alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies irony alert Islamophobia literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny none dare call it conspiracy PUA rape culture rape jokes return of kings rhymes with roosh richard spencer trump

Roosh V: Nazi saluters and rape jokers unite!

Best buds?
Richard Spencer and Roosh Valizadeh: BFFs?

More than a week after an exuberantly Naziesque speech by alt-right hipster Richard Spencer inspired a spate of Nazi salutes from attendees at the National Policy Institute, the assorted factions of the alt-right are still debating whether or not the salutes were super-cool, or maybe not so cool, or just fun little jokes, or part of a secret plot to make the alt-right look not so super-cool. (See here for a more detailed breakdown.)

Now everyone’s favorite repugnant “pickup artist” Roosh Valizadeh has weighed in on the subject, offering what is perhaps the most convoluted sort-of defense of Spencer I’ve seen so far.

Roosh has a bit of a strange history with the so-called alt right. After wading gingerly into the Nazi pond with a blog post hailing the anti-Semitic theories of far-right academic Kevin Macdonald last year, he got an invite to one of Spencer’s previous NPI conventions, only to discover once there that neo-Nazis aren’t exactly fans of middle-eastern looking dudes like him who, as Roosh oh-so-hilariously put it, “have ‘defiled’ six million white women,” which doesn’t even make sense as a Holocaust joke. Thus rebuffed, Roosh counterattacked, declaring that “the alt right is worse than feminism in attempting to control male sexual behavior,” which in Rooshland is an insult of the direst sort.

Now Roosh has decided to defend Spencer, sort of. Sure, he admits, the “Roman” salutes at the NPI conference did make the alt-right look a teensy bit bad, at least when filtered through the lens of the evil lügenpresse. The video of Spencer’s speech put online by The Atlantic,

starts with a white man [Spencer] shouting “Hail” to the new President of the United States, whom the media viscerally hates, while a small minority of attendees exuberantly throw up the Roman salute. Even if you are a conservative, you have been programmed to feel revulsion at this display of “Nazism” and immediately condemn it because of its racism. Not long after, the media forced Donald Trump’s hand and he did disavow Spencer. One viral video, one mission accomplished.

Many alt-right apologists and hangers-on, including a lot of people Roosh admires, also “disavowed” the salutes and the saluters. Roosh, while trying his best not to offend any of them, suggests that they should have defended Spencer and his fans.

Let’s imagine a different scenario. When the viral video came out, instead of attack Spencer, we attacked The Atlantic for taking scenes from the conference out of context.

Er, the context for the Nazi salutes was a neo-Nazi conference. But never mind,

We forced them to reveal the truth of attendees being assaulted by violent liberal thugs.

Not quite. There were protesters, and at least one fight broke out, though it seems to have been started by one of the white supremacists.

We disseminated the truth of the conference far and wide. And most importantly, we defended the right of attendees to put up whatever salute they want as part of their free speech at a private event, even if we find it abhorrent. 

By not defending the saluters, Roosh argues, “we have given up our own ability to do a Roman salute, even as a joke.”

Roosh asks his readers to imagine what might have happened had  “Spencer ‘got away’ with these Roman salutes.” The evil media

wouldn’t be able to attack us for anything. No rape joke, fat joke, or meme would be extreme compared to it. Our free speech would have expanded if we helped Spencer, but that opportunity is lost. We now get to wait for an energized media to attack us, and it most certainly will be for less than a Roman salute. 

In other words:

First they came for the Nazi saluters, and we did not speak out, because we were not Nazi saluters. 

Then they came for the fat-shaming rape jokers and, damn, that’s us!

Nonetheless, Roosh is confident that the alt-right will survive Salutegate, and still thinks highly of them — even though he knows he wouldn’t be welcome in the all-white America of their dreams.

They will lick their wounds and get stronger, because they don’t need the media and they don’t need Trump. Their sales pitch of “America will be better with only white people” is too seductive for marginalized white men to resist, and in spite of their obsession with race, there is intellect and truth-telling underneath it.

Roosh even thinks that the current infighting between hardcore alt-white supremacists and the alt-lite opportunists who’ve glommed onto the movement is a good thing.

Now that the schism has taken place, men like Mike Cernovich, Paul Joseph Watson, and Stefan Molyneux have a clear path to the top as part of their “new right” platform. There is no Nazi taint to hold them back.

You know, aside from the Nazi taint that lingers from the fact that they’ve all been enthusiastically promoting an essentially fascist movement, teeming with full-on Hitler-loving neo-Nazis, for a year?

As far as I’m concerned, they’re all Nazi taints.

The story of this “schism” is almost certainly going to get weirder from here.

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8 years ago

Our free speech would have expanded if we helped Spencer, but that opportunity is lost. We now get to wait for an energized media to attack us, and it most certainly will be for less than a Roman salute.

Once again, shitheads proving that they have no idea what the fuck “free speech” means.

8 years ago


Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

No rape joke, fat joke, or meme would be extreme compared to it

So the plan is to make those jokes tame in comparison to nazi salutes. Don’t argue the merit of those jokes. Or, if not merit, at least the humor. Nah, that’s too difficult. Just let the nazis nazi about until nobody cares about their misogynistic giggles

Our free speech would have expanded

Except not at all. Rights are not expanded by neglect. Not that this is a ‘free speech’ issue anyway. But even if it was, and people were actually being prosecuted for rape jokes, how is the solution to that to hide behind the nazis? Quite alpha indeed…



8 years ago

This is not a free speech issue. They used their freedom of expression to express that they’re a big ol troupe of proud Nazis, and a bunch of other people expressed disgust. Roosh has never been able to understand the difference between “you shouldn’t be allowed to say what you think” and “the things you think are repulsive.”

