![Andrea Hardie: Not quite a Nazi](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/jbbbhalult600.png?resize=580%2C388&ssl=1)
Andrea “JudgyBitch” Hardie, the Canadian Trump superfan and racist crossbow-fetishist, has been flirting with the alt-right for some time now. But she’s apparently still a bit confused about what exactly the alt-right is.
In the midst of an otherwise uninteresting review of Mike Cernovich’s documentary Silenced on her JudgyBitch blog, Hardie confesses:
I’m a little perplexed by the anti-Semitism of much of the alt right.
She’s shocked — shocked! — to find Nazism going on in the Nazi club.
And she’s not quite sure if she herself should tick off the “I hate Jews” box in her metaphoric application to join said Nazi club.
I can’t figure out if this is justified or not. I understand the Jews have been kicked out of virtually every society in which they have ever gained influence, but this is hardly compelling evidence for the global Jewish conspiracy theory that seems to captivate so many.
Hardie — also known by her pen name Janet Bloomfield — seems to have accidentally stumbled on a truth here: The fact that some people hate Jews doesn’t actually prove that they’re evil puppetmasters who run the world. Much as the hate the Klan feels for black people doesn’t actually make black people worth less than them.
But Hardie is apparently still holding out hope that someone will provide her with INCONTROVERTIBLE EVIDENCE that Jews are indeed the monsters of Nazi mythology.
I am admittedly woefully ignorant on this topic. I understand that many powerful Jewish interests back the idea of a global government, which will be entirely impossible as long as European cultures have anything to say about it, but men like [Alan] Dershowitz and [David] Horowitz [both of whom appear in Silenced] appear to be pushing back against the global government with as much energy as the rest of the alt right. So I don’t know what the fuck is going on.
Allow me, Andrea, to hazard a guess at to what’s going on. You really, really want to become one of the cool kids and join the alt right. But that small part of you that is still human recognizes that Jews are also human, and that a life as a literal Nazi, despite all those hilarious Holocaust jokes and Happy Merchant memes, might be beneath even you.
Hope that helps!
I think FATAL may still be worse because there’s so goddamn much of it (900 pages, at least when Darren McLennan reviewed it on RPGnet), and FATAL initially had some nasty ethnic joke magic items worthy (for a rather generous definition of the term) of RaHoWa.
Oh, and FATAL was rape-obsessed to a really unnerving degree.
@Lea – my thoughts exactly. She wants her followers to tell her what they think so she can decide which side to come down on.
FATAL at the top of the page.
Gonna be one of those days.
I’m a sucker for understatement.
Speaking of fascist Canadians, I’m trying to figure out any good antifascist strategies here. Open exposure of Trump didn’t work, so I’m wondering if there’s an effective strategy for marginalizing Kellie Leich here in Canada before she becomes the leader of the Conservative party.
And Racial Holy War on page 1.
Y’know, those haters really give us basement-dwelling white guys a bad name.
You could always say “if we elect her then we become as bad as the Americans.” I’m led to believe that this is the worst thing one can say to a Canadian.
@leftwingfox, I’m terrified of that too. Trudeau could lose the next election (2019?) and if Leich has the Conservatives…
I guess we see what happened with Trump – by 2019 we’ll know if he’s crashed and burned, or if there’s a real problem. All I can think of for what to do is to get more involved in politics in general. Be more aware of what’s going on there, help out the politicians who are doing the right thing, and help them oppose those who aren’t.
As for Andrea above, ugh You’re right, EJ (I think it was EJ who said it?) – she’s already made up her mind. Vocalizing the question like that’s a pretty clear indication. She’s not questioning the conclusion, she’s just fighting off the cognitive dissonance that it’s creating in her.
(Ew ideological striptease though blegh)
And – FATAL. What a gross game that is. It’s basically the game that the MRAsphere use to play out their post-apocalyptic rape fantasies. Grody.
As I read this, I kept picturing Robert DeNiro in Cape Fear:
Or maybe Taxi Driver?
What woman wouldn’t want that?
Wait, Canada’s neo-Nazi candidate’s name is one letter away from Reich?
Actually it’s ‘Leitch’. But, yeah. 😛
‘Leech’ might be more appropriate.
“We have to make sure that all immigrants share our values” is what she says. Hasn’t said anything about what those values are, how we determine whether someone has them, or who gets to decide whether a given immigrant has them. Also has yet to demonstrate that “immigrants that don’t share our values” is actually a problem.
Opposing Liech?
Join the Conservative Party itself and vote for a moderate candidate. Its 15$ for the year. You can’t be a member of another federal party though. If membership is anything like the Green Party, you get a vote on party policy too.
Theres group in her riding organising against her on twitter under #notmymp
You should also contact your MP (if a Con) and express your opposition to what she stands for. Consider contacting prominent CPC MPs, Rosa Ambrose etc. To express your opposition.
I’m just pointlessly chiming in to agree that when you start from ‘are people x reaaaaallllyyy people, or are they in fact ebul puppet gods!?’ You’ve already gone a bridge past ‘nah, they’re just people.’
I realize that nazis are just the most immune to reason and facts, but it’s funny how Jewish people are supposed to be marxist and feminist in lockstep except for how authoritarian marxist countries were historically brutal toward them and how orthodox patriarchal judaism is a thing that exists and can be observed. It’s like jewishness isn’t a monolith, or something.
But sure, the left lives in an echo chamber because we rightly point and laugh in horror at the internally inconsistent nightmare garbage ideology of the nazis.
The rationalization is thus : THE JEWS are patriarchal and capitalist because they’re smart, and they know that patriarchal and capitalist is the right way to go. And since THE JEWS are CUNNING, they’re using FEMINISM and MARXISM to undermine WHITE COUNTRIES.
Or something like that. Basically, like you said, immune to reason. You can’t win.
@sinkable john
I think this is why the right are consistently such sore winners– they indulge in dissonant thinking (marxist jewish person? WE KNEW YOU WERE AN EVIL COMMIE! Capitalist jewish person? HA HA PROVES US RIGHT BUT ALSO YOU’RE SECRETLY AN EVIL COMMIE!) so that they can feel correct every time, but it’s the ideological equivalent of wanking with a numb hand, you’re not fooling yourself and everyone else would really appreciate it if you stopped insisting on showing off your special friend.
Thanks. These guys all but whack off to that fantasy, don’t they? >.<
@Cynical Optimist,
In some ways the existence of that Holy Racial War game doesn't surprise me, given how horrible people can be sometimes.
(CA: mention of rape, stalking, harassment)
What's really bad is that there's a third game I heard about that can (if true) rival both it and FATAL in horribleness. It was a Japanese game, made around the same time as FATAL. In it you play as a guy who accosts a woman on the train. She basically tells you to knock it off, so the PC (and friends?) follows her home and ties up her and her three underage daughters, and proceeds to sexually torture them.
If I recall the takedown I read of this game right, it never got a wide release or anything due to protests of its contents. Though I suspect if one knew the right dark dank Internet corners to search for the thing was…. D:
FATAL and Rahowa are tabletop/ pen and paper RPGs (although neither was ever actually printed on paper AFAIK). RapeLay (which appears to be the game you’re thinking of based on some googling) is a computer rpg, and thus wouldn’t qualify for the kinds of lists that FATAL appears on. There do appear to be a whole lot of porn computer games about rape, though.
Barney Miller: She is my MP. 😛
But thanks, those are some great suggestions!
Well, I’m not that much into RPGs, but as long as you’re mentioning FATAL… I’ve heard of one called “Fantasy Wargaming: the Highest Level of All”. Never seen it myself, but this is what I remember from a review I’ve read:
– Women have significant penalties to nearly every stat, and are not allowed to fight. At all. Because women fighting is “unrealistic”, even in self-defense. They can still use magic, though.
– Men technically can’t fight either, since the combat system doesn’t clearly say how a hit-roll is resolved. Assuming that was fixed, there’s still the problem where armor doesn’t appear to do anything.
– You have to make a morale check every single round. If you fail, you act randomly and might run away. A starting character has only something like 20-25% chance of succeeding.
– The only way to use magic is to have a magic skill of at least 1. All characters start with 0, and the only way to raise it is by casting spells… or by equipping a magic item which increases your magic skill. And bad things tend to happen if you use a magic item you didn’t make yourself…
– Game doesn’t really have stealth or pickpocketing or trap removal or anything like that. So no rogues.
– There are a ridiculous number of combat modifiers. This includes things like the time of day, the lunar phase, your astrology sign, and your enemy’s astrology sign. The creator says that this is “realistic”.
– The virtue system is busted. Your virtue scores are semi-randomly determined. If your virtue stats are poor, you’re all but doomed to hell even if you play as an absolute saint. If they’re good enough, you can commit all the sins you want and still get into heaven. Also, homosexuality is worse than murder. Women get pluses to greed and lust, which is basically a virtue penalty. None of that has any effect on the actual gameplay, but you’re still expected to track where you’re gonna go when you die.
– There are three races: Englishman, Norseman, and Jew. There are two pantheons: Norse and Christian. You can’t play a jew because they’re always evil.
…It’s that kind of game, yeah.
It’s both not that bad and possibly worse; there’s apparently a table you roll on for traits that range from Luck to Lycanthropy to Bisexuality to being a Jew (the latter trait making you ‘hated by all right-thinking Christians). You can still play, though, if you can wade through the rest of what passes for the rules. I’d actually never heard of this one before, which surprises me. Depressingly, the first review I found was gushing over it, and appeared to believe the claims about historical accuracy.
This review is hilarious, though. (CN: occasional ablist language).
@Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy,
Thank you. 🙂 One of these days, when I finally get my art skills back up to par/improved, I need to draw what exactly a Jetpack Vixen looks like. Besides being an anthromorphic sexy fox lady, with an outfit that calls back to the old pulp scifi covers and everything. And includes assorted scifi spy gear and weapons, as benefits a secret agent of the FemiNest Collective. >:D
@Snowberry @Dalillama
That sound incredibly restricting and unfun and the exact opposite of what tabletop should be.
Thank you, people, for that … interesting peek into the ickier corners of tabletop RPGs 😐
@Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen,
I feel like we’re witnessing live the truism that if a person believes in one conspiracy theory they’re likely to start believing multiple conspiracy theories. …And that the values and beliefs of the people you hang out with effect your own thinking.
Yeah, neo-Nazis are sort of like the world’s most dimwitted history club.