![Mr Mc Bealey with a speedy delivery](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/speedyvoxpaint600.jpg?resize=580%2C317&ssl=1)
Fantasy author Theodore “Vox Day” Beale certainly has a rich fantasy life. Beale, who seems to grow ever more flamboyantly racist by the day, has roused himself into what he thinks is righteous fury over reports in far-right media outlets claiming that DHL Express has cut off delivery services to one especially dangerous neighborhood in Berlin.
According to The New Observer, a virulently racist and anti-immigrant “news service” quoted by Beale,
Violent attacks on personnel, robberies, and fraud have forced DHL Express to halt all deliveries in the invader-overrun region of Wedding, north-west Berlin, a statement from the company has announced.
Wedding has a “German-origin” population of only 50 percent, with the rest being made up of Africans, Turks, Arabs, Asians, and Eastern European gypsies.
The implication, of course, is that these terrible brown “invaders” have rendered a portion of formerly white Berlin uninhabitable.
The reality is a teensy bit more nuanced. According to TheLocal.de, an English-language German news site, DHL in fact said that only a handful of people in Wedding had been asked to pick up packages at a DHL facility in a different neighborhood. Dismissing press reports that Wedding had become a “no go” zone due to violent attacks, the company said its main concern was fraud, not violence, “referring to when people falsely pose as the recipient of packages.”
But, damn the fact-checking, full speed ahead! Beale, accepting the New Observer account as gospel, warns his readers that the end is near for Western cities and countries that aren’t majority white. Sorry, majority “European.”
“Forget home delivery,” Beale declares.
A minority-European population in a Western country isn’t even going to have flush toilets or functioning dishwashers for very long. If white workers can’t even drop off a package safely, they sure as Hell aren’t going to enter a stranger’s home and stay there for hours.
Really? When Beale thinks of “minority-European” cities in the United States, he no doubt thinks of deindustrialized basket cases like Detroit, or Flint, or Gary, Indiana.
But there are a lot of other cities in the United States with minority-white populations, including New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Chicago. None of these cities are on the verge of collapse, or even vaguely close to it. Their toilets and dishwashers work fine, and there are many options for delivery of everything from electronics to burritos.
The thing that is so ludicrously stupid about the equalitarian position shared by American liberals and conservatives alike is that it assumes because reasonably digestible numbers of European immigrants were semi-successfully assimilated with only one massive civil war followed by 60 years of virtually no immigration, an unlimited number of non-European immigrants can be permitted to enter the country indefinitely.
This is not merely bad logic. This is insane. There is no way – none – to rationally defend or justify the position, which is why its defenders immediately retreat to abstract ideals and pure rhetoric.
Bullshit. Even setting aside such “abstract ideals” as, you know, equality and fairness, consider this: the US is considerably less white than it was a quarter century ago. It is also a safer place to live, with violent crime rates down considerably nationwide and in many of our largest minority-white cities, including New York and, yes, Chicago, despite a rash of gun deaths mostly linked to gangs and a failed drug war.
Yes, the US faces all sorts of problems and challenges. But it is demonstrably not turning into the dystopian hellhole of Beale’s imagination, where toilets don’t work and roving gangs of “invaders” chase deliverymen out of the inner cities.
The invasion of 60 million immigrants in 50 years, the largest invasion in human history, will lead to war in the United States. There is ZERO question of this, as it is only a matter of time. We can’t know when it will happen, we can’t know exactly why it will happen, but given the fact that the USA is already at a stress level that was last seen in 1856, the odds are against the USA even making it to the 2033 date I had predicted for financial collapse and some form of political dissolution.
If civil war erupts in this country, and at this point I wouldn’t rule it out, it won’t be the fault of immigrants. It’ll be the fault of racists like Beale and the demagogues like Donald Trump who’ve exploited their bigotry to win power in elections in which, due to the bizarre anachronism that is the electoral college, white votes count more than those of minority voters.
Trump won big with whites in majority white areas freaked out about immigration, but whites in cities and states where lots of immigrants actually live went, often overwhelmingly, for Clinton.
Consider Chicago, where Trump got a measly 12.4% of the vote. Chicago has a justified reputation as a severely segregated city, at least when it comes to where people live. But public space is significantly less segregated, and the city is sufficiently diverse that even in the whitest neighborhoods on Chicago’s north side, white residents regularly encounter and interact with and sometimes even become friends with people of all races and nationalities.
Contrary to what people like Beale believe, all this contact with black and brown people — many of them immigrants — hasn’t turned white Chicagoans into white supremacists. As a reporter for one of Chicago’s neighborhood newspapers recently pointed out,
Clinton got 95.4 percent of the vote in Chicago’s 18 black-majority wards, 87.1 percent in the 11 Hispanic-majority wards and 84.6 percent in the seven affluent, mostly white, Lakefront wards.
None of this is to suggest that racism isn’t a problem in Chicago; it has been and remains a huge issue, as does the city’s seemingly intractable racial segregation. But it is striking that white Chicagoans who live in a city teeming with non-white immigrants are a lot less anxious about immigration than whites who live in decidedly un-diverse areas where immigrants are more of an abstract boogeyman, rather than people they interact with every day.