8 years ago

It never ceases to amaze me how some people cozy up to movements whose main stated aim is to kill them.

Praying mantises do it for the sex. What are Roosh and Milo and Ben Carson’s reasons?

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo
weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo
8 years ago

marginalized white men

No rape joke, fat joke, or meme would be extreme compared to it

No, dear. No one aside from your reprehensible RoK minions is ever going to find your rape confessions rape jokes acceptable.

8 years ago

By not defending the saluters, Roosh argues, “we have given up our own ability to do a Roman salute, even as a joke.”

Oh, nonsense. Jokes have nothing to do with actual Nazis doing actual Nazi salutes while shouting actual Nazi slogans.

Viscaria wrote:

Roosh has never been able to understand the difference between “you shouldn’t be allowed to say what you think” and “the things you think are repulsive.”


8 years ago

No one decent does the Nazi or Roman salute. Ever.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

By not defending the saluters, Roosh argues, “we have given up our own ability to do a Roman salute, even as a joke.”

Under what circumstances would throwing a big ol’ HH constitute a hilarious joke? And is that the setup or the punchline?

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

Their sales pitch of “America will be better with only white people” is too seductive for marginalized white men to resist, and in spite of their obsession with race, there is intellect and truth-telling underneath it.

Wow…did Doosh…does this means he thinks white people are better…?

comment image

8 years ago

Why do I get the sinking feeling the only thing keeping them in check was general societal disapproval of fascists? Yeah that social disapproval is starting to look a bit shaky. In my eyes sympathizers and enablers of these folk are just as bad if not worse.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago

How in the hell does Roosh reconcile the fact that he’s never going to be accepted by these assholes? Ever?

He can write all of the kiss-assy columns he wants, he’s still going to be considered not an alt-righty-whitey.

Austin Loomis
8 years ago

PoM asks:

Under what circumstances would throwing a big ol’ HH constitute a hilarious joke? And is that the setup or the punchline?

I think it’s part of the setup. (The last sentence of the setup, of course, is “What do you call an act like that?”)

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

“Roman salute” is the most blatant merkin I’ve ever seen. I thought we leftist commies were supposed to be the ones couching our horrible truths in doublespeak political correctness?

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

Hi @IRON MGTOW! Welcome! A controversial name choice there, but I don’t judge by labels. What do you find interesting?

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
8 years ago

Well one good thing about these Nazi scum coming out is that there’s no question anymore about what they are.

The Confederacy, South Africa, Nazi Germany. They all fell and they were a lot meaner than these yahoos.

They underestimate the ability of people with empathy to band together.

8 years ago

“the alt right is worse than feminism in attempting to control male sexual behavior,”

Savor this, folks, it’s Roosh’s stopped-clock moment. Unfortunately, the underpinnings are still a broken clock.

8 years ago

I just love how bigots and racists and the like complain about being called out for their racism. Roosh acts like he doesn’t have free speech, because some people have the audacity to object to what he and his say and do. But he knows full well (and insinuates plenty) that he’s not welcome because he’s not white enough. *facepalm*

Stephen Lawt
Stephen Lawt
8 years ago

Of Course Roosh defends them by citing “Freeze Peach”, showing to the world yet again that Manospherians don’t understand that Free Speech only guarantees the right to say things without censor from the government, Free Speech doesn’t protect from criticism.

epitome of incomprehensibility

Let’s imagine a different scenario. When the viral video came out, instead of attack Spencer, we attacked The Atlantic for taking scenes from the conference out of context.

Well, sure, Roosh. Let’s imagine that it was taken out of context. See, when Spencer was saying “Hail Trump” it wasn’t a reference to “Heil Hitler” at all – instead, he was saying Trump was like icy precipitation. And when the people raised their hands in “Roman” salutes, they were pretending to defend themselves against the imaginary hail falling down. It was all a big misunderstanding, really!!

(That’s all the imagination I have for now.)

@numerobis – I didn’t get a chance to answer you last week, but I saw your comment about your uncle and his road trips! He sounds like a cool person.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

The salute like Nazis, think like Nazis, praise Hitler like Nazis, advocate for ethnic cleansing like Nazis, but don’t call them Nazis, mmmkay? Nazis are bad.

8 years ago

The salute like Nazis, think like Nazis, praise Hitler like Nazis, advocate for ethnic cleansing like Nazis, but don’t call them Nazis, mmmkay? Nazis are bad.

Well, they are bad. ^.^ Calling them Nazis is appropriate, as we know.

Podkayne Lives (Effortless Chicken)
Podkayne Lives (Effortless Chicken)
8 years ago

No one decent does the Nazi or Roman salute. Ever.

Weirdly, I have learned that there are still circumstances under which Catholics do it, or something very similar looking, as a gesture of blessing or acknowledgement.

I learned this the hard way, when the Catholic school I worked at was seeing off a group of foreign exchange students, and Father, at the farewell assembly, asked everyone to extend their right arms in blessing.

A whole gym full of uniformed teenagers, extending their right arms. The only thing that saved the situation was that fact that our kids were easy-going slobs who couldn’t do anything in unison, and mostly had their shirttails hanging out, which kind of ruined the horrible picture rising up before my eyes.

I couldn’t do it.

Also, the exchange kids were Italian, and I really hoped they didn’t think we were making fun of them.

But apparently it is done, and according to one elderly nun my dad talked to, I am not the only person who thinks maybe it’s time to find something a little different. (I suspect this may have been in use since it actually was a Roman salute, but ya know, times change…)

8 years ago

Wait, so if they had shown the supposed “real context” with a fight that would have made the nazi salutes a-okay? “Well, they were acting like little Hitlers, but someone got in a scuffle earlier so you can understand their predicament.” Wasn’t this the same speech where Spencer was talking about the children of the sun??

Baffling manospherians.

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