t consider the U.S. Democratic Party “leftist”), and when the left IS in power, a “Stalin” always shows up to turn the government into fascism. BUT THE LEFT IS STILL AROUND, STILL FIGHTING, STILL GROWING. When the garment workers in Lowell in 1912 were striking, they were fucking SHOT AT. Suffragettes were beaten and jailed. Civil rights workers were beaten to death. Union workers were killed en mass for DECADES, but kept fighting. WE ARE NOT AFRAID OF YOUR MEALY-MOUTHED INSULTS AND WE ARE NOT AFRAID OF YOUR PATHETIC HATE-VIBES.

Hide behind your computer, “Anonymous Conservative”, we’ll get back to you when we can. If you wanna talk face to face, you’ll always know where to find us, we’ll be OUT IN THE STREETS!!

Oh, and FUCK YOU!!!

Weird (Don't Mourn, ORGANIZE!) Eddie
Weird (Don't Mourn, ORGANIZE!) Eddie
8 years ago

Poor Fidel. He swore he wouldn’t rest until he saw America destroyed. But then he dies, just after Trump is elected

Waitaminnit… Waitaminnit, all… WAITAMINNIT, DAMMIT!!!!

This is exactly correct. Trump was elected god-emporer… er, excuse me, President, which is the destruction of America… so Fidel CAN die now.

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