So, cry Racism, Constitution, Declaration, and Proposition Nation all you like. Virtue-signal your color-blindness all you like. Adopt one child of every color if you want. None of that frantic appeal to totem magic will save you from what is to come any more than it would have in 1861, in 1914, or 1939.
An interesting selection of dates there, given that both the Civil War and World War II were caused not by “virtue-signaling” liberals but by, you know, racists — in the first instance, by southerners who refused to give up slaves and slavery, and in the second, by Literally Hitler.
None of that is going to excuse your complicity in the nightmares to come. And regardless of what you think of it, understand that the Alt-Right program is the only one that even has the possibility of averting the coming conflict.
Sorry, dude. I’ll “cry Racism” when it’s completely fucking blatant. The problem isn’t immigrants. It’s the irrational fear and hatred of immigrants being preached by alt-white supremacists and their “God Emperor” Trump.
Someone should point out to Vox that things like dishwashers are largely made these days in places that are majority non-white, like China. And given how much investment the Chinese have been putting into Africa in recent years I wouldn’t be surprised if some Chinese firm builds a factory in Africa to make things like dishwashers, in an effort to counter rising labour costs in China.
Goddamn it fascists when will global race war start already. You talk about it all the time but it never happens. It’s like trying to watch a mediocre movie at the theater but the trailers never stop.
Well, that’s because all those brown people have ruined it for the poor, widdle, white supremacists. Ruined, I tell you! How dare those brown people live somewhere nice with working toilets! Who do they think they are, those . . . those . . . . decent, hard-working non-white denizens of Vancouver?
You know what I find funny in the whole thing? A lot of people in my country would probably agree with this asshole. And he’d probably consider them ”Eastern European gypsies” even if they weren’t from the romani group. But they’re kind of like Roosh – they want to fit in with these , for lack of a better word, people, but they can’ see they’re not they’d be thrown under the bus faster than they can say ”Hail”.
Oh, so it’d be like all those Southern US “sundown towns” that had a working white supremacist militia but not electricity or running water.
So, on the one hand, this proves that exposure is definitely a good counter to racism.
On the other, I feel like using racists to figure out the best places to go in a city is kind of like using MRAs as a litmus test for movies.
You know a place is good when racists boycott it.
Ah, the alt-right, which so loves to make up new words that only they know the “true” meaning of. Also, I might be willing to comment over on that other blog, if it didn’t require giving the B a working email address. Oh, and an ability to deal with cognitive dissonance far beyond my own.
I need advice. I saw that list of businesses to boycott if you want to fight Trumpy. Amazon was on the list!
Considering the stuff I plan on buying, should I shop at Amazon one last time?
I hope Amazon stops shilling Trump junk. I love shopping there.
I’ll stop shopping at Amazon but I am thinking of buying one-last-time before I do. Should I?
Also; V.D. as Mr. McFeely looks like Pee-Wee Herman.
Bit creepy, innit.
What’s “proposition nation”? The only people that seem to use the term are racists, and I really don’t want to give them traffic.
Near as I can tell (also not giving em any traffic), a ‘proposition nation’ is one built around ideas rather than an ethnicity. Murica is a prop nation. Melting pot, all men are created equal, yadda yadda. Racists wanna change it into an explicitly white country. I’d probably hafta click on the websites of the assholes in question to get more details, but fuck that noise…
Axe extracted as much sense from that crap as I could. I found a wiki article on Thomas Fleming, and FreeLibrary had a copy of an old American Conservative article griping about Lincoln, which both purported to explain it, but it all seems to boil down to white nationalism.
I saw Amazon on that list and am having trouble deciding what to do too. I live in the boonies and Amazon is the one place I can go and get all the stuff I need, including some grocery items that the store here doesn’t have. (As an aside, when did grocery stores stop carrying unsweetened baking chocolate?! What the hell, Albertsons? How am I supposed to make brownies?) I did do an order last week, but I’m still feeling conflicted about it.
@Laugher + Dali
Also, some of the less vociferously supremacist opponents of ‘proposition nations’ also have the telltale border obsession. See, it’s not racist. They just really care about national sovereignty and security and whatnot. Totally not racist >.>
They talk about trade too. White Liberals(tm) eat that shit up. Expanding the message beyond literal nazis is important…
I love how American Nazis* have this fantasy about Germany (especially Berlin) as this failing country where the immigrants are taking over. It’s like, dude, I live in Berlin, which is easily the most diverse city in the country, and it’s the whitest place I’ve ever lived (I grew up on the west coast of Canada). It’s gotten more diverse in the 11 years I’ve been here, but white people are still an obvious majority (especially since a decent chunk of foreigners moving here come from places like Spain, Italy, and the US).
Hearing terms like ‘No go zone’ applied to my city drive me crazy. There is seriously nowhere in Berlin that I won’t go, even at 3 am. Crime is really, really low here, and most of the crime that does happen is petty stuff like pickpocketing. It’s a super safe city.
