alpha males alt-right cerno evil SJWs men who really shouldn't be making movies milo

Milo swoons over Cernovich doc Silenced: “Technically, the film is sufficient for its purpose”

Mike Cernovich, Auteur
Mike Cernovich, Auteur

These are exciting times in the world of cinema. Mike “Juicebro” Cernovich’s new film long video Silenced — a documentary about a bunch of people who have not actually been silenced, as far as I can tell — has finally hit theaters Vimeo! And it’s getting rave reviews!

Well, technically I’m not quite sure if it is, because I’ve only seen one review, from Breitbart’s Milo Yiannopoulos, who also happens to be in the film, though for some reason this doesn’t count as COLLUSION and no one is making giant graphics featuring little red arrows pointing from Milo to Milo to show HOW DEEP THE CORRUPTION GOES.

Anyway, Milo liked the film, declaring it “great.” He said a lot of other things about the film, but, as I didn’t bother to actually read the review, you’ll have to find out what they are for yourself.

But I did notice one VERY IMPORTANT PARAGRAPH in which Milo set forth one of the reasons he, or whichever intern he got to write the piece (allegedly), think the film is so totally awesome.

Technically, the film is sufficient for its purpose. Almost all the interviews are static, tight shots, which do a good job showing expression and even at times emotion.

Did you hear that!!?/!


That’s the line that’s going on the movie posters for sure.

Milo does have some mild criticisms of the film, though.

My biggest complaint is with the graphics, a staple of documentary films these days, which feel clunky. In most cases these take the form of a tablet or cell phone used to show headlines or streaming video, but I found them distracting. While I preferred the tight interview shots of Silenced to The Red Pill, the latter uses graphics much more effectively.

Apparently, Silenced and The Red Pill are the only two documentaries ever made. Who knew?


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Dalillama, Effort Chicken
Dalillama, Effort Chicken
8 years ago


Also claiming the ancient Egyptians were white.

That’s a pretty standard claim, often replacing ancient aliens. The ‘argument’ in both cases being that PoCs could never have built something as impressive as the Pyramids, so either they were white, or they had external help.

NicolaLuna - epic slut
NicolaLuna - epic slut
8 years ago

That alternated between funny and enraging.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
8 years ago

During one of my Twitter lurks yesterday, I saw two responses to an indigenous man’s post about the Stolen Generation children.

Number 1 said “Who’d want to steal an A**?”
Number 2 said “maybe some really confused animal control officers?”
Then they had a good laugh and bonded.

They are clearly terrified of speaking their minds. Yep.
(apologies for the revolting detail; I saw these tweets as I was reading this thread so couldn’t help connecting)

8 years ago

Observations on Milo’s review:

Silence is, appropriately enough, one of the devices used effectively in Silenced. The film catches your attention when the title is displayed with the sound cut. Throughout almost the entire film, you will not hear interview questions or dialogue between the filmmakers and their subjects. There is no narration beyond a few title cards.

Apparently Milo doesn’t watch any non-Alt Right feature-length documentaries because a large percentage of them don’t have a narrator or on-screen interviewers.

The second device Silenced uses with some effectiveness is juxtaposition of different people talking about the same subject from different points of view.

All competent filmmakers try to avoid having their issue-focused documentary show the same people repeating the same things. That’s not really a “device” per se.

I’d also like to hear from more liberals… Why not have a liberal argue why free speech on campus is a bad thing?

I hear from enough of them myself, I could have referred some of the less screechy and smelly ones to the filmmakers.

Another viewpoint I expected to see was liberals who have fallen from grace — at least in the court of mainstream, politically-correct opinion, following public support of free speech. Dave Rubin springs to mind.

Censorship is not just a conservative experience, even on today’s Internet — it happens to anyone with the temerity to disagree with the regressive left.

So much for that “variety”.