Our press went a bit wild with the package delivery thing, but it’s kind of a weird issue. In Germany, if you’re not home, they give your package to a neighbour because post offices are usually only open during office hours and it’s easier for people with jobs to just knock next door and get their package. Sometimes, fraud happens. If it happens often enough, DHL and other delivery companies will make note of that and start sending your stuff to the post office or nearest pickup point. Not really much more glamorous than that.
*I’m half German and live in Germany, so I’m going to call a spade a spade
The majority of the 73 million immigrants to the US over the last 100 or so years were European.
But facts are hard.
Well; I’ll ditch Amazon. I realized that there’s a lot of other places online to buy stuff and I can have those sites bookmarked.
Why was I worrying?
*chuckle* I’m a dork but it’s fine, now.
@ Spukikitty, chesselwitt,
Personally I’m going to keep shopping Amazon as long as I can give WHTM a cut by using the links here. Possibly even if I can’t.
But I only buy books on Amazon, so YMMV.
The way I see it is that Amazon are giving shelf space to Trump products along with Trump’s competitors.
They allow pretty frank and free product questions, answers and reviews ( did you see the Trump Christmas ornament? https://www.amazon.com/Trump-America-Great-Collectible-Ornament/dp/B01N67D8HO )
If I was shopping for a product that Trump or his family sells, I’d consider buying one of his competitors on Amazon, and leaving a product review that explained why I’d chosen that product over the Trump competitor. On both the Trump and non Trump products.
If people continue to buy non Trump products on Amazon, their stats will show that Trump products are comparative *losers*.
To show I’m not just shilling for Amazon here: If you’d rather boycott Amazon altogether, a comment on Amazon that you just bought the same thing elsewhere, and why, would put more pressure on them than only boycotting would, and would reach other Amazon shoppers at the point where they are deciding whether or not to buy that Trump product.
> weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo
Because 2088 would have been too obvious ?
Mister TB seems to be sure that in an all white country, all would be fine. All equals at this point ? Yeah, make me laugh. There would be as usual different classes, and i am quite sure Mister TB would not like to be a building or chain worker (the effort !), an official school teacher with boisterous pupils (the clamor !), a cook or food producer (the savor !) or a garbage collector (the odor !), but to remain a loosy writer (Theodor !). If there were only white supremacists, they still would be able to turn at each other because it is not only whiteness they want, but also power, to be at the top of the social ladder.
Have a nice day.
@occasional reader
I agree.
If Hitler had had his way, he’d have gotten rid of all the Others and then would have started redefining Others according to different criteria: too short, too tall, crooked teeth, handsomer than him, and so on.
Pretty soon only Hitler would have been left.
Then he would have been lonely and saaaaaaad.
It’s the same for all these white supremacists and other haters.
@Croquembouche of patriarchy
Thanks for that link to Amazon.
Amazon reviewer Kaylee says this about the Trump ornament:
I don’t even know how it got here
Ornament keeps calling the police on my Black and Puerto Rican roommates in their own apartment. I keep having to use my white-passing privilege so none of us get shot.
I’m told that Amazon Logistics, the German package delivery service Hermes, the Post and others still deliver into the Wedding. Also DHL and DHL Express are not the same. DHL only delivers speedy and time sensitive packages. But don’t tell Voxman.
Re: boycotting Amazon
So, I’m a bit late to this thread, and probably no-one will see this, but in case anyone is still reading, I just wanted to say that, while I’m personally not convinced that boycotting suppliers who stock Trump’s products as opposed to just directly boycotting his products themselves is the right thing to do (though I’m not trying to dissuade anyone who feels it is), there are very good reasons for boycotting Amazon besides that. They treat their workers appallingly, as described here:
and they avoid tax:
For anyone who does want to boycott them, this page links to lists of alternatives for various categories of product:
– though it may be a bit UK-centric in some cases (e.g. for DVDs).
I’ve been boycotting Amazon for about 5 years now for the reasons mentioned above, and I’ll admit it’s not easy when they’re the top few search results for pretty much anything you might want to buy online. Sometimes Amazon and iTunes (I’m also boycotting Apple) appear to be the only place you can get certain music as new CDs or as legal downloads, and I’ve ended up getting second-hand CDs, which I feel bad about (given I can afford new or downloads) since that doesn’t support the artist. But I have almost always been able to buy what I wanted from somewhere, and often without too much effort. So yes, if you want to boycott them it is possible and practical. (At least, for me – but I live a short and easy train ride from a city so my situation is not chesselwitt’s, for example.)
Come to think of it. You have a point!
You’ve also made things easier and cheaper for me.
Amazon isn’t like those other places. They sell everything! They’re neither for nor against Trump.
Boycotting the other places, however, is fine.
Also; I’ll donate to organizations fighting Agent Orange and his grove of weirdos.
Saw the thing with the ornament….best thing I’ve read all day!
*smirk* It’s catching on !