My biggest complaint is with the graphics, a staple of documentary films these days, which feel clunky. In most cases these take the form of a tablet or cell phone used to show headlines or streaming video

Except filming screens showing footage isn’t “graphics”, which are added in post production.

My favorite moment:

Even if you have been an active warrior for free speech on social media and during the heated election cycle, this film will still please you. For some it will be hearing people speak who you’ve typically read about in articles or social media posts.

This clunky sentence is pure Milo and by that I mean it’s unintentionally comical and genuinely pathetic. It takes a whole lot of horse shit to turn being an asshole on Twitter into being “an active warrior for free speech on social media” but Milo tries his darndest to make it happen.

8 years ago

@Sinkable John

Ooh, I hadn’t seen that! Thanks! I love terrible movies, so I shall be watching Grumpy Cat’s Chrissie movie, and some kitty themed movie called Santa Claws, where kittens have to deliver all of Santa’s presents because he has an allergic reaction to them. It could be bad, or it could be gold bad.

I’ll probably be eating prawns and playing backyard cricket for Christmas. That’s the Aussie way. As a foreigner, I look upon such activities with bemusement, whilst trying to convince anyone who will listen that North Pole-ese on the present tags is the only way to know that it was indeed Santa that delivered them.

What will you be doing for Christmas? Any terrible movies on the horizon for you? 😀

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)

I didn’t watch the interview, but that sounds depressingly familiar. I swear, if we could invent a cure for the Just World Fallacy, there wouldn’t be a Right (alt or otherwise.)

8 years ago

Even if you have been an active warrior for free speech on social media and during the heated election cycle . . .

Yes, Milo. You’ve been such a warrior for free speech ever since you started your alt-right attention-whoring. You go. Yay, you. *eyeroll*

It’ll be amusing when he finally says the wrong thing and they all turn on him. It won’t take much since they only tolerate a gay man like him because he parrots their views.

8 years ago

So…what is this movie about? I’m pretty intrigued about this Cernovich fella. He seems to be the archetype of male insecurity.

Christina Nordlander
Christina Nordlander
8 years ago

Damn Free Speech Warriors.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
8 years ago


I’ll probably be eating prawns and playing backyard cricket for Christmas. That’s the Aussie way.

*mutter, grumble*
Not for all us, it isn’t.
And that North Pole-ese stuff just adds to the whole bizarre experience of summer Xmas in a world that insists Xmas is white and cold.
*shakes fist*

I hope yours is great, though, and filled with terrible movies 😀

Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
8 years ago

I actually thought the Grumpy Cat Christmas movie was pretty good-it has a kind of hackneyed kid-adopts-animal-who-saves-the-day plot, but a lot of Christmas movies have some sort of hackneyed plot, and the girl wasn’t annoying (thank God). Also, Aubrey Plaza voicing Grumpy Cat is (IMO) one of the best casting decisions of the past few years.

8 years ago

Thanks for the warm welcome!

Alan Dershowitz can certainly be relied upon for a soundbite.

Sure, Cernovich & Co. can say what they want (in the US, with the usual narrow inciting-imminent-lawless-action exceptions), and the great thing about living in a democracy is that we can freely speak back. And employers can voluntarily choose not to associate with people who’ve shown that they’re biased against some of their customers–women and minorities buy widgets, too!

These people are definitely the authoritarian right, not the merry marketeers of the libertarian right.

8 years ago


The North Pole-ese thing is actually a tradition from my family, used to cold northern American Christmases. It completely baffles my in-laws and husband, though my step kids all love it.

The seafood as a Christmas food still doesn’t quite seem right to me, and the backyard cricket is just so weird… Has no one here heard of a good food coma?! I do love some of the Aussie themed Christmas paraphernalia about Santa and his boomers, ’cause reindeer can’t hack it in the heat. 😀

Christmas does feel very one sided – even the basic ornaments and things from Kmart and the like are all winter themed. Pretty, but so odd.


Ooh, really? I do like a cheesy feel good flick. That sounds pretty good, the kids might even like